Config/IniSearch version 0.01 ============================= This module provides a wrapper class for Config::IniHash to allow the user to select different INI files at runtime without the need to modify scripts that access the INI file parameters. For instance, a developer working with a production script can run with a development INI file independent from a user who is also using the production script, but with a "global" INI file suitable for production. This eliminates the need to create two or more copies of a script for the sole purpose of modifying configuration parameters within the script. This is a "true" wrapper class in that all options not specific to this module are passed unmodified to Config::IniHash. It is not a subclass, however, of Config::IniHash in that it does not add functionality to Config::IniHash. This module simply provides the user of Config::IniHash with the added convenience of being able to manage multiple INI files for a given application. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test (see TEST NOTES below) make install TEST NOTES Tests 1, 6, and 7 will fail unless you also copy the following files to /etc (read-only access is sufficient): t/global.ini.etc => /etc/global.ini t/testSection.ini.etc => /etc/testSection.ini Version 2.4 of Config::IniHash generates a run-time warning running under 'strict' (the default when you run 'make test'). The warning itself does not affect the results of the tests, but if it bothers you, feel free to apply the included patch to you copy of patch -p0 < IniHash-2.4.patch DEPENDENCIES This module requires Config::IniHash. CHANGES 0.01 Sat Jul 5 00:58:21 2003 - original version 0.02 Wed Dec 16 21:40:00 2009 - finally fixed the tests after 6 years COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Copyright (C) 2009 Brian Koontz <>