Changes in version 1.2 o Added the aggregateAcrossGenes() function, to compute an aggregate expression value for gene sets. o Added compute.cohens.d=, and options to scoreMarkers(). o Support top=Inf in chooseHighlyVariableGenes(). Also added the bound= argument to set a hard upper/lower bound. o Bugfix for correct filtering with block= in the various filter*QcMetrics() functions when not all blocking levels are present. o Bugfix to clusterKmeans() to respect the user-supplied seed= in relevant initialization methods. o Added a return.graph= option to return the SNN graph from runAllNeighborSteps(). o Added a testEnrichment() function for quick and dirty gene set enrichment testing. o Modified runPca() so that it caps number= to the maximum number of available PCs. o Added an analyze() function that provides a one-click approach for analyzing single-cell data. o Added a reportGroupMarkerStatistics() function to combine all marker statistics for a single group into one data frame. o Switch clusterGraph() to use C++ wrappers around the igraph community detection algorithms via Rigraphlib. This replaces the dependency on the igraph R package. o Added a delayed= option to avoid wrapping the matrix in a DelayedArray in normalizeCounts().