\documentclass[9pt,xcolor=x11names,compress]{beamer} \usetheme{Rochester} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage[round]{natbib} \renewcommand{\newblock}{} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{bcSeq} \usepackage{bm} \newcommand{\pkgname}{\texttt{bcSeq}} \newcommand{\Rcpp}{\texttt{Rcpp}} \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number] \setbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{\insertenumlabel} \setbeamertemplate{enumerate subitem}{\alph{enumii}.} \renewcommand{\Pr}[1]{\mathbb P(#1)} \newcommand{\Ev}[1]{\mathbb E(#1)} \newcommand{\bI}{\mathbb I} \newcommand{\lr}{\mathbcal{\altr}} \newcommand{\ATGC}{\mathrm{A, T, G, C}} \newcommand{\ellr}{\rho{:}\lambda} \newcommand{\Yt}{\tilde{Y}} \newcommand{\R}{R} \renewcommand{\r}{r} \newcommand{\Rt}{\tilde{R}} \newcommand{\rt}{\tilde{r}} \newcommand{\rtvec}{\bm{\rt}} \newcommand{\rvec}{\bm{\r}} \newcommand{\Renv}{\texttt{R}} \newcommand{\eg}{{\tt e.g.}} \newcommand{\Cpp}{C++} \newcommand{\pkg}{{\tt bcSeq}} \newcommand{\ijtoL}[3]{{#1}_{#2,1},\ldots,{#1}_{#2,#3}} \newcommand{\jtoL}[2]{{#1}_{1},\ldots,{#1}_{#2}} \lstset{language=C++, basicstyle=\ttfamily, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\ttfamily, stringstyle=\color{red}\ttfamily, commentstyle=\color{green}\ttfamily, morecomment=[l][\color{magenta}]{\#} } \begin{document} <>= require(knitr) @ <>= options(width=80) # make the printing fit on the page set.seed(1121) # make the results repeatable stdt<-date() @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % title page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame} \title{\pkgname} \subtitle{Fast Sequence Alignment for High-throughput shRNA and CRISPR Screens} \author{Jiaxing Lin \and Jeremy Gresham \and Tongrong Wang \and So Young Kim \and James Alvarez \and Jeffrey S. Damrauer \and Scott Floyd \and Joshua Granek \and Andrew Allen \and Cliburn Chan \and Jichun Xie \and Kouros Owzar} \date{2018-10-17} \titlepage \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Outline} \tableofcontents[] \end{frame} \small \section{Introduction} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Introduction page 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}{Introduction} This document provides comprehensive instructions and examples for using the \pkgname{} package to perform alignment of CRISPR or shRNA reads to a library of sequences. The alignment is based on a 'Trie' data structure, a tree like data structure for fast searching. The algorithm is implemented in C++, and ported to \R{} by \Rcpp{}. \\ Features of this package include: \begin{enumerate} \item $O(N\bar{m})$ computational complexity (where $N$ is the number of sequence reads in the sample, and $\bar{m}$ is the average read length.) \item Short sequences alignment that can be applied to barcode matching and similar problems. \item Allows errors during the alignment. Supports both hamming and edit distance matching with constraints. \item Alignment qualities are evaluated and ambiguous alignments are resolved using Bayes' classifier. \item Support for user-defined matching probability models in evaluating the alignment quality. \end{enumerate} Note: using the 'Trie' data structure only unique barcode sequences in the library are kept. \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % bcseq_hamming arguments specfication page 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{\pkgname{}\_hamming} <>= bcSeq_hamming(sampleFile, libFile, outFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4, count_only = TRUE, detail_info = FALSE) @ \pkgname{}\_hamming can be used for performing alignment using hamming distance. \vspace{3mm} Function arguments:\\ \begin{description} \item[\texttt{sampleFile}:] (string or DNAStringSet) If a string it is the sample filename and needs to be a fastq file. \item[\texttt{libFile}:] (string or DNAStringSet) If a string it is the library filename, needs to be a fasta or fastq file. libFile and sampleFile must have the same type. \item[\texttt{outFile}:] (string) output filename. \item[\texttt{misMatch}:] (integer) the number of maximum mismatches or indels allowed in the alignment. \item[\texttt{tMat}:] (two column dataframe) prior probability of a mismatch given a sequence. The first column is the prior sequence, the second column is the prior error probability. The default values of prior error probability for all different sequences are 1/3. \item[\texttt{numThread}:] (integer) the number of threads for parallel computing. The default is 4. \end{description} \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % bcseq_hamming arguments specfication page 