Updated to version 1.0.1 in release and 1.1.1 in development (08/05/2015)
06/05/2015    Updated the vignette with sections describing how to plot average 
01/05/2015    Added new colour palettes for plotting density plots. Eight  
              different colour palettes are now available in addition to 
              previous default palette in shades of blue. Preview of the
              palettes is available in the vignette.
30/04/2015    Marray package is no longer imported and, instead of the 
              maPalette() function for creating colour palettes, the           
              colorRampPalette() function is now used throughout.

Updated to version 1.0.0 (17/04/2015)
17/04/2015    Bioconductor 3.1 release
Updated to version 0.99.3 (23/03/2015)
23/03/2015    Added function plotMotifOccurrenceAverage() for plotting
              average profile of motif occurrence.
21/03/2015    Added function plotPatternOccurrenceAverage() for plotting
              average profiles of patterns occurrence.
18/03/2015    Fixed the problem of motif matching to Ns (which are assigned 
              weights 0) when PWM has very negative values.

Updated to version 0.99.2 (02/02/2015)
02/02/2015    Updated the man pages and the vignette.
01/02/2015    Adjusted the calculation of PWM score percentage for motif
              scanning functions to correctly calculate percentage of maximal 
              PWM score taking into account minimal PWM score as a baseline 
              (important when minimal score of the PWM is negative). The score 
              threshold specified as a percentage (e.g. default value of 80%) is
              now converted to PWM score threshold as follows:
                minScore(motifPWM) + percThreshold/100 * 
                (maxScore(motifPWM) - minScore(motifPWM))
Version 0.99.1 released in the development branch (07/01/2015)