\usepackage{graphicx, graphics, epsfig,setspace,amsmath, amsthm}

<<style-Sweave, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=

\title{Oscope: a statistical pipeline for identifying oscillatory genes in unsynchronized single cell RNA-seq experiments}
\author{Ning Leng and Christina Kendziorski}

Oscope (as detailed in Leng* {\it et al.}, 2015 \cite{Leng15b}) is
a statistical pipeline for identifying oscillatory genes in unsynchronized
single cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) experiments.
Oscope capitalizes on the
fact that cells from an unsynchronized population
represent distinct states in a system.
Oscope utilizes co-regulation information among
oscillators to identify groups of putative oscillating genes, and then
reconstructs the cyclic order of samples for each group, defined as the order
that specifies each sample's position within one cycle of the oscillation,
referred to as a base cycle.
The reconstructed order is based on minimizing distance between each gene's
expression and its gene-specific profile defined by the group's base cycle
allowing for phase shifts between different genes. For different groups of
genes following independent oscillatory processes and/or having distinct
frequencies, the cyclic orders need not be the same.

The flowchart of Oscope is shown in Figure \ref{fig:Flow}.
As shown, Oscope first fits a sinusoidal function to all gene pairs and choose
those with significantly high sine scores. Once candidate genes are identified,
K-medoids is applied to cluster genes into groups with similar frequencies,
but possibly different phases. Then, for each group, Oscope recovers the cyclic
order which orders cells by their position within one cycle of the oscillatory
process underlying the group.

\caption{The Oscope flowchart.}

\section{Run Oscope}
Before analysis can proceed, the Oscope package
must be loaded into the working space:
<<cache=TRUE, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=

\subsection{Required inputs}
{\bf Data}:  The object \verb+Data+ should be a $G-by-S$ matrix
containing the expression values for each gene and each sample,
where $G$ is the number of genes and $S$ is the number of samples. These
values should exhibit estimates of gene expression
across samples. Counts of this nature may be obtained from RSEM (\cite{Li11b}),
Cufflinks (\cite{Trapnell12}), or a similar approach.
Cross-sample library size normalization should be performed. An cross-sample
library size normalization by median normalization are shown in section \ref{sec:startnorm}.

\noindent The object \verb+OscopeExampleData+ is a simulated data matrix containing
500 rows of genes and 30 columns of samples. The genes are named
\verb+g1, g2, ...+ and the samples are named \verb+S1, S2, ...+
Among the 500 genes, gene \verb+g1-g120+ are simulated as oscillators. 
Two groups of oscillators (\verb+g1-g60+ and \verb+g61-g120+) 
are simulated following independent frequencies and orders.
The data set also include a gene group (g301-g305) that has purely linear correlation
between genes (but not oscillating).
The other genes are simulated as noise.


Oscope requires cross-sample normalization to be applied  to adjust for sequencing depth 
differences among different samples.
Here, the library size factors may be obtained via the function \verb+MedianNorm+, which reproduces the
median normalization approach
in DESeq \citep{Anders10}.
Sizes <- MedianNorm(OscopeExampleData)

\noindent If quantile normalization is preferred, library size factors
may be obtained via the function \verb+QuantileNorm+
(for example, \verb+QuantileNorm(GeneMat,.75)+ for Upper-Quartile Normalization in \cite{Bullard10}).

\noindent To obtain the normalized expression matrix, user may used the GetNormalizedMat() function:
DataNorm <- GetNormalizedMat(OscopeExampleData, Sizes)

It is
well-accepted that scRNA-seq suffers from high level of technical noise. It is also known that
the low expressers are more affected by the noises. %XXcitationXX
Therefore, we suggest users to apply Oscope on a subset of genes with high mean and high variance
to reduce the effects from technical noises. Note that once the base cycle order is recovered,
a user may apply ordinary time-series oscillatory gene detection algorithms based on the recovered
orders to identify oscillatory genes in the genes with lower mean and variance.

Function CalcMV() may be used to calculate the estimated mean and variance of genes, as well as
select genes with high mean and high variance.
For example:
<<eval=TRUE, fig=TRUE>>=
MV <- CalcMV(Data = OscopeExampleData, Sizes = Sizes)
DataSubset <- DataNorm[MV$GeneToUse,]
\caption{Mean-Variance plot generated by CalcMV() function.}

Figure \ref{fig:MV} shows the output figure of the CalcMV() function.
By default, CalcMV() defines genes with mean expression greater than 100 as high expressers.
To change it, a user may specify parameter \verb+MeanCutLow+ to another number.
To define the high variance genes, the CalcMV() function will fit a linear
regression on log(variance) $\sim$ log(mean) on genes with high mean. Genes
with variance above this line are considered as genes with high mean and
high variance (marked in green in Figure \ref{fig:MV}).
The upper bound of mean may be specified
using \verb+MeanCutHigh+.

