%\VignetteIndexEntry{Analyze flow cytometric data using gate information} %\VignetteDepends{flowCyBar} %\VignetteKeywords{} %\VignettePackage{flowCyBar} \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{subfig} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{caption} \geometry{a4paper,left=20mm,right=30mm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm} \setlength{\parindent}{0ex} \title{flowCyBar - Analyze flow cytometric data using gate information} \author{Schumann, J., Koch, C., G\"unther S., Fetzer, I., M\"uller, S. \\ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ\\ Department of Environmental Microbiology\\ } \date{\today} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.55\textwidth} \maketitle \begin{abstract} CyBar means cytometric barcoding and is a tool for evaluation of cytometric datasets by using gate information. On the first hand it was developed for evaluation of microbial cytometric data but it can also be used for any other cytometric dataset. CyBar is used to record cell abundances per gate by creating a gate template that is valid for all samples that are part of an investigation. Thus, cell abundance variation per gate over time or per treatment is provided. As a result, the gate based population or community alterations are quantified and visualized in heatmaps. In addition, functional maps can be designed that indicate certain functions of cells in respective gates due to abiotic parameters that are recorded in parallel to the cytometric measurements. Also interactions of cells between gates can be suggested. The procedure allows a segregated and/or function-dependent identification of subpopulations/-communities of interest e.g. for cell sorting. The CyBar is useful to identify dynamics in a cell system, to find factors that shape a population or community and to make sort decisions easier. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} The background of the CyBar tool is published in \cite{guenther2011correlation} and \cite{koch2013cytometric}. The basic idea is to identify all subpopulations or subcommunities in cytometrically analyzed samples of a finalized test series. As a result a gate template is created. This template provides cell abundance information per gate over time or per treatment. Following, the CyBar provides the overall cell abundance information per gate as a box plot. Since cell abundances per gate can differ by tenfold and more a normalization procedure was introduced. Thus, variation in cell abundance is demonstrated per gate independently of their respective real share of the population or community. The resulting heatmap provides, therefore, both gate based cell abundance and variation over time or treatment of a population or community. Furthermore, a tool is provided to indicate biotic and abiotic background that causes variations in population or community structures. Using Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient (r$_S$) the impact of abiotic and biotic parameters on cell abundances per gate is approximated. As a result a functional map is created where influences of the various parameters are profiled. Abiotic parameters can be pH values or concentrations of N- or C-classes but also weather data. Biotic parameters are subpopulations or subcommunities that were detected in the sample. Here, multidimensional data evaluation can be included \cite{guenther2011correlation}. In this way huge cytometric and corresponding chemical or further related datasets can be combined and interpreted. Subpopulations or subcommunities of interest can be sorted due to their functional role in the population or community \cite{koch2013monitoring}. An overview on possible applications in ecosystems microbiology is given in \cite{koch2014dynamics}. It needs to be stated that CyBar requires datasets that are highly calibrated by using e.g. fluorescent beads. Every shift in the adjustment of a cytometer will be discovered using CyBar and will have an influence on the outcome. The application of CyBar is unlimited. The strength of the tool lies in the deep segregated insight into population and community dynamics, the suggestions that are given towards the functional background of the measured individuals, and the possibility to use this information for intentional sorting. In microbiology, the tool is especially valuable as data can be recorded every few minutes and thus follow generation times and therefore altering of community structures in a very fast way. \newpage \section{Overview} \label{overview} \begin{description} \item[Normalization of measured cell numbers\label{normalization}]{After the cytometric measurement, separation of cells of interest from the absolute event counts by setting a parent gate, and creation of the gate template the data consists of relative cell numbers for each gate. For more details see \cite{koch2013cytometric}. These cell numbers have to be normalized to ensure the comparability of gates with highly different (low and high) cell abundances for further investigations.