perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install;
	Do 'make install' as root if installing into root-protected directories

	These are Class::DBI libraries that plug into Fry::Shell.
	- Contains functions that search with &Class::DBI::search* and
		Class::DBI::AbstractSearch:search_where, delete, search and replace in records with a perl regexp, update
		records via a text editor and insert. Also has a few functions used to manipulate DBI::Profile's
	- Can customize output format via a subhook for a view sub.
	- Most functions can have their actions confined to certain columns via the 'c' option.
	- Menu mode allows one to alias several Class::DBI objects with numbers making mundane administration easier.
	- Could work with any database working under Class::DBI but mainly works with
	  Mysql,Postgres and Sqlite.
	- Also comes bundled with Fry::Lib::CDBI::Tags and Fry::Lib::CDBI::Outline.

To Do
	-port old TESTS!
	-defining relations between tables with has_*
	-provide direct SQL queries
	-support shell-like parsing of quotes to allow spaces in queries
	-specify sorting and limit of queries
	-embed sql or database functions in queries
	-create an easily-parsable syntax for piecing chunks into 'or' and 'and' parts
		to be passed to Class::DBI::AbstractSearch
Have fun!