Function Description
append.xmlNode Add children to an XML node
asXMLNode Converts non-XML node objects to XMLTextNode objects
dtdElement Gets the definition of an element or entity from a DTD.
dtdElementValidEntry Determines whether an XML element allows a particular type of sub-element.
dtdIsAttribute Query if a name is a valid attribute of a DTD element.
dtdValidElement Determines whether an XML tag is valid within another.
genericSAXHandlers SAX generic callback handler list
length.XMLNode Determine the number of children in an XMLNode object.
libxmlVersion Get the version of the libxml library.
names.XMLNode Get the names of an XML nodes children.
newXMLDoc Create internal XML node or document object
parseDTD Read a Document Type Definition (DTD)
print.XMLAttributeDef Methods for displaying XML objects
saveXML Output internal XML Tree
SAXState-class A virtual base class defining methods for SAX parsing
startElement.SAX Generic Methods for SAX callbacks
supportsExpat Determines which native XML parsers are being used.
toString.XMLNode Creates string representation of XML node
xmlApply Applies a function to each of the children of an XMLNode
xmlAttributeType The type of an XML attribute for element from the DTD
xmlAttrs Get the list of attributes of an XML node.
xmlChildren Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object.
xmlContainsEntity Checks if an entity is defined within a DTD.
xmlDOMApply Apply function to nodes in an XML tree/DOM.
xmlElementsByTagName Retrieve the children of an XML node with a specific tag name
xmlEventHandler Default handlers for the SAX-style event XML parser
xmlEventParse XML Event/Callback element-wise Parser
xmlGetAttr Get the value of an attribute in an XML node
xmlHandler Example XML Event Parser Handler Functions
xmlName Extraces the tag name of an XMLNode object.
xmlNamespace Retrieve the namespace value of an XML node.
xmlNode Create an XML node
[<-.XMLNode Assign sub-nodes to an XML node
[.XMLNode Convenience accessors for the children of XMLNode objects.
xmlOutputBuffer XML output streams
xmlRoot Get the top-level XML node.
xmlSize The number of sub-elements within an XML node.
xmlTree An internal, updatable DOM object for building XML trees
xmlTreeParse XML Parser
xmlValue Extract the contents of a leaf XML node