Changes in version 1.36.99                       

    o   IMPROVED Version number changed to reflect Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 1.5.11                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-121 The data is now cached in a dedicated
	directory instead of in the home directory

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-121 URLs for the project and the download
	location for the database was updated

                       Changes in version 1.5.10                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-121 Allow setting of WS base url for local

                        Changes in version 1.5.8                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-119 as.vector=TRUE results are now named

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-120 genomeToTranscriptCoords could handle
	coding regions

                        Changes in version 1.5.7                        

    o   BUG Check for uniqueness in transcriptToCodingExon,
	transcriptToCodingRange, transcriptToUtrExon and

                        Changes in version 1.5.6                        

    o   NEW Added transcriptToUtrExon

    o   IMPROVED Sequence removed from transcriptToCodingExon

                        Changes in version 1.5.5                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-115 Added method geneToGeneRegionTrack to
	generate a list of Gviz GeneRegionTrack elements that can be
	passed to plotTracks

                        Changes in version 1.5.4                        

    o   BUG ANNMAP-118 transcriptToCodingRange( ..., end='3' ) returns
	whole transcript for untranslated transcripts.

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-114 Added additional logging when using

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-116 Introduce function(s) to calculate the
	coding length of a gene(s) - See: ?nonIntronicGeneLength and

                        Changes in version 1.5.3                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-114 Added additional logging when using

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-113 Added documentation to cookbook for

    o   IMPROVED webservice json to data.frame speed improvements

                        Changes in version 1.2.1                        

    o   BUG ANNMAP-112 transcriptCoordsToGenome and
	proteinCoordsToGenome both failed when returning a GRanges
	object as I had strand as a numeric, rather than an integer.

                        Changes in version 1.1.1                        

    o   IMPROVED genomicPlot when passed a .genes data.frame used to
	call geneDetails on it to ensure the data was in the correct
	format.  This has been removed, so that you can pass custom
	regions in and have them plotted on the graph.

                       Changes in version 0.99.3                        

    o   BUG ANNMAP-110 XXXInRange( NULL ) used to throw an error.  It
	now returns NULL.

    o   BUG ANNMAP-111 Fix crash when translation data is incorrect and
	causes us to fall off the translation exon when finding the
	UTR/Coding range.

                       Changes in version 0.99.2                        

    o   BUG ANNMAP-109 geneToSymbol when passed a vector of gene IDs,
	returned the symbols in the order of the genes start location
	rather than the order the function was called with.

                       Changes in version 0.99.1                        

    o   BUG ANNMAP-101 ngsBridgePlot called with no genes in range had
	a huge border.

    o   BUG ANNMAP-106 Empty ngsBridgePlot trace should draw line at 0.

    o   BUG ANNMAP-107 transcriptToCodingRange was very slow.

                       Changes in version 0.99.0                        

    o   NEW Initial Release to Bioconductor

    o   BUG ANNMAP-98 A call to transcriptToTranslatedprobes for
	transcripts in HPRT1 caused a crash

                       Changes in version 0.9.16                        

    o   BUG ANNMAP-97 geneToExonProbeset threw an error when

                       Changes in version 0.9.15                        

    o   NEW ANNMAP-94 Added annmapAddConnection method for setting up

                       Changes in version 0.9.14                        

    o   NEW ANNMAP-90 Added generateBridgeData method for helping with
	BAM file imports.

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-93 Refactored out some NCBI->Ensembl seqname
	mapping functions.

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-84 Added ngsBridgePlot examples to the

                       Changes in version 0.9.13                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-78 Cookbook now appears when vignette(
	package='annmap' ) is called.

                       Changes in version 0.9.12                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-74, ANNMAP-75, ANNMAP-76; Fixed warnings and
	notes when using R-2.15

                       Changes in version 0.9.11                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-73 Methods generalisedNameToNCBI,
	generalisedNameToEnsembl, seqnameMapping, seqnamesToNCBI and
	seqnamesToEnsembl added to allow easy renaming of the seqnames
	column of GRanges data.

                       Changes in version 0.9.10                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-71 Bug in geneToSymbol fixed

                        Changes in version 0.9.9                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-63 We now use GenomicRanges instead of IRanges

                        Changes in version 0.9.8                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-58 Added 4 pos translation documentation to

    o   BUG ANNMAP-60 Webservice tests were failing

    o   BUG ANNMAP-54 geneToExonProbeset didn't support as.vector

                        Changes in version 0.9.7                        

    o   BUG ANNMAP-48 Error in proteinCoordsToGenome in annmap

    o   BUG ANNMAP-47 annmapGenePlot fails to show individual

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-45 Added a NEWS.Rd file to inst

                        Changes in version 0.9.6                        

    o   BUG Fixed ANNMAP-44; genomicPlot crashes when called with very
	small overlapped areas

                        Changes in version 0.9.5                        

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-41; All InRange methods are now S3 methods
	which work with character, data.frame or RangedData (see

    o   IMPROVED ANNMAP-42; genomicPlot highlights 'colour' column is
	now 'col' as with all other methods.

    o   BUG ANNMAP-40; genomicPlot crashes if highlights data.frame has
	unexpected columns.