# synergyfinder 1.6.1 ## New features * fix bugs in PlotDoseResponse for non-square matrix * allow to separate concentration units for each drug # synergyfinder 1.5.1 ## New features * change license to Mozilla Public License 2.0 * update the citation information * fix for non-square dose response matrix # synergyfinder 1.3.0 ## New features * new kriging function in PlotSynergy function # synergyfinder 0.99.2 ## New features * Fixed the no convergence issue when fitting single drugs. * Fixed the Emin and Emax to 0 and 100 in PlotDoseResponse function. * User can set Emin and Emax for fitting single drugs. * Choose drug combination pair in PlotDoseResponse function. * Choose drug combination pair in PlotSynergy function. * Set legend starting and ending point in PlotSynergy function. # synergyfinder 0.99.1 ## New features * Fixed the issues in PlotSynergy function when the matrix is not 6*6. * Fixed the wrong labels of 3D synergy plot. * Fixed the index issues in Loewe function. # synergyfinder 0.99.0 ## New features * Four synergy score methods are implemented.