} \item[Barcode and Boxplot of the measured relative/normalized cell numbers\label{cybarplot}]{The barcode describing community structure and variation is created using the normalized cell numbers for each gate and measurement. The cell abundance distribution between gates is shown in a color key. In addition, gates that vary in similar directions can be clustered by a dendrogram. Furthermore, the abundance variation of the relative cell numbers per gate can be shown as a vertical boxplot.} \item[NMDS plot of the measured relative/normalized cell numbers\label{nmds}]{The distance between samples based on their cytometrically measured cell abundance information is visualized using nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). This step can be done using the relative cell numbers or the normalized cell numbers.} \item[Correlation analysis of relative cell numbers and abiotic parameters\label{correlation}]{The application investigates the correlation between the cell number variations and changes in abiotic parameter values. Respective positive and negative correlations are visualized as a heatmap. In this step the measured relative cell numbers and the measured values of the abiotic parameters are used.} \end{description} \section{Reading the data} The data always have to be read in R. One dataset should be a tab-separated text file. Use one row per sample and one column per e.g. gate or abiotic parameter. Use the first column for the first gate/abiotic parameter and the first line as header. The names of the gates/abiotic parameters may not contain any whitespace. If the values contain commas they must be expressed as ".". Missing values or NA's are allowed (except for the NMDS plot) but should be expressed as "NA" or empty fields in the table. The structural requirements on the data and the way of reading them (see example below) are the same in every further section. In R change the working directory to the path where the data are located and read the data. All backslashes "\textbackslash" may be changed to slashes "/" when using Windows. <<ReadExample,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide,eval=FALSE>>= # Type the path into the quotes setwd("") # or in Windows use setwd(choose.dir(getwd(), "Choose the folder containing the data")) # Type the filename (including extension) the quotes # Example of reading the file Cell_number_sample.txt Cell_number_sample<-read.table("Cell_number_sample.txt",header=TRUE,sep="\t") @ \section{Functions}\label{functions} This section gives an overview of the functions that are included in the package. The datasets that are attached to the package serve as examples for demonstration and the influence of different parameter settings on the results. Unless noted otherwise these datasets are taken from \cite{koch2013cytometric}. First of all the package has to be loaded in R. <<loadPackage,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide>>= # Load package library(flowCyBar) @ \subsection{normalize} This step should be done to ensure the comparability of gates with highly different (low and high) cell abundances. The normalization can be performed by two different methods. In this example the attached dataset \texttt{Cell\_number\_sample} is used for demonstration. It contains sample names and the percentages of cells per gate instead of the relative measured cell numbers. Percentages of cells per gate are calculated by dividing the hundredfold of the relative cell number of one gate by the sum of all cells within the parent gate. This is done for each sample. \newpage The content of this dataset without sample names is shown in Table \ref{cellnumbers} (excerpt). Nonetheless, instead of using the percentages also the relative measured cell numbers per gate can be used. <<Cell_number,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide>>= # Load dataset data(Cell_number_sample) # Show data Cell_number_sample[,-1] @ \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrrrr} & G1 & G2 & G3 & ... & G30\\ 1 &12.75& 3.86 & 3.26 &...& 3.99\\ 2 & 22.44& 1.91&2.84& ... &0.91\\ 3& 15.51& 3.59 & 3.42& ... &1.94\\ 4& 20.99& 6.31& 5.52& ...& 1.79\\ 5&2.15& 1.74& 26.74 & ...& 1.19\\ 6&6.62& 2.77& 15.30& ... &1.20\\ 7&5.38& 3.88& 17.89& ...& 1.23\\ 8&5.44& 3.73&12.12& ...& 1.41\\ 9&5.06 &3.10& 9.10 &... &1.33\\ 10&5.20 &3.03 &9.25 &...& 1.33\\ \end{tabular} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Percentages of all cell numbers} \label{cellnumbers} \end{table} Two methods of normalization can be chosen. By choosing the default method (\texttt{"mean"}) the individual relative/percental cell number of each gate is normalized by dividing the relative/percental value by the mean of all relative/percental cell numbers for that gate. The averages are displayed on the console by default, too. For better reading use 2 digits. <<Normalize_mean,echo=TRUE,verbatim=TRUE,results=hide,eval=FALSE>>= # Normalize data, print 2 digits normalize(Cell_number_sample[,-1],digits=2) @ The averages and normalized values of each gate are printed to the R console. The normalized values look as follows (excerpt):\\ \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrrrr} & G1 & G2 & G3 & ... & G30\\ 1 & 1.26 & 1.14 &0.31& ... &2.44\\ 2 & 2.21 & 0.56& 0.27&...