%\VignetteIndexEntry{Clustering time series gene expression data with TMixClust}

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\bioctitle[Clustering time series gene expression data with TMixClust]
{Clustering time series gene expression data with TMixClust}
\author{Monica Golumbeanu}
\author{Niko Beerenwinkel}
\affil{Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zuerich,
Switzerland and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Basel, Switzerland}


A large number of longitudinal studies measuring gene expression aim to stratify
the genes according to their differential temporal behaviors. Genes with similar
expression patterns may reflect functional responses of biological relevance.
However, these measurements come with intrinsic noise which makes their time
series clustering a difficult task. Here, we show how to cluster such data with
the package TMixClust. TMixClust is a soft-clustering method which employs
mixed-effects models with nonparametric smoothing spline fitting and is able to
robustly stratify genes by their complex time series patterns. The package has,
besides the main clustering method, a set of functionalities assisting the user
to visualise and assess the clustering results, and to choose the optimal
clustering solution. In this manual, we present the general workflow of using
TMixClust for analysing time series gene expression data and explain the
theoretical background of the clustering method used in the
package implementation.


\section{Standard workflow applied to simulated and real data}
The general workflow of clustering time series gene expression data with
TMixClust comprises the following steps:
\item{Load the gene expression data into a data frame}
\item{Set clustering parameters and perform clustering for different
configurations (e.g., numbers of clusters)}
\item{For a chosen clustering configuration, perform stability analysis and
retrieve the optimal clustering solution}

TMixClust provides additional functions which allow the user to obtain
information about clusters by accessing the attributes of a TMixClust object,
generating informative plots or generating a comprehensive clustering report.

\subsection{Loading data}
After loading the package TMixClust, we first need to define a data frame which
contains the time series gene expression data. By~\textit{time series}, we
denote a vector of expression values of a gene measured at different,
successive time points. $X=\{100, 200, 300, 400\}$ is an example of a
time series constituted by measurements at 4 time points. A time series gene
expression data set contains an ensemble of time series vectors, each time
series being associated to a gene. The input data frame has a number of rows
equal to the number of time series vectors and a number of columns equal to
the number of time points. Row names correspond to the time series names
(i.e., gene names), while column names represent time points names
(e.g., "2h", "4h", etc.). The data frame can contain missing values.

Package TMixClust contains a simulated data set,~\texttt{toy\_data\_df},
with 91 time series. For a detailed description of how the data set was
constructed, see Section 2. We can load the simulated time series data
into a data frame, see its first rows and plot its contents as follows:
<<load-package-and-data, echo=TRUE, results='markup'>>=
# load the package

# load the simulated time series data set

# display the first rows of the data frame

# plot the time series of the data set

The user can also load the data from a tab-delimited text file,
using the function \texttt{get\_time\_series\_df} in package TMixClust.
For example, the previously-used time series data has been stored in the
\texttt{toy\_time\_series.txt}, also available with the TMixClust package.
We can retrieve the contents of the file and store it in a data
frame as follows:
<<load-data-from-file, echo=TRUE, results='markup'>>=
# retrieve the time series data frame from a text file
toy_data_file = system.file("extdata", "toy_time_series.txt",
                            package = "TMixClust")
toy_data = get_time_series_df(toy_data_file)

# display the first rows of the data frame

Finally, it is possible to load the time series data directly from a Biobase
ExpressionSet object with function~\texttt{get\_time\_series\_df\_bio}. Here is
 an example using the SOS data from the Bioconductor SPEM package:

<<load-data-from-biobase, echo=TRUE, results='hide'>>=
# Load the SOS pathway data from Bioconductor package SPEM
sos_data = get_time_series_df_bio(sos)

# Print the first lines of the retrieved time series data frame

Once the time series data is loaded, we can perform clustering using the
function \texttt{TMixClust}. The only required argument of this function
is the data frame containing the time series data. By default, the function
clusters the time series in 2 groups. For a different number of desired
groups, the user must specify the value of argument \texttt{nb\_clusters}.
Other optional arguments of the \texttt{TMixClust} function are described
in the package reference manual.

