--- title: "An Introduction to TMSig" author: - name: "Tyler J. Sagendorf" affiliation: - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA date: "`r BiocStyle::doc_date()`" abstract: > The `r BiocStyle::Biocpkg('TMSig')` package contains tools to prepare, analyze, and visualize named lists of sets, with an emphasis on molecular signatures (such as gene or kinase sets). It includes fast, memory efficient functions to construct sparse incidence and similarity matrices; filter, cluster, invert, and decompose sets; perform pre-ranked Correlation Adjusted MEan RAnk (CAMERA-PR) gene set testing via a flexible matrix method (see `r BiocStyle::Biocpkg('limma')` for the original implementation); and create bubble heatmaps to visualize the results of any differential or molecular signatures analysis. package: | `r BiocStyle::pkg_ver('TMSig')` Report issues at https://github.com/EMSL-Computing/TMSig vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{An Introduction to TMSig} %\VignettePackage{TMSig} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteKeywords{GeneSetEnrichment, Clustering, Pathways, Visualization} output: BiocStyle::html_document: number_sections: true toc: true toc_float: true toc_depth: 2 bibliography: references.bib link-citations: true --- License: `r packageDescription("TMSig")[["License"]]` ```{r setup, include=FALSE} options(width = 80) knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, message = FALSE, comment = "#>", dpi = 250) suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(TMSig) }) ``` # Read GMT Files GMT files, such as those available through the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB)[@liberzon_molecular_2011; @liberzon_molecular_2015], can be read as named lists with `readGMT`: ```{r read-gmt} # Path to GMT file - MSigDB Gene Ontology sets pathToGMT <- system.file( "extdata", "c5.go.v2023.2.Hs.symbols.gmt.gz", package = "TMSig" ) geneSets <- readGMT(path = pathToGMT) length(geneSets) # 10461 gene sets head(names(geneSets)) # first 6 gene set names geneSets[[1]] # genes in first set ``` # Filter Sets `filterSets` keeps sets that satisfy minimum and maximum size constraints. Optionally, sets can be restricted to a smaller background of genes before filtering by size. ```{r filter-sets} # Filter by size - no background filt <- filterSets(x = geneSets, min_size = 10L, max_size = 500L) length(filt) # 7096 gene sets remain (down from 10461) ``` Normally, **the background is the set of genes quantified in a particular experiment**. For the purposes of this example, the top 2000 most common genes will be selected to serve as the background. This ensures the gene sets will maintain some degree of overlap for later steps. ```{r create-background} # Top 2000 most common genes topGenes <- table(unlist(geneSets)) topGenes <- head(sort(topGenes, decreasing = TRUE), 2000L) head(topGenes) background <- names(topGenes) ``` The gene sets will be restricted to elements of the background before filtering by size. ```{r filter-sets-bg} # Restrict genes sets to background of genes geneSetsFilt <- filterSets( x = geneSets, background = background, min_size = 10L # min. overlap of each set with background ) length(geneSetsFilt) # 4629 gene sets pass ``` The proportion of genes in each set that overlap with the background will be calculated and used to further select sets. ```{r overlap-prop-opts, include=FALSE} cap <- "Scatterplot of the original set size vs. overlap proportion." ``` ```{r overlap-prop, fig.cap=cap} # Calculate proportion of overlap with background setSizes <- lengths(geneSetsFilt) setSizesOld <- lengths(geneSets)[names(geneSetsFilt)] overlapProp <- setSizes / setSizesOld plot(setSizesOld, overlapProp, main = "Set Size vs. Overlap") ``` Gene sets with an overlap of at least 70% will be kept, so we can be reasonably confident that the gene sets are correctly described by their labels. However, since the background is small, this will remove the majority of sets. ```{r filter-by-overlap} table(overlapProp >= 0.7) geneSetsFilt <- geneSetsFilt[overlapProp >= 0.7] length(geneSetsFilt) # 1015 gene sets pass ``` # Incidence Matrix An incidence matrix is a representation of a graph. For a named list of sets, the set names form the rows of the matrix, and all unique elements are columns. A value of 1 indicates that the element is a member of the set, while a value of 0 indicates otherwise. The incidence matrix forms the basis for many of the functions in TMSig, including `similarity`, `clusterSets`, `decomposeSets`, and `cameraPR.matrix`. ```{r incidence-matrix} imat <- sparseIncidence(x = geneSetsFilt) dim(imat) # 1015 sets, 1914 genes imat[seq_len(8L), seq_len(5L)] # first 8 sets, first 5 genes ``` The