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{\pkgname{}\_hamming} Function arguments continued:\\ \begin{description} \item[\texttt{count\_only}:] (bool) option for function returns (default is \texttt{TRUE}). If set to \texttt{FALSE}, returns a list contains a vector of read IDs, and a vector of barcode IDs, and an alignment probability matrix between all the reads and barcodes. The vectors of read/barcode IDs serve as the row and column names for the alignment probability matrix respectively. Examples of the probability matrix are provided in the example section. Note that the probability matrix is a sparse matrix. \item[\texttt{detail\_info}:] (bool) option for controlling function returns, default to be \texttt{FALSE}. If set to \texttt{TRUE}, a file contain read indexes and library indexes reads aligned will be created with filename \texttt{\$(outFile).txt}. \end{description} \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % bcseq_hamming return specfication page 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{\pkgname{}\_hamming Return Values} Function returns: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{default}:] A csv count table is created and written to user specified file. The .csv file contains two columns, the first column is the sequences of the barcodes, and the second columns is the number of reads that aligned to the barcodes. A list containing a vector of read IDs and barcode IDs is returned to R. \end{description} Extra optional returns:\\ \begin{description} \item[\texttt{count\_only = FALSE}:] If set to \texttt{FALSE}, \pkgname{} will return a sparse matrix in the list containing the vectors of read IDs and barcode IDs. The rows of the matrix correspond to the vector of read IDs, and the columns correspond to the vector of barcode IDs. \end{description} \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %bcseq_edit argument specfication page 6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{\pkgname{}\_edit} <>= bcSeq_edit(sampleFile, libFile, outFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4, count_only = TRUE, userProb = NULL, gap_left = 2, ext_left = 1, gap_right = 2, ext_right = 1, pen_max = 5, detail_info = FALSE) @ \pkgname{}\_edit can be used for performing alignment using edit distance. \vspace{3mm} Function arguments for \pkgname{}\_edit:\\ \begin{description} \item[\texttt{sampleFile}:] (string or DNAStringSet) If a string it is the sample filename and needs to be a fastq file. \item[\texttt{libFile}:] (string or DNAStringSet) If a string it is the library filename, needs to be a fasta or fastq file. libFile and sampleFile must have the same type. \item[\texttt{outFile}:] (string) output filename. \item[\texttt{misMatch}:] (integer) the number of maximum mismatches allowed in the alignment. \item[\texttt{tMat}:] (two column dataframe) prior probability of a mismatch given a sequence. The first column is the prior sequence, the second column is the error rate. The default value for all prior sequences is 1/3. \item[\texttt{numThread}:] (integer) the number of threads for parallel computing, default to be 4. \end{description} \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %bcseq_edit argument specfication page 7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{\pkgname{}\_edit} Function arguments continued:\\ \begin{description} \item[\texttt{count\_only}:] (bool) option for function returns (default is \texttt{TRUE}). If set to \texttt{FALSE}, returns a list contains a vector of read IDs, and a vector of barcode IDs, and an alignment probability matrix between all the reads and barcodes. The vectors of read/barcode IDs serve as the row and column names for the alignment probability matrix respectively. Examples of the probability matrix are provided in the example section. Note that the probability matrix is a sparse matrix. \item[\texttt{userProb}:] (function) an vectorized R function taking three arguments: \texttt{userProb(max\_pen, prob, pen\_val)}, \texttt{max\_pen} is the maximum penalty allowed, \texttt{prob} is a vector containing the combined match/misMatch probabilities for each unique alignment between a given read and barcode, \texttt{pen\_val} is a vector containing total penalties for the reads and barcodes in the same order. \texttt{userProb} is a way for the user to control which alignments are considered. The default value is \texttt{NULL}, indicating the alignment probabilities are to be computed following the model presented in the Alignment Probability Model section and a comprehensive example is given there. \item[\texttt{detail\_info}:] (bool) option for controlling function returns, default to be \texttt{FALSE}. If set to \texttt{TRUE}, a file contain read indexes and library indexes reads aligned will be created with filename \texttt{\$(outFile).txt}. Not avaliable for user-defined probablity model case. \end{description} \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %bcseq_edit argument specfication page 8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{\pkgname{}\_edit function} Extra function arguments for tuning alignment based on edit distance:\\ \begin{description} \item[\texttt{gap\_left}:] (double) Penalty score for deleting a base for the reads. \item[\texttt{ext\_left}:] (double) Penalty score for extending a deletion of base for the reads. \item[\texttt{gap\_right}:] (double) Penalty score for inserting a base \item[\texttt{ext\_right}:] (double) Penalty score for extending an insertion \item[\texttt{pen\_max}:] (double) Maximum penalty allowed for any alignment \end{description} \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %bcseq_edit return specfication page 9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{\pkgname{}\_edit Return Values} Function returns: \begin{description} \item[\texttt{default}:] A csv count table is created and written to user specified file. The .csv file contains two columns, the first column is the sequences of the barcodes, and the second columns is the number of reads that aligned to the barcodes. A list containing a vector of read IDs and barcode IDs is returned to R. \end{description} Extra optional returns:\\ \begin{description} \item[\texttt{count\_only = FALSE}:] If set to \texttt{FALSE}, \pkgname{} will return a sparse matrix in the list containing the vectors of read IDs and barcode IDs. The rows of the matrix correspond to the vector of read IDs, and the columns correspond to the vector of barcode IDs. \end{description} \end{frame} \section{Examples} \subsection{Example Data} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % example dummy data page 10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{Example Library and Read simulation} \scriptsize Generating a library fasta file: <>= lFName <- "./libFile.fasta" bases <- c(rep('A', 4), rep('C',4), rep('G',4), rep('T',4)) numOfBars <- 7 Barcodes <- rep(NA, numOfBars*2) for (i in 1:numOfBars){ Barcodes[2*i-1] <- paste0(">barcode_ID: ", i) Barcodes[2*i] <- paste(sample(bases, length(bases)), collapse = '') } write(Barcodes, lFName) @ Generating a read fastq file: \scriptsize <>= rFName <- "./readFile.fastq" numOfReads <- 8 Reads <- rep(NA, numOfReads*4) for (i in 1:numOfReads){ Reads[4*i-3] <- paste0("@read_ID_",i) Reads[4*i-2] <- Barcodes[2*sample(1:numOfBars,1, replace=TRUE, prob=seq(1:numOfBars))] Reads[4*i-1] <- "+" Reads[4*i] <- paste(rawToChar(as.raw( 33+sample(20:30, length(bases),replace=TRUE))), collapse='') } write(Reads, rFName) @ \end{frame} \subsection{Example of Using \pkgname{}\_hamming} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % example of using bcSeq_hamming page 11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{Alignment by \pkgname{}\_hamming} \scriptsize Alignment using default mapping probability and output <>= library(Matrix) library(bcSeq) ReadFile <- "./readFile.fastq" BarFile <- "./libFile.fasta" outFile <- "./count.csv" res <- bcSeq_hamming(ReadFile, BarFile, outFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4, count_only = TRUE ) @ The function writes the read counts to a .csv file, the file name can be set through argument {\tt outFile}. \scriptsize <>= res <- read.csv(outFile, header=FALSE) res[1:3,] @ There are two columns in the output .csv file, the first column is the barcode sequence, and the second column is the corresponding number of reads aligned to the barcode. \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % example of using bcSeq_hamming with options page 12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{Alignment using \pkgname{}\_hamming with Optional Return} \scriptsize The package also provides an option for the user to output more detailed information for the alignments. The current version can return the alignment probability between the reads and the barcodes by setting argument {\tt count\_only} to "FALSE". <>= outFile <- "./count2.csv" bcSeq_hamming(ReadFile, BarFile, outFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4,count_only=FALSE ) @ <>= system("rm *csv") @ \end{frame} \subsection{Example of Using \pkgname{}\_edit} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % example of using bcSeq_edit page 13 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{Alignment by \pkgname{}\_edit} \scriptsize Alignment using default mapping probability and output format <>= res <- bcSeq_edit(ReadFile, BarFile, outFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4, count_only = TRUE, gap_left = 2, ext_left = 1, gap_right = 2, ext_right = 1, pen_max = 7) @ The function writes the read counts to a .csv file, the file name can be set through argument {\tt outFile}. \scriptsize <>= res <- read.csv(outFile, header=FALSE) res[1:3,] @ There are two columns in the output .csv file, the first column is the barcode sequence, and the second column is the corresponding number of reads aligned to the barcode. \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % example of using bcSeq_edit with options page 14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{Alignment using \pkgname{}\_edit with Optional Return} \scriptsize The package also provides an option for the user to output more detailed information for the alignments. The current version can return the alignment probability between the reads and the barcodes by setting argument {\tt count\_only} to "FALSE". <>= system("rm *csv") @ <>= outFile <- "./count2.csv" bcSeq_edit(ReadFile, BarFile, outFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4, count_only = FALSE, gap_left = 2, ext_left = 1, gap_right = 2, ext_right = 1, pen_max = 5) @ <>= system("rm *fastq *fasta *csv") @ \end{frame} \section{General Alignment Probability Model} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % alignment probability model page 15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{General Alignment Probability Model in \pkgname{}} Let $\Pr{\rtvec^k|\rvec}:=\Pr{\Rt=\rtvec^k|\R=\rvec}$ denote the probability that the read originated from barcode $k$, with the corresponding sequence $\rtvec^k$, given that the sequence of the observed read is $\rvec=[\r_1,\ldots,\r_L]$. \pkg{} models the joint probability distribution of the originating reads conditional on the corresponding observed reads, $\Pr{\rtvec^k|\rvec}$, under the assumption of conditional independence, as \begin{align*} \Pr{\rtvec^k|\rvec} & = \Pr{\Rt=\rtvec^k|\R=\rvec} \\ & = \Pr{\Rt=[\jtoL{\rt}{L}]|\R=[\jtoL{\r}{L}]} \\ & = \prod_{i=1}^L \Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R=[\jtoL{\r}{L}]} \\ & = \prod_{i=1}^L \Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=\r_j}. \\ \end{align*} The marginal conditional probability is modeled as \begin{equation*} \Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=\r_j} = \begin{cases} 1-\epsilon_j,&\rt_j=\r_j\\ \frac{\epsilon_j}{3}&\rt_j\ne\r_j, \end{cases} \end{equation*} where $\epsilon_j= 10^{-q_j/10}$ is the base-calling error probability corresponding to the observed Phred score $q_j$. \end{frame} \section{User-defined Alignment Probability Model} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % user defined probability model page 16 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{User defined Alignment Probability} \pkgname{} provides two approaches for the user to defined their own alignment probability \begin{itemize} \item User-defined Marginal Conditional Probability \item User-defined $\Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=\r_j}$ \end{itemize} \end{frame} \subsection{User-defined Prior Probability} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % user defined probability model page 17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{User-defined Marginal Conditional Probability} Redefine marginal conditional probability: \begin{align*} &\Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=\r_j} \\ \equiv&\Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=[\r_{j-n},\ldots,\r_j]} \\ =& \begin{cases} 1-\epsilon_j,&\rt_j=\r_j\\ f(\epsilon_j)_{\r_{j-n},\ldots,\r_j} &\rt_j\ne\r_j, \end{cases} \end{align*} This definition assumes that sequences before position $j$ has influence on the error rate. The option can be activated by providing a dataframe to the argument \texttt{tMat}. The first column of this dataframe is a vector of sequences $[\r_{j-n},\ldots,\r_j]$ and the second column is the corresponding value of $f(\epsilon_j)_{[\r_{j-n},\ldots,\r_j]}$. If a sequence is not in the dataframe the default values $\frac{\epsilon_j}{3}$ are used. \end{frame} \subsection{User-defined $\Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=\r_j}$} \label{userP} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % user defined probability model page 18 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{User-defined $\Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=\r_j}$} \small Customized $\Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=\r_j}$ are also supported by \pkgname{} for bcSeq\_edit. The user can define a function \texttt{userProb} to