MooX::Role::Chatty - Simple way to generate progress messages

      package My::Worker;
      use Moo 2;
      with 'MooX::Role::Chatty';

      sub munge_widget {
        # Produce informational message
        $self->remark("Starting to munge widget #$ct\n") if $self->verbose;
        # More detailed trace; output only if $self->verbose >= 2
        $self->remark({ level => 2,
                        message => "Munging step 3 yielded $result\n" });
        # Ditto for level 3, with simple formatting
        $self->remark({ level => 3,
                        message => [ "Munging params: %d, %d, %s\n",
                                     $gain, $threshold, $algorithm ] });

      # Or use Log::Any-style API with compatible logger
      sub munge_widget_more {
        $self->logger->notice("Starting to munge widget #$ct\n");
        $self->logger->info("Munging step 3 yielded $result\n");
        $self->logger->debugf("Munging params: %d, %d, %s\n",
                               $gain, $threshold, $algorithm);
        # Logs even when $self->verbose == 0
        $self->logger->emergency("The sky is falling!")

      # Elsewhere
      my $worker = My::Worker->new(verbose => 2, ...);
      $worker->munge_widget(...);  # Sit back and watch log

    One of the common uses for logging packages is providing feedback to the
    user about the progress of long-running operations, or about details of
    what the program is doing to aid in debugging. MooX::Role::Chatty aims
    to provide a few simple, lightweight tools you can use to make this job
    a bit easier. It does not provide logging facilities itself, just a way
    to connect to them, and to let the user specify how much information she
    wants to see.

    In keeping with the idea of TMTOWTDI, there are a few different ways to
    use MooX::Role::Chatty. The simplest is to examine the "verbose"
    attribute directly in your code, and call "remark" whenever you want to
    say something based on the current verbosity level. If you prefer
    labelling your logging calls by name, you can also call "logger" to get
    at the logging engine, on which you can call any of the logging methods
    it supports.

    MooX::Role::Chatty tries to make the common cases easy. To that end, you
    don't need to worry about setting up "logger" if you don't want to. If
    you haven't explicitly set this attribute, the first time you need it
    (by calling "logger" or "remark") a default logger will be instantiated
    for you. This logger is a Log::Any::Proxy, so you can call any of the
    methods supported by Log::Any to generate messages. A corollary of this
    behavior is that you have to have Log::Any installed, or a fatal error

    A brief timestamp is prepended to each line of the message. The logger
    is connected to a Log::Any::Adapter::Carp adapter that passes on logged
    messages but suppresses file/line information. The result is that log
    messages are sent to STDERR, though you can redirect them via
    $SIG{__WARN__} if you want.

    The "verbose" attribute determines the level of logging: a level of 1
    corresponds to a log level of "notice", 2 to "info", and so on. Although
    less common, you can also go the other way: -1 corresponds to "warn", -2
    to "error", etc. A "verbose" level of 0 is special: it suppresses any
    output from "remark", and of the Log::Any levels only "emergency" will
    produce output.

    If you want to use the default Log::Any::Proxy, but not the default
    output adapter, you're free to register your own adapter to deal with
    the MooX::Role::Chatty category. If you do, though, you need to manage
    the adapter if you change "verbose", since Log::Any doesn't provide an
    API to update the "log_level" of an existing adapter.

    Finally, if Log::Any isn't your favorite among the plethora of logging
    packages available, you can set "logger" yourself, to any object that
    responds to "info" and "warn" methods. Most of the more established Perl
    logging packages fill the bill, like Log::Dispatch or Log::Log4perl, in
    addition to Log::Any. For that matter, if you like the behavior of
    Log::Any but want output from your module to be different from
    MooX::Role::Chatty logging elsewhere in your application, you can use an
    instance of an adapter class directly. Again, if you set "logger"
    directly, it's your responsibility to update the logger's behavior as
    appropriate if you reset "verbose".

        The level of output logged. Higher values typically indicate that
        more detailed information should be provided.

        For the behavior of the default logger in response to different
        "verbose" settings, see "MANAGING LOGGERS".

        Defaults to 0, and can be updated.

        The logging engine to be used for output.

        The default is described above in "MANAGING LOGGERS".

        Although you usually won't want to, you can update "logger", or
        clear it via "clear_logger". In the latter case, if you output a
        message before setting "logger", a new default logger will be

        The "get_logger" alias is provided for ease of use by writers
        accustomed to Log::Any; it is identical to "logger".

    In addition to the attribute accessors, one method is provided:

        If "verbose" is non-zero, produce a log message, based on the
        contents of *$info* as described below. This message is output
        output at the "notice" log level (or "info" if "logger" doesn't
        respond to "notice").

        *   If *$info* is a hash reference, check the value associated with
            the "level" key against "verbose". If "level" is less than
            "verbose", do nothing. Otherwise, use the value associated with
            the "message" key as the log message in place of *$info*
            (subject to the two rules below).

            Note: It's important, but sometimes confusing, to keep in mind
            the difference between the target verbosity level (which is what
            "level" specifies), and the actual call to the logger, which is
            always at the "notice" (or "info") log level. In other words,
            saying "level => -3" does NOT get you a call to "critical".

        *   If *$info* is a simple scalar, use it as the log message.

        *   If *$info* is an array reference, use the contents as arguments
            to format a message. For a Log::Any-based logger, they're simply
            passed to "noticef". Otherwise, they're passed to "sprintf" in
            perfunc, and the result passed to "notice" (or "info").


    MooX::Role::Logger, an even more lightweight way for your code to use

    Log::Any, Log::Any::Adapter::Carp

    Are there, for certain, but have yet to be cataloged.

    version 1.01

    Charles Bailey <>

    Copyright (C) 2015 by Charles Bailey

    This software may be used under the terms of the Artistic License
    version 2 or the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3, as the
    user prefers.