% NOTE -- ONLY EDIT THE .Rnw FILE!!!  The .tex file is
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%\VignetteIndexEntry{Installation Instructions for xcms}




\title{Installation Instructions for xcms}
\author{Colin A. Smith}


This document describes how to install \Rpackage{xcms} and, if
necessary, also obtain and install \texttt{R}. The \Rpackage{xcms}
package includes \texttt{C} code which needs to be compiled, and
also uses the NetCDF library for reading AIA format NetCDF mass
spectral data files. Pre-compiled binaries which include the NetCDF
library are available for Windows and Mac OS X. Users of Linux and
other platforms must install the NetCDF library themselves.

The \Rpackage{xcms} package and a demonstration data package,
\Rpackage{faahKO}, are currently available from several sources.
The first is the web site of the Bioconductor open source software
project. (\url{http://www.bioconductor.org/}) The second is the web
site of the METLIN Metabolite Database.
(\url{http://metlin.scripps.edu/download/}) Both sites contain
source and binary distributions, although due to differences in
distribution, one may host a slightly more up-to-date version than
the other.

\texttt{R} is available for download through the Comprehensive R
Archive Network (CRAN). Visitors are encouraged to use one of the
many local mirrors of the CRAN site for efficient downloading.
(\url{http://cran.r-project.org/mirrors.html}) While the vignettes
included with \Rpackage{xcms} give many examples of \texttt{R} use
and syntax, new users are strongly encouraged to skim some of the
introductory material in the Manuals section of the \texttt{R} web
site. (\url{http://www.r-project.org/}) ``An Introduction to R''
is an especially useful starting point.

\section{Windows Installation}

To make installation as straightforward as possible for all users,
\Rpackage{xcms} includes a binary version of the NetCDF library in
the \texttt{inst/netcdfdll} subdirectory. The version currently
included is 3.6.1-beta1, as available from the Unidata web


\item Download and install the current version of \texttt{R}.
Detailed instructions for doing so are available on the CRAN site.

\item Once you have \texttt{R} installed, launch it and select
Biodconductor repository using the \texttt{Packages > Select
repositories...} menu item.

\item Use the package installer to automatically download and install
\Rpackage{multtest} with the \texttt{Packages > Install package(s)...}
menu item.

\item Download the \Rpackage{xcms} and \Rpackage{faahKO} Windows
binaries from one of the sources listed in the introduction.

\item Install \Rpackage{xcms} and \Rpackage{faahKO} using the
\texttt{Packages > Install package(s) from local zip files...} menu


\section{Mac OS X Installation}

The Mac OS X binaries of \Rpackage{xcms} may be installed without
the Developer Tools and without a separate installation of the
NetCDF library. Its code is pre-compiled and statically linked
against the NetCDF library version 3.6.0-p1. If you wish to compile
it yourself, you may obtain the library from software distribution
projects such as Fink\footnote{\url{http://fink.sourceforge.net/}}
or DarwinPorts\footnote{\url{http://netcdf.darwinports.com/}}.
Alternatively, you may compile it yourself using the instructions
provided below.


\item Several of the functions in \Rpackage{xcms} which generate
PNG images require an X11 display device. If it is not already
installed, you will need to install

\item Download and install the current version of \texttt{R}.
Detailed instructions for doing so are available on the CRAN site.

\item Download the \Rpackage{xcms} and \Rpackage{faahKO} Mac OS X
binaries from one of the sources listed in the introduction.

\item Launch \texttt{R} and open the R Package Installer using the
\texttt{Packages \& Data > Package Installer} menu item. Select the
``At User Level'' radio button.

\item Select ``BioConductor (binaries)'' from the pop up menu and
use the package installer to automatically download and install
\Rpackage{Biobase} and \Rpackage{multtest}.

If Bioconductor is preparing for its next release and binaries
aren't yet available for your version of \texttt{R}, you will need
to install the Apple Developer
Tools\footnote{\url{http://connect.apple.com/}} to allow installation
of source Bioconductor packages. Use the ``BioConductor (sources)''
option instead.

\item Select ``Local Source Package'' from the popup menu and install
the \Rpackage{xcms} and \Rpackage{faahKO} packages you previously


\section{Obtaining the NetCDF Library}

If you are using Linux or another UNIX-like operating system, you
will have to obtain the NetCDF library before installing and using
\Rpackage{xcms}. Many Linux distributions include that package so
in most cases, locating and installing the version that comes with
your distribution will be the best option. However, you may also
install the NetCDF package using the following instructions:


\item Download the gzipped tar file of the NetCDF source
(\texttt{netcdf.tar.gz}) from the Unidata web-site\footnotemark[1].
Then extract the archive and change to the source directory.

tar -xzf netcdf.tar.gz
cd netcdf-*/src

\item Configure, compile, and install the library. By default it
is installed in the directory you extracted in the previous step.
If you wish to install it in another location, use the \texttt{---prefix}
argument with the configuration script.

./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make install


It is important to note that, when compiled for the x86\_64
architecture, the NetCDF library must be compiled with the
\texttt{-fPIC} flag to produce position-independent code. Certain
Linux distributions, such as SuSE Professional 9.2, do not yet
enable that option when packaging the NetCDF library. In that case
you must compile and install the library yourself using the
instructions above. To enable that flag, set the \texttt{CFLAGS}
environment variable prior to compilation.

export CFLAGS=-fPIC (for sh, bash, etc.)
setenv CFLAGS -fPIC (for csh, tcsh, etc.)

\section{Obtaining the \Rpackage{rgl} Package}

Though not listed in any of the dependencies of \Rpackage{xcms},
the \Rpackage{rgl} package does get limited use. It provides an
interface for creating interactive, 3D graphics using OpenGL. The
\Rpackage{rgl} package is currently under development and does not
yet provide sufficient functionality or stability to warrant its
listing as an official dependency. It is used by a single
method, \Rmethod{plotSurf}, for plotting out a 3D surface representation
of part of an LC/MS or GC/MS experiment. Due to limitations in
\Rpackage{rgl}, axis labels are currently not implemented. However,
it can be instructive for visualizing a small number of peaks in
three dimensions.

The best place to obtain source and Windows binary packages of
\Rpackage{rgl} is directly from CRAN. Mac OS X binaries are available
in the same place you download the \texttt{R} installer.
