### R code from vignette source 'mammaPrintData.Rnw' ### Encoding: UTF-8 ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: start ################################################### ### setCacheDir("cacheSweave") ### if (! file.exists("./cacheSweave") ) { ### dir.create("./cacheSweave") ### } ### setCacheDir("cacheSweave") options(width=75) options(continue=" ") rm(list=ls()) myDate <- format(Sys.Date(), "%b %d, %Y") ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: getPackagesBioc ################################################### ###Get the list of available packages installedPckgs <- installed.packages()[,"Package"] ###Define the list of desired libraries pckgListBIOC <- c("Biobase", "limma", "gdata") ###Source the biocLite.R script from Bioconductor source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") ###Load the packages, install them from Bioconductor if needed for (pckg in pckgListBIOC) { if (! pckg %in% installedPckgs) biocLite(pckg) require(pckg, character.only=TRUE) } ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: get70genes (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ###Chunk not executed: files are already included ## ### Shown here just to show the source of the data ## dir.create("../extdata/seventyGenes", showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) ## ###Define the url for Supplementary data on the Nature Website ## url <- "http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v415/n6871/extref/415530a-s9.xls" ## ###Dowload the Excel file from Nature ## download.file(url, destfile="../extdata/seventyGenes/415530a-s9.xls", ## quiet = FALSE, mode = "w", cacheOK = TRUE) ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: read70genes ################################################### ###Load the library to process Excell files require(gdata) ###Read the Excel file with the 70-genes signature information for van't Veer dataset myFile <- system.file("./extdata/seventyGene", "415530a-s9.xls", package = "mammaPrintData") gns231 <- read.xls(myFile, skip=0, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ###Remove special characters in the colums header ###These are due to white spaces present in the Excel file colnames(gns231) <- gsub("\\.\\.", "", colnames(gns231)) ###Remove GO annotation gns231 <- gns231[, -grep("sp_xref_keyword_list", colnames(gns231))] ###Check the structure of the data.frame str(gns231) ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: read70genes2 ################################################### ###Reorder the genes in decreasing order by absolute correlation gns231 <- gns231[order(abs(gns231$correlation), decreasing=TRUE),] ###Select the feature identifiers corresponding to the top 70 genes gns70 <- gns231[1:70,] ###Create a list of features and gene symbols for later use progSig <- list(gns231acc = unique(gns231$accession), gns231name = unique(gns231$gene.name), gns231any = unique(c(gns231$accession, gns231$gene.name)), gns70acc = unique(gns70$accession), gns70name = unique(gns70$gene.name), gns70any = unique(c(gns70$accession, gns70$gene.name)) ) ###Remove empty elements progSig <- lapply(progSig, function(x) x[x!=""]) ###Create a data.frame of correlations with combined accession ###and gene symbols as identifiers gns231Cors <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE, ID=c(gns231$gene.name[ gns231$gene.name %in% progSig$gns231any ], gns231$accession), gns231Cors=c(gns231$correlation[ gns231$gene.name %in% progSig$gns231any ], gns231$correlation) ) ####Keep unique only progSig$gns231Cors <- gns231Cors[!duplicated(gns231Cors$ID), ] progSig$gns231Cors <- gns231Cors[gns231Cors$ID != "", ] ###Check the structure of the list just created str(progSig) ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: getETAB115 (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ###Chunk nor executed: files are already included in the package ## ###This chunk is just to show the source of the data ## ###Load the ArrayExpress library ## require(ArrayExpress) ## ###Create a working directory ## dir.create("../extdata/ETABM115", showWarnings = FALSE) ## ###Obtain the data package E-TABM-115 from ArrayExpress ## etabm115 <- getAE("E-TABM-115", type = "full", path="../extdata/ETABM115", extract=FALSE) ## ###Save ## save(etabm115, file="../extdata/ETABM115/etabm115.rda") ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: readETAB115pheno ################################################### ###Load the Biobase library require(Biobase) ###List the files obtained from ArrayExpress etabm155filesLoc <- system.file("extdata/ETABM115", package = "mammaPrintData") head(dir(etabm155filesLoc)) ###Read the phenotypic information from "E-TABM-115.sdrf.txt" targets <- read.table(dir(etabm155filesLoc, full.names=TRUE, pattern="E-TABM-115.sdrf.txt.gz"), comment.char="", sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ###Check and process the phenotypic information: keep non-redundant information targets <- targets[, apply(targets, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) != 1 )] ###Reorder by file name targets <- targets[order(targets$Array.Data.File, decreasing=TRUE),] ###Remove points in colnames colnames(targets) <- gsub("\\.$","",gsub("\\.\\.",".",colnames(targets))) ###Show the available phenotypic iformation str(targets) ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: checkETAB115sdrf ################################################### ###Check targets data.frame dimentions dim(targets) ###Count the unique file names length(unique(targets$Array.Data.File)) ###Count the number of rows associated with each channel table(CHANNEL=targets$Label) ###Count the number of rows for the reference RNA (named "MRP") in each channel table(CHANNEL=targets$Label, REFERENCE=targets$Sample.Name == "MRP") ###Count the number of distinct RNA analyzed (excluding the refernce RNA) sum(REFERENCE=targets$Sample.Name!="MRP") ###Count the number of metastatic events table(METASTASES=targets$Characteristics.EventDistantMetastases) ###Count the number of rown for which metastatic events is missing table(MISSING=is.na(targets$Characteristics.EventDistantMetastases)) ###Check if missing clinical information is exactly associated with ###hybridizations where the "MRP" reference RNA was used in the Cy5 channel table(MISSING=is.na(targets$Characteristics.EventDistantMetastases), REFERENCE=targets$Sample.Name!="MRP") ################################################### ### code chunk number 9: ETAB115rglist ################################################### ###List files for E-TABM-115 experiment etabm155filesLoc <- system.file("extdata/ETABM115", package = "mammaPrintData") etabm155files <- list.files(etabm155filesLoc, pattern="^US") ###Check whether all available files correspond to the targets$Array.Data.File all(paste(targets$Array.Data.File, ".gz", sep="") %in% etabm155files) ###Check whether they are ordered in the same way all(paste(targets$Array.Data.File, ".gz", sep="") == etabm155files) ###Load the required library require(limma) ###Define the columns which will be read from the raw files selection colsList <- list(Rf="Feature Extraction Software:rMedianSignal", Rb="Feature Extraction Software:rBGMedianSignal", Gf="Feature Extraction Software:gMedianSignal", Gb="Feature Extraction Software:gBGMedianSignal", logRatio="Feature Extraction Software:LogRatio", logRatioError="Feature Extraction Software:LogRatioError") ###Subset the targets data.frame for the hybridization in which the Reference RNA was labeled with Cy3 targetsCy3info <- targets[ targets$Source.Name == "MRP" & targets$Label == "Cy3", ] dim(targetsCy3info) ###Subset the targets data.frame for the hybridization in which the Reference RNA was labeled with Cy5 targetsCy5info <- targets[ targets$Source.Name != "MRP" & targets$Label == "Cy5", ] dim(targetsCy5info) ###The two sets of hybridizations above should be mutually exclusive all(targetsCy3info$Array.Data.File != targetsCy5info$Array.Data.File) ###Create an "RGList" using specific columns for the first set of swapped hybridizations: RGcy3 <- read.maimages(paste(targetsCy3info$Array.Data.File, ".gz", sep=""), source="generic", columns=colsList, annotation="Reporter identifier", path=etabm155filesLoc, verbose=FALSE) ###Add targets information RGcy3$targets <- targetsCy3info ###Format Reporter identifiers RGcy3$genes$ID <- gsub(".+A-MEXP-318\\.", "", RGcy3$genes[, "Reporter identifier"]) ###Check dimensions dim(RGcy3) ###Create an "RGList" using specific columns for the second set of swapped hybridizations: RGcy5 <- read.maimages(paste(targetsCy3info$Array.Data.File, ".gz", sep=""), source="generic", columns=colsList, annotation="Reporter identifier", path=etabm155filesLoc, verbose=FALSE) ###Add targets information RGcy5$targets <- targetsCy5info ###Format Reporter identifiers RGcy5$genes$ID <- gsub(".+A-MEXP-318\\.", "", RGcy5$genes[, "Reporter identifier"]) ###Check dimensions dim(RGcy5) ################################################### ### code chunk number 10: checkMode1 ################################################### ###Check mode of read data for first set of hybridizations sapply(RGcy3, mode) ###Since RGc3$logRatio is character convert to numeric RGcy3$logRatio <- apply(RGcy3$logRatio, 2, as.numeric) ###Check mode of read data for second set of hybridizations sapply(RGcy5, mode) ###Since RGc3$logRatio is character convert to numeric RGcy5$logRatio <- apply(RGcy5$logRatio, 2, as.numeric) ################################################### ### code chunk number 11: genes115 ################################################### ###Read genes information for MammaPrint array from the A-MEXP-318.adf.txt genes <- read.table(dir(etabm155filesLoc, full.names=TRUE, pattern="A-MEXP-318.adf.txt"), skip=21, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ###Remove special characters like points in the colums header colnames(genes) <- gsub("\\.$","",gsub("\\.\\.",".",colnames(genes))) ###Use the annotation information previously processed str(progSig) ###Count the features mapped to the 231-gene prognostic signature by accession number apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns231acc) ###Count the features mapped to the 231-gene prognostic signature by gene symbol apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns231name) ###Count the features mapped to the 231-gene prognostic signature by gene symbol or accession number apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns231any) ###Add mapping information for 229 features using both gene symbols and accession numbers genes$genes231 <- genes$Comment.AEReporterName %in% progSig$gns231any ###Count the features mapped to the 70-gene prognostic signature by accession number apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns70acc) ###Count the features mapped to the 70-gene prognostic signature by gene symbol apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns70name) ###Count the features mapped to the 70-gene prognostic signature by gene symbol or accession number apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns70any) ###Add mapping information for 69 features using both gene symbols and accession numbers genes$genes70 <- genes$Comment.AEReporterName %in% progSig$gns70any ###The resulting gene annotation file str(genes) ###Add original correlation from the van't Veer study gns231Cors <- progSig$gns231Cors gns231Cors <- gns231Cors[gns231Cors$ID %in% genes$Comment.AEReporterName,] ###Merge and remove duplicates genes <- merge(genes, gns231Cors, all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, by.x="Comment.AEReporterName", by.y="ID") genes <- genes[!duplicated(genes$Reporter.Name),] ###Check genes str(genes) ################################################### ### code chunk number 12: annETABM115 ################################################### ###Compare genes between platform and RGList instances: first set of hybridizations if (nrow(genes)==nrow(RGcy3)) { ##Compare the identifiers' order if ( !all(genes$Reporter.Name == RGcy3$genes$ID) ) { ##Reorder if needed RGcy3 <- RGcy3[order(RGcy3$genes$ID),] genes <- genes[order(genes$Reporter.Name),] ##Check for order AGAIN if ( all(genes$Reporter.Name == RGcy3$genes$ID) ) { ##Substitute genes or stop RGcy3$genes <- genes } else { stop("Wrong gene order, check objects") } } else { print("Updating gene annotation") RGcy3$genes <- genes } } else { stop("Wrong number of features, check objects") } ###Rename the object glasRGcy3 <- RGcy3 ################################################### ### code chunk number 13: annETABM115b ################################################### ###Compare genes between paltform and RGList instances: second set of hybridizations if (nrow(genes)==nrow(RGcy5)) { ##Compare the identifiers' order if ( !all(genes$Reporter.Name == RGcy5$genes$ID) ) { ##Reorder if needed RGcy5 <- RGcy5[order(RGcy5$genes$ID),] genes <- genes[order(genes$Reporter.Name),] ##Check for order AGAIN if ( all(genes$Reporter.Name == RGcy5$genes$ID) ) { ##Substitute genes or stop RGcy5$genes <- genes } else { stop("Wrong gene order, check objects") } } else { print("Updating gene annotation") RGcy5$genes <- genes } } else { stop("Wrong number of features, check objects") } ###Rename the object glasRGcy5 <- RGcy5 ################################################### ### code chunk number 14: downloadETAB77 (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ###Chunk not executed: files are already included in the package ## ###This chunk is just to show the source of the data ## dir.create("../extdata/ETABM77", showWarnings = FALSE) ## ################################################### ## ###Obtain the data package E-TABM-115 from ArrayExpress ## etabm77 <- getAE("E-TABM-77", type = "full", path="../extdata/ETABM77", extract=FALSE) ## ################################################### ## ###Save ## save(etabm77,file="../extdata/ETABM77/etabm77.rda") ################################################### ### code chunk number 15: readETAB77pheno ################################################### ###List the files obtained from ArrayExpress etabm77filesLoc <- system.file("extdata/ETABM77", package = "mammaPrintData") head(dir(etabm77filesLoc)) ###Read the phenotypic information from "E-TABM-77.sdrf.txt" targets <- read.table(dir(etabm77filesLoc, full.names=TRUE, pattern="E-TABM-77.sdrf.txt.gz"), comment.char="", sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ###Check and process the phenotypic information: keep non-redundant information targets <- targets[, apply(targets, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) != 1 )] ###Reorder by file name targets <- targets[order(targets$Array.Data.File, decreasing=TRUE),] ###Remove points in colnames colnames(targets) <- gsub("\\.$","",gsub("\\.\\.",".",colnames(targets))) ###Show the available phenotypic iformation str(targets) ################################################### ### code chunk number 16: checkETAB77sdrf ################################################### ###Check targets data.frame dimentions dim(targets) ###Count the unique file names length(unique(targets$Array.Data.File)) ###Count the number of rows associated with each channel table(CHANNEL=targets$Label) ###Count the number of rows for the reference RNA (named "MRP") in each channel table(CHANNEL=targets$Label, REFERENCE=targets$Sample.Name == "MRP") ###Count the number of distinct RNA analyzed (excluding the refernce RNA) sum(REFERENCE=targets$Sample.Name!="MRP") ###Count the MammaPrint predictions table(MAMMAPRINT=targets$Factor.Value.MammaPrint.prediction) ################################################### ### code chunk number 17: ETAB77rglist ################################################### ###List files for E-TABM-77 experiment etabm77filesLoc <- system.file("extdata/ETABM77", package = "mammaPrintData") etabm77files <- list.files(etabm77filesLoc, pattern="^US") ###Check whether all available files correspond to the targets$Array.Data.File all(paste(targets$Array.Data.File, ".gz", sep="") %in% etabm77files) ###Check whether they are ordered in the same way all(paste(targets$Array.Data.File, ".gz", sep="") == etabm77files) ####Subset targets table extracting the rows for CANCER and the separate by channel caList <- !targets$Sample.Name=="MRP" targetsCa <- targets[caList,] ###Cy5 channel targetsCa.ch1 <- targetsCa[targetsCa$Label=="Cy5",] colnames(targetsCa.ch1) <- paste(colnames(targetsCa.ch1),"Cy5",sep=".") ###Cy3 channel targetsCa.ch2 <- targetsCa[targetsCa$Label=="Cy3",] colnames(targetsCa.ch2) <- paste(colnames(targetsCa.ch2),"Cy3", sep=".") ####Subset targets table extracting the rows for REFERENCE and the separate by channel refList <- targets$Sample.Name=="MRP" targetsRef <- targets[refList,] ###Cy5 channel targetsRef.ch1 <- targetsRef[targetsRef$Label=="Cy5",] colnames(targetsRef.ch1) <- paste(colnames(targetsRef.ch1),"Cy5",sep=".") ###Cy3 channel targetsRef.ch2 <- targetsRef[targetsRef$Label=="Cy3",] colnames(targetsRef.ch2) <- paste(colnames(targetsRef.ch2),"Cy3", sep=".") ################################################### ### code chunk number 18: ETAB77rglist2 ################################################### ###Now combine channel information to create the new targets object ###Here is for the FIRST set of swapped hybridization (keep only useful columns) if ( all(targetsCa.ch1$Array.Data.File.Cy5==targetsRef.ch2$Array.Data.File.Cy3) ) { colsSel <- apply(targetsCa.ch1==targetsRef.ch2,2,function(x) sum(x) != length(x) ) targetsSwap1 <- cbind(targetsCa.ch1,targetsRef.ch2[,colsSel],stringsAsFactors=FALSE) targetsSwap1 <- targetsSwap1[,apply(targetsSwap1,2,function(x) length(unique(x)) != 1 )] ##add Cy5 and Cy3 columns targetsSwap1$Cy5 <- targetsSwap1$Sample.Name targetsSwap1$Cy3 <- "Ref" targetsSwap1 <- targetsSwap1[,order(colnames(targetsSwap1))] ##remove dye extension to Scan name colnames(targetsSwap1) <- gsub("\\.Cy5$","",colnames(targetsSwap1)) ##reorder by sample name in Cy5 targetsSwap1 <- targetsSwap1[order(targetsSwap1$Cy5),] print("Assembling the targets object for the first set of swapped hybridizations") } else { stop("Check objects") } ################################################### ### code chunk number 19: ETAB77rglist3 ################################################### ###create new target objects for SECOND set of swapped hybs and keep useful columns if ( all(targetsCa.ch2$Array.Data.File.Cy3==targetsRef.ch1$Array.Data.File.Cy5) ) { colsSel <- apply(targetsCa.ch2==targetsRef.ch1,2,function(x) sum(x) != length(x) ) targetsSwap2 <- cbind(targetsCa.ch2,targetsRef.ch1[,colsSel],stringsAsFactors=FALSE) targetsSwap2 <- targetsSwap2[,apply(targetsSwap2,2,function(x) length(unique(x)) != 1 )] ##add Cy5 and Cy3 columns targetsSwap2$Cy5 <- "Ref" targetsSwap2$Cy3 <- targetsSwap2$Sample.Name targetsSwap2 <- targetsSwap2[,order(colnames(targetsSwap2))] ##remove dye extension to Scan name colnames(targetsSwap2) <- gsub("\\.Cy3$","",colnames(targetsSwap2)) ##reorder by sample name in Cy3 targetsSwap2 <- targetsSwap2[order(targetsSwap2$Cy3),] print("Assembling the targets object for the second set of swapped hybridizations") } else { stop("Check objects") } ################################################### ### code chunk number 20: ETAB77rglist4 ################################################### ##Define the columns which will be read from the raw files selection colsList <- list(Rf="Feature Extraction Software:rMedianSignal", Rb="Feature Extraction Software:rBGMedianSignal", Gf="Feature Extraction Software:gMedianSignal", Gb="Feature Extraction Software:gBGMedianSignal", logRatio="Feature Extraction Software:LogRatio", logRatioError="Feature Extraction Software:LogRatioError") ###Swap set 1 has Reference RNA in Cy3 channel table(targetsSwap1$Cy3) ###This creates an instance of class "RGList", selecting specific columns from the raw data: RGcy3 <- read.maimages(paste(targetsSwap1$Array.Data.File, ".gz", sep=""), source="generic", columns=colsList, annotation="Reporter identifier", path=etabm77filesLoc, verbose=FALSE) ###Add targets information RGcy3$targets <- targetsSwap1 ###Add sample names as column names with prefix colnames(RGcy3) <- paste("BC",targetsSwap1$Sample.Name,sep=".") ###Format Reporter identifiers RGcy3$genes$ID <- gsub(".+A-MEXP-318\\.", "", RGcy3$genes[, "Reporter identifier"]) ###Check dimensions dim(RGcy3) ################################################### ### code chunk number 21: ETAB77rglist5 ################################################### ###This creates an instance of class "RGList", selecting specific columns from the raw data: RGcy5 <- read.maimages(paste(targetsSwap1$Array.Data.File, ".gz", sep=""), source="generic", columns=colsList, annotation="Reporter identifier", path=etabm77filesLoc, verbose=FALSE) ###Swap set 2 has Reference RNA in Cy5 channel table(targetsSwap2$Cy5) ###Add targets information RGcy5$targets <- targetsSwap2 ###Format Reporter identifiers RGcy5$genes$ID <- gsub(".+A-MEXP-318\\.", "", RGcy5$genes[, "Reporter identifier"]) ###Add sample names as column names with prefix colnames(RGcy5) <- paste("BC",targetsSwap2$Sample.Name,sep=".") ###Check dimensions dim(RGcy5) ################################################### ### code chunk number 22: checkMode2 ################################################### ###Check mode of read data for first set of hybridizations sapply(RGcy3, mode) ###Since RGc3$logRatio is character convert to numeric RGcy3$logRatio <- apply(RGcy3$logRatio, 2, as.numeric) ###Check mode of read data for second set of hybridizations sapply(RGcy5, mode) ###Since RGc3$logRatio is character convert to numeric RGcy5$logRatio <- apply(RGcy5$logRatio, 2, as.numeric) ################################################### ### code chunk number 23: genesETABM77 ################################################### ###Read genes information for MammaPrint array from the A-MEXP-318.adf.txt genes <- read.table(dir(etabm77filesLoc, full.names=TRUE, pattern="A-MEXP-318.adf.txt"), comment.char="", skip=21, sep="\t", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) ###Remove special characters like points in the colums header colnames(genes) <- gsub("\\.$","",gsub("\\.\\.",".",colnames(genes))) ###Use the annotation information previously processed str(progSig) ###Count the features mapped to the 231-gene prognostic signature by accession number apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns231acc) ###Count the features mapped to the 231-gene prognostic signature by gene symbol apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns231name) ###Count the features mapped to the 231-gene prognostic signature by gene symbol or accession number apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns231any) ###Add mapping information for 229 features using both gene symbols and accession numbers genes$genes231 <- genes$Comment.AEReporterName %in% progSig$gns231any ###Count the features mapped to the 70-gene prognostic signature by accession number apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns70acc) ###Count the features mapped to the 70-gene prognostic signature by gene symbol apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns70name) ###Count the features mapped to the 70-gene prognostic signature by gene symbol or accession number apply(genes, 2, function(x, y) { sum(unique(x) %in% y) }, y = progSig$gns70any) ###Add mapping information for 229 features using both gene symbols and accession numbers genes$genes70 <- genes$Comment.AEReporterName %in% progSig$gns70any ###The resulting gene annotation file str(genes) ###Add original correlation from the van't Veer study gns231Cors <- progSig$gns231Cors gns231Cors <- gns231Cors[gns231Cors$ID %in% genes$Comment.AEReporterName,] ###Merge and remove duplicates genes <- merge(genes, gns231Cors, all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE, by.x="Comment.AEReporterName", by.y="ID") genes <- genes[!duplicated(genes$Reporter.Name),] ###Check genes str(genes) ################################################### ### code chunk number 24: annETABM77 ################################################### ###Compare genes between paltform and RGList instances: first set of hybridizations if (nrow(genes)==nrow(RGcy3)) { ##Compare the identifiers' order if ( !all(genes$Reporter.Name == RGcy3$genes$ID) ) { ##Reorder if needed RGcy3 <- RGcy3[order(RGcy3$genes$ID),] genes <- genes[order(genes$Reporter.Name),] ##check for order AGAIN if ( all(genes$Reporter.Name == RGcy3$genes$ID) ) { ##Substitute genes or stop RGcy3$genes <- genes } else { stop("Wrong gene order, check objects") } } else { print("Updating gene annotation") RGcy3$genes <- genes } } else { stop("Wrong number of features, check objects") } ###Rename buyseRGcy3 <- RGcy3 ################################################### ### code chunk number 25: annETABM77b ################################################### ###Compare genes between paltform and RGList instances: second set of hybridizations if (nrow(genes)==nrow(RGcy5)) { ##Compare the identifiers' order if ( !all(genes$Reporter.Name == RGcy5$genes$ID) ) { ##Reorder if needed RGcy5 <- RGcy5[order(RGcy5$genes$ID),] genes <- genes[order(genes$Reporter.Name),] ##check for order AGAIN if ( all(genes$Reporter.Name == RGcy5$genes$ID) ) { ##Substitute genes or stop RGcy5$genes <- genes } else { stop("Wrong gene order, check objects") } } else { print("Updating gene annotation") RGcy5$genes <- genes } } else { stop("Wrong number of features, check objects") } ###Rename buyseRGcy5 <- RGcy5 ################################################### ### code chunk number 26: phenoGlasOriginalCohorts ################################################### ###Retrieve the phenotypic information from one of the RGList intances phenoGlasCy3 <- glasRGcy3$targets phenoGlasCy5 <- glasRGcy5$targets ###Identification of the 78 samples from van't Veer and the 84 from VanDeVijver table(gsub(".+_", "", phenoGlasCy3$Scan.Name) == gsub(".+_", "", phenoGlasCy5$Scan.Name)) ################################################## ###There are 78 hybridizations with 1-digit suffixes, and 84 of them with 3-digit suffixes table(nchar(gsub(".+_", "", phenoGlasCy5$Scan.Name))) table(nchar(gsub(".+_", "", phenoGlasCy3$Scan.Name))) ###Use the hybridization file names suffixes to define the putative cohort of origin: FIRST SET phenoGlasCy5$putativeCohort <- factor(nchar(gsub(".+_", "", phenoGlasCy5$Scan.Name))) levels(phenoGlasCy5$putativeCohort) <- c("putativeVantVeer", "putativeVanDeVijver") ###Use the hybridization file names suffixes to define the putative cohort of origin: SECOND SET phenoGlasCy3$putativeCohort <- factor(nchar(gsub(".+_", "", phenoGlasCy3$Scan.Name))) levels(phenoGlasCy3$putativeCohort) <- c("putativeVantVeer", "putativeVanDeVijver") ###Show counts FIRST SET table(phenoGlasCy5$putativeCohort) ################################################## ###Show counts SECOND SET table(phenoGlasCy3$putativeCohort) ################################################### ### code chunk number 27: osGlas ################################################### ###Process the overall survival (OS) character strings and make numeric OS <- gsub("\\s.+", "", phenoGlasCy5$Factor.Value.overall_survival) phenoGlasCy5$OS <- as.numeric(OS) ####Process OS event and make numeric: missing data, labeled with "n/a" strings are turned into NA phenoGlasCy5$OSevent <- as.numeric(phenoGlasCy5$Factor.Value.Event_Death) ###Count missing information by counting the number of NA sum(is.na(phenoGlasCy5$OSevent)) ####Create binary OS at 10 years groups phenoGlasCy5$TenYearSurv <- phenoGlasCy5$OS < 10 & phenoGlasCy5$OSevent == 1 phenoGlasCy5$TenYearSurv[is.na(phenoGlasCy5$OSevent)] <- NA ################################################### ### code chunk number 28: print ################################################### ###Count OS events table(phenoGlasCy5$OSevent) ###Count survival at 10 years status table(phenoGlasCy5$TenYearSurv) ################################################### ### code chunk number 29: ttmGlas ################################################### ###Process time metastases (TTM) character strings and make numeric ###Note that missing data, labeled with "n/a" strings are turned into NA TTM <- phenoGlasCy5$Factor.Value.Time_to_development_of_distant_metastases phenoGlasCy5$TTM <- as.numeric(gsub("\\s.+", "", TTM)) ####Process TTM event and make numeric phenoGlasCy5$TTMevent <- as.numeric(phenoGlasCy5$Factor.Value.Event_distant_metastases) ###Use follow-up time from OS as TTM for patients withouth metastasis event phenoGlasCy5$TTM[is.na(phenoGlasCy5$TTM)] <- phenoGlasCy5$OS[is.na(phenoGlasCy5$TTM)] ####Create binary TTM at 5 years groups phenoGlasCy5$FiveYearMetastasis <- phenoGlasCy5$TTM < 5 & phenoGlasCy5$TTMevent == 1 ################################################### ### code chunk number 30: prognosisGroupsGlas ################################################### ###Count TTM events table(phenoGlasCy5$TTMevent) ###Count metastasis events by putative cohort of origin table(phenoGlasCy5$FiveYearMetastasis, phenoGlasCy5$putativeCohort) ################################################### ### code chunk number 31: substitutePhenoGlas (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ###Substitute in the RGLists ## glasRGcy3$targets <- phenoGlasCy3 ## glasRGcy5$targets <- phenoGlasCy5 ################################################### ### code chunk number 32: finalETABM115save (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ###Save the final ExpressionSet object: not run ## dataDirLoc <- system.file("data", package = "mammaPrintData") ## save(glasRGcy5, glasRGcy3, file=paste(dataDirLoc, "/glasRG.rda", sep="")) ################################################### ### code chunk number 33: phenoBuyseOriginalCohorts ################################################### ###Retrieve the phenotypic information from one of the RGList intances phenoBuyseCy3 <- buyseRGcy3$targets phenoBuyseCy5 <- buyseRGcy5$targets ###Process overall survival (OS) character strings and make numeric: BOTH SETS OScy5 <- phenoBuyseCy5$Factor.Value.SurvivalTime phenoBuyseCy5$OS <- as.numeric(gsub("\\s.+", "", OScy5)) OScy3 <- phenoBuyseCy3$Factor.Value.SurvivalTime phenoBuyseCy3$OS <- as.numeric(gsub("\\s.+", "", OScy3)) ###Create the OS event by processing the OS character string with grep ###and the "plus" pattern making it a numeric vector: BOTH SETS phenoBuyseCy5$OSevent <- 1*( ! 1:nrow(phenoBuyseCy5) %in% grep("plus", OScy5)) phenoBuyseCy3$OSevent <- 1*( ! 1:nrow(phenoBuyseCy3) %in% grep("plus", OScy3)) ####Create binary OS at 10 years groups: BOTH SETS phenoBuyseCy5$TenYearSurv <- phenoBuyseCy5$OS < 10 & phenoBuyseCy5$OSevent == 1 phenoBuyseCy3$TenYearSurv <- phenoBuyseCy3$OS < 10 & phenoBuyseCy3$OSevent == 1 ################################################### ### code chunk number 34: osBuyse2 ################################################### ###Count OS survival events: BOTH SETS table(phenoBuyseCy5$OSevent) table(phenoBuyseCy3$OSevent) ###Count survival at 10 years status: BOTH SETS table(phenoBuyseCy5$TenYearSurv) table(phenoBuyseCy3$TenYearSurv) ################################################### ### code chunk number 35: dfsBuyse ################################################### ###Process disease free survival (DFS) character strings and make numeric: BOTH SETS DFScy5 <- phenoBuyseCy5$Factor.Value.Disease.Free.Survival phenoBuyseCy5$DFS <- as.numeric(gsub("\\s.+", "", DFScy5)) DFScy3 <- phenoBuyseCy3$Factor.Value.Disease.Free.Survival phenoBuyseCy3$DFS <- as.numeric(gsub("\\s.+", "", DFScy3)) ###Create the DFS event by processing the DFS character string with grep ###and the "plus" pattern making it a numeric vector: BOTH SETS phenoBuyseCy5$DFSevent <- 1*( ! 1:nrow(phenoBuyseCy5) %in% grep("plus", DFScy5)) phenoBuyseCy3$DFSevent <- 1*( ! 1:nrow(phenoBuyseCy3) %in% grep("plus", DFScy3)) ####Create binary DFS at 5 years groups:BOTH SETS phenoBuyseCy5$FiveYearDiseaseFree <- (phenoBuyseCy5$DFS < 5 & phenoBuyseCy5$DFSevent == 1) phenoBuyseCy3$FiveYearDiseaseFree <- (phenoBuyseCy3$DFS < 5 & phenoBuyseCy3$DFSevent == 1) ################################################### ### code chunk number 36: dfsBuyse2 ################################################### ###Count DFS survival events: BOTH SETS table(phenoBuyseCy5$DFSevent) table(phenoBuyseCy3$DFSevent) ###Count recurrence at 5 years status: BOTH SETS table(phenoBuyseCy5$FiveYearDiseaseFree) table(phenoBuyseCy3$FiveYearDiseaseFree) ################################################### ### code chunk number 37: ttmBuyse ################################################### ###Process time metastases (TTM) character strings and make numeric: BOTH SETS TTMcy5 <- phenoBuyseCy5$Factor.Value.DistantMetastasis.Free.Survival phenoBuyseCy5$TTM <- as.numeric(gsub("\\s.+", "", TTMcy5)) TTMcy3 <- phenoBuyseCy3$Factor.Value.DistantMetastasis.Free.Survival phenoBuyseCy3$TTM <- as.numeric(gsub("\\s.+", "", TTMcy3)) ###Create the TTM event by processing the TTM character string with grep ###and the "plus" pattern making it a numeric vector: BOTH SETS phenoBuyseCy5$TTMevent <- 1*( ! 1:nrow(phenoBuyseCy5) %in% grep("plus", TTMcy5)) phenoBuyseCy3$TTMevent <- 1*( ! 1:nrow(phenoBuyseCy3) %in% grep("plus", TTMcy3)) ####Create binary TTM at 5 years groups: BOTH SETS phenoBuyseCy5$FiveYearRecurrence <- (phenoBuyseCy5$TTM < 5 & phenoBuyseCy5$TTMevent == 1) phenoBuyseCy3$FiveYearRecurrence <- (phenoBuyseCy3$TTM < 5 & phenoBuyseCy3$TTMevent == 1) ################################################### ### code chunk number 38: prognosisGroupsBuyse ################################################### ###Count TTM survival events: BOTH SETS table(phenoBuyseCy5$TTMevent) table(phenoBuyseCy3$TTMevent) ###Count recurrence at 5 years status: BOTH SETS table(phenoBuyseCy5$FiveYearRecurrence) table(phenoBuyseCy3$FiveYearRecurrence) ###Count metastasis events by European center: BOTH SETS table(phenoBuyseCy5$FiveYearRecurrence, phenoBuyseCy5$Characteristics.BioSourceProvider) table(phenoBuyseCy3$FiveYearRecurrence, phenoBuyseCy3$Characteristics.BioSourceProvider) ################################################### ### code chunk number 39: excludeBuyse (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ###Exclude patients with missing ER status: BOTH SETSXS ## phenoBuyseCy5$toExclude <- phenoBuyseCy5$Factor.Value.ER.status=="unknown" ## phenoBuyseCy3$toExclude <- phenoBuyseCy3$Factor.Value.ER.status=="unknown" ################################################### ### code chunk number 40: substitutePhenoBuyse ################################################### ###Substitute in the RGLists buyseRGcy3$targets <- phenoBuyseCy3 buyseRGcy5$targets <- phenoBuyseCy5 ################################################### ### code chunk number 41: finalETABM77save (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## ###Save RGList instances for later use: not run ## dataDirLoc <- system.file("data", package = "mammaPrintData") ## save(buyseRGcy5, buyseRGcy3, file=paste(dataDirLoc, "/buyseRG.rda", sep="")) ################################################### ### code chunk number 42: sessioInfo ################################################### toLatex(sessionInfo())