This vignette illustrates how to get started with cellmigRation, an R library aimed at analyzing cell movements over time using multi-stack tiff images of fluorescent cells.
The software includes two modules:
Module 1: data import and pre-precessing. This module includes a series of functions to import tiff images, remove noise/background and detect cell/particles, (optional) automatically estimate optimal analytic parameters, compute cell tracks (movements) and basic stats. The first module is largely based on the FastTracks software written in Matlab by Brian DuChez (FastTracks,, MATLAB Central File Exchange).
Module 2: advanced analyses and visualization. The second module includes a series of functions to compute advanced metrics/stats, exporting, automatically built visualizations, and generate interactive/3D plots.
This vignette guides the user through package installation, tiff file import, cell tracking, and a series of downstream analyses.
Package installation
Module 1
Importing TIFF files
Optimizing Tracking Params
Tracking Cell Movements
Basic migration stats
Basic visualizations
Aggregate Cell Tracks
Module 2
Import and Pre-process Cell Tracks
Plotting tracks (2D and 3D)
Deep Trajectory Analysis
Final Results
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cell Clustering
Damiano Fantini (Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA); Salim Ghannoum (University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway)
An exhaustive vignette is available at:
GitHub page:
For reproducibility of the output on this document, please run the following command in your R session before proceeding:
The package is currently available on Bioconductor. It can be installed using the following command:
if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
For this demo, the following libraries have to be loaded.
In this vignette, we are going to analyze three images with the aim of illustrating the functions included in cellmigRation. The original TIFF files are available at the following URLs:
Note. TIFF files can be imported using the
function. This function includes a series of
(optional) arguments to attach meta-information to a TIFF image, for
example the experiment
and condition
arguments. Imported numeric images are stored as a
trackedCells-class object.
Three sample trackedCells
objects (imported from the
corresponding TIFF files) are available as a list in the
package (ThreeConditions
object). These will be used for illustrating the functions of our
package in this vignette.
# load data
# An S4 trackedCells object
#> ~~~ An S4 trackedCells object ~~~
#> + Num of images: 7
#> + Optimized Params: No
#> + Run w/ Custom Params: No
#> + Cells Tracked: No
#> + Stats Computed: No
This is an optional yet recommended step. Detecting fluorescent cells requires defining a series of parameters to maximize signal to noise ratio. Specifically,
diameter: size corresponding to the largest diameter of a cell (expressed in pixels). Ideally, we want to set this parameter to a value large enough to capture all cells (even the large ones), but small enough to exclude aggregates or large background particles (artifacts, bubbles)
lnoise: size corresponding to the smalles diameter of a cell (expressed in pixels). Ideally, we want to set this parameter to a value small enough to capture all cells (even the small ones), but large enough to exclude small background particles (artifacts, debris)
threshold: signal level used as background threshold. Signal smaller than threshold is set to zero
If the values of these arguments are known, you can skip this step.
Alternatively, if you want to test a specific range of these values, you
can run OptimizeParams()
manually specifying the ranges to
be tested. By default, the function determines automatically a
reasonable range of values to be tested for each argument based on the
empirical distribution of signal and sizes of particles detected in the
frame with median signal from a TIFF stack. This operation supports
parallelization (recommended: parallelize by setting
the threads
argument to a value bigger than 1).
Note: the user may request to visualize a plot. The output plot shows how many cells were detected for each combination of parameter values. By default, the pick #1 is selected for the downstream steps.
Note 2: for larger datasets, the user may wish to
set the threads
argument below to a larger integer in order
to benefit from paralellized operations. A theoretical upper bound to
this argument would be the number of threads in your CPU—which you can
check with parallel::detectCores()
—, but it is considered
good practice to leave at least one thread for other system
# Optimize parameters using 1 core
x1 <- OptimizeParams(
ThreeConditions$ctrl01, threads = 1, lnoise_range = c(5, 12),
diameter_range = c(16, 22), threshold_range = c(5, 15, 30),
verbose = FALSE, plot = TRUE)
Note 3: the getOptimizedParams()
is a
getter function to obtain the values of each optimized
# obtain optimized params
#> $lnoise
#> [1] 5
#> $diameter
#> [1] 16
#> $threshold
#> [1] 5
The central step of Module 1 is tracking cell movements
across all frames of a multi-stack image (where each stack was acquired
at a different time). This operation is carried out via the
function, which performs two tasks:
i) identify all cells in each frame of the image; ii)
map cells across all image frames, identify cell movements and return
cell tracks. This operation supports parallelization. This function
requires three parameters to be set: lnoise
, and threshold
. These parameters can
be set manually or automatically:
rely on the optimized params estimated using
rely on the optimized params estimated for a different
object; using OptimizeParams()
see the import_optiParam_from
the user can manually specify the parameter values; note that user-specified parameters will overwrite automatically-optimized values
Note 1: the user may request to visualize a plot for each frame being processed. The output plot shows cells that were detected for each combination of parameter values.
