# RCAS 0.99.7 - Added selfContained argument to runReport function so that the generated html report can be arranged to be standalone (slow to load but self-contained) or not (fast to load but external dependencies have to be shipped with the html file). - Updated motif analysis chunk in report.Rmd script. Query regions shorter than 15 bp are resized to 15bp to enable motif search in datasets with short interval queries. # RCAS 0.99.6 fixed repository issue - version bump to 0.99.6 # RCAS 0.99.5 New features: - DT::datatables in the report now contain buttons to export data tables to CSV, Excel, PDF, or print or copy the data. - with a new option in runReport function 'printProcessedTables', when set to TRUE, the raw data generated to make all tables and figures can be printed to text files in the working directory. - A new table is added at the beginning of the runReport output, that shows the input settings used to run the document - A sessionInfo() is added to the end of the runReport output - Added 'quiet' option to runReport function to optionally suppress progress bars and messages during report generation. Bug fixes - With the new plotly version release, the download button for plotly generated figures in the report html works. # RCAS 0.99.4 New features: - Additional coverage profile plots for Transcription Start/End Sites - Better ranking of GO and MSIGDB terms using both FDR and fold change values - Minor bug fix for motif analysis in the reporting script # RCAS 0.99.3 Made one minor revision - Cleaned up the directory inst/ # RCAS 0.99.2 Made two minor revisions asked by the reviewer: - manual loading of some packages manually in the vignette is cancelled - a NOTE flagged by R CMD Check about a global variable has been fixed # RCAS 0.99.1 RCAS has been built on Linux, Mac, and Windows. The package built without errors or warnings on all platforms. http://bioconductor.org/spb_reports/RCAS_0.99.1_buildreport_20160419074009.html # RCAS 0.99.0 Pre-release version of RCAS (RNA Centric Annotation System)