# 1.4.5 (4 Apr, 2018) * Mention psichomics manuscript throughout psichomics * Copy-edit graphical user interface and respective tutorial * Fix warnings and errors in Bioconductor # 1.4.4 (12 Feb, 2018) * Update CITATION file to show citation to article in bioRxiv: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/02/07/261180 * Update vignettes to include a case study based on the aforementioned article * Gene expression pipeline: - Perform limma-trend by default * Alternative splicing quantification: - Quantification of alternative first and last exons: following more thorough testing, the new exon-centred method was considered to be less relevant to exploratory analysis (specially when compared with other types of events); as such, both methods are now available for quantification * Dimensionality reduction: - Change tolerated missing values per event to 5% by default for both PCA and ICA (in both visual and command-line interfaces) - PCA: In the table that shows the events that most contribute to the selected principal components, show the rank * Groups: - Automatically set sample type groups (i.e. normal, primary solid tumour, metastatic, etc.) for TCGA samples (visual interface only) * Differential analysis: - Use numeric fields instead of sliders to precisely filter data - Fix table for differential expression not being filtered based on highlighted genes - Filter splicing events or genes to use when performing exploratory differential analyses * Survival analysis: - Allow to stratify patients based on optimal gene expression cutoff - Select samples to be used for survival analysis ## Bug fixes * Fix problems related with DT versions >= 0.3: - Groups displayed as having the same attributes as last created group - Table not being updated in differential analyses according to event filtering based on the volcano plot # 1.4.3 (12 Jan, 2018) * Alternative splicing quantification: - Improve speed and memory usage when dealing with larger datasets - Improve quantification of alternative first and last exons: quantify alternative first and last exons based on all exon-exon junction reads that support each of the alternative exons - Print progress bar in R console * Principal component analysis: - Change tolerated missing values per event to 5% by default - Show/save table with the contribution of events (for alternative splicing quantification) or genes (for gene expression) to the selected principal components - Add extra information when hovering variables in loading plot - Allow to plot top 100 variables that most contribute to the selected principal components (faster rendering of and interaction with loading plots) * Differential analysis: - Allow to input a list of groups for the "group" argument of the functions "diffAnalyses" and "plotDistribution" (command-line interface) - Allow to input a non-numeric vector or a row of a matrix/data frame in the "data" argument of the function "plotDistribution" (command-line interface) * Correlation between gene expression and alternative splicing: - Perform correlation between gene expression of multiple genes and quantification of multiple alternative splicing events ## Bug fixes * Fix unnamed events when only one event for a event type is returned * Minor copy-editing and overall improvements # 1.4.2 (19 Dec, 2017) * Fix error when trying to load alternative splicing annotation (given updated hg19 and hg38 annotation that is now available for use with psichomics) # 1.4.1 (14 Dec, 2017) * GTEx data loading: - Add input elements to allow GTEx gene expression loading in the graphical interface - Fix bug that did not allow to select tissues to load GTEx v7 data (graphical interface) - Fix splicing events not being quantified based on GTEx v7 junction reads * Gene expression normalisation: - Fix misleading gene expression (non-)normalisation by converting reads to counts per million (CPM) using `edgeR::cpm` after normalisation using `edgeR::calcNormFactor` * Alternative splicing quantification: - Updated support to properly parse new notation of alternative splicing annotation from Bioconductor (backwards compatible with older notation) - Raise error when no splicing events after quantification - Fix warning following the quantification of splicing events or its loading (incorrect parsing of gene information from splicing events) * Dimensionality reduction: - Use the number (instead of the percentage) of tolerated missing values per sample as the argument to impute data from the remaining samples for those values before performing dimensionality reduction; by default, missing values are tolerated for 10 samples * Update file description and README * Minor bug fixes and improvements # 1.4.0 (22 Oct, 2017) * Support for loading new GTEx V7 data * Support gene expression data: - Load, filter, normalise and perform log2-transformation on gene expression data from TCGA - Perform principal component analysis based on gene expression data, survival analysis by gene expression cutoff and pairwise differential gene expression analysis - Correlate gene expression of a given gene against PSI values of multiple alternative splicing events * Data loading: - Add step-wise instructions about loading of user-owned files - Filter GTEx junction quantification based on tissues of interest (all tissues are loaded by default) - Quantify splicing based on a list of genes (splicing events within all genes are quantified by default) - Parse sample information from TCGA samples using `parseTcgaSampleInfo` - Generate TCGA sample metadata when loading TCGA junction