RDX2 X  reposDF event gnlm growth repeated rmutil stable class AsIs stringRep 1.0 VersionNumber package reposTools 1.0 VersionNumber reposTools 1.0 VersionNumber reposTools 1.0 VersionNumber reposTools 1.0 VersionNumber reposTools 1.0 VersionNumber reposTools AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs R (>= 1.4) rmutil R (>= 1.4) rmutil R (>= 1.4) rmutil R (>= 1.4) rmutil R (>= 1.4) R (>= 1.4) rmutil AsIs #Event History Procedures and Models 'Generalized Nonlinear Regression Models KMultivariate Normal and Elliptically-contoured Repeated Measurements Models 'Non-normal Repeated Measurements Models CUtilities for Nonlinear Regression and Repeated Measurements Models PProbability Functions and Generalized Regression Models for Stable Distributions AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs :Functions for setting up and analyzing event history data. fA variety of functions to fit linear and nonlinear regression with a large selection of distributions. Functions for fitting various normal theory (growth curve) and elliptically-contoured repeated measurements models with ARMA and random effects dependence. EVarious functions to fit models for non-normal repeated measurements. A toolkit of functions for nonlinear regression and repeated measurements not to be used by itself but called by other libraries. Density, distribution, quantile and hazard functions of a stable variate; generalized regression models for the parameters of a stable distribution. AsIs "www.luc.ac.be/~jlindsey/rcode.html "www.luc.ac.be/~jlindsey/rcode.html "www.luc.ac.be/~jlindsey/rcode.html "www.luc.ac.be/~jlindsey/rcode.html "www.luc.ac.be/~jlindsey/rcode.html "www.luc.ac.be/~jlindsey/rcode.html AsIs Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey ;Philippe Lambert and Jim Lindsey AsIs Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey Jim Lindsey  AsIs GPL version 2 or later GPL version 2 or later GPL version 2 or later GPL version 2 or later GPL version 2 or later GPL version 2 or later AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs NA NA NA NA NA NA AsIs  AsIs event_1.0.zip OK 2.1.0 2005-05-16 21:58:27 names File Status Rvers Date Win32 gnlm_1.0.zip OK 2.1.0 2005-05-16 22:01:11 File Status Rvers Date Win32 growth_1.0.zip OK 2.1.0 2005-05-16 22:01:45 File Status Rvers Date Win32 repeated_1.0.zip OK 2.1.0 2005-05-16 22:02:23 File Status Rvers Date Win32 rmutil_1.0.zip OK 2.1.0 2005-05-16 22:03:16 File Status Rvers Date Win32 stable_1.0.zip OK 2.1.0 2005-05-16 22:04:03 File Status Rvers Date Win32  Package Version Keywords Depends Title Suggests Imports Replaces Description URL Author Maintainer License Status Priority SystemRequirements ReleaseLevel Contains Uses OSspecific KeySearchOrder row.names event:v:1.0 gnlm:v:1.0 growth:v:1.0 repeated:v:1.0 rmutil:v:1.0 stable:v:1.0 data.frame Pkg df