### R code from vignette source 'clstDemo.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: clstDemo.Rnw:55-57
  figdir <- 'figs_out'
  dir.create(figdir, showWarnings=FALSE)

### code chunk number 2: clstDemo.Rnw:181-185
dmat <- as.matrix(dist(iris[,1:4], method="euclidean"))
groups <- iris$Species

### code chunk number 3: clstDemo.Rnw:194-196
ii <- c(1,125)
plot(scaleDistPlot(dmat, groups, indices=ii,O=ii))

### code chunk number 4: clstDemo.Rnw:212-214
thresh <- findThreshold(dmat, groups, type="mutinfo")

### code chunk number 5: clstDemo.Rnw:224-226
thresh2 <- findThreshold(dmat, groups, type="mutinfo", prob=NA)

### code chunk number 6: clstDemo.Rnw:235-236
plot(do.call(plotDistances, thresh))

### code chunk number 7: clstDemo.Rnw:239-240
plot(do.call(plotDistances, thresh2))

### code chunk number 8: clstDemo.Rnw:277-285
ind <- 1
species <- gettextf('I. %s', groups[ind])
cat('class of "unknown" sample is',species)
dmat1 <- dmat[-ind,-ind]
groups1 <- groups[-ind]
dvect1 <- dmat[ind, -ind]
cc <- classify(dmat1, groups1, dvect1)

### code chunk number 9: clstDemo.Rnw:295-301
ind <- 125
species = gettextf('I. %s', groups[ind])
pp <- pull(dmat, groups, ind)
cc <- do.call(classify, pp)
cat(paste('class of "unknown" sample is', species))

### code chunk number 10: clstDemo.Rnw:311-317
loo <- lapply(seq_along(groups), function(i){
  do.call(classify, pull(dmat, groups, i))
matches <- lapply(loo, function(x) rev(x)[[1]]$matches)
result <- sapply(matches, paste, collapse='-')
table(ifelse(result=='','no match',result),groups)

### code chunk number 11: clstDemo.Rnw:326-329
 confusion <- sapply(matches, length) > 1
 no_match <- sapply(matches, length) < 1
 plot(scaleDistPlot(dmat, groups, fill=confusion, O=confusion, X=no_match))

### code chunk number 12: clstDemo.Rnw:342-350

loo <- lapply(seq_along(groups), function(i){
 do.call(classify, c(pull(dmat, groups, i),minScore=0.65))

matches <- lapply(loo, function(x) rev(x)[[1]]$matches)
result <- sapply(matches, paste, collapse='-')
table(ifelse(result=='','no match',result),groups)

### code chunk number 13: clstDemo.Rnw:355-359
 confusion <- sapply(matches, length) > 1
 no_match <- sapply(matches, length) < 1
 plot(scaleDistPlot(dmat, groups, fill=confusion, O=confusion,
                    X=no_match, indices=no_match))

### code chunk number 14: clstDemo.Rnw:372-373