RDX2 X  reposDF fields gtk gtkDevice KEGGSOAP RCurl RGtk RGtkBindingGenerator RGtkConsole RGtkExtra RGtkGlade RGtkHTML RGtkScrollpane RGtkViewers SSOAP XML class AsIs stringRep 2.0.1 VersionNumber package reposTools 0.3 VersionNumber reposTools 0.5-4 VersionNumber reposTools 1.5.0 VersionNumber reposTools 0.6-0 VersionNumber reposTools 0.7-0 VersionNumber reposTools 0.3 VersionNumber reposTools 0.1 VersionNumber reposTools 0.1 VersionNumber reposTools 0.1 VersionNumber reposTools 0.3 VersionNumber reposTools 0.1 VersionNumber reposTools 0.7 VersionNumber reposTools 0.2-2 VersionNumber reposTools 0.99-1 VersionNumber reposTools AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA R (>= 1.2.0) R (>= 1.2.0) methods XML SSOAP (>= 0.2-2) RCurl (>= 0.4) NA R (>= 1.2.0) R (>= 1.2.0) R (>= 1.2.0) RGtk(>= 0.6) R (>= 1.2.0) RGtk(>= 0.5.3) R (>= 1.2.0) RGtk(>= 0.5.3) R (>= 1.2.0) RGtk(>= 0.6) R (>= 1.2.0) RGtk(>= 0.6) R (>= 1.4.0) RGtk R (>= 1.5.0) XML RCurl R (>= 1.2.0) AsIs Tools for spatial data Loadable gtk device driver for R Loadable gtk device driver for R Client-side SOAP access KEGG HTTP request interface Initial R bindings for Gtk #Generates bindings to Gtk libraries !Bindings for the GtkConsole class "Bindings for the gtk+extra library Bindings for the Glade library Bindings for the gtkHTML library $Bindings for the GtkScrollpane class ;GUI tools for viewing databases, S4 class hierarchies, etc. Client-side SOAP access for S 9Tools for parsing and generating XML within R and S-Plus. AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs Fields is a collection of programs for curve and function fitting with an emphasis on spatial data and spatial statistics. The major methods implemented include cubic, robust, and thin plate splines, universal Kriging and Kriging for large data sets. One main feature is any covariance function implemented in R can be used for spatial prediction. There are also some useful functions for plotting and working with spatial data as images. This package also contains implementation of a smooth wavelet basis suitable for spatial models. GTK graphics device driver that may be used independently of the R-GNOME interface and can be used to create R devices as embedded components in a GUI using a Gtk drawing area widget, e.g. using RGtk. GTK graphics device driver that may be used independently of the R-GNOME interface and can be used to create R devices as embedded components in a GUI using a Gtk drawing area widget, e.g. using RGtk. BA package that provides a client interface to the KEGG SOAP server The package allows one to compose HTTP requests to fetch URIs, post forms, etc. and process the results returned by the Web server. This provides a great deal of control over the HTTP connection and the form of the request while providing a higher-level interface than is available just using R socket connections. Additionally, the underlying implementation is robust and extensive, supporting SSL/HTTPS, cookies, redirects, authentication, etc. cFacilities in the S language for programming graphical interfaces using Gtk, the Gnome GUI toolkit. WA meta-package which generates C and R code to provide bindings to a Gtk-based library. A collection of S functions that provide an interface to the GtkConsole class which provides a terminal-like input area for entering commands and displaying output. A collection of S functions that provide an interface to the widgets in the gtk+extra library such as the GtkSheet data-grid display, icon list, file list and directory tree. S language bindings providing an interface to Glade, the interactive Gnome GUI creator. This allows one to instantiate GUIs built with the interactive Glade tool directly within S. The callbacks can be specified as S functions within the GUI builder. $A collection of S functions that provide an interface to creating and controlling an HTML widget which can be used to display HTML documents from files or content generated dynamically in S. This also supports embedded objects created and managed within S code, include graphics devices, etc. A collection of S functions that provide an interface to the GtkScrollpane widget which provides a panner like the one in ghostview and editres for moving around a two-dimensional space. This is based on the GtkScrollpane from Jonathan Blandford. |A collection of tools for viewing different S objects, databases, class and widget hierarchies, S source file contents, etc. wA package that is intended to provide a client interface to SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) servers