--- title: 'MPAC: Multi-omic Pathway Analysis of Cell' author: 'Peng Liu, David Page, Paul Ahlquist, Irene M. Ong, and Anthony Gitter' date: '`r Sys.Date()`' output: bookdown::html_document2: toc: true fig_caption: yes dev: svglite toc_float: true urlcolor: blue linkcolor: blue vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{MPAC: Multi-omic Pathway Analysis of Cell} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( cache = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.align = 'center', dev.args=list(fix_text_size=FALSE ), comment = "#>") options( htmltools.dir.version = FALSE, formatR.indent = 2, width = 55, digits = 4, warnPartialMatchAttr = FALSE, warnPartialMatchDollar = FALSE, tinytex.verbose=TRUE) require(data.table) require(MPAC) ``` # Introduction From copy-number alteration (CNA), RNA-seq data, and pre-defined biological pathway network, MPAC computes Inferred Pathway Levels (IPLs) for pathway entities, clusters patient samples by their enriched GO terms, and identifies key pathway proteins for each patient cluster. ## Workflow ```{r WorkflowJPG, fig.cap='MPAC workflow', out.width='800px', echo=FALSE} knitr::include_graphics('workflow.jpg') ``` ## Pseudocode ```{r pseudocode, eval=FALSE} FOR each sample: ## Step 1 prepare CNA States from real data prepare RNA States from real data ## Step 2 compute IPLs by PARADIGM using CNA and RNA states from real data as well as the input pathway definition ## Step 3 REPEAT 100 times: randomly permute CNA and RNA states between genes compute IPLs by PARADIGM using CNA and RNA states from permuted data as well as the input pathway definition ## Step 4 FOR each pathway entity: filter entity IPL from real data by its 100 IPLs from permuted data ## Step 5 based on the input pathway definition, select the largest sub-pathway with all of its entities with non-zero IPLs ## Step 6 FOR each GO term in GMT file collections: do enrichment analysis using genes from the largest sub-pathway RETURN GO enrichment results cluster samples by their GO enrichment results ## Step 7 & 8 pick a sample group of interest find submodules shared by the largest sub-pathways of all samples in this group identify key pathway proteins from submodules ``` # Installation ## From GitHub Start R and enter: ```{r installFromGitHub, eval=FALSE} devtools::install_github('pliu55/MPAC') ``` ## From Bioconductor Start R and enter: ```{r installFromBioconductor, eval=FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") # The following initializes usage of Bioc devel BiocManager::install(version='devel') BiocManager::install("MPAC") ``` For different versions of R, please refer to the appropriate [Bioconductor release](https://bioconductor.org/about/release-announcements/). # Required R packages for this vignette Please use the following code to load required packages for running this vignette. Many intermediate objects in this vignette are SummarizedExperiment objects. ```{r requiredPkg} require(SummarizedExperiment) require(MPAC) ``` # Main functions - `ppCnInp()`: prepare CNA states from real CNA data - `ppRnaInp()`: prepare RNA states from read RNA-seq data - `ppRealInp()`: prepare CNA and RNA states from read CNA and RNA-seq data - `ppPermInp():` prepare permuted CNA and RNA states - `runPrd()`: run PARADIGM to compute IPLs from real CNA and RNA states - `runPermPrd()`: run PARADIGM to compute IPLs from permuted CNA and RNA states - `colRealIPL()`: collect IPLs from real data - `colPermIPL()`: collect IPLs from permuted data - `fltByPerm()`: filter IPLs from real data by IPLs from permuted data - `subNtw()`: find the largest pathway network subset by filtered IPLs - `ovrGMT()`: do gene set over-representation on a sample's largest pathway subset - `clSamp()`: cluster samples by their gene set over-representation results - `conMtf()`: find consensus pathway motifs within a cluster - `pltNeiStt()`: plot a heatmap to identify a protein's pathway determinants # Preparing input ## Requirements `r focal_url=paste0('https://docs.gdc.cancer.gov/Data/', 