The function \texttt{TMixClust} creates a TMixClust object which is a list
containing a set of attributes such as clustering membership, estimated model
parameters, posterior probabilities of the time series, mixing coefficients or
model likelihood (cf. package reference manual).

To cluster once the simulated time series data in 3 groups,
we can proceed as follows:
<<cluster-toy-data, echo=TRUE, results='hide'>>=

# cluster the time series in 3 groups
cluster_obj = TMixClust(toy_data_df, nb_clusters = 3)

Note that, depending on the input data, the clustering result may be different
than the optimal solution. This behavior can be observed if the clustering
operation is repeated several times. Technically, this arises due to local
optima in the inference procedure of~\texttt{TMixClust} and can only be
avoided by repeating clustering several times and investigating the likelihood
of the data in each case, as described in the next section.

\subsection{Stability analysis, choosing optimal clustering solution}
TMixClust is based on a statistical model where inference is made through the
Expectation-Maximization (EM) technique (see Section 2 for details).
When running the clustering algorithm, the EM procedure might get stuck in a
local optimum. The local optimum solution has a lower likelihood and is
suboptimal. It is therefore highly recommended to perform a stability analysis
of the clustering in order to see how often the algorithm gets stuck in local
optima and how different are these local optima from the best clustering
solution. Finally, we highly recommend to run several times
the~\texttt{TMixClust} function, in order to ensure that the global
optimum solution is reached.

Package TMixClust provides the function \texttt{analyse\_stability}
which runs several times the clustering algorithm, selects the clustering
solution with the highest likelihood (assumed to be the global optimum)
and returns it. The function also computes and plots the distribution of the
Rand index~\cite{Hubert1985} between each clustering solution and the global
optimum solution. The Rand index quantifies the agreement probability between
two clustering runs, also showing clustering stability.

The user can define the number of clustering runs (i.e, the number of times
TMixClust algorithm is run on the same data, initial conditions and clustering
configuration) and has the possibility to parallelize the runs by defining a
number of computing cores. By default, the function uses 2 cores.

For example, we can repeat clustering on the previously presented simulated
data for 10 times, for a number K=3 of clusters and using 3 cores, then plot
the best clustering solution. For execution time reasons, we have stored the
result of this analysis (commented~\texttt{analyse\_stability} command in the
code below) in a pre-computed object available with the package TMixClust. We
can interrogate this object as follows:
<<analyse-stability, echo=TRUE, results='markup'>>=
# command used for running clustering 10 times with K=3
# and obtaining the result stored in best_clust_toy_obj
# best_clust_toy_obj = analyse_stability(toy_data_df, nb_clusters = 3,
#                                    nb_clustering_runs = 10,
#                                    nb_cores = 3)

# load the optimal clustering result following stability analysis

# display the likelihood of the best clustering solution
print(paste("Likelihood of the best solution:",

# plot the time series in each cluster
for (i in 1:3) {
    # extract the time series in the current cluster and plot them
    plot_time_series_df(c_df, plot_title = paste("cluster",i))

The function~\texttt{analyse\_stability} produces also a histogram of the Rand
indexes corresponding to each clustering solution. For our example and
straightforward simulated data, we have performed only 10 clustering runs.
Depending on the size and complexity of the data, 10 runs might not be enough
for attaining the global optimum. We therefore recommend the user to explore
with larger numbers of runs, especially if the obtained clustering solutions
are not satisfactory.