incidence matrix can be used to calculate the sizes of all pairwise set intersections or the number of sets or pairs of sets to which each gene belongs. ```{r incidence-products} # Calculate sizes of all pairwise intersections tcrossprod(imat)[1:3, 1:3] # first 3 gene sets # Calculate number of sets and pairs of sets to which each gene belongs crossprod(imat)[1:3, 1:3] # first 3 genes ``` # Set Similarity The `similarity` function constructs a sparse symmetric matrix of pairwise Jaccard, overlap/Simpson, or ÅŒtsuka similarity coefficients for all pairs of sets $A$ and $B$, where - Jaccard($A$, $B$) = $\frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|}$ - Overlap($A$, $B$) = $\frac{|A \cap B|}{\min(|A|, |B|)}$ - ÅŒtsuka($A$, $B$) = $\frac{|A \cap B|}{\sqrt{|A| \times |B|}}$ All 3 similarity measures can identify aliasing of sets: when two or more sets contain the same elements, but have different descriptions. Only the overlap/Simpson similarity can also identify when one set is a subset of another. ## Jaccard ```{r sim-matrix} # Jaccard similarity (default) jaccard <- similarity(x = geneSetsFilt) dim(jaccard) # 1015 1015` class(jaccard) ``` The 6 sets having the highest Jaccard similarity with GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT are shown for each of the 3 measures of set similarity. ```{r sim-jaccard} # 6 sets with highest Jaccard for a specific term idx <- order(jaccard[, "GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT"], decreasing = TRUE) idx <- head(idx) jaccard[idx, "GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT", drop = FALSE] ``` GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_MORPHOGENESIS is highly similar to GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT ($J$ = 0.853). ## Overlap/Simpson ```{r sim-simpson} overlap <- similarity(x = geneSetsFilt, type = "overlap") overlap[idx, "GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT", drop = FALSE] ``` GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_MORPHOGENESIS, GOBP_ATRIAL_SEPTUM_DEVELOPMENT, and GOBP_ATRIAL_SEPTUM_MORPHOGENESIS are subsets of GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT, since they are smaller (each containing 15 to 29 genes compared to 34 in GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT). ## ÅŒtsuka ```{r sim-otsuka} otsuka <- similarity(x = geneSetsFilt, type = "otsuka") otsuka[idx, "GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT", drop = FALSE] ``` # Cluster Similar Sets `clusterSets` employs hierarchical clustering to identify groups of highly similar sets. This procedure was developed for the removal of redundant Gene Ontology and Reactome gene sets for the MSigDB. See `help(topic = "clusterSets", package = "TMSig")` for details. ```{r cluster-sets} # clusterSets with default arguments clusterDF <- clusterSets(x = geneSetsFilt, type = "jaccard", cutoff = 0.85, method = "complete", h = 0.9) # First 4 clusters with 2 or more sets subset(clusterDF, subset = cluster <= 4L) ``` In each cluster, a single set can be retained for analysis using a combination of criteria such as set size, overlap proportion, or length of the description (shorter descriptions tend to be more general terms). ```{r add-clusterDF-columns} ## Use clusterSets output to select sets to retain for analysis clusterDF$overlap_prop <- overlapProp[clusterDF$set] # overlap proportion clusterDF$n_char <- nchar(clusterDF$set) # length of set description # Reorder rows so that the first set in each cluster is the one to keep o <- with(clusterDF, order(cluster, set_size, overlap_prop, n_char, set, decreasing = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), method = "radix")) clusterDF <- clusterDF[o, ] subset(clusterDF, cluster <= 4L) # show first 4 clusters ``` Now that the first gene set (first row) in each cluster is the one to keep, we can remove rows where the cluster is duplicated (this only keeps the first row of each cluster) and then extract the vector of sets to subset `geneSetsFilt`. Note that `max(clusterDF$cluster)` will indicate how many gene sets will remain after this redundancy filter. ```{r remove-similar-sets} # Sets to keep for analysis keepSets <- with(clusterDF, set[!duplicated(cluster)]) head(keepSets, 4L) # Subset geneSetsFilt to those sets geneSetsFilt <- geneSetsFilt[keepSets] length(geneSetsFilt) # 986 (down from 1015) ``` # Decompose Sets Decompose all pairs of sufficiently overlapping sets, $A$ and $B$, into 3 disjoint parts: 1. The elements unique to $A$: $A \setminus B$ ("A minus B") 2. The elements unique to $B$: $B \setminus A$ ("B minus A") 3. The elements common to both $A$ and $B$: $A \cap B$ ("A and B") ```{r venn-diagram-chunk-opts, include=FALSE} h <- w <- "80%" cap <- "Decomposition of sets." ``` ```{r venn-diagram, echo=FALSE, out.height=h, out.width=w, fig.cap=cap} knitr::include_graphics("images/Venn_Diagram.png") ``` Decomposition of sets is described in section 2.3.1 of "Extensions to Gene Set Enrichment" [@jiang_extensions_2007] as a method to reduce the redundancy of gene set testing results. ```{r decompose-sets} # Limit maximum set size for this example geneSetsFilt2 <- filterSets(geneSetsFilt, max_size = 50L) # Decompose all pairs of sets with at least 10 genes in common decompSets <- decomposeSets(x = geneSetsFilt2, overlap = 10L) # Last 3 components tail(decompSets, 3L) ``` # Invert Sets A list of sets can be inverted so that elements become set names and set names become elements. This is primarily used to identify all sets to which a particular element belongs. ```{r invert-sets} invertedSets <- invertSets(x = geneSetsFilt) length(invertedSets) # 1914 genes head(names(invertedSets)) # names are genes invertedSets["FOXO1"] # all gene sets containing FOXO1 ``` This can also be used to calculate the similarity of each pair of genes. That is, do pairs of genes tend to appear in the same sets? ```{r} similarity(x = invertedSets[1:5]) # first 5 genes ``` # Enrichment Analysis We will simulate a matrix of gene expression data for those 2000 genes that were selected earlier and perform differential analysis using `limma`. Then, the differential analysis results, as well as the filtered gene sets, will be used as input for the pre-ranked version of Correlation Adjusted MEan RAnk gene set testing (CAMERA) [@wu_camera_2012]. ## Simulate Gene Expression Data Gene expression data is simulated for 3 biological replicates in each of 3 experimental groups: ctrl (control), treat1 (treatment group 1), and treat2 (treatment group 2. ```{r simulate-expression-data} # Control and 2 treatment groups, 3 replicates each group <- rep(c("ctrl", "treat1", "treat2"), each = 3) design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + group) # design matrix contrasts <- makeContrasts( contrasts = c("grouptreat1 - groupctrl", "grouptreat2 - groupctrl"), levels = colnames(design) ) # Shorten contrast names colnames(contrasts) <- gsub("group", "", colnames(contrasts)) ngenes <- length(background) # 2000 genes nsamples <- length(group) # 9 samples set.seed(0) y <- matrix(data = rnorm(ngenes * nsamples), nrow = ngenes, ncol = nsamples, dimnames = list(background, make.unique(group))) head(y) ``` Now, we introduce differential expression in two randomly selected gene sets. We will make genes in the "GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT" set higher in control relative to treatment samples, and we will make genes in the "GOBP_ACTIVATED_T_CELL_PROLIFERATION" set higher in treatment relative to control samples. Since the contrasts are "treat1 - ctrl" and "treat2 - ctrl", the direction of change will be "Down" for cardiac atrium development and "Up" for activated T cell proliferation. The degree of change will be less for the "treat2 - ctrl" comparison. ```{r perturb-gene-sets} cardiacGenes <- geneSetsFilt[["GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT"]] tcellGenes <- geneSetsFilt[["GOBP_ACTIVATED_T_CELL_PROLIFERATION"]] # Indices of treatment group samples trt1 <- which(group == "treat1") trt2 <- which(group == "treat2") # Cardiac genes: higher in control relative to treatment y[cardiacGenes, trt1] <- y[cardiacGenes, trt1] - 2 y[cardiacGenes, trt2] <- y[cardiacGenes, trt2] - 0.7 # T cell proliferation genes: higher in treatment relative to control y[tcellGenes, trt1] <- y[tcellGenes, trt1] + 2 y[tcellGenes, trt2] <- y[tcellGenes, trt2] + 1 ``` ## Differential Gene Expression Analysis ```{r differential-analysis} # Differential analysis with LIMMA fit <- lmFit(y, design) fit.contr <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts = contrasts) fit.smooth <- eBayes(fit.contr) # Matrix of z-score equivalents of moderated t-statistics modz <- with(fit.smooth, zscoreT(x = t, df = df.total)) head(modz) ``` The results will be reformatted to make bubble heatmaps later. ```{r reformat-DA-results} # Reformat differential analysis results for enrichmap resDA <- lapply(colnames(contrasts), function(contrast_i) { res_i <- topTable(fit.smooth, coef = contrast_i, number = Inf, sort.by = "none") res_i$contrast <- contrast_i res_i$gene <- rownames(res_i) res_i$df.total <- fit.smooth$df.total return(res_i) }) resDA <- data.table::rbindlist(resDA) # Add z-statistic column resDA$z <- with(resDA, zscoreT(x = t, df = df.total)) # Reorder rows resDA <- resDA[with(resDA, order(contrast, P.Value, z)), ] head(resDA) ``` Below is the number of significantly differentially expressed genes for each comparison. ```{r