& 0.56\\ 3& 1.53 &1.06 &0.32 &...& 1.19\\ 4& 2.07 &1.86 &0.52 & ... &1.10\\ 5&0.21 &0.51& 2.54&...&0.73\\ 6&0.65 &0.82 &1.45 &... &0.74\\ 7&0.53& 1.14& 1.70& ...& 0.75\\ 8&0.54& 1.10& 1.15 &... &0.86\\ 9&0.50& 0.91& 0.86& ...&0.81\\ 10&0.51 &0.89& 0.88& ...& 0.81\\ \end{tabular} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Normalized cell numbers after using the default method \texttt{"mean"}} \label{normalizedmean} \end{table} By choosing the method \texttt{"first"} the individual relative/percental cell number of each gate is normalized by dividing the relative/percental value by the first relative/percental cell number of that gate. This method should be used to investigate changes within the gates ensuing from explicit starting conditions. \newpage <<Normalize_first,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide,eval=FALSE>>= # Use method "first" normalize(Cell_number_sample[,-1],method="first",digits=2) @ The normalized values looks different now (see Table \ref{normalizedfirst}). Note that the first value of each gate is 1.00 which means that this is the starting value and all other values are calculated relative to this value. \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrrrr} & G1 & G2 & G3 & ... & G30\\ 1 & 1.00 & 1.00 &1.00& ... &1.00\\ 2 & 1.76 & 0.49& 0.87& ...& 0.23\\ 3& 1.22 &0.93 &1.05 &...& 0.49\\ 4& 1.65 &1.63 &1.69& ... &0.45\\ 5&0.17 &0.45& 8.20& ...& 0.30\\ 6&0.52 &0.72 &4.69 &... &0.30\\ 7&0.42&1.01& 5.49& ...& 0.31\\ 8&0.43& 0.97&3.72 &... &0.35\\ 9&0.40& 0.80& 2.79& ...& 0.33\\ 10&0.41 &0.78& 2.84& ...& 0.33\\ \end{tabular} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Normalized cell numbers after using the method \texttt{"first"}} \label{normalizedfirst} \end{table} In the previous examples the first column of the dataset \texttt{Cell\_number\_sample} was omitted due to the fact that names can not be normalized. The content of this dataset actually looks as follows (excerpt): <<Cell_number_sample,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide>>= # Show data Cell_number_sample @ \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrr} & sample & G1 & G2 & G3 & ... & G30\\ 1&S1 &12.75& 3.86 & 3.26 &...& 3.99\\ 2&S2 & 22.44& 1.91&2.84& ... &0.91\\ 3&S3& 15.51& 3.59 & 3.42& ... &1.94\\ 4&S4& 20.99& 6.31& 5.52& ...& 1.79\\ 5&S5&2.15& 1.74& 26.74 & ...& 1.19\\ 6&S6&6.62& 2.77& 15.30& ... &1.20\\ 7&S7&5.38& 3.88& 17.89& ...& 1.23\\ 8&S8&5.44& 3.73&12.12& ...& 1.41\\ 9&S9&5.06 &3.10& 9.10 &... &1.33\\ 10&S10&5.20 &3.03 &9.25 &...& 1.33\\ \end{tabular} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Table with sample names and percental cell numbers} \label{cellnumbers_names} \end{table} To avoid errors the columns used for normalization were selected manually by using box brackets. Within the brackets the space in front of the comma defines the rows and the space behind the comma defines the columns to be selected. If one space is empty all rows/columns are selected. If the first and the second columns are used for e.g. sample names or other additional information the normalization should start with the third column. \\ The values can now be written to a new file using the \texttt{write.table} function of R. For more details type "?write.table" to the R console. <<WriteNorm,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide,eval=FALSE>>= # Save normalized values normalized<-normalize(Cell_number_sample[,-1],digits=2) # Write a new file containing the normalized values write.table(normalized,file="normalized.txt",row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE,sep="\t") @ \newpage \subsection{cybar\_plot} To reveal the cell number variation within each gate or to follow it from explicit starting conditions a barcode based on the normalized values is used. In addition, the measured relative or percental values are used to visualize the distribution of the cell numbers for each gate as a boxplot. The attached dataset \texttt{Cell\_number\_sample} is used for demonstration. \\ \subsubsection{Investigate cell number variation} To investigate the cell number variation within each gate the normalized values created by using the method \texttt{"mean"} should be used (see section 4.1 Table \ref{normalizedmean}). The dataset \texttt{Cell\_number\_sample} contains percental cell numbers as shown in Table \ref{cellnumbers}.\\ Figure \ref{fig:fig1plot} shows the pictures using default parameters. The spreading in the color key within the barcode is well balanced in this example, as evidenced by the color histogram in the top left corner. The orientation of the data labels in the boxplot is horizontal by default. The order of the boxes is by default the same as in the dataset but unlike the order within the barcode. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} \setkeys{Gin}{height=2.8in} <<CyBarPlotDefault,fig=TRUE,results=hide,width=12,height=5>>= # Load dataset data(Cell_number_sample) Normalized_mean<-normalize(Cell_number_sample[,-1],digits=2) Normalized_mean<-data.frame(data.matrix(Normalized_mean)) # Plot with default parameters cybar_plot(Normalized_mean,Cell_number_sample[,-1]) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Barcode and boxplot using default parameters} \label{fig:fig1plot} \end{figure} \newpage \subsubsection{Investigation ensuing from explicit starting conditions} To investigate the cell number variation ensuing from explicit starting conditions the normalized values created by using the method \texttt{"first"} should be used (see section 4.1 Table \ref{normalizedfirst}). Figure \ref{fig:fig2plot} shows the pictures using default parameters. Now, the spreading in the color key is not well balanced. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} \setkeys{Gin}{height=2.8in} <<CyBarPlotFirst,fig=TRUE,width=12,height=5,results=hide>>= Normalized_first<-normalize(Cell_number_sample[,-1],method="first",digits=2) Normalized_first<-data.frame(data.matrix(Normalized_first)) # Plot with default parameters cybar_plot(Normalized_first,Cell_number_sample[,-1]) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Barcode and boxplot using default parameters, spreading in the color key is not well balanced (see histogram)} \label{fig:fig2plot} \end{figure} For visualizing the barcode of the normalized values it is very important to look at the range of the data. If the range is set to large/close (see Figure \ref{fig:fig2plot}) or simply wrong the barcode will not give useful information. The spreading of the histogram within the color key should be should be well balanced. The range of the data can be changed using the corresponding parameters of the function. In this example most of the values are ranging from 0 and 3.5 so the end of the range needs to be adjusted. The beginning of the range is set to 0 by default so it is not necessary to change it. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<CyBarPlotFirstRange,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # Plot with changed range cybar_plot(x=Normalized_first,to=3.5) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-20pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Range of the data is set correct} \label{fig:fig3plot} \end{figure} \newpage \subsubsection{Improve visualization} There are several parameters having an influence on the results and being useful for improving the visualization. By looking at the boxplots of Figure \ref{fig:fig1plot} and Figure \ref{fig:fig2plot} not all data labels are visible due to the horizontal orientation. For better visualization the parameter used for the orientation can be changed to \texttt{"vert"}. The order of the boxes is the same as within the dataset but unlike the order within the barcode. The parameter used for the order of the boxes can be changed to \texttt{"sim"} which means that the boxes are ordered according to the similarity as calculated in the heatmap. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} \setkeys{Gin}{height=2.8in} <<CyBarLabelOrder,fig=TRUE,width=12,height=5,results=hide>>= # Plot with different parameters cybar_plot(Normalized_mean,Cell_number_sample[,-1],labels="vert",order="sim") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Vertical data labels and boxes ordered according to the similarity in the barcode, using values normalized by method \texttt{"mean"}} \label{fig:fig4plot} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} \setkeys{Gin}{height=2.8in} <<CyBarLabelOrderFirst,fig=TRUE,width=12,height=5,results=hide>>= # Plot with different parameters cybar_plot(Normalized_first,Cell_number_sample[,-1],to=3.5,labels="vert",order="sim") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Using values normalized by method \texttt{"first"}, same changes as described in Figure \ref{fig:fig4plot}} \label{fig:fig5plot} \end{figure} In Figure \ref{fig:fig4plot} the rows of the barcode are arranged according to the dataset. This order can be changed according to the similarity of the samples. In this case it is possible to add another dendrogram to the plot. Of course, the number of gradiations of the color code can be changed. In addition, a title can be added to the plot. The boxplot is not created in this example. \newpage \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<CyBarRowv,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # Barcode with ordered rows cybar_plot(x=Normalized_mean,Rowv=TRUE,grad=15,dendrogram="both", barmain="Normalized cell numbers") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-20pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{A dendrogram for the rows is added, less gradiations are used and a title is added to the plot} \label{fig:fig6plot} \end{figure} If the original data include e.g. sample names (see Table \ref{cellnumbers_names}) these names can be added to the barcode instead of the row numbers by changing the row names of the normalized data. The number and the order of the rows have to be identical in both datasets. The columns are selected by using box brackets. The dataset \texttt{Cell\_number\_sample} (see Table \ref{cellnumbers_names}) is used in this example, again. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} \setkeys{Gin}{height=2.8in} <<CyBarSamples,fig=TRUE,width=12,height=5,results=hide>>= # Change row names rownames(Normalized_mean)<-Cell_number_sample[,1] # Plot cybar_plot(Normalized_mean,Cell_number_sample[,-1], barmain="Normalized cell numbers",labels="vert",order="sim",boxmain="Cell numbers") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Sample names used as row names, titles added to the plots} \label{fig:fig7plot} \end{figure} The result is the same as shown in Figure \ref{fig:fig4plot} except that the row names within the barcode are changed to the sample names. \newpage \subsection{nmds} NMDS (nonmetric multidimensional scaling) is a mathematical technique to visualize the distances between the samples. The distances within the plot are used to be in accordance with the dis-/similarities of the respective samples. The NMDS plot can be created using the measured relative cell numbers, the percental cell numbers or the normalized cell numbers, depending on their respective values. Figure \ref{fig:fig8plot} and Figure \ref{fig:fig9plot} will show a possible difference. At first, the percental cell numbers contained in the dataset \texttt{Cell\_number\_sample} (see Table \ref{cellnumbers}) are used for demonstration. By default the plotting symbols are black circles. The position of the text is to the right of the data points. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSDefault,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # NMDS plot of percental cell numbers nmds(Cell_number_sample[,-1]) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot of percental cell numbers using default parameters} \label{fig:fig8plot} \end{figure} The NMDS plot looks distorted and is not very useful for evaluation. One possible reasons for that is the existence of high abundance and low abundance gates. In this case it is better to use the normalized values. Therefore, the normalized values as shown in Table \ref{normalizedmean} are used in the next example. The NMDS plot looks substantially better and should be preferred for evaluation. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSNormalized,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= Normalized_mean<-normalize(Cell_number_sample[,-1],digits=2) Normalized_mean<-data.frame(data.matrix(Normalized_mean)) # NMDS plot of normalized cel numbers nmds(Normalized_mean) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot of normalized cell numbers using default parameters} \label{fig:fig9plot} \end{figure} \newpage Instead of the default parameters the plotting symbols can be changed e.g. to red triangles with lines connecting the data points. The text can be set above the data points and a title can be added to the plot. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSChangeParam,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # NMDS plot with different parameters as described nmds(Normalized_mean,main="NMDS plot of normalized cell numbers",type="b",pos=3,pch=2,col="red") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot using red triangles, lines, text above the data points and a title} \label{fig:fig10plot} \end{figure} The samples can be classified into groups manually. Therefore, every sample has to be assigned to one group. In this example 10 samples are assigned to three different groups using the data frame \texttt{groups}. The data frame looks as follows: <<Groups,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide>>= # Create data frame with group assignments groups<-data.frame("groups"=c(1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,3,3)) @ \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lr} &groups\\ 1&1 \\ 2&1 \\ 3&1 \\ 4&1 \\ 5&2 \\ 6&3 \\ 7&3 \\ 8&3 \\ 9&3\\ 10&3\\ \end{tabular} \caption{Group assignments} \label{groups} \end{table} This data frame has ten entries and describes the assignment of every sample to one group (three groups overall in this example). Every sample is assigned to one value (1-25) so the same value means the same group. Up to 25 groups are possible (as only 25 plotting symbols are available). It is also possible to read a text file containing as many lines as samples whereas every line contains one value that assigns the sample to the respective group. The samples can be grouped by e.g. treatment, day of sampling or personal preferences. \newpage \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSGroups,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # NMDS plot with groups nmds(Normalized_mean,group=groups,main="NMDS plot of normalized cell numbers") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot with groups} \label{fig:fig11plot} \end{figure} In addition, abiotic parameters/gate information can be added to the NMDS plot suggesting the differences found within the plot. In this example the attached dataset \texttt{Abiotic\_data\_sample} is used for demonstration. Due to the fact that normalized values were preferably used for demonstration in this section this dataset contains normalized values of each gate (method=\texttt{"mean"}) and abiotic data for every sample. The content without sample names looks as follows (excerpt): <<Abiotic,include=FALSE,results=hide,verbatim=TRUE>>= # Load dataset data(Abiotic_data_sample) # Show data Abiotic_data_sample[,-1] @ \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrr} & G1 & ... & G30 & delta\_B1 & delta\_B2 & ... & COD & ... & redox\_pot\\ 1 &1.26 &... & 2.44 &-0.08 &-0.04 & ...&431 &... &638.8\\ 2 &2.21 & ...&0.56& -0.02 & 0.01& ... &543 &... &607.4\\ 3& 1.53& ... & 1.19& 0.12& 0.19& ... & 948&... &663.0\\ 4&2.07& ...& 1.10& 0.10& 0.23& ... &1710 &... &657.6\\ 5&0.21& ...& 0.73 & 0.28& 0.47& ... & 1420&... &661.0\\ 6& 0.65& ...& 0.74& 0.51& 0.67& ... & 1890&... &686.6\\ 7&0.53& ...& 0.75& 0.76& 0.94&... &1210 & ...&677.2\\ 8&0.54& ...&0.86& 0.87& 1.11& ... &1140 &... &669.0\\ 9&0.50 &...& 0.81 &0.97 &1.25& ... & 1240&... &682.2\\ 10&0.51 &... &0.81 &1.11 &1.45& ... &1060 &... &683.6\\ \end{tabular} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Table with normalized values and abiotic parameters} \label{abiotic} \end{table} If the percental cell numbers are used for the NMDS plot the table looks like shown in Table \ref{correlationtable} (see section 4.4). \\ The significance level of the gates/abiotic parameters is set to 0.05 and the color used for plotting is set to \texttt{"magenta"} by default. \newpage \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSAbiotic,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # NMDS plot with groups and abiotic parameters nmds(Normalized_mean,group=groups,main="NMDS plot of normalized cell numbers",abiotic=Abiotic_data_sample[,-1],verbose=TRUE) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot with groups, abiotic parameters and gate information} \label{fig:fig12plot} \end{figure} The abiotic parameters/gate information that are added to the plot can be selected manually using box brackets as described in section 4.1. This may be useful if there is a high number of abiotic parameters/gate information but not all are of interest. In this example only the most significant (p=0.05) abiotic parameters (columns 32-44) are added to the plot. The function \texttt{ncol()} basically returns the number of columns so typing 44 instead would also work. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSSelect,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # NMDS plot of selected abiotic parameters nmds(Normalized_mean,group=groups,main="NMDS plot of normalized cell numbers",abiotic=Abiotic_data_sample[,32:ncol(Abiotic_data_sample)], verbose=TRUE) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot with selected abiotic parameters} \label{fig:fig13plot} \end{figure} In the next example only the most significant (p=0.05) gate information (columns 2-31) are added to the plot. \newpage \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSSelectGates,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # NMDS plot with selected gates nmds(Normalized_mean,group=groups,main="NMDS plot of normalized cell numbers",abiotic=Abiotic_data_sample[,2:31],verbose=TRUE) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot with selected gate information} \label{fig:fig14plot} \end{figure} Now, the legend is placed to the top right corner of the plot, the color of the arrows is changed to \texttt{"darkred"} and the maximum p-value is set to 0.01. All abiotic parameters/gate information less or equal the maximum p-value are added to the plot. Only 15 parameters (former: 26, see Figure \ref{fig:fig12plot}) are plotted due to changing the maximum p-value. The number of parameters may change due the results of the NMDS plot are a little bit different everytime the function is called. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSAbioticChanged,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # NMDS plot nmds(Normalized_mean,group=groups,main="NMDS plot of normalized cell numbers",legend_pos="topright",abiotic=Abiotic_data_sample[,-1], p.max=0.01,col_abiotic="darkred",verbose=TRUE) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot with changed maximum p-value} \label{fig:fig15plot} \end{figure} It may be useful to plot the sample names instead of the row names as text of the data points. Since the attached dataset \texttt{Abiotic\_data\_sample} also contains the sample names in the right order the row names of the data frame containing the normalized values are changed according to the first column of \texttt{Abiotic\_data\_sample}. \newpage <<NMDSSample,include=FALSE,results=hide,verbatim=TRUE>>= # Load datasets data(Abiotic_data_sample) # Show data Abiotic_data_sample @ The content of this dataset actually looks as follows (excerpt): \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrr} &sample & G1 & ... & G30 & delta\_B1 & delta\_B2 & ... & COD & ... & redox\_pot\\ 1&S1 &1.26 &... & 2.44 &-0.08 &-0.04 & ...