'Bioinformatics_Pipelines/CNV_Pipeline/#data-processing-steps_2')` MPAC accepts two types of genomic data: - copy-number alteration (CNA): recommend using data from [focal-level](`r focal_url`). - RNA-seq: both tumor and normal sample data are required. Recommend using normalized gene expression data, e.g. FPKM. ## Real data This section describes preparing PARADIGM input using data from real samples, which can be downloaded from TCGA or taken from sequencing experiments. ### Copy-number alteration ```{r ppCnInp} # a matrix of CN focal data with rows as genes and columns as samples cn_tumor_mat <- system.file('extdata/TcgaInp/focal_tumor.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # to return a SummarizedExperiment object of CNA state for running PARADIGM # activated, normal, or repressed state is represented by 1, 0, or -1 ppCnInp(cn_tumor_mat) ``` ### RNA-seq Note that data from normal samples are required here to evaluate if a gene in tumor samples has activated, repressed, or normal states. ```{r ppRnaInp} # a matrix of RNA-seq data with rows as genes and columns as tumor samples rna_tumor_mat <- system.file('extdata/TcgaInp/log10fpkmP1_tumor.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # a matrix of RNA-seq data with rows as genes and columns as normal samples rna_norm_mat <- system.file('extdata/TcgaInp/log10fpkmP1_normal.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # to return a SummarizedExperiment object of RNA state for running PARADIGM # activated, normal, or repressed state is represented by 1, 0, or -1 ppRnaInp(rna_tumor_mat, rna_norm_mat, threads=2) ``` ### Copy-number alteration and RNA-seq Simply use a wrapper function below to prepare input together for both CNA and RNA data ```{r ppRealInp} # to return a SummarizedExperiment object of CNA and RNA state real_se <- ppRealInp(cn_tumor_mat, rna_tumor_mat, rna_norm_mat, threads=2) # CNA state is in assays(real_se)$CN_state # RNA state is in assays(real_se)$RNA_state real_se ``` ## Permuted data Pathway activities from permuted data will be used to build a background distribution to filter those from real data. The idea is to remove those that could be observed by chance. Permuted data were from real CNA and RNA data as shown in the example below. ```{r ppPermInp} # to return a list of list perml <- ppPermInp(real_se, n_perms=3) # three objects under the first level length(perml) # permutation index metadata(perml[[1]])$i # permuted CNA state matrix, same as the one from `ppCnInp()` assays(perml[[1]])$CN_state |> _[1:4, 1:3] # permuted RNA state matrix, same as the one from `ppRnaInp()` assays(perml[[1]])$RNA_state |> _[1:4, 1:3] ``` # Inferred pathway levels ## PARADIGM binary ```{r, echo=FALSE} prd_paper_url='https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btq182' prd_exe_url = paste0('https://github.com/sng87/paradigm-scripts/tree/', 'master/public/exe/') prd_linux_url= paste0(prd_exe_url, 'LINUX') prd_macos_url= paste0(prd_exe_url, 'MACOSX') ``` MPAC uses PARADIGM developed by [Vaske et al.](`r prd_paper_url`) to predict pathway levels. PARADIGM Binary is available to download at Github for [Linux](`r prd_linux_url`) and [MacOS](`r prd_macos_url`). ## IPLs from real data Example below shows input and output files for running PARADIGM on data from real samples. PARADIGM will generate multiple output files. All the file names will start with the sample ID and a suffix indicating their types: - Inferred pathway levles (IPLs): file with a suffix `ipl.txt` - Output log: file with a suffix `run.out` - Error log: file with a suffix `run.err` - Other auxiliary files, which can be skipped under common usage ```{r runRealPrd} # CNA and RNA state from `ppRealInp()` real_se <- system.file('extdata/TcgaInp/inp_real.