# Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK for Perl

This repository contains Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK for Perl source code. This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Cells Cloud REST APIs in your Perl applications quickly and easily. 

## How to use the SDK?

The complete source code is available in this repository folder. For more details, please visit our [documentation website](http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/cellscloud/How+to+Setup+Aspose.Cells+Cloud+SDK+for+Perl).

## Quick SDK Tutorial

use lib 'lib';
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp; # From CPAN

use AsposeStorageCloud::StorageApi;
use AsposeStorageCloud::ApiClient;
use AsposeStorageCloud::Configuration;

use AsposeCellsCloud::CellsApi;
use AsposeCellsCloud::ApiClient;
use AsposeCellsCloud::Configuration;

use AsposeCellsCloud::Object::SaveOptions;

$AsposeCellsCloud::Configuration::app_sid = 'XXX';
$AsposeCellsCloud::Configuration::api_key = 'XXX';

$AsposeCellsCloud::Configuration::debug = 1;

$AsposeStorageCloud::Configuration::app_sid = $AsposeCellsCloud::Configuration::app_sid;
$AsposeStorageCloud::Configuration::api_key = $AsposeCellsCloud::Configuration::api_key;

#Instantiate Aspose.Storage API SDK 
my $storageApi = AsposeStorageCloud::StorageApi->new();

#Instantiate Aspose.Cells API SDK
my $cellsApi = AsposeCellsCloud::CellsApi->new();

my $data_path = '../data/';

#set input file name
my $name = 'Sample_Test_Book.xls';
my $newfilename = 'Sample_Test_Book.pdf';
my $format = 'pdf';
my @saveOptionsBody = AsposeCellsCloud::Object::SaveOptions->new('desiredPPI' => 300, 'jpegQuality'=>70, 'OnePagePerSheet'=>'True', 'SaveFormat'=>'pdf');

#upload file to aspose cloud storage 
my $response = $storageApi->PutCreate(Path => $name, file => $data_path.$name);

#invoke Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK API to convert workbook to different file formats using cloud storage            		                           
$response = $cellsApi->PostDocumentSaveAs(name=> $name, newfilename=>$newfilename, format=>$format, body=>@saveOptionsBody);

if($response->{'Status'} eq 'OK'){
	my $destfilename = $response->{'SaveResult'}->{'DestDocument'}->{'Href'};
	print("\n FileName: " . $destfilename);
	#download updated Workbook from storage server 
	my $output_file = 'C:/temp/'. $destfilename;
	$response = $storageApi->GetDownload(Path => $destfilename);
	write_file($output_file, { binmode => ":raw" }, $response->{'Content'});
