%\VignetteIndexEntry{OUTRIDER: OUTlier in RNA-seq fInDER} %\VignettePackage{OUTRIDER} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} \documentclass[11pt]{article} <>= BiocStyle::latex() @ <>= library(knitr) opts_chunk$set( tidy=FALSE, dev="png", fig.width=7, fig.height=7, dpi=300, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, cache=TRUE ) @ \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} \newcommand{\outrider}{\Biocpkg{OUTRIDER}} \newcommand{\rna}{RNA-seq} \newcommand{\deseq}{\Biocpkg{DESeq2}} \newcommand{\ods}{\Rclass{OutriderDataSet}} \title{OUTRIDER - OUTlier in RNA-Seq fInDER} \author{ Felix Brechtmann$^{1}$, Christian Mertes$^{1}$, Agne Matuseviciute$^{1}$, Vicente Yepez$^{1}$, Julien Gagneur$^{1}$ \\ \small{$^{1}$ Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen, Department of Informatics, Garching, Germany} } \begin{document} <>= opts_chunk$set(concordance=TRUE) @ \maketitle \begin{abstract} In the field of diagnostics of rare diseases, \rna{} is emerging as an important and complementary tool for whole exome and whole genome sequencing. \outrider{} is a framework that detects aberrant gene expression within a group of samples. It uses the negative binomial distribution which is fitted for each gene over all samples. We additionally provide an autoencoder, which automatically controls for co-variation before fitting. After fitting, each sample can be tested for aberrantly expressed genes. Furthermore, \outrider{} provides functionality to easily filter unexpressed genes, to analyse the data as well as to visualize the results. \vspace{3em} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ | l | } \hline If you use \outrider{} in published research, please cite: \\ \\ Brechtmann F*, Mertes C*, Matuseviciute A*, Yepez V, Avsec Z, Herzog M, \\ Bader D M, Prokisch H, Gagneur J; \textbf{OUTRIDER: A statistical method} \\ \textbf{for detecting aberrantly expressed genes in RNA sequencing data}; \\ \emph{bioRxiv}; 2018 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{abstract} \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage <>= suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(OUTRIDER) library(beeswarm) }) if(multicoreWorkers() >= 4){ register(MulticoreParam(min(6, multicoreWorkers()))) } else { register(SerialParam()) } @ \section{Introduction} \outrider{} (OUTlier in RNA-seq fInDER) is a tool for finding aberrantly expressed genes in RNA-seq samples. It does so by fitting a negative binomial model to RNA-seq read counts, correcting for variations in sequencing depth and apparent co-variations across samples. Read counts that significantly deviate from the distribution are detected as outliers. \outrider{} makes use of an autoencoder to control automatically for confounders within the data. A scheme of this approach is given in Figure \ref{autoencoder_sketch}. \incfig{autoencoder_sketch}{1\textwidth}{Context-dependent outlier detection.}{ The algorithm identifies gene expression outliers whose read counts are significantly aberrant given the co-variations typically observed across genes in an RNA sequencing data set. This is illustrated by a read count (left panel, fifth column, second row from the bottom) that is exceptionally high in the context of correlated samples (left six samples) but not in absolute terms for this given gene. To capture commonly seen biological and technical contexts, an autoencoder models co-variations in an unsupervised fashion and predicts read count expectations. By comparing the earlier mentioned read count with these context-dependent expectations, it is revealed as exceptionally high (right panel). The lower panels illustrate the distribution of read counts before and after applying the correction for the relevant gene. The red dotted lines depict significance cutoffs.} Differential gene expression analysis from RNA-seq data is well-established. The packages \deseq{}\cite{Love2014} or \Biocpkg{edgeR}\cite{Robinson2010} provide effective workflows and preprocessing steps to perform differential gene expression analysis. However, these methods aim at detecting significant differences between groups of samples. In contrast, \outrider{} aims at detecting outliers within a given population. A scheme of this difference is given in figure \ref{fig:deVsOutlier}. <>= par.old <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) par(mfrow=c(1,2), cex=1.2) ylim <- c(80, 310) a <- rnorm(10, 250, 10) b <- rnorm(10, 120, 10) c <- rnorm(100, 250, 20) c[1] <- 105 beeswarm(list(A=a, B=b), main="Differential\nexpression analysis\n(DESeq2/edgeR)", xlab="Condition", ylab="Expression", ylim=ylim, pch=20, col=c("darkblue", "firebrick")) beeswarm(c, main="Outlier\ndetection\n(OUTRIDER)", ylim=ylim, pch=20, xlab="Population", ylab="Expression", col="firebrick") par(par.old) @ \section{Prerequisites} To get started on the preprocessing step, we recommend to read the introductions of \deseq{}\cite{Love2014}, \Biocpkg{edgeR}\cite{Robinson2010} or the RNA-seq workflow from Bioconductor: \Biocpkg{rnaseqGene}. In brief, one usually starts with the raw FASTQ files from the RNA sequencing run. Those are then aligned to a given reference genome. At the time of writing (October 2018), we recommend the STAR aligner\cite{Dobin2013}. After obtaining the aligned BAM files, one can map the reads to exons or genes of a GTF annotation file using HT-seq or by using \Rfunction{summarizedOverlaps} from \Biocpkg{GenomicAlignments}. The resulting count table can then be loaded into the \outrider{} package as we will describe below. \section{A quick tour} Here we assume that we already have a count table and no additional preprocessing needs to be done. We can start and obtain results with 3 commands. First, create an \ods{} from a count table or a Summarized Experiment object. Second, run the full pipeline using the command \Rfunction{OUTRIDER}. In the third and last step the results table is extracted from the \ods{} with the \Rfunction{results} function. Furthermore, analysis plots that are described in section \ref{sec:Results} can be directly created from the \ods{} object. <>= library(OUTRIDER) # get data ctsFile <- system.file('extdata', 'KremerNBaderSmall.tsv', package='OUTRIDER') ctsTable <- read.table(ctsFile, check.names=FALSE) ods <- OutriderDataSet(countData=ctsTable) # filter out non expressed genes ods <- filterExpression(ods, minCounts=TRUE, filterGenes=TRUE) # run full OUTRIDER pipeline (control, fit model, calculate P-values) ods <- OUTRIDER(ods) # results (only significant) res <- results(ods) head(res) # example of a Q-Q plot for the most significant outlier plotQQ(ods, res[1, geneID]) @ \section{An \outrider{} analysis in detail} Apart from running the full pipeline using the single wrapper function \Rfunction{OUTRIDER}, the analysis can also be run step by step. The wrapper function does not include any preprocessing functions. Discarding non expressed genes or samples failing quality measurements should be done manually before running the \Rfunction{OUTRIDER} function or starting the analysis pipeline. In this section we will explain the analysis functions step by step. For this tutorial we will use the rare disease data set from Kremer \textit{et al}.\cite{Kremer2017}. For testing purposes, this package contains a small subset of it. \subsection{OutriderDataSet} To use \outrider{} create an \ods, which derives from a RangedSummarizedExperiment object. The \ods can be created by supplying a count matrix and optional sample annotation matrices. Alternatively, an existing Summarized experiment object from other Biocnductor backages can be used. <>= # small testing data set odsSmall <- makeExampleOutriderDataSet(dataset="Kremer") # full data set from Kremer et al. URL <- paste0("https://media.nature.com/original/nature-assets/", "ncomms/2017/170612/ncomms15824/extref/ncomms15824-s1.txt") ctsTable <- read.table(URL, sep="\t") # create OutriderDataSet object ods <- OutriderDataSet(countData=ctsTable) @ \subsection{Preprocessing} It is recommended to preprocess the data before fitting. Our model requires that for every gene at least one sample has a non-zero count and that we observe at least one read for every 100 samples. Therefore, all genes that are not expressed must be discarded. We provide the function \Rfunction{filterExpression} to remove genes that have low FPKM (Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads) expression values. The needed annotation to estimate FPKM values from the counts should be the same as for the counting. Here, we normalize by the total exon length of a gene. To do so the joint lenght of all exons needs to be provided. When providing a gtf, gff or TxDb object to the \Rfunction{filterExpression}, we extract this information automatically. But therfore the geneID's of the count table and the gtf need to match. By default the cutoff is set to an FPKM value of one and only the filtered \ods{} object is returned. If required, the FPKM values can be stored in the \ods{} object and the full object can be returned to visualize the distribution of reads before and after filtering. <>= # get annotation library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) library(org.Hs.eg.db) txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene map <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys=keys(txdb, keytype = "GENEID"), keytype="ENTREZID", columns=c("SYMBOL")) @ However, the \Robject{TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene} contains only well annotated genes. This annotation will miss a lot of genes captured by RNA-seq. To include all predicted annotations as well as non-coding RNAs please download the txdb object from our homepage\footnote{\url{https://i12g-gagneurweb.in.tum.de/public/paper/mitoMultiOmics/ucsc.knownGenes.db}} or create it yourself from the UCSC website\footnote{\url{https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables}}$^,$\footnote{\url{http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Genes_in_gtf_or_gff_format}}. <>= library(RMySQL) library(AnnotationDbi) txdbUrl <- paste0("https://i12g-gagneurweb.in.tum.de/public/", "paper/mitoMultiOmics/ucsc.knownGenes.db") download.file(txdbUrl, "ucsc.knownGenes.db") txdb <- loadDb("ucsc.knownGenes.db") con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), host='genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu', dbname="hg19", user='genome') map <- dbGetQuery(con, 'select kgId AS TXNAME, geneSymbol from kgXref') @ <>= # calculate FPKM values and label not expressed genes ods <- filterExpression(ods, txdb, mapping=map, filterGenes=FALSE, savefpkm=TRUE) # display the FPKM distribution of counts. plotFPKM(ods) # do the actual subsetting based on the filtering labels ods <- ods[mcols(ods)$passedFilter,] @ \subsection{Controlling for Confounders} The next step in any analysis workflow is to visualize the correlations between samples. In most RNA-seq experiments correlations between the samples can be observed. These are often due to technical confounders (e.g. sequencing batch) or biological confounders (e.g. sex, age). These confounders can adversely affect the detection of aberrant features. Therefore, we provide options to control for them. <>= # Heatmap of the sample correlation # it can also annotate the clusters resulting from the dendrogram ods <- plotCountCorHeatmap(ods, normalized=FALSE, nCluster=4) @ We have different ways to control for confounders present in the data. The first and standard way is to calculate the \Rfunction{sizeFactors} as done in \deseq{}\cite{Love2014}. Additionally, the \Rfunction{controlForConfounders} function calls an autoencoder that automatically controls for confounders present in the data. Therefore an encoding dimension $q$ needs to be set or the default value 20 is used. The optimal value of $q$ can be determined using the \Rfunction{findEncodingDim} function. After controlling for confounders, the heatmap should be plotted again. If it worked, no batches should be present and the correlations between samples should be reduced and close to zero. <>= # automatically control for confounders # we use only 5 iterations to make the vignette faster. The default is 15. ods <- estimateSizeFactors(ods) ods <- controlForConfounders(ods, q=21, iterations=5) # Heatmap of the sample correlation after controlling ods <- plotCountCorHeatmap(ods, normalized=TRUE) @ Alternatively, other methods can be used to control for confounders. In addition to the \textit{autoencoder}, we implemented a PCA based approach. The PCA implementation can be utilized by setting \Robject{implementation="pca"}. Also PEER can be used together with the OUTRIDER framework. A detailed description on how to do this can be found in section \ref{sec:PEER}. Furthermore, any other method can be used by providing the \Rfunction{normalizationFactor} matrix. This matrix must be computed beforehand using the appropriate method. Its purpose is to normalize for technical effects or control for additional expression patterns. \subsection{Finding the right encoding dimension \textit{q}} In the previous section, we fixed the encoding dimension $q=21$. But having the right encoding dimension is crucial in finding outliers in the data. On the one hand, if \textit{q} is too big the autoencoder will learn the identity matrix and will overfit the data. On the other hand, if \textit{q} is too small the autoencoder cannot learn the necessary covariates existing in the data. Therefore, it is recommended for any new dataset to estimate the optimal encoding dimension to gain the best performance. With the function \Rfunction{findEncodingDim} one can find the optimal encoding dimension. To this end, we artificially introduce corrupted counts randomly into the dataset and monitor the performance calling those corrupted counts. The optimal dimension \textit{q} is then selected as the dimension maximizing the area under the precision-recall curve for identifying corrupted counts. <>= # find the optimal encoding dimension q ods <- findEncodingDim(ods) # visualize the hyper parameter optimization plotEncDimSearch(ods) @ Since this function runs a full OUTRIDER fit for a range of encoding dimensions, it is quite CPU intensive, but can increase the overall performance of the autoencoder and is recommended for any data set. If \textit{q} is not provided by the user, it will be estimated based on the number of samples. \subsubsection{Excluding samples from the autoencoder fit} Since OUTRIDER expects that each sample within the population is independent of all others, replicates could mask effects specific to this sample. This is also true if trios are present in the data, where the parents can be seen as biological replicates. Here, we recommend to exclude the sample of interest or the replicates from the fitting. Later on, for all samples P-values are calculated. In this rare disease data set we know that two samples (MUC1344 and MUC1365) have the same defect. To exclude one or both of them, we can use the \Rfunction{sampleExclusionMask} function. <>= # set exclusion mask sampleExclusionMask(ods) <- FALSE sampleExclusionMask(ods[,"MUC1365"]) <- TRUE # check which samples are excluded from the autoencoder fit sampleExclusionMask(ods) @ \subsection{Fitting the negative binomial model} The fit of the negative binomial model is done during the autoencoder fitting. This step is only needed if alternative methods to control the data are used. To fit the dispersion and the mean, the \Rfunction{fit} function is applied to the \ods{}. <>= # fit the model when alternative methods where used in the control step ods <- fit(ods) hist(theta(ods)) @ \subsection{P-value calculation} After determining the fit parameters, two-sided P-values are computed using the following equation: \begin{equation} p_{ij} = 2 \cdot min \left\{\frac{1}{2}, \sum_{0}^{k_{ij}} NB(\mu_{ij} ,\theta_i), 1 - \sum_{0}^{k_{ij-1}} NB(\mu_{ij} ,\theta_i) \right\}, \end{equation} where the $\frac{1}{2}$ term handles the case of both terms exceeding 0.5, which can happen due to the discrete nature of counts. Here $\mu_{ij}$ are computed as the product of the fitted correction values from the autoencoder and the fitted mean adjustements. If required a one-sided test can be performed using the argument \Robject{alternative} and specifying 'less' or 'greater' depending on the research question. Multiple testing correction is done across all genes in a per-sample fashion using Benjamini-Yekutieli's false discovery rate method\cite{Benjamini2001}. Alternatively, all adjustment methods supported by \Rfunction{p.adjust} can be used via the \Robject{method} argument. <>= # compute P-values (nominal and adjusted) ods <- computePvalues(ods, alternative="two.sided", method="BY") @ \subsection{Z-score calculation} The Z-scores on the log transformed counts can be used for visualization, filtering, and ranking of samples. By running the \Rfunction{computeZscores} function, the Z-scores are computed and stored in the \ods{} object. The Z-scores are calculated using: \begin{equation} z_{ij} = \frac{l_{ij} - \mu_j^l}{\sigma_j^l} \end{equation} \begin{equation*} l_{ij} = \log_2{(\frac{k_{ij} + 1}{c_{ij} + 1})}, \end{equation*} where $\mu_j^l$ is the mean and $\sigma_j^l$ the standard deviation of gene $j$ and $l_{ij}$ is the log transformed count after correction for confounders. <>= # compute the Z-scores ods <- computeZscores(ods) @ \section{Results} \label{sec:Results} The \outrider{} package offers multiple ways to display the results. It creates a results table containing all the values computed during the analysis. Furthermore, it offers various plot functions that guide the user through the analysis. \subsection{Results table} The \Rfunction{results} function gathers all the previously computed values and combines them into one table. <>= # get results (default only significant, padj < 0.05) res <- results(ods) head(res) dim(res) # setting a different significance level and filtering by Z-scores res <- results(ods, padjCutoff=0.1, zScoreCutoff=2) head(res) dim(res) @ \subsection{Number of aberrant genes per sample} One quantity of interest is the number of aberrantly expressed genes per sample. This can be displayed using the plotting function \Rfunction{plotAberrantPerSample}. Alternatively, the function \Rfunction{aberrant} can be used to identify aberrant events, which can be summed by sample or gene using the paramter \Robject{by}. These numbers depend on the cutoffs, which can be specified in both functions (\Robject{padjCutoff} and \Robject{zScoreCutoff}). <>= # number of aberrant genes per sample tail(sort(aberrant(ods, by="sample"))) tail(sort(aberrant(ods, by="gene", zScoreCutoff=1))) # plot the aberrant events per sample plotAberrantPerSample(ods, padjCutoff=0.05) @ \subsection{Volcano plots} To view the distribution of P-values on a sample level, volcano plots can be displayed. Most of the plots make use of the \CRANpkg{plotly} framework to create interactive plots. To only use basic R functionality from \CRANpkg{graphics} the \Rcode{basePlot} argument can be set to \Rcode{TRUE}. <>= # MUC1344 is a diagnosed sample from Kremer et al. plotVolcano(ods, "MUC1344", basePlot=TRUE) @ \subsection{Gene level plots} Additionally, we include two plots at the gene level. \Rfunction{plotExpressionRank} plots the counts in ascending order. By default, the controlled counts are plotted. To plot raw counts, the argument \Robject{normalized} can be set to \Rcode{FALSE}. When using the \CRANpkg{plotly} framework for plotting, all computed values are displayed for each data point. The user can access this information by hovering over each data point with the mouse. <>= # expression rank of a gene with outlier events plotExpressionRank(ods, "TIMMDC1", basePlot=TRUE) @ The quantile-quantile plot can be used to see whether the fit converged well. In presence of an outlier, it can happen that most of the points end up below the confidence band. This is fine and indicates that we have conservative P-values for the other points. Here is an example with two outliers: <>= ## QQ-plot for a given gene plotQQ(ods, "TIMMDC1") @ \section{Additional features} \subsection{Using PEER to control for confounders} \label{sec:PEER} PEER\cite{Stegle2012} is a well known tool to control for unknown effects in RNA-seq data. PEER is only available through the \Githubpkg{PMBio/peer} GitHub repository. The R source code can be downloaded form here: \url{https://github.com/downloads/PMBio/peer/R_peer_source_1.3.tgz}. The installation of the package has to be done manually by the user. After the installation one can use the following function to control for confounders with PEER. <>= #' #' PEER implementation #' peer <- function(ods, maxFactors=NA, maxItr=1000){ # check for PEER if(!require(peer)){ stop("Please install the 'peer' package from GitHub to use this ", "functionality.") } # default and recommendation by PEER: min(0.25*n, 100) if(is.na(maxFactors)){ maxFactors <- min(as.integer(0.25* ncol(ods)), 100) } # log counts logCts <- log2(t(t(counts(ods)+1)/sizeFactors(ods))) # prepare PEER model model <- PEER() PEER_setNmax_iterations(model, maxItr) PEER_setNk(model, maxFactors) PEER_setPhenoMean(model, logCts) PEER_setAdd_mean(model, TRUE) # run fullpeer pipeline PEER_update(model) # extract PEER data peerResiduals <- PEER_getResiduals(model) peerMean <- t(t(2^(logCts - peerResiduals)) * sizeFactors(ods)) # save model in object normalizationFactors(ods) <- pmax(peerMean, 1E-8) metadata(ods)[["PEER_model"]] <- list( alpha = PEER_getAlpha(model), residuals = PEER_getResiduals(model), W = PEER_getW(model)) return(ods) } @ With the function above we can run the full OUTRIDER pipeline as follows: <>= # Control for confounders with PEER ods <- estimateSizeFactors(ods) ods <- peer(ods) ods <- fit(ods) ods <- computeZscores(ods, peerResiduals=TRUE) ods <- computePvalues(ods) # Heatmap of the sample correlation after controlling ods <- plotCountCorHeatmap(ods, normalized=TRUE) @ \subsection{Power anaylsis} We provide the \Rfunction{plotPowerAnalysis} function to show, what kind of changes can be significant depending on the mean count. <>= ## P-values versus Mean Count plotPowerAnalysis(ods) @ Here, we see that it is only for sufficiently high expressed genes possible, to obtain significant P-values, especially for the downregulation cases. \bibliography{bibliography} \section*{Session info} Here is the output of \Rfunction{sessionInfo()} on the system on which this document was compiled: <>= sessionInfo() @ \end{document}