quantification - Present data summary after loading the data * Data grouping: - Redesigned group creation and selection - Create groups based on genes and alternative splicing events - Assign a customisable colour per data group - Export or import patient and sample identifiers of data groups - Add new set operations when grouping (such as complement, subtraction and symmetric difference) - Suggest attributes of interest when creating groups - Allow to retrieve the universe of patient and sample identifiers by performing the complement group without any group selected - Statistically analyse group independence (useful to assess the overlap between a PCA cluster and groups derived from clinical and sample attributes, for instance) * Differential analysis: - Label points based on top differentially spliced events or genes, selected alternative splicing events and/or selected genes - Create AS event and gene groups based on filtered or selected AS events and genes in the tables * Dimensionality reduction techniques: - Subset data based on groups of AS events and genes before performing dimensionality reduction - Create data groups based on the partitioning clustering of PCA scores - Perform independent component analysis (ICA) on alternative splicing quantification and gene expression data * Survival analysis: - Add p-value plot to visually infer the significance of survival analyses based on multiple alternative splicing quantification cutoffs * Gene, transcript and protein information: - Information retrieval is now only dependent on a user-defined gene, instead of requiring alternative splicing quantification data to be loaded ## Bug fixes and other improvements * Show progress bar when running in the command-line interface * Fix inconsistent browser history navigation * Updated the CLI vignette with information on analysing gene expression data and a quick reference for functions * Update minimum version required of shiny (1.0.3) * Avoid replacing selected groups when manipulating new ones * Differential splicing analysis: - Fix data not being rendered in the table when zooming in the plot after data transformation was applied - Return p-value of NA instead of 0 when the value of Fligner-Killeen's Test for Homogeneity of Variance is infinite - Discard value transformations that may return invalid data for the values chosen for the X and Y axes - Fix point that remains highlighted in the plot after deselecting the only selected row of the table - Improve readability of plot's tooltip - Improve survival curves based on the optimal alternative splicing quantification cutoff: - Include the survival curve previews in 3 new columns within the differential splicing analyses table, instead of below that table; those columns consist of the survival curves, the optimal PSI cutoff and the respective log-rank test's p-value - Allow to use survival data when plotting and table sorting - Include the optimal PSI cutoff and the respective log-rank test's p-value in exported tables - Fix link to survival analyses using the previously calculated PSI cutoff * Principal component analysis: - When clicking on a alternative splicing event in the loadings plot, the appropriate differential splicing analyses will now be automatically rendered with the respective options, as expected * Survival analysis: - Properly set the title of survival curves based on the selected splicing event's quantification - Improve readability of Cox PH models - When performing survival analyses by alternative splicing cutoff, each patient is assigned the PSI value from the respective sample; for patients with more than one sample, the assigned sample is chosen based on the most frequent sample type across all patients (before, the first matched non-normal or non-control samples were used) * Multiple other bug fixes and visual improvements # 1.2.1 (24 Apr, 2017) * Gene, protein and transcript information: - Fix missing file required for transcript plots * Update command-line interface tutorial to render a transcript plot # 1.2.0 (22 Apr, 2017) * Gene, protein and transcript information: - Fix tooltip text presentation in transcript plot - Fix JavaScript issues when zooming the transcript plot - Fix error when plotting events associated with multiple genes - Fix error when plotting single-exon transcripts - Protein name, length and function are now presented when available - Improved general presentation of the information * Differential splicing analyses: - Click and drag in the plot to zoom in and subsequently filter events shown in the table - Decreased step of sliders - Improve interface of previewed survival curves - When clicking on a table link to navigate to differential splicing analyses of a single event, the appropriate analyses will now be automatically rendered with the respective options, as expected * Settings (renamed to "Help"): - Add links to tutorials and user feedback - Add app information and acknowledgements - Remove unused option for choosing cores (all performed operations are still single-core, given the difficulty of working with multiprocesses in Shiny) * Improve dialogues regarding missing data and other minor interface elements * Update documentation with volcano plot # 1.0.9 (10 Apr, 2017) * Differential splicing analyses: - Add volcano plot to represent events through selected attributes, such as p-values and descriptive statistics (e.g. median and variance) between groups of interest - Transform values of the X and Y axis in the plot using log transformed, inverted and absolute values, for instance - Highlight events in the plot based on values of the X and Y axis - Table of differential analyses per alternative splicing event is filtered according to highlighted and selected events in the plot * Gene, protein and transcript information: - Transcript plot is now interactive and zoomable - Protein are now rendered based on selected transcript alone - Faster parsing of Uniprot's web API response - Improve display of article information when data is missing * Principal component analysis: - Improve presentation of available options * When clicking on previews of differential splicing and survival analyses, the appropriate analyses will now be automatically rendered with the respective options * Fix buggy browser history when the user is directed to a different tab * Consistently use Firebrowse and Firehose across the package * Update documentation # 1.0.8 (21 Feb, 2017) * Support GTEx data loading and analysis * Fix clinical data dependency: - Fix error when trying to load a file containing alternative splicing quantification without first loading clinical data - Fix error where samples from junction quantification were matched to clinical information even if clinical data were not loaded - Inform user when clinical data is not loaded while trying to plot survival curves * Improve data grouping: - Create sample groups like patient groups and perform set operations between any created groups - Create groups using patient and sample identifiers - Check number of patients and samples per group - Rename selected groups - Alert user when groups cannot be created due to missing data * Differential splicing analysis: - Analyse all samples as one group * Survival analysis: - Select any clinical attribute for starting/follow up and ending times * Create table containing TCGA sample metadata when calculating or loading alternative splicing quantification * Minor UI improvements # 1.0.7 (22 Jan, 2017) * Survival analysis: - Fix error caused by some non-matched patients not being in the patient-sample matching matrix # 1.0.6 (17 Jan, 2017) * Update tutorials with more relevant and complex examples * Update minimum versions required of highcharter (0.5.0) and shiny (1.0.0): - Fix function usage as according to new version of highcharter - More options available when exporting plots (PNG, JPEG, SVG, XLS and CSV) * Faster alternative splicing quantification * Differential splicing analysis: - Fix major bug where samples could be placed in the wrong groups - Shorten speed of the calculation for the optimal PSI cutoff that minimises the survival difference - Fix not performing statistical tests for two selected sample types while analysing a single event with three or more sample types - Fix differential analysis on one splicing event not working when using `diffAnalyses()` function - Fix differential analysis not showing for individual events before navigating to the page where the analysis is performed for all events - Improve readability and information of statistical tests for single events * Principal component analysis: - Shorten time taken to calculate principal components and to render the loadings plot - Fix loadings plot error when rendering some principal components * Survival analysis: - Fix incorrect number of patients from the survival groups in the contextual information for the selected cutoff (below the slider) - Improve how alternative splicing quantification is assigned to patients based on their samples * Protein annotation: - Warn user when trying to render proteins with no domains # 1.0.5 (7 Jan, 2017) * Navigate history using the browser forward and back buttons * Fix delay when displaying large data by removing columns containing missing values exclusively * Principal component analysis: - Improve speed when calculating total contribution of each variable to the principal components * Survival analysis: - Shorten calculation of optimal PSI that minimises the survival difference - Improve visual cues of optimal PSI cutoff and present p-value of selected PSI cutoff - Fix ambiguous error messages - Fix incorrect Cox model results for formula-based calculations - Fix null Cox models crashing the program * Differential splicing analysis: - Select sample types for differential splicing analysis - Fix statistical tests not displaying for individual events after differentially analysing all events using the other statistical tests # 1.0.4 (18 Dec, 2016) * Correctly load files and quantify alternative splicing for PRAD, OV and PAAD tumour types from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) * Fix session disconnecting when exporting plots in Firefox * Improve text and behaviour of fields to select datasets and AS events * Fix author names and add contributor # 1.0.3 (13 Dec, 2016) * Bug fixes regarding gene annotation: - Fix disabled gene selection when choosing a splicing event associated with a single gene after selecting an event related to multiple genes - Fix display of PubMed articles related to previously selected gene when selecting a single-gene-associated event after selecting an event related to multiple genes * Bug fixes regarding groups: - Fix groups by rows not working - Fix group selection not working when only one group exists - Improve argument name of getGroupsFrom() * Other minor improvements # 1.0.2 (3 Dec, 2016) * Fix UTF-8 encoding in author list # 1.0.1 (1 Dec, 2016) * Improve metadata (title, description, authors and vignette titles) # 1.0.0 (5 Oct, 2016) * First release of psichomics * Quantify, analyse and visualise alternative splicing data