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # Pathway file fpth <- system.file('extdata/Pth/tiny_pth.txt', package='MPAC') # folder to save all the output files outdir <- tempdir() # PARADIGM binary location. Replace the one below with a true location. paradigm_bin <- '/path/to/PARADIGM' ### code below depends on external PARADIGM binary runPrd(real_se, fpth, outdir, paradigm_bin, sampleids=c('TCGA-CV-7100')) ``` ## PARADIGM on permuted data For permuted input, PARADIGM will generate output in the same fashion as on real data above, except that one permutation corresponds to one output folder named as `p$(index)`, where `$index` is the index of that permutation. For example, three permutations will generate folders `p1`, `p2`, and `p3`. ```{r runPermPrd} # a list of list from `ppPermInp()` permll <- system.file('extdata/TcgaInp/inp_perm.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # Pathway file fpth <- system.file('extdata/Pth/tiny_pth.txt', package='MPAC') # folder to save all the output files outdir <- tempdir() # PARADIGM binary location. Replace the one below with a true location. paradigm_bin <- '/path/to/PARADIGM' # (optional) sample IDs to run PARADIGM on pat <- 'TCGA-CV-7100' ### code below depends on external PARADIGM binary runPermPrd(permll, fpth, outdir, paradigm_bin, sampleids=c(pat)) ``` # Collecting IPLs MPAC has PARADIGM run on individual sample in parallel to speed up calculation. For the convenience of downstream analysis, PARADIGM results will be collected and put together for all samples. ## From PARADIGM on real data ```{r colRealIPL} # the folder saving PARADIGM result on real data # it should be the `outdir` folder from `runPrd()` indir <- system.file('/extdata/runPrd/', package='MPAC') # to return a data.table with columns as entities and IPLs for each sample colRealIPL(indir) |> head() ``` ## From PARADIGM on permuted data ```{r colPermIPL} # the folder saving PARADIGM result on permuted data # it should be the `outdir` folder from `runPermPrd()` indir <- system.file('/extdata/runPrd/', package='MPAC') # number of permutated dataset results to collect n_perms <- 3 # return a data.table with columns as entities, permutation index, and IPLs for # each sample colPermIPL(indir, n_perms) |> head() ``` # Filtering IPLs MPAC uses PARADIGM runs on permuted data to generate a background distribution of IPLs. This distribution is used to filter IPLs from real data to remove those could be observed by chance. ```{r fltByPerm} # collected real IPLs. It is the output from `colRealIPL()` realdt <- system.file('extdata/fltByPerm/real.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # collected permutation IPLs. It is the output from `colPermIPL()` permdt <- system.file('extdata/fltByPerm/perm.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # to return a matrix of filtered IPLs with rows as pathway entities and columns # as samples. Entities with IPLs observed by chance are set to NA. fltByPerm(realdt, permdt) |> head() ``` # Find the largest pathway subset MPAC decomposes the original pathway and identify the largest pathway subset with all of its entities having filtered IPLs. This sub-pathway allows the user to focus on the most altered pathway network. Note that, because the set of entities having filtered IPLs are often different between samples, the pathway subset will be different between samples as well and represent sample-specific features. ```{r subNtw} # a matrix generated by `fltByPerm()` fltmat <- system.file('extdata/fltByPerm/flt_real.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # a pathway file fpth <- system.file('extdata/Pth/tiny_pth.txt', package='MPAC') # a gene set file in MSigDB's GMT format. It should be the same file that will # be used in the over-representation analysis below. fgmt <- system.file('extdata/ovrGMT/fake.gmt', package='MPAC') # to return a list of igraph objects representing the larget sub-pathway for # each sample subNtw(fltmat, fpth, fgmt, min_n_gmt_gns=1) ``` # Gene set over-representation To understand the biological functions of a sample's largest sub-pathway, MPAC performs gene set over-representation analysis on genes with non-zero IPLs in the sub-pathway. ```{r ovrGMT} # a list of igraph objects from `subNtw()` subntwl <- system.file('extdata/subNtw/subntwl.rds', package='MPAC') |>readRDS() # a gene set file that has been used in `subNtw()` fgmt <- system.file('extdata/ovrGMT/fake.gmt', package='MPAC') # (optional) genes that have CN and RNA data in the input files for PARADIGM omic_gns <- system.file('extdata/TcgaInp/inp_focal.