&431 &... &638.8\\ 2&S2 &2.21 & ...&0.56& -0.02 & 0.01& ... &543 &... &607.4\\ 3&S3& 1.53& ... & 1.19& 0.12& 0.19& ... & 948&... &663.0\\ 4&S4&2.07& ...& 1.10& 0.10& 0.23& ... &1710 &... &657.6\\ 5&S5&0.21& ...& 0.73 & 0.28& 0.47& ... & 1420&... &661.0\\ 6&S6& 0.65& ...& 0.74& 0.51& 0.67& ... & 1890&... &686.6\\ 7&S7&0.53& ...& 0.75& 0.76& 0.94&... &1210 & ...&677.2\\ 8&S8&0.54& ...&0.86& 0.87& 1.11& ... &1140 &... &669.0\\ 9&S9&0.50 &...& 0.81 &0.97 &1.25& ... & 1240&... &682.2\\ 10&S10&0.51 &... &0.81 &1.11 &1.45& ... &1060 &... &683.6\\ \end{tabular} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Abiotic data with sample names} \label{abiotic_sample} \end{table} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<NMDSPlotSample,fig=TRUE,width=6,height=5,results=hide>>= # Change row names rownames(Normalized_mean)<-Abiotic_data_sample[,1] # NMDS plot with sample names nmds(Normalized_mean,group=groups,main="NMDS plot of normalized cell numbers",legend_pos="topright",abiotic=Abiotic_data_sample[,-1], p.max=0.01,col_abiotic="darkred",verbose=TRUE) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{NMDS plot with sample names as text of the data points} \label{fig:fig16plot} \end{figure} \newpage \subsection{correlation} The relationships between the measured relative or percental cell numbers and the abiotic parameters are investigated using correlation analysis. It is recommended to use the measured relative or percental cell numbers for this procedure instead of the normalized cell numbers. The attached dataset \texttt{Corr\_data\_sample} is used for demonstration in the following section. <<Correlation,include=FALSE,results=hide,verbatim=TRUE>>= # Load dataset data(Corr_data_sample) # Show correlation values Corr_data_sample[,-1] @ The content without sample names looks as follows (excerpt): \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrr} & G1 & ... & G30 & delta\_B1 & delta\_B2 & ... & COD & ... & redox\_pot\\ 1 &12.75 &... & 3.99&-0.08 &-0.04 & ...&431 &... &638.8\\ 2 &22.44& ...&0.91& -0.02 & 0.01& ... &543 &... &607.4\\ 3& 15.51& ... & 1.94& 0.12& 0.19& ... & 948&... &663.0\\ 4&20.99& ...& 1.79& 0.10& 0.23& ... &1710 &... &657.6\\ 5&2.51& ...& 1.19& 0.28& 0.47& ... & 1420&... &661.0\\ 6& 6.62& ...& 1.20& 0.51& 0.67& ... & 1890&... &686.6\\ 7&5.38& ...& 1.23& 0.76& 0.94&... &1210 & ...&677.2\\ 8&5.44& ...&1.41& 0.87& 1.11& ... &1140 &... &669.0\\ 9&5.06 &...& 1.33 &0.97 &1.25& ... & 1240&... &682.2\\ 10&5.20 &... &1.33 &1.11 &1.45& ... &1060 &... &683.6\\ \end{tabular} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Table with correlation values} \label{correlationtable} \end{table} By default Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient is used for calculating the correlation values and their p-values, respectively \cite{guenther2011correlation}. The rows and columns are ordered according to similarity. In addition dendrograms are shown to reveal clusters within the data. For visualizing the correlation values a color key with 21 gradiations is used ranging from blue (strong negative correlation) to red (strong positive correlation). Neutral correlations are shown in white. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<CorrelationPlot,fig=TRUE,width=8,height=7,results=hide>>= # Run correlation analysis correlation(Corr_data_sample[,-1]) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Heatmap of correlation values using default parameters} \label{fig:fig17plot} \end{figure} \newpage The color key can be changed using different color palettes of R or defining an own colorRampPalette (see Details of this function within the package). The dendrograms can be omitted and a title can be added to the plot. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<CorrelationTopo,fig=TRUE,width=8,height=7,results=hide>>= # Plot with different parameters as described correlation(Corr_data_sample[,-1],colkey=topo.colors(16),dendrogram="column") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Using topographic color palette, omit row dendrogram} \label{fig:fig18plot} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<CorrelationCM,fig=TRUE,width=8,height=7,results=hide>>= # Plot correlation(Corr_data_sample[,-1],colkey=cm.colors(15),dendrogram="row") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Using color palette \texttt{cm}, omit column dendrogram} \label{fig:fig19plot} \end{figure} \newpage \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<CorrelationHeat,fig=TRUE,width=8,height=7,results=hide>>= # Plot correlation(Corr_data_sample[,-1],colkey=heat.colors(11),dendrogram="none", main="Correlation of Corr_data_sample") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Using color palette \texttt{heat}, omit dendrograms and add a title} \label{fig:fig20plot} \end{figure} Sometimes it is useful to arrange the gates/abiotic parameters according to the order used in the table, not according to similarity. This can be done for the rows, the columns or both.The corresponding dendrograms are not shown in this case as they would not be reasonable. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<CorrelationOrder,fig=TRUE,width=8,height=7,results=hide>>= # Plot correlation(Corr_data_sample[,-1],Rowv=FALSE,Colv=FALSE,dendrogram="none") @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Rows and columns ordered according to the table} \label{fig:fig21plot} \end{figure} The columns used for the correlation analysis can be selected manually. This is important if e.g. one column is used for sample names or if the correlation of specific gates/abiotic parameters is of particular interest. The selection is again realized using box brackets. For demonstration the attached dataset \texttt{Corr\_data\_sample} is used, again. \newpage The content actually looks as follows (excerpt): <<CorrelationSample,results=hide>>= # Load dataset data(Corr_data_sample) # Show data Corr_data_sample @ \begin{table}[h] \centering \begin{tabular}{lrrrrrrrrrr} &sample & G1 & ... & G30 & delta\_B1 & delta\_B2 & ... & COD & ... & redox\_pot\\ 1&S1 &12.75 &... & 3.99&-0.08 &-0.04 & ...&431 &... &638.8\\ 2&S2 &22.44& ...&0.91& -0.02 & 0.01& ... &543 &... &607.4\\ 3&S3 & 15.51& ... & 1.94& 0.12& 0.19& ... & 948&... &663.0\\ 4&S4 &20.99& ...& 1.79& 0.10& 0.23& ... &1710 &... &657.6\\ 5&S5 &2.51& ...& 1.19& 0.28& 0.47& ... & 1420&... &661.0\\ 6&S6 & 6.62& ...& 1.20& 0.51& 0.67& ... & 1890&... &686.6\\ 7&S7 &5.38& ...& 1.23& 0.76& 0.94&... &1210 & ...&677.2\\ 8&S8 &5.44& ...&1.41& 0.87& 1.11& ... &1140 &... &669.0\\ 9&S9 &5.06 &...& 1.33 &0.97 &1.25& ... & 1240&... &682.2\\ 10&S10 &5.20 &... &1.33 &1.11 &1.45& ... &1060 &... &683.6\\ \end{tabular} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Correlation values with sample names} \label{correlation_sample} \end{table} As the correlation can only be computed using numerical values the first column was omitted in the previous examples. To select specific columns used for correlation analysis the simplest way is to count the columns. In this example the colums 2-11 (G1-G10), the columns 32-34 (delta\_B1, delta\_B2, delta\_B3) and the last three columns (pO2,pH,redox\_pot) are used for the calculation. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} <<CorrelationSelect,fig=TRUE,width=8,height=7,results=hide>>= # Select columns manually using concatenation correlation(Corr_data_sample[,c(2:11,32:34,42:ncol(Corr_data_sample))]) @ \end{center} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{-10pt} \captionsetup{font=footnotesize} \caption{Correlation of selected gates/abiotic parameters} \label{fig:fig22plot} \end{figure} It is possible to select the columns by their names, too. This could be helpful if there is a very high number of colums. Instead of counting the columns as done in the last example they are now selected be their names. The result is the same as shown in Figure \ref{fig:fig22plot}. <<CorrelationSelectNames,include=FALSE,results=hide>>= # Select columns manually using concatenation of their names correlation(Corr_data_sample[,c("G1","G2","G3","G4","G5","G6","G7", "G8","G9","G10","delta_B1","delta_B2","delta_B3","pO2","pH","redox_pot")]) @ Sometimes it is useful to export a table with the calculated estimates or the p-values that are used for creating the heatmap. By setting \texttt{verbose=TRUE} the estimates, the p-values and additional information on the heatmap are printed to the R console. A list of these outputs can be saved in a new variable (\texttt{cor} in this example). <<SaveList,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide>>= # Save list of results in new variable cor<-correlation(Corr_data_sample[,-1],verbose=TRUE) @ The entries of the list can be accessed manually and saved as a new file. Typing \texttt{cor["est"]} returns the estimates, \texttt{cor["pvals"]} returns the p-values and \texttt{cor["heat"]} returns additional information on the heatmap. <<ShowEstPval,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide>>= # Show estimates cor["est"] # Show p-values cor["pvals"] @ The entries can now be written in a new file. <<WriteEst,verbatim=TRUE,echo=TRUE,results=hide,eval=FALSE>>= # Write a new file containing the estimates write.table(cor["est"],file="estimates.txt",row.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE,sep="\t") @ \bibliographystyle{apalike} \bibliography{flowCyBar-manual} \end{document}