from within S. Parsing facilities for arbitrary XML files, DTDs and HTML, offering both event and tree based parsers which are customizable with R functions. AsIs -http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/stats/Software/Fields NA NA NA http://www.omegahat.org/RCurl Rhttp://www.omegahat.org/RGtk, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs http://www.omegahat.org/RGtkBindingGenerator, http://www.omegahat.org/RGtk, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs http://www.omegahat.org/RGtkConsole, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnome-print/ Whttp://www.omegahat.org/RGtkExtra, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs Whttp://www.omegahat.org/RGtkGlade, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs Vhttp://www.omegahat.org/RGtkHTML, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs http://www.omegahat.org/RGtkScrollpane, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs http://people.redhat.com/jrb/widgets/scrollpane/ Yhttp://www.omegahat.org/RGtkViewers, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs Shttp://www.omegahat.org/SSOAP, http://www.omegahat.org http://www.omegahat.org/bugs http://www.omegahat.org/RSXML AsIs Doug Nychka NLyndon Drake Packaging and extensions by Martyn Plummer and Duncan Temple Lang NLyndon Drake Packaging and extensions by Martyn Plummer and Duncan Temple Lang J. Zhang and R. Gentleman Duncan Temple Lang ,Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang {Adapted by Duncan Temple Lang from the original code by Lyndon Drake in the R Gnome module. 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang ,Duncan Temple Lang ,Duncan Temple Lang (duncan@wald.ucdavis.edu) AsIs Doug Nychka Martyn Plummer Martyn Plummer #J. Zhang ,Duncan Temple Lang ,Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang 2Duncan Temple Lang ,Duncan Temple Lang ,Duncan Temple Lang  AsIs GPL Version 2 or later. GPL GPL BSD BSD GPL GPL GPL GPL GPL GPL LGPL GPL BSD BSD. AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA 3curl (version 7.12.0 or higher) http://curl.haxx.se NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs  AsIs fields_2.0.1.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:37 2005 names File Status Rvers Date Source gtk_0.3-0.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:37 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source gtkDevice_0.5-4.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:38 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source KEGGSOAP_1.5.0.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:38 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source RCurl_0.6-0.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:38 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source RGtk_0.7-0.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:38 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source !RGtkBindingGenerator_0.3-1.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:38 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source RGtkConsole_0.1-1.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:38 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source RGtkExtra_0.1-1.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:38 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source RGtkGlade_0.1-1.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:38 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source RGtkHTML_0.3-1.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:39 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source RGtkScrollpane_0.1-0.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:39 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source RGtkViewers_0.7-3.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:39 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source SSOAP_0.2-2.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:39 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source XML_0.99-1.tar.gz OK  Fri Nov 4 18:25:39 2005 File Status Rvers Date Source  Package Version Keywords Depends Title Suggests Imports Replaces Description URL Author Maintainer License Status Priority SystemRequirements ReleaseLevel Contains Uses OSspecific KeySearchOrder row.names fields:v:2.0.1 gtk:v:0.3 gtkDevice:v:0.5-4 KEGGSOAP:v:1.5.0 RCurl:v:0.6-0 RGtk:v:0.7-0 RGtkBindingGenerator:v:0.3 RGtkConsole:v:0.1 RGtkExtra:v:0.1 RGtkGlade:v:0.1 RGtkHTML:v:0.3 RGtkScrollpane:v:0.1 RGtkViewers:v:0.7 SSOAP:v:0.2-2 XML:v:0.99-1 data.frame Pkg df