% % NOTE -- ONLY EDIT THE .Rnw FILE!!! The .tex file is % likely to be overwritten. % %\VignetteIndexEntry{cheungTrans: checking trans eQTL with hgfocus arrays} %\VignetteDepends{SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20120608, hgfocus.db, GenomicRanges, GGtools} %\VignetteKeywords{} %\VignettePackage{} \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[authoryear,round]{natbib} \usepackage{hyperref} \textwidth=6.2in \textheight=8.5in %\parskip=.3cm \oddsidemargin=.1in \evensidemargin=.1in \headheight=-.3in \newcommand{\scscst}{\scriptscriptstyle} \newcommand{\scst}{\scriptstyle} \newcommand{\Rfunction}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Robject}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rpackage}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rmethod}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rfunarg}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rclass}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \textwidth=6.2in \bibliographystyle{plainnat} \begin{document} %\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.55\textwidth} \title{Finding trans eQTL in the Cheung data} \author{VJ Carey} \maketitle This vignette relies on obsolete SNPlocs discipline. Revisions are pending, contact stvjc at channing.harvard.edu to accelerate the process. <>= options(error=recover) #library(chfive40) library(cheung2010) library(hgfocus.db) library(GenomicRanges) allst = as.list(hgfocusCHRLOC) allen = as.list(hgfocusCHRLOCEND) pchrs = sapply(allst, function(x)names(x)[1]) bad = which(sapply(pchrs,length)==0) if (length(bad)>0) { pchrs = pchrs[-bad] pchrs = sapply(pchrs, function(x)x) pchrs = paste("chr", pchrs, sep="") allst = allst[-bad] allen = allen[-bad] } st = sapply(allst, function(x) abs(x)[1]) en = sapply(allen, function(x) abs(x)[1]) gra = GRanges(seqnames=pchrs, IRanges(st,en)) names(gra) = names(allst) gra = split(gra, seqnames(gra)) lkg = getSS("cheung2010", "chr5") fn5 = featureNames(lkg) gra = lapply(gra, function(x)x[ intersect(names(x), fn5) ]) library(snplocsDefault(), character.only=TRUE) if (!exists("c1s") && file.exists("c1s.rda")) load("c1s.rda") if (!exists("c1s")) c1s = getSNPlocs("ch1", as.GRanges=TRUE) if ("ch1" %in% seqlevels(c1s)) seqlevels(c1s) = gsub("ch", "chr", seqlevels(c1s)) if (!file.exists("c1s.rda")) save(c1s,file="c1s.rda") if (!exists("c2s") && file.exists("c2s.rda")) load("c2s.rda") if (!exists("c2s")) c2s = getSNPlocs("ch2", as.GRanges=TRUE) if ("ch2" %in% seqlevels(c2s)) seqlevels(c2s) = gsub("ch", "chr", seqlevels(c2s)) if (!file.exists("c2s.rda")) save(c2s,file="c2s.rda") if (!exists("c3s") && file.exists("c3s.rda")) load("c3s.rda") if (!exists("c3s")) c3s = getSNPlocs("ch3", as.GRanges=TRUE) if ("ch3" %in% seqlevels(c3s)) seqlevels(c3s) = gsub("ch", "chr", seqlevels(c3s)) if (!file.exists("c3s.rda")) save(c3s,file="c3s.rda") if (!exists("c4s") && file.exists("c4s.rda")) load("c4s.rda") if (!exists("c4s")) c4s = getSNPlocs("ch4", as.GRanges=TRUE) if ("ch4" %in% seqlevels(c4s)) seqlevels(c4s) = gsub("ch", "chr", seqlevels(c4s)) if (!file.exists("c4s.rda")) save(c4s,file="c4s.rda") if (!exists("c17s") && !exists("c17s") && file.exists("c17s.rda")) load("c17s.rda") if (!exists("c17s")) c17s = getSNPlocs("ch17", as.GRanges=TRUE) if ("ch17" %in% seqlevels(c17s)) seqlevels(c17s) = gsub("ch", "chr", seqlevels(c17s)) if (!file.exists("c17s.rda")) save(c17s,file="c17s.rda") if (!exists("c19s") && !exists("c19s") && file.exists("c19s.rda")) load("c19s.rda") if (!exists("c19s")) c19s = getSNPlocs("ch19", as.GRanges=TRUE) if ("ch19" %in% seqlevels(c19s)) seqlevels(c19s) = gsub("ch", "chr", seqlevels(c19s)) if (!file.exists("c19s.rda")) save(c19s,file="c19s.rda") #if ("multicore" %in% installed.packages()[,1]) library(multicore) #system("rm -rf tsco") #tr1c = transScores("cheung2010", "chr1", ~sex, snpRanges=c1s, geneRanges=gra[["chr1"]]) #save(tr1c, file="tr1c.rda") #tr2c = transScores("cheung2010", "chr2", ~sex, snpRanges=c2s, geneRanges=gra[["chr2"]]) #save(tr2c, file="tr2c.rda") #gc() #tr3c = transScores("cheung2010", "chr3", ~sex, snpRanges=c3s, geneRanges=gra[["chr3"]]) #save(tr3c, file="tr3c.rda") #gc() #tr4c = transScores("cheung2010", "chr4", ~sex, snpRanges=c4s, geneRanges=gra[["chr4"]]) #save(tr4c, file="tr4c.rda") @ We use the probes on chr17 identified as harboring trans regulators by Cheung. <>= tempfolder = function () { z = tempfile() system(paste("mkdir", z)) z } obsfold = tempfolder() permfold = tempfolder() pr17 = structure(c("209165_at", "203654_s_at", "203367_at", "201508_at", "218676_s_at", "208982_at", "202148_s_at", "214552_s_at", "214299_at", "219282_s_at"), .Names = c("AATF", "COIL", "DUSP14", "IGFBP4", "PCTP", "PECAM1", "PYCR1", "RABEP1", "TOP3A", "TRPV2")) options(verbose=TRUE) dropNAs = function (x) { if (!(is(x, "smlSet"))) stop("works only for smlSet instances") sml <- x@smlEnv$smList maf = snpStats::col.summary(sml[[1]])[, "MAF", drop = FALSE] allrs = rownames(maf) curok = which(!is.na(maf)) rm(maf) if (length(curok) == 0) stop("dropNAs eliminates all SNP on a chromosome, cannot proceed") if (length(curok) != length(allrs)) x@smlEnv$smList[[1]] = x@smlEnv$smList[[1]][, curok] rm(allrs) x } if (!exists("mgrsave")) { mgrsave = list() for (i in 1:22) { cat(i) cc17 = dropNAs(getSS("cheung2010", paste("chr", i, sep=""), probesToKeep=pr17)) mgrsave[[i]] = eqtlTests(cc17, ~sex, targdir=obsfold, runname=paste("cc17", i, sep="")) rm(cc17) gc() } save(mgrsave, file="mgrsave.rda") } set.seed(12345) if (!exists("mgrsave_perm")) { mgrsave_perm = list() for (i in 1:22) { cat(i) cc17 = dropNAs(getSS("cheung2010", paste("chr", i, sep=""), probesToKeep=pr17, wrapperEndo=permEx)) mgrsave_perm[[i]] = eqtlTests(cc17, ~sex, targdir=permfold, runname=paste("pcc17", i, sep="")) rm(cc17) gc() } save(mgrsave_perm, file="mgrsave_perm.rda") } @ \end{document}