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() |> rownames() # to return a matrix of over-representation adjusted p-values with rows as gene # set and columns as samples ovrGMT(subntwl, fgmt, omic_gns) ``` # Cluster samples by pathway over-representation With gene set over-representation adjusted p-values, MPAC can cluster samples as a way to investigate shared features between samples in the same cluster. Note that, due to randomness introduced in the louvain clustering in igraph R package version 1.3 (reported in its [Github issue #539](https://github.com/igraph/rigraph/issues/539)), it is recommended to run clustering multiple times to evaluate its variation. The `clSamp()` function has an argument, `n_random_runs`, to specify the number of random clustering jobs to run. ```{r clSamp} # a matrix of gene set over-representation adjusted p-values from `ovrGMT()` ovrmat <- system.file('extdata/clSamp/ovrmat.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # to return a data.table of clustering result by 5 random runs: # # - each row represents a clustering result # - the first column, `nreps`, indicates the number of occurrences of a # clustering result in the 5 random runs # - the other columns represents each sample's clustering membership # clSamp(ovrmat, n_random_runs=5) ``` # Find consensus pathway motifs within a cluster From the clustering results, MPAC can find consensus pathway motifs from samples within the same clusters. These motifs will represent cluster-specific pathway features. They often contain key proteins for further analysis. ```{r conMtf} # a list of igraph objects from `subNtw()` subntwl <- system.file('extdata/conMtf/subntwl.rds', package='MPAC') |>readRDS() # (optional) genes that have CN and RNA data in the input files for PARADIGM omic_gns <- system.file('extdata/TcgaInp/inp_focal.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() |> rownames() # to return a list of igraph objects representing consensus motifs conMtf(subntwl, omic_gns, min_mtf_n_nodes=50) ``` # Diagnostic plot ## Clustered samples by their altered pathways MPAC provides a function to plot a heatmap of samples clustered by their significantly over-represented GO terms ```{r pltOvrHm} #| fig.dim = c(8, 3.5), #| fig.cap = "A heatmap of samples clustered by their altered pathways" # GO term adjusted p-values, which are the output of `ovrGMT()` ovrmat <- system.file('extdata/pltOvrHm/ovr.rds',package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # clustering information of samples, which is the output of `clSamp()` cldt <- system.file('extdata/pltOvrHm/cl.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # to plot a heatmap on GO terms significantly over-represented in >= 80% of # samples in a group pltOvrHm(ovrmat, cldt, min_frc=0.8) ``` ## Display omic and pathway states of a protein and its neighbors MPAC implemented a diagnostic function to plot a heatmap of the omic and pathway states of a protein as well as the pathway states of this protein's pathway neighbors. This heatmap facilitates the identification of pathway determinants of this protein. ```{r pltNeiStt} #| fig.dim = c(8, 3.5), #| fig.cap = "A heatmap of CD86's omic and pathway state as well as its pathway #| neighbor's states." # protein of focus protein <- 'CD86' # input pathway file fpth <- system.file('extdata/Pth/tiny_pth.txt', package='MPAC') # CNA and RNA state matrix from `ppRealInp()` real_se <- system.file('extdata/pltNeiStt/inp_real.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # filtered IPL matrix from `fltByPerm()` fltmat <- system.file('extdata/pltNeiStt/fltmat.rds', package='MPAC') |> readRDS() # to plot a heatmap pltNeiStt(real_se, fltmat, fpth, protein) ``` # Session Info Below is the output of `sessionInfo()` on the system on which this document was compiled. ```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```