Changes in version 0.99.5 - New Analysis Functions: Added assignCellsToStructures, calculateBorderMetrics, calculateCellTypeFractions, calculateDistanceToBorder, calculateDistanceToTissueRegion, and calculateTissueRegionFractions to improve spatial and structural analysis. - Simulated data set: Introduced a new data set for testing and demonstrating package capabilities. - Vignette update: Expanded documentation to include multi-sample and condition-based analysis. - Bug fixes & optimizations: Addressed various issues and improved performance. - Code cleanup: Enhanced readability, maintainability, and structure. Consistent use of camelCase for function arguments. Changes in version 0.99.4 - Set number of cores to 1 to pass build on Windows. Changes in version 0.99.3 Second round of review - Changed required R version to >= 4.4.0 - Fixed typos - Updated news file to match versions Changes in version 0.99.2 Addressed first review - Added R version and selective imports - Functional programming to avoid code repetition - Added unit tests and input checks - Updated the vignette with installation info Changes in version 0.99.1 Initial Bioconductor submission