seq2pathway 1.1.8: - Used rather than sessionInfor() to extract platform information - Avoided the use of "\\" in R - Added a parameter "Ontology" to the function FisherTest_GO_BP_MF_CC() seq2pathway 1.1.6: - Corrected the python path for Linux users - Activated the demo code in R help files and vignettes - Changed the maintainer seq2pathway 1.1.4: - Update the Fisher's exact test used mouse gene background. - Replace the mm10 GENCODE database V3 with V4 in the seq2pathway 1.1.2: - add citation seq2pathway 1.0.2: - add parameter UTR3 in function runseq2gene seq2pathway 1.0.0: - Modify function gene2pathway_test - Correct some help type seq2pathway 0.99.0: - First submit to Bioconductor.