compute the alignment score. \texttt{userProb} is a vectorized R function taking three arguments: \texttt{userProb(max\_pen, prob, pen\_val)}, \texttt{max\_pen} is the maximum penalty allowed, \texttt{prob} is a vector containing the combined match/misMatch probabilities for each unique alignment between a given read and barcode, \texttt{pen\_val} is a vector containing total penalties for the reads and barcodes in the same order. \texttt{userProb} is a way for the user to control which alignments are considered. \scriptsize <>= customizeP <- function(max_pen, prob, pen_val) { prob * (1 - log(2) + log(1 + max_pen / (max_pen + pen_val) ) ) } bcSeq_edit(sampleFile, libFile, outFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4, count_only = TRUE, userProb = comstomizeP, gap_left = 2, ext_left = 1, gap_right = 2, ext_right = 1, pen_max = 5) @ \small Note: the using of user-defined $\Pr{\Rt_j=\rt_j|\R_j=\r_j}$ can add extra computation time. As defined here, \texttt{customizeP} is equivalent to the default model. \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % user defined probability model page 18 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile] \small The customized \texttt{userProb} function can also be defined using sounceCpp in a non-vectorized fashion. The function signature is Rcpp::NumericVector(double, Rcpp::NumericVector, Rcpp::NumericVector). <>= library(Rcpp) sourceCpp(code=' #include using namespace Rcpp; // [[Rcpp::export]] NumericVector cpp_fun(double m, NumericVector prob, NumericVector pen){ NumericVector ret; for(int i = 0; i < prob.size(); ++i){ ret.push_back(prob[i] * (1 - log(2) + log(1 + pen[i]/(m + pen[i])))); } return ret; }') bcSeq_edit(sampleFile, libFile, outFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4, count_only = TRUE, userProb = cpp_fun, gap_left = 2, ext_left = 1, gap_right = 2, ext_right = 1, pen_max = 5) @ \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % run MAGeCK data page 20 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Practical Example} \begin{frame}[fragile]{Practical Alignment Example} The sequencing library used in the benchmarking analysis can be downloaded from the MAGeCK website:\\ \url{ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR376/ERR376998/ERR376998.fastq.gz}\\ The reference barcode library can also be downloaded from Kosuke Yusa laboratory:\\ \url{https://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n3/extref/nbt.2800-S7.xlsx}\\ \begin{verbatim} get read and library file wget ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/ERR376/ERR376998/ERR376998.fastq.gz -P ./src/ wget https://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v32/n3/extref/nbt.2800-S7.xlsx -P ./src \end{verbatim} Process library data to fasta format <>= library(gdata) x <- read.xls("./nbt.2800-S7.xlsx") fName <- "./libgRNA.fasta" size <- nrow(x) for(i in 1:size){ cat(">seq ID","\n",file=fName, append=TRUE) cat(as.character(x$gRNA.sequence[i]),"\n", file=fName, append=TRUE)} fName <- "./libgRNA.csv" size <- nrow(x) for(i in 1:size){ cat(as.character(x$gRNA.sequence[i]),"\n", file=fName, append=TRUE)} @ \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % run MAGeCK data page 21 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{frame}[fragile]{Practical Alignment Example} Unzip the reads and trim the adaptor \begin{verbatim} gunzip ERR376998.fastq.gz \end{verbatim} Ad hoc C++ function for trimming adaptor (\texttt{trimMAGeCK.cpp}) \scriptsize \begin{lstlisting} #include #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int length = 0; string line; ifstream myfile (argv[1]); ofstream outfile (argv[2]); if (myfile.is_open()){ while ( getline (myfile,line) ){ outfile << line < #include #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int length = 0; string line; std::unordered_set myset; ifstream myfile (argv[1]); ofstream outfile (argv[2]); if (myfile.is_open()){ while ( getline (myfile,line) ) getline (myfile,line); myset.insert(line); myfile.close();} for(const std::string& x: myset) outfile << ">fake ID "<>= library(bcSeq) readFileName <- "ERR376998_trimed.fastq" libFileName <- "libgRNA.fasta" alignedFile <- "SampleAligned.txt" bcSeq_hamming(readFileName, libFileName, alignedFile, misMatch = 2, tMat = NULL, numThread = 4, count_only = TRUE) @ \end{frame} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % section information page 21 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Session Information} \begin{frame}[fragile]{Session Information} <>= toLatex(sessionInfo(), locale=FALSE) @ <>= print(paste("Start Time",stdt)) print(paste("End Time ",date())) @ \end{frame} \end{document}