NAME Tie::AliasHash - Hash with aliases key (multiple keys, one value) SYNOPSIS use Tie::AliasHash; tie %hash, 'Tie::AliasHash'; $hash{ 'foo', 'bar' } = 'baz'; print $hash{foo}; # prints 'baz' print $hash{bar}; # prints 'baz' too $hash{bar} = 'zab'; # $hash{foo} is changed too print $hash{foo}; # prints 'zab' DESCRIPTION Tie::AliasHash creates hashes that can have multiple keys for a single value. This means that some keys are just 'aliases' for other keys. The example shown in the synopsys above creates a key 'foo' and an alias key 'bar'. The two keys share the same value, so that fetching either of them will always return the same value, and storing a value in one of them will change both. HISTORY v1.00 (07 Mar 2001) First released version v0.01 (20 Feb 2001) Original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options -CAXn Tie::AliasHash AUTHOR Aldo Calpini <>