Changes in version 0.99.3 NEW FEATURES - Created an output type object (CBEAout). This is an S3 type object that is essentially a list that incorporates the final score matrix as well as other diagnostic details. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Due to the new feature above, now instead of getting a tibble, users would have to extract the scores out either using the provided function or use a custom approach based on the list-of-list format of the CBEAout objects. - Implemented tidy and glance methods to deal with CBEAout objects BUG FIXES None Changes in version 0.99.2 NEW FEATURES - Added an option (parametric) to specify whether the null is estimated parametrically or via pure permutation. To support this, an option (n_perm) was also added to specify the number of permutations. A warning will be added if parametric is FALSE but n_boot is small (< 100) - Added option (parallel_backend) to specify the parallel backend of the loop using BiocParallel - Argument control now allow for a special slot titled fix_comp that can specify which component of the two-component mixture distribution to fix during the adjustment process. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - Combined raw argument with output argument for the CBEA function to specify returning raw CBEA scores (without any distribution fitting and transformation). - New and revamped vignettes - Significant reduction in dependencies, including removing native support for phyloseq BUG FIXES None Changes in version 0.99.1 NEW FEATURES None SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES None BUG FIXES - Removed .Rproj file to conform with Bioconductor error Changes in version 0.99.0 NEW FEATURES - Added a file to track changes to the package. - Added a complete functionality to perform CBEA from scratch with bundled data set SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES None BUG FIXES None