

    o A new Bioconductor experimental data package that includes read count data generated from the RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of 2,758 libraries from 12 different sites, carried out by the SEQC/MAQC III Consortium (published in Nat Biotech, 2014). Data were generated from three major sequencing platforms: the Illumina HiSeq 2000 devices (ILM), the Roche 454 GS FLX platform (ROC) and Life Technologies' SOLiD 5500 instruments. Sequence reads were deposited into the GEO database. This package includes read counts generated for each gene in each library at each sequencing site. Sequence reads were aligned using the Subread aligner and summarized using the featureCounts software. The size of this package is 188MB (source).

    o In addition to read count data, this package also includes the exon-exon junctions discovered for different samples.

    o Read counts for ERCC spike-in sequences and TaqMan RT-PCR data for more than 800 genes are also included.