Note 2: it is possible to only include cells that
were detected in at least a minimum number of frames by setting the
argument. If so, cells detected in a
small number of frames will be removed from the output.
Note 3: the user may parallelize
(recommended when possible) this step by setting the
argument to a value bigger than 1.
# Track cell movements using optimized params
x1 <- CellTracker(
tc_obj = x1, min_frames_per_cell = 3, threads = 1, verbose = TRUE)
# Track cell movements using params from a different object
x2 <- CellTracker(
ThreeConditions$ctrl02, import_optiParam_from = x1,
min_frames_per_cell = 3, threads = 1)
# Track cell movements using CUSTOM params, show plots
x3 <- CellTracker(
tc_obj = ThreeConditions$drug01,
lnoise = 5, diameter = 22, threshold = 6,
threads = 1, maxDisp = 10,
show_plots = TRUE)
It is possible to retrieve the output data.frame including
information about cell movements (cell tracks) using the
getter function.
# Get tracks and show header
trk1 <- cellmigRation::getTracks(x1)
head(trk1) %>% kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'striped')
cell.ID | X | Y | frame.ID |
1 | 42.38249 | 37.14955 | 1 |
1 | 50.38249 | 41.14955 | 2 |
1 | 57.38249 | 35.14955 | 3 |
1 | 65.38798 | 31.75083 | 4 |
1 | 72.38250 | 37.14957 | 5 |
1 | 83.38800 | 31.75101 | 6 |
For compatibility and portability reasons, Module 1 includes a
function to compute the same basic metrics/stats as in the
FastTracks Matlab software by Brian DuChez. This step is
performed via the ComputeTracksStats()
function. The
results can be extracted from a trackedCells
object via
dedicated getter functions: getPopulationStats()
. Note however that more advanced stats are
computed using functions included in the second module of
# Basic migration stats can be computed similar to the fastTracks software
x1 <- ComputeTracksStats(
x1, time_between_frames = 10, resolution_pixel_per_micron = 1.24)
x2 <- ComputeTracksStats(
x2, time_between_frames = 10, resolution_pixel_per_micron = 1.24)
x3 <- ComputeTracksStats(
x3, time_between_frames = 10, resolution_pixel_per_micron = 1.24)
# Fetch population stats and attach a column with a sample label
stats.x1 <- cellmigRation::getCellsStats(x1) %>%
mutate(Condition = "CTRL1")
stats.x2 <- cellmigRation::getCellsStats(x2) %>%
mutate(Condition = "CTRL2")
stats.x3 <- cellmigRation::getCellsStats(x3) %>%
mutate(Condition = "DRUG1")
stats.x1 %>%
c("Condition", "Cell_Number", "Speed", "Distance", "Frames")) %>%
kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'striped')
Condition | Cell_Number | Speed | Distance | Frames |
CTRL1 | 1 | 1.1812662 | 70.87597 | 6 |
CTRL1 | 2 | 1.3511152 | 81.06691 | 6 |
CTRL1 | 3 | 0.9840036 | 59.04022 | 6 |
CTRL1 | 4 | 1.1166609 | 66.99965 | 6 |
# Run a simple Speed test
sp.df <- rbind(
stats.x1 %>% dplyr::select(c("Condition", "Speed")),
stats.x2 %>% dplyr::select(c("Condition", "Speed")),
stats.x3 %>% dplyr::select(c("Condition", "Speed"))
vp1 <- ggplot(sp.df, aes(x=Condition, y = Speed, fill = Condition)) +
geom_violin(trim = FALSE) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#b8e186", "#86e1b7", "#b54eb4")) +
geom_boxplot(width = 0.12, fill = "#d9d9d9")
# Run a t-test:
sp.lst <- with( sp.df, split(Speed, f = Condition))
t.test(sp.lst$CTRL1, sp.lst$DRUG1, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE)
#> Welch Two
#> Sample
#> t-test
#> data: sp.lst$CTRL1 and sp.lst$DRUG1
#> t = 7.6628,
#> df =
#> 3.7144,
#> p-value =
#> 0.002093
#> alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#> 0.3876210 0.8499647
#> sample estimates:
#> mean of x
#> 1.1582615
#> mean of y
#> 0.5394686
Two basic visualization functions are included in Module 1, and allow
visualization of cells detected in a frame of interest, and tracks
originating at a frame of interest. These functions are included in
Module 1 (and not Module 2) since they take a
-class object as input.
