Changes in version 1.0.5 UNDERLYING CHANGES - getIMGT() checks for availability of IMGT website - Expanded Unit Tests - Unit Tests and Vignette now evaluate for proper python installation overall Changes in version 1.0.4 UNDERLYING CHANGES - Optional testthat variationalSequences() evaulate presence of Keras Changes in version 1.0.3 UNDERLYING CHANGES - Drop evaluation of variationalSequences() example Changes in version 1.0.2 UNDERLYING CHANGES - Vignette includes eval of keras installation for certain chunks Changes in version 1.0.1 UNDERLYING CHANGES - Fix issue with optimizer call in variationalSequences() - Move package to keras3 - Version Bump to be consistent with Bioconductor release Changes in version 0.99.5 UNDERLYING CHANGES - Remove keras installation in vignette - Removed lazydata loading - Added @return to the data manual entries - Update stop message for propertyEncoder() - Removed set.seed from variationalSequences() - Added runnable example for variationalSequences() - Added better handling of no connection in getIMGT() - Added max.retries to getIMGT() - Updated testthat for new IMGT version Changes in version 0.99.3 UNDERLYING CHANGES - Defining python version 3.10 for keras installation Changes in version 0.99.2 UNDERLYING CHANGES - Added discrete check and install_keras() to vignette Changes in version 0.99.1 UNDERLYING CHANGES - Added warning to getIMGT() to mention IMGT license on first use - import magrittr instead of dplyr - Fixed issue with license error - Added example to positionalEncoder() - Replaced discrete calling of "es =" in vignette - Update readme to include keras based installation - added set.seed() to vignette - added introduction section to vignette with mention of other packages - removed installation section from vignette (can't add BioC instructions until accepted) - Fixed rendering issue with the vignette - Subsampled example data and removed Omniscope example - Updated testthat for formatGenes() and inferCDR() for new example data - Reduced size of test data - Minimized usage of sapply() and X:Y per BiocCheck suggestions - Modified print() messages to messages() - Add verbose parameter to turn on/off processing steps - Added links for example data formats