count-signif-genes} # Count number of significant (P adj. < 0.05) genes table(resDA$contrast, resDA$adj.P.Val < 0.05) ``` ## CAMERA-PR LIMMA moderated t-statistics are converted to z-score equivalents and used as input for `cameraPR.matrix`. CAMERA-PR is a modification of the two-sample t-test that accounts for inter-gene correlation to correctly control the false discovery rate (FDR) [@wu_camera_2012]. For the pre-ranked version, a default inter-gene correlation of 0.01 is assumed for all gene sets. A non-parametric version of CAMERA-PR is also available by specifying `use.ranks=TRUE`. See `help(topic = "cameraPR.matrix", package = "TMSig")` for details. See `help(topic = "cameraPR", package = "limma")` for the original implementation. The main benefits of using `cameraPR.matrix` over `cameraPR.default` are significantly faster execution times and the ability to perform simultaneous inference of multiple contrasts or coefficients. ```{r camera-PR} # CAMERA-PR (matrix method) res <- cameraPR(statistic = modz, index = geneSetsFilt) head(res) ``` Both cardiac atrium development and activated T cell proliferation gene sets have adjusted p-values below 0.05 and are ranked at the top of "Down" and "Up" sets. However, other gene sets are also statistically significant after adjustment due to their genes overlapping with these two terms. ```{r count-signif-sets} # Number of sets passing FDR threshold table(res$Contrast, res$FDR < 0.05) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} j1 <- round(jaccard["GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT", "GOBP_ATRIAL_SEPTUM_DEVELOPMENT"], digits = 3) o1 <- overlap["GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT", "GOBP_ATRIAL_SEPTUM_DEVELOPMENT"] ``` To illustrate the above point, notice that GOBP_CARDIAC_ATRIUM_DEVELOPMENT and GOBP_ATRIAL_SEPTUM_DEVELOPMENT are both significantly down. Their Jaccard and Overlap coefficients are `r j1` and `r o1`, respectively. That is, atrial septum development is a subset of cardiac atrium development (at least, when both sets are restricted to the background we defined earlier), so it is being driven by changes in the latter. # Bubble Heatmaps A bubble heatmap will be generated to visualize the top genes from the differential expression analysis. Since `plot_sig_only=TRUE` only those 10 genes that were significantly differentially expressed in the "treat1 - ctrl" comparison will appear in the heatmap. The bubbles will be scaled such that the most significant contrast/gene combination (smallest adjusted p-value) is of maximum diameter, and all other bubbles will be scaled relative to it based on their -log$_{10}$ adjusted p-values. See `help(topic = "enrichmap", package = "TMSig")` for more details. ```{r DA-heatmap-chunk-opts, include=FALSE} h <- w <- "70%" cap <- "Bubble heatmap of differential expression analysis results." ``` ```{r DA-bubble-heatmap, out.height=h, out.width=w, fig.cap=cap} # Differential analysis bubble heatmap enrichmap(x = resDA, scale_by = "max", n_top = 15L, # default plot_sig_only = TRUE, # default set_column = "gene", statistic_column = "z", contrast_column = "contrast", padj_column = "adj.P.Val", padj_legend_title = "BH Adjusted\nP-Value", padj_cutoff = 0.05, cell_size = grid::unit(20, "pt"), # Additional arguments passed to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap. Used to # modify default appearance. heatmap_args = list( name = "Z-Score", column_names_rot = 60, column_names_side = "top" )) ``` Now, a bubble heatmap will be generated to visualize the CAMERA-PR gene set analysis results. The top 20 gene sets will be shown. ```{r camera-heatmap-chunk-opts, include=FALSE} h <- w <- "100%" cap <- "Bubble heatmap of CAMERA-PR results." ``` ```{r CAMERA-bubble-heatmap, out.height=h, out.width=w, fig.cap=cap} # CAMERA-PR bubble heatmap enrichmap(x = res, scale_by = "row", # default n_top = 20L, set_column = "GeneSet", statistic_column = "ZScore", contrast_column = "Contrast", padj_column = "FDR", padj_legend_title = "BH Adjusted\nP-Value", padj_cutoff = 0.05, cell_size = grid::unit(13, "pt"), # Additional arguments passed to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap. Used to # modify default appearance. heatmap_args = list( name = "Z-Score", column_names_rot = 60, column_names_side = "top" )) ``` Although no genes were differentially expressed in the "treat2 - ctrl" comparison, summarizing results at the gene set level uncovered several significant changes, though they are less pronounced than those in the "treat1 - ctrl" comparison, as evidenced by the sizes and colors of the bubbles. # Session Information {.unnumbered} ```{r session-info} print(sessionInfo(), locale = FALSE) ``` # References