# Visualize cells in a frame of interest
cellmigRation::VisualizeStackCentroids(x1, stack = 1)
# Visualize tracks of cells originating at a frame of interest
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
cellmigRation::visualizeCellTracks(x1, stack = 1, main = "tracks from CTRL1")
cellmigRation::visualizeCellTracks(x2, stack = 1, main = "tracks from CTRL2")
cellmigRation::visualizeCellTracks(x3, stack = 1, main = "tracks from DRUG1")
Cell tracks from multiple TIFF images can be aggregated together. All
tracks form the different experiments/images are returned in a large
data.frame. A new unique ID is assigned to specifically identify each
cell track from each image/experiment. Different
objects can be merged together based on the
corresponding TIFF filename (default), or one of the
meta-information included in the object(s).
Note 1: the data.frame returned by
has a structure that aligns to the
output of the getTracks()
function when the
argument is set to TRUE.
Note 2: the data.frame returned by
(or by getTracks()
with the attach_meta
argument set to TRUE) is the input of
the CellMig()
function, and is the first step of Module
Note 3: it is recommended to aggregate
experiments/tiff files corresponding to the same condition (as shown
below: for example, all replicates of the control cells) However, it is
also possible to mix and match multiple
treatments/timepoints/conditions, and filter the desired tracks right
before running the CellMig()
step (not shown).
# aggregate tracks together
all.ctrl <- aggregateTrackedCells(x1, x2, meta_id_field = "tiff_file")
# Show header
all.ctrl[seq_len(10), seq_len(6)] %>%
kable() %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = 'striped')
new.ID | X | Y | frame.ID | cell.ID | tiff_file |
1001 | 42.38249 | 37.14955 | 1 | 1 | CTRL01.tif |
1001 | 50.38249 | 41.14955 | 2 | 1 | CTRL01.tif |
1001 | 57.38249 | 35.14955 | 3 | 1 | CTRL01.tif |
1001 | 65.38798 | 31.75083 | 4 | 1 | CTRL01.tif |
1001 | 72.38250 | 37.14957 | 5 | 1 | CTRL01.tif |
1001 | 83.38800 | 31.75101 | 6 | 1 | CTRL01.tif |
1001 | 92.42099 | 29.98940 | 7 | 1 | CTRL01.tif |
1002 | 56.31105 | 91.24017 | 1 | 2 | CTRL01.tif |
1002 | 63.31105 | 96.24017 | 2 | 2 | CTRL01.tif |
1002 | 65.31105 | 106.24017 | 3 | 2 | CTRL01.tif |
#> tiff_file
#> condition CTRL01.tif
#> CTRL 28
#> tiff_file
#> condition CTRL02.tif
#> CTRL 25
# Prepare second input of Module 2
all.drug <- getTracks(tc_obj = x3, attach_meta = TRUE)
The second module of cellmigRation
is aimed at computing
advanced stats and building 2D, 3D, and interactive visualizations based
on the cell tracks computed in Module 1.
The first step entails the generation of a CellMig
object (S4 class) to store cell tracks data, and all output resulting
from running Module 2 functions. After importing data into a
-class object, tracks are processed according to the
experiment type (random migration in a plate vs. scratch-wound healing
Note 1: the arguments passed to the
function are:
trajdata a data.frame, the output from the previous module
expName a string, this is the name of the experiment
Note 1: the user is allowed to name the analysis; here we select a name that will be used as a prefix in the name of plots and tables.
Note 2: For Random Migration assays, the
function is used for preprocessing; if a
Scratch Wound Healing Assay was performed, the
function shall be used instead.
rmTD <- CellMig(trajdata = all.ctrl)
rmTD <- setExpName(rmTD, "Control")
# Preprocessing the data
rmTD <- rmPreProcessing(rmTD, PixelSize=1.24, TimeInterval=10, FrameN=3)
#> This dataset contains: 8 cell(s) in total
#> This dataset contains: 8 cell(s) with more than three steps in their tracks
#> The desired number of steps: 3
#> The maximum number of steps: 7
#> Only: 8 cells were selected
#> All the tracks of the selected cells are adjusted to have only 3 steps
Multiple plotting functions allow the user to generate 2D or 3D charts and plots showing the movements of all cells, or part of the cells in the experiment.
# Plotting tracks (2D and 3D)
plotAllTracks(rmTD, Type="l", FixedField=FALSE, export=FALSE)
#> The plot contains 8 Cells
# Plotting the trajectory data of sample of cells (selected randomly)
# in one figure
rmTD, Type="l", FixedField=FALSE, celNum=2, export = FALSE)
#> The plot contains the following cells:
#> 2 4
The following functions are meant to be run in an interactive fashion:
plot3DAllTracks(rmTD, VS=2, size=5)
plot3DTracks(rmTD, cells=1:10, size = 8)
The deep trajectory analysis includes a series of tools to examine the following metrics:
Persistence and Speed: PerAndSpeed()
Directionality: DiRatio()
Mean Square Displacement: MSD()
Direction AutoCorrelation: DiAutoCor()
Velocity AutoCorrelation: VeAutoCor()
These steps are meant to be run on larger datasets, including a larger number of cells. Here, we only show an example of how to run a DiRatio analysis, an MSD analysis and Velocity autocorrelation.
For more examples about Deep Trajectory Analysis, please visit:
Directionality Analysis. This analysis is performed
via the DiRatio()
function. Results are saved in a
CSV file. Plots can be generated using the
function. Plots are saved in a newly created
folder with the following extension: -DR_Results
## Directionality
srmTD <- DiRatio(rmTD, export=TRUE)
#> Results are saved as: Control-DRResultsTable.csv in your directory [use getwd()]
DiRatioPlot(srmTD, export=TRUE)
#> Plots are saved in a folder in your directory [use getwd()]
Mean Square Displacement. The MSD function
automatically computes the mean square displacements across several
sequential time intervals. MSD parameters are used to assess the area
explored by cells over time. Usually, both the sLAG
arguments are recommended to be set to 0.25 but since
here we have only few frames per image, we will set it to 0.5.
rmTD<-MSD(object = rmTD, sLAG=0.5, ffLAG=0.5, export=TRUE)
Velocity AutoCorrelation. The
function automatically computes the changes in
both speed and direction across several sequantial time intervals.
Usually the sLAG
is recommended to be set to 0.25 but since
here we have just few frames, we will set it to 0.5.
rmTD <- VeAutoCor(
rmTD, TimeInterval=10, sLAG=0.5, sPLOT=TRUE,
The FinRes()
function automatically generates a data
frame that contains all the results with or without the a correlation
rmTD <-FinRes(rmTD, ParCor=TRUE, export=FALSE)
#> [1] "MSD (lag=1)"
#> [2] "MSD slope"
#> [3] "N-M best fit (Furth) [D]"
#> [4] "N-M best fit (Furth) [P]"
#> [5] "The significance of fitting D"
#> [6] "The significance of fitting P"
#> [7] "Velocity AutoCorrelation (lag=1)"
#> [8] "2nd normalized Velocity AutoCorrelation"
#> [9] "Intercept of VA quadratic model"
#> [10] "Mean Velocity AutoCorrelation (all lags)"
Below, the first 5 columns of the output data.frame are shown.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | All Cells | |
MSD (lag=1) | 123.008 | 113.782 | 113.783 | 27.677 | 136.846 | 25.429 | 63.042 | 34.154 | 88.412 |
MSD slope | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1.49 |
N-M best fit (Furth) [D] | 65.573 | 100.000 | 11.378 | 28.880 | 99.999 | 99.999 | 99.999 | 11.341 | 45.047 |
N-M best fit (Furth) [P] | 0.697 | 0.995 | 0.000 | 1.738 | 1.057 | 3.669 | 1.953 | 0.252 | 0.647 |
The significance of fitting D | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
The CellMigPCA()
function automatically generates
Principal Component Analysis based on a set of parameters selected by
the user. The CellMigPCAclust()
function automatically
generates clusters based on the Principal Component Analysis. This
analysis is supposed to be run in an interactive session via the
Execution time: vignette built in: 1.81 minutes.
Session Info: shown below.
#> R Under development (unstable) (2024-10-21 r87258)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.21-bioc/R/lib/
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
#> locale:
#> [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
#> [3] LC_TIME=en_GB
#> [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8
#> [6] LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8
#> [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8
#> [8] LC_NAME=C
#> time zone: America/New_York
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats
#> [2] graphics
#> [3] grDevices
#> [4] utils
#> [5] datasets
#> [6] methods
#> [7] base
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] kableExtra_1.4.0
#> [2] cellmigRation_1.15.0
#> [3] foreach_1.5.2
#> [4] dplyr_1.1.4
#> [5] ggplot2_3.5.1
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] gridExtra_2.3
#> [2] sandwich_3.1-1
#> [3] rlang_1.1.4
#> [4] magrittr_2.0.3
#> [5] multcomp_1.4-26
#> [6] vioplot_0.5.0
#> [7] matrixStats_1.4.1
#> [8] compiler_4.5.0
#> [9] systemfonts_1.1.0
#> [10] vctrs_0.6.5
#> [11] reshape2_1.4.4
#> [12] stringr_1.5.1
#> [13] pkgconfig_2.0.3
#> [14] fastmap_1.2.0
#> [15] backports_1.5.0
#> [16] labeling_0.4.3
#> [17] magic_1.6-1
#> [18] utf8_1.2.4
#> [19] spBayes_0.4-8
#> [20] FME_1.3.6.3
#> [21] deSolve_1.40
#> [22] rmarkdown_2.28
#> [23] xfun_0.48
#> [24] cachem_1.1.0
#> [25] jsonlite_1.8.9
#> [26] flashClust_1.01-2
#> [27] highr_0.11
#> [28] tiff_0.1-12
#> [29] parallel_4.5.0
#> [30] cluster_2.1.6
#> [31] R6_2.5.1
#> [32] bslib_0.8.0
#> [33] stringi_1.8.4
#> [34] rpart_4.1.23
#> [35] jquerylib_0.1.4
#> [36] estimability_1.5.1
#> [37] Rcpp_1.0.13
#> [38] iterators_1.0.14
#> [39] knitr_1.48
#> [40] zoo_1.8-12
#> [41] base64enc_0.1-3
#> [42] Matrix_1.7-1
#> [43] splines_4.5.0
#> [44] nnet_7.3-19
#> [45] tidyselect_1.2.1
#> [46] rstudioapi_0.17.1
#> [47] abind_1.4-8
#> [48] yaml_2.3.10
#> [49] doParallel_1.0.17
#> [50] codetools_0.2-20
#> [51] minpack.lm_1.2-4
#> [52] lattice_0.22-6
#> [53] tibble_3.2.1
#> [54] plyr_1.8.9
#> [55] withr_3.0.2
#> [56] coda_0.19-4.1
#> [57] evaluate_1.0.1
#> [58] foreign_0.8-87
#> [59] survival_3.7-0
#> [60] xml2_1.3.6
#> [61] pillar_1.9.0
#> [62] checkmate_2.3.2
#> [63] DT_0.33
#> [64] sm_2.2-6.0
#> [65] generics_0.1.3
#> [66] sp_2.1-4
#> [67] munsell_0.5.1
#> [68] scales_1.3.0
#> [69] rootSolve_1.8.2.4
#> [70] minqa_1.2.8
#> [71] xtable_1.8-4
#> [72] leaps_3.2
#> [73] glue_1.8.0
#> [74] emmeans_1.10.5
#> [75] scatterplot3d_0.3-44
#> [76] Hmisc_5.2-0
#> [77] tools_4.5.0
#> [78] data.table_1.16.2
#> [79] mvtnorm_1.3-1
#> [80] grid_4.5.0
#> [81] colorspace_2.1-1
#> [82] htmlTable_2.4.3
#> [83] Formula_1.2-5
#> [84] cli_3.6.3
#> [85] SpatialTools_1.0.5
#> [86] fansi_1.0.6
#> [87] viridisLite_0.4.2
#> [88] svglite_2.1.3
#> [89] gtable_0.3.6
#> [90] sass_0.4.9
#> [91] digest_0.6.37
#> [92] ggrepel_0.9.6
#> [93] TH.data_1.1-2
#> [94] farver_2.1.2
#> [95] FactoMineR_2.11
#> [96] htmlwidgets_1.6.4
#> [97] htmltools_0.5.8.1
#> [98] lifecycle_1.0.4
#> [99] multcompView_0.1-10
#> [100] MASS_7.3-61
Success! For questions about
, don’t hesitate to email the authors or the