CHANGES IN VERSION 1.18.2 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o use `.onLoad()` instead of `.onAttach()` to fix CHANGES IN VERSION 1.18.1 ------------------------- BUG FIXES o fix an issue: `seqSetFilterChrom()` extends a genomic range upstream and downstream 1bp CHANGES IN VERSION 1.18.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o progress information: showing overall running time when completed o new variable names "$ref" and "$alt" can be used in `seqGetData()` and `seqBlockApply()` o new argument '.progress' in `seqDigest()` o new argument 'ref.allele' in `seqAlleleCount()` o new variable name "$chrom_pos_allele" can be used in `seqGetData()` and `seqBlockApply()` UTILITIES o move VariantAnnotation to the suggest field from the import field o remove an unused argument '.list_dup' in `seqBlockApply()` o slightly improve the computational efficiency of `seqAlleleFreq()` and `seqAlleleCount()` when 'ref.allele=0' o `seqGetData(f, "$chrom_pos")` outputs characters with the format 'chromosome:position' instead of 'chromosome_position' BUG FIXES o fix the unexpected behaviors in `seqSetFilter(, action="push")` and `seqSetFilter(, action="push+intersect")` o fix a bug in `seqGetData(f, "$dosage")` when the number of unique alleles at a site greater than 3 ( o fix a bug in `seqSNP2GDS()` for inverted genotypes during importing data from SNP GDS files ( o fix an issue of no phase data in `seqExport()` CHANGES IN VERSION 1.16.0 ------------------------- o a new argument 'intersect' in `seqSetFilter()` and `seqSetFilterChrom()` o a new function `seqSetFilterCond()` o `seqVCF2GDS()` allows arbitrary numbers of different alleles if REF and ALT in VCF are missing o optimize internal indexing for FORMAT annotations to avoid reloading the indexing from the GDS file o a new CITATION file o 'LZMA_RA' is the default compression method in `seqBED2GDS()` and `seqSNP2GDS()` o `seqVCF_Header()` correctly calculates ploidy with missing genotypes CHANGES IN VERSION 1.14.1 ------------------------- o The default compression setting in `seqVCF2GDS()` and `seqMerge()` is changed from "ZIP_RA" to "LZMA_RA" o `seqVCF2GDS()`: variable-length encoding method is used to store integers in the FORMAT field of VCF files to reduce the file size and compression time CHANGES IN VERSION 1.12.0-1.12.9 ------------------------- o the version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version 3.3 o `seqVCF_SampID()`, `seqVCF_Header()` and `seqVCF2GDS()` allow a connection object instead of a file name o "$num_allele" is allowed in `seqGetData()` and `seqApply()` (the numbers of distinct alleles) o a new option '.progress' in `seqAlleleFreq()`, `seqMissing()` and `seqAlleleCount()` o '' can be a `gdsn.class` object in `seqApply()` o v1.12.7: a new argument 'parallel' in `seqApply()`, BiocParallel integration in `seqParallel()` and a new function `seqBlockApply()` o v1.12.8: a new function `seqGetParallel()` CHANGES IN VERSION 1.11.19-1.11.22 ------------------------- o utilizes the official C API `R_GetConnection()` to accelerate text import and export, requiring R (>=v3.3.0); alternative version (backward compatible with R_v2.15.0) is also available on github ( o ~4x speedup in the sequential version of `seqVCF2GDS()`, and `seqVCF2GDS()` can run in parallel o variables in "annotation/format/" should be two-dimensional as what mentioned in the vignette. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.11.0-1.11.18 ------------------------- o rewrite `seqSummary()` o a new vignette file with Rmarkdown format (replacing SeqArray-JSM2013.pdf) o bug fix in `seqBED2GDS()` if the total number of genotypes > 2^31 (integer overflow) o bug fixes in `seqMerge()` if chromosome and positions are not unique o `seqStorage.Option()` is renamed to `seqStorageOption()` o new function `seqDigest()` o `seqVCF.Header()` is renamed to `seqVCF_Header()`, `seqVCF.SampID()` is renamed to `seqVCF_SampID()` o seqSetFilter(): 'samp.sel' is deprecated since v1.11.12, please use 'sample.sel' instead o accelerate reading genotypes with SSE2(+13%) and AVX2(+23%) o new function `seqSystem()` o allow "$dosage" in `seqGetData()` and `seqApply()` for the dosages of reference allele o accelerate `seqSetFilterChrom()` and allow a selection with multiple regions o new methods `\S4method{seqSetFilter}{SeqVarGDSClass, GRanges}()` and `\S4method{seqSetFilter}{SeqVarGDSClass, GRangesList}()` o '' in `seqApply()` allows a 'connection' object (created by file, gzfile, etc) o `seqSummary(f, "genotype")$seldim` returns a vector with 3 integers (ploidy, # of selected samples, # of selected variants) instead of 2 integers CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.0-1.10.6 ------------------------- o the version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version 3.2 o fix a memory issue in `seqAlleleFreq()` when 'ref.allele' is a vector o `seqSetFilter()` allows numeric vectors in 'samp.sel' and 'variant.sel' o `seqSummary()` returns ploidy and reference o `seqStorage.Option()` controls the compression level of FORMAT/DATA o `seqVCF2GDS()` allows extract part of VCF files via 'start' and 'count' o `seqMerge()` combines multiple GDS files with the same samples o export methods for compatibility with VariantAnnotation o a new argument '.useraw' in `seqGetFilter()` o a new argument 'allow.duplicate' in `seqOpen()` o fix a bug in `seqParallel()` ( and optimize its performance o 'gdsfile' could be NULL in `seqParallel()` CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.0-1.9.19 ------------------------- o a new function `seqGDS2SNP()` o supported by the SNPRelate package o support `seqApply(..., margin="by.sample")` o new functions `seqOptimize()`, `seqMissing()`, `seqAlleleFreq()`, `seqNumAllele()` and `seqSetFilterChrom()` o "intersection" and "push+intersection" in `seqSetFilter()` o parallel implementation in `seqNumAllele()`, `seqMissing()` and `seqAlleleFreq()` o a new function `seqExport()` o new argument ".useraw" in `seqApply()` o fix a bug for duplicated "", o fix an issue of `seqVCF2GDS()` when there are duplicated format or info ID o improve access speed (+50%, benchmark on calling seqApply(..., FUN=function(x) {})) o new functions `seqSNP2GDS()`, `seqBED2GDS()`, `seqAlleleCount()` and `seqResetFilter()` o `seqCompress.Option()` is renamed to `seqStorage.Option()` o "ZIP_RA" is the default value in `seqStorageOption()` and other functions instead of "ZIP_RA.max" o `seqSetFilter()` becomes a S4 method CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.0 ------------------------- o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version 3.1 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.1-1.7.5 ------------------------- o bug fix in getting genotypes if position > 2^31 o add an option 'ignore.chr.prefix' to the function `seqVCF2GDS()` o `seqVCF2GDS()` ignores the INFO or FORMAT variables if they are not defined ahead o a new action 'push+set' in the function `seqSetFilter()` o bug fix if 'requireNamespace("SeqArray")' is called from other packages CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.0 ------------------------- o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version 3.0 CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.1-1.5.2 ------------------------- o fix a bug in `seqVCF2GDS()` when the values in the FILTER column are all missing o enhance `seqVCF.Header()` o support the LinkingTo mechanism o fix the error in haploid genotypes (Y chromosome) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.0 ------------------------- o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.1-1.3.4 ------------------------- o update according to the new version of VariantAnnotation o update test codes to avoid the conflict o bumped version as all packages that depend on Rcpp must be rebuilt o modify to new biocViews to DESCRIPTION file CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------- o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.4-1.1.5 ------------------------- o add a new argument "action" to the function `seqSetFilter()` o add a new function 'seqInfoNewVar' which allows adding new variables to the INFO fields o minor bug fix in asVCF o update man page "SeqVarGDSClass-class.Rd" with new methods o in DESCRIPTION, BiocGenerics listed in "Suggests" instead of "Imports" as suggested by R CMD check o bug fix in seqDelete o revise the function 'seqTranspose' according to the update of gdsfmt (v1.0.0) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.1-1.1.3 ------------------------- o revise the argument 'var.index' in the function `seqApply()` o basic supports of 'GRanges' and 'DNAStringSetList' o added methods 'qual', 'filt', 'asVCF' o 'granges' method uses length of reference allele to set width o minor bug fix to avoid `seqGetData()` crashing when no value returned from a variable-length variable o update documents CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------- o The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------- o initial submission