While working with a normalized data set, a user may specify \verb+Sizes = NULL+ and \verb+NormData = TRUE+.
For example:

<<eval=FALSE, fig=FALSE>>=
MV2 <- CalcMV(Data = DataNorm, Sizes = NULL, NormData = TRUE)
DataSubset2 <- DataNorm[MV2$GeneToUse,]

The CalcMV() function can also take unnormalized data set. 
By setting \verb+Sizes = NULL+ and \verb+NormData = FALSE+,
the CalcMV() function will calculate the library size factor via MedianNorm() function
first, then calculate mean and variance after adjusting for library sizes.
A user can also input pre-defined library size factor for unnormalized data via
parameter \verb+Sizes+.

Since the paired-sine model in Oscope requires input values to be between -1 and 1, a rescaling step
is needed prior to apply Oscope.
Function \verb+NormForSine+ may be used for the rescaling.
For example:

DataInput <- NormForSine(DataNorm)

The NormForSine() function will rescale the expression measurements to values between -1 and 1.
To reduce the influences of potential outliers, the default setting in NormForSine() function
will impute the extreme values in each gene to its upper/lower bound.
By default settings,a gene's upper (lower) bound is set to be its 95th (5th) quantile of expression.
These two quantile thresholds may be changed via parameters \verb+qt1+ and \verb+qt2+.
If \verb+qt1+ and \verb+qt2+ are set as 0 and 1, no outlier imputation will take place.

\subsection{Oscope: paired-sine model}

We developed a paired-sine model to identify gene pairs that are oscillating following the same
process. Genes following the same process are assumed to have same frequency, but allow for
phase shifts.
To apply the paired-sine model, user may use the \verb+OscopeSine()+ function.
<<eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE>>=
SineRes <- OscopeSine(DataInput)

The \verb+OscopeSine+ function can be parallelized by setting \verb+parallel=TRUE+ (see below). A user may change the settings, such as the number of cores,  via
the parameter \verb+parallelParam+.

<<cache=TRUE, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
SineRes <- OscopeSine(DataInput, parallel=TRUE)

The output of \verb+OscopeSine()+ contains 3 matrices. SimiMat shows the sine score between each pair of
input genes. The higher the sine score, the more likely that two genes are oscillating
following the same process. DiffMat shows the distance (dissimilarity estimates) between each pair of genes. Note that
sine score = -log10 (distance) for any pair of genes.
ShiftMat shows the estimated phase shift between each pair of genes.

If only high mean high variance genes are of interest, a user may run the paired-sine model on the genes
defined in section \ref{sec:startprocess}: 
DataInput2 <- NormForSine(DataSubset)
SineRes2 <- OscopeSine(DataInput2)

\subsection{Oscope: K-medoids algorithm}

Oscope incorporated a K-medoids algorithm to cluster candidate oscillatory gene pairs identified by the
paired-sine model into gene groups. Function \verb+OscopeKM()+ may be used to apply the K-medoids algorithm:
KMRes <- OscopeKM(SineRes, maxK = 10)
Input of \verb+OscopeKM()+ function is required to be the output of the \verb+OscopeSine()+ function.
The K-mediods algorithm uses the distance matrix estimated in the paired-sine model as the dissimilarity
By setting \verb+maxK = 10+, \verb+OscopeKM()+ function will search for the optimal $K$ among 2-10
by maximizing the Silhouette distance.
By default settings, the top 5\% genes will be used in the K-medoids clustering.
The percentage may be changed by setting parameter \verb+quan+.
We define a gene's minimal distance as the shortest distance between the gene and any other genes.
The top genes are defined as those that have the shortest minimal distances.
The distances may be calculated using the \verb+OscopeSine()+ function described in section
If \verb+maxK+ is not specified, the maximum $K$ will be set to the integer part of (number of top genes)/10.
In this example, the optimal number of clusters is 3. The 3 clusters contain 
\Sexpr{length(KMRes[[1]])}, \Sexpr{length(KMRes[[2]])} and \Sexpr{length(KMRes[[3]])} genes, respectively.

\subsection{Flag clusters with small within-cluster sine scores and/or small within-cluster phase shifts}

To infer the significance of each group, Oscope evaluates each group's sine score distribution using permuted data.
For each group, Oscope permutes cell order for each gene independently.
By default, Oscope only takes groups whose median sine score
in original data is greater than its 90$^{th}$ quantile in permuted data. Function \verb+FlagCluster()+ 
will flag groups who fail to meet this criteria. 

To avoid detecting gene groups with purely linear relationship, we suggest users to only consider
gene clusters with some within-group phase differences.
For any pair of genes $gi,gj$ within a group, define
$\upsilon_{gi,gj}=min((\pi-\eta_{gi,gj}), \eta_{gi,gj})$, in which
$\eta_{gi,gj}=\psi_{gi,gj}$ mod $\pi$.
Oscope's default takes groups whose 90$^{th}$ quantile of $\upsilon_{gi,gj}$'s is greater
than $\pi/4$ for further order recovery.
Function \verb+FlagCluster()+ could also flag gene clusters with small within-cluster phase shifts.

For example:
%<<cache=TRUE, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, results=hide>>=
<<cache=TRUE, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
ToRM <- FlagCluster(SineRes, KMRes, DataInput)
<<cache=TRUE, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
print(ToRM$FlagID) # all flagged clusters 
The \verb+FlagCluster()+ function requires outputs of \verb+OscopeSine()+ and \verb+OscopeKM()+.
Summary statistics will be displayed in R console.
In the sine score analysis part, the function will show summary statistics of the sine scores in the original data and permuted data.
In the phase shift analysis part, the function will show summary statistics of the $\upsilon$'s within each cluster. 
Cluster 1 is flagged in this example because of the lack of within-cluster phase shift. 
This is expected since gene 301-305 are simulated as linearly correlated but are not oscillating.
To exclude cluster 1 in the order recovery step:
KMResUse <- KMRes[-ToRM$FlagID]

\subsection{Oscope: extended nearest insertion}

Oscope reconstructs the base cycle order for each of the selected gene clusters.
To reconstruct the base cycle orders, the \verb+OscopeENI()+ function may be used:
<<eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE>>=
ENIRes <- OscopeENI(KMRes = KMResUse, Data = DataInput, NCThre = 100)

The \verb+OscopeENI+ function can also be parallelized by setting \verb+parallel=TRUE+ (see below). A user may change the settings, such as the number of cores, via
the parameter \verb+parallelParam+.

<<eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE>>=
ENIRes <- OscopeENI(KMRes = KMResUse, Data = DataInput, NCThre = 100, parallel=TRUE)

The \verb+OscopeENI()+ requires gene lists and rescaled
expression matrix as inputs.
The \verb+OscopeENI()+ function will perform the extended nearest algorithm and the 2-opt algorithm.
Parameter \verb+NCThre+ may be used to define the iteration stopping criteria of the 2-opt algorithm.
Here we set \verb+NCThre = 100+ for demonstration purpose. By setting \verb+NCThre = 100+,
The 2-opt algorithm will be stopped when there are no updates for 100 iterations. The default setting of
\verb+NCThre+ is 1000.

Once the recovered cell orders are obtained, a user may reorder the expression matrix
and apply ordinary time series methods
(e.g. FFT) on all the genes to find weaker oscillators (and oscillators
with lower mean or variance, if only high mean high vanriance genes are used in
previous steps). For example, the reordered data set may be obtained by:

<<eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE>>=
DataNorm2 <- DataNorm[,ENIRes[["cluster2"]]]


To visualize the recovered base cycle profiles of 6 genes in cluster 2:
<<eval=FALSE, fig=FALSE>>=
par(mfrow = c(3,2))
for(i in 1:6)
plot(DataNorm[KMResUse[["cluster2"]][i], ENIRes[["cluster2"]]],
xlab = "Recovered order", ylab = "Expression",
main = KMResUse[["cluster2"]][i])
%\caption{Recovered base cycle profiles of 6 genes in cluster 2 identified by Oscope.}


To visualize the recovered base cycle profiles of 6 genes in cluster 3:
<<eval=FALSE, fig=FALSE>>=
par(mfrow = c(3,2))
for(i in 1:6)
plot(DataNorm[KMResUse[["cluster3"]][i], ENIRes[["cluster3"]]],
xlab = "Recovered order", ylab = "Expression",
main = KMResUse[["cluster3"]][i])
%\caption{Recovered base cycle profiles of 6 genes in cluster 3 identified by Oscope.}

\section{Session info}
Here is the output of sessionInfo on the system on which this document was compiled:


