Changes in version 1.5.99 (2024-03-05) - Major update to the underlying representation of the slots. o Slots now use elementMetadata and colData. o No longer use internal col and row Data. o Almost all functions have been updated and testing is working but there may still be some edge cases that I have missed. o Better consistency with other child classes of SingleCellExperiment. Changes in version 1.3.0 (2024-05-01) - Minor changes to tests - Typo and indentation in vignette Changes in version 1.5.0 (2024-10-30) - Added a test for object validity error messages Changes in version 0.99.6 (2023-10-19) - Added return statements for all documentation files. This removes the warning from BiocCheck() Changes in version 0.99.5 (2023-10-19) - Added a few tests for internal functions Changes in version 0.99.4 (2023-10-18) - Updated description and readme - Improved indentation consistency - Split the miscellaneous documentation file into two Changes in version 0.99.3 (2023-10-10) - Removed all external downloads by bundling data into package Changes in version 0.99.2 (2023-10-03) - Added testing during R CMD check - Added more examples and updated documentation - Added support for additional colData in sumstats2QTL() Changes in version 0.99.1 (2023-09-28) - Small tweaks e.g. using seq_along() Changes in version 0.99.0 (2023-09-28) - Submitted to Bioconductor