\subsection{Assessing and validating clustering consistency with
silhouette analysis}
To assist the user in performing a qualitative analysis of different
clustering configurations and choosing an adequate number of clusters,
package TMixClust provides a tool based on the silhouette technique
\cite{silhouette}. The silhouette coefficient, also called silhouette
width, is a measure of how similar a data point is to the other points
from the same cluster as opposed to the rest of the clusters. Therefore,
a high average silhouette width indicates a good clustering cohesion.
The most straightforward way to investigate silhouette widths for the
data points in a clustering is through visualisation of a silhouette plot.
This plot displays the distribution of silhouette coefficients calculated
for each data point (in our case each time series) from every cluster.
The user can generate a silhouette plot using the \texttt{plot\_silhouette}
function. For our simulated data, we can generate a silhouette plot for the
previously obtained global optimum clustering solution for K=3:
<<generate-silhouette3, echo=TRUE, results='hide'>>=
# silhouette plot of the best clustering solution for K=3
and compare it to the silhouette plot for a clustering solution with K=4:
<<generate-silhouette2, echo=TRUE, results='hide'>>=
# cluster the data in 4 groups and generate a silhouette plot
cluster_obj_2 = TMixClust(toy_data_df, nb_clusters = 4)
Generally, the larger the silhouette widths and the more data points with
silhouette width above average, the better a clustering is defined.
By comparing the silhouette plots, if we look at the average silhouette
width (black dotted line) for K=4, we can clearly see how both the
silhouette width and the proportion of data points above average width are
less than for K=3, meaning that the clustering with K=4 is starting to overfit
the data. The solution with K=3 is better. The user can in this way use the
silhouette plot to choose the best number of clusters corresponding to the data.

\subsection{Generating a results report}
Besides directly accessing the clustering results through a \texttt{TMixClust}
object, the user has the possibility of generating a more detailed clustering
report. The report consists of a comprehensive ensemble of figures and files.
Time series plots for each cluster, likelihood convergence plot, lists with
time-series from each cluster, and the silhouette plot are part of the
generated report.

The report can be generated with the function
\texttt{generate\_TMixClust\_report}. The user must supply a
\texttt{TMixClust} object and optionally a location path for creating the
report folder with all the generated files. If a location path is not
provided, a folder \texttt{TMixClust\_report/} will be created in
the current working directory.

<<generate-report, echo=TRUE, results='hide'>>=
# generate a TMixClust report with detailed clustering results
# (not executed here)
# generate_TMixClust_report(cluster_obj)

\subsection{Application of TMixClust on publicly available time series gene
expression data from yeast}
As a final example, we apply TMixClust to a real gene expression time series
data set which records transcriptional changes during budding yeast
cell-division cycle~\cite{Simola2010}. For our example, we use a subset of
125 time series measured at five different time points included in the
package file~\texttt{yeast\_time\_series.txt}.

After running TMixClust with different numbers of clusters, investigating
the silhouette plots and stability as presented in the previous section,
we concluded that the main patterns of gene expression were best described
by K=4 clusters. We have stored the TMixClust object containing the optimal
clustering solution in the~\texttt{best\_clust\_yeast\_obj} object,
available with the package. We can load the data, plot its time series,
load the optimal clustering solution and plot the 4 identified clusters
as following:

<<cluster-real-data, echo=TRUE, results='hide'>>=
# retrieve the yeast time series data frame from a text file
yeast_data_file = system.file("extdata", "yeast_time_series.txt",
                              package = "TMixClust")
yeast_data = get_time_series_df(yeast_data_file)

# plot the time series of the data set

# command used for running clustering 10 times with K=4
# and obtaining the result stored in best_clust_yeast_obj
# best_clust_yeast_obj = analyse_stability(yeast_data,
                                    # time_points = c(0,24,48,63,87),
                                    # nb_clusters = 4,
                                    # nb_clustering_runs = 10,
                                    # nb_cores = 3)

# load the optimal clustering object for the yeast dataset

# plot the identified 4 time series clusters:
for (i in 1:4) {
    # extract the time series in the current cluster and plot them
    plot_time_series_df(c_df, plot_title = paste("cluster",i))

\section{Methodology behind TMixClust}
TMixClust uses the concepts described by~\cite{Ma2006} for clustering gene
expression time series data within the Gaussian mixed-effects models
framework with nonparametric smoothing spline estimation~\cite{Gu2014}.
In the following, we provide a short description of these concepts.

\subsection{Mixed effects model with embedded smoothing splines}
Let $\mathcal{X} = \{\boldsymbol{X_i}\}_{1 \leq i \leq N}$ be a set of $N$
gene expression observations, where each observation $\boldsymbol{X_i}$ is
a gene expression time series with $T$ time-points:
$\boldsymbol{X_i} = \{x_{i,1}, ..., x_{i,T}\}$.
The task is then to cluster the N observations into K groups
based on their time series behavior.

\par Each element of the time series $\boldsymbol{X_i}$ is modeled as a
linear combination of a fixed effect $\xi_k(t_j)$ associated to the cluster
$k$, a random effect $\beta_i$, and an error term $\epsilon_{i,j}$:
x_{i,j} = \xi_k(t_j) + \beta_i + \epsilon_{i,j}
where $\beta_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \theta_k) $ and $\epsilon_{i,j}
\sim \mathcal{N}(0, \theta)$. The fixed effect $\xi_k$ corresponds to
the general time series trend or baseline associated to cluster $k$, the
random effect $\beta_i$ captures any gene-specific systematic shift from
the general trend, and $\epsilon_{i,j}$ corresponds to the measurement error.
Consequently, $\boldsymbol{X_i}$ follows a multivariate normal distribution
$\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\xi_k}, \Sigma_k)$. The covariance matrix
$\Sigma_k$ is defined as follows:
\Sigma_k = \theta_k I_T + \theta J_T = \begin{pmatrix} \theta_k +
\theta & \theta & ... & \theta\\ \theta & \theta_k +
\theta & ...& \theta \\ ... & ... & ... & ... \\
\theta & \theta & ... & \theta_k + \theta \end{pmatrix}
where $I_T$ is the unity matrix of dimension $T$, while $J_T$
is a squared matrix of dimension $T$ with all elements equal to 1.

Our clustering problem is transposed into a mixture model,
where each cluster can be described with a Gaussian distribution
whose paremeters were defined before,
$\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\xi_k}, \Sigma_k)$:
\boldsymbol{X_i} \sim \sum_{k=1}^K
\pi_k\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\xi_k}, \Sigma_k)
and $\pi_k$ are the mixing coefficients of the mixture model.

Instead of choosing a parametric form for the baseline
$\boldsymbol{\xi_k}$, a less restrictive, nonparametric approach using
smoothing splines can be used, based on the assumption of existence of
smoothness in gene expression. Gu~\emph{et} al. have shown that when fitting
smoothing splines to a set of Gaussian random variables, the typical residual
sum of squares (RSS) minimization problem has an equivalent maximum-likelihood
formulation~\cite{Gu2014}. Precisely, when we try to fit a cubic spline $\xi_k$
to a set of data points, we try to find the $\xi_k$ that minimizes
the following score:
\sum_{j=1}^T (x_{i,j} - \xi_k(j))^2 + \lambda_k \int(\xi_k''(t))^2dt
where the first term quantifies the deviation of the observed values from
the curve $\boldsymbol{\xi_k}$, and the second term penalizes the roughness
of the curve. If the variables $x_{i,j}$ are normally distributed, then the
first term of the score becomes proportional to their minus log likelihood,
leading to the following penalized likelihood score~\cite{Gu2014}:
-l(\boldsymbol{X_i}) + \lambda_k \int(\xi_k''(t))^2dt.
Here $l(\boldsymbol{X_i})$ stands for the log likelihood of the data.
Therefore, the problem can be formulated as a special case of
maximum-likelihood estimation and can be solved using the
Expectation-Maximization (EM) method~\cite{Ma2006}.

\subsection{Estimating model parameters}
As described in~\cite{Ma2006}, the log-likelihood function in the context of
the above-defined mixture of Gaussian mixed effects models is:
l(\mathcal{X}) = logP(\mathcal{X}\mid\Xi) &=
log\prod_{i=1}^N P(\boldsymbol{X_i}\mid\Xi)\\
&=\sum_{i=1}^N log\sum_{k=1}^K \pi_k \mathcal{N}
(\boldsymbol{X_i}\mid \xi_k, \Sigma_k)
where $\Xi$ represents the complete set of model parameters.

The R package~\texttt{