version 1.0.3
* Fixed bug when using openjdk instead of Oracle Java runtime
* Use shell instead of system on windows machines when running async

version 1.0.2
* Fixed bug in Vignette introduced in 1.0.1

version 1.0.1
* Fixed bug in how isotope errors were handled on windows machines
* Fixed bug in msgfParModificationList constructor

version 1.0.0
* Release in Bioconductor 3.0

version 0.99.3
* Fix in documentation

version 0.99.2
* Added introduction to vignette
* Added sessionInfo to vignette
* Removed calls to library(MSGFplus) in tests

version 0.99.1
* Update vignette styling and code

version 0.99.0
* Submission to Bioconductor
* Update MS-GF+ to v10072