CHANGES IN VERSION 3.6.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Added citation metadata available through the GScores object and the 'citation()' method. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.5.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o The class defintion and methods that support access to this annotation package have been moved from the VariantFiltering package to the GenomicScores package. o Missing phastCons scores were coded as 0 in versions <= 3.4 and now are coded as NAs. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.2.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Updated scores from multiple alignments on 100 species, produced by UCSC on May 2015 and downloaded on October 2015. Please consult the extdata/README file for further details on these data. o An update in the in the VariantFiltering package scores() function enables a 10-fold faster retrieval of mean phastCons scores over genomic intervals. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Submission of the first version to the Bioconductor project based on the phastCons scores available at the UCSC website on March 2015. Please consult the extdata/README file for further details on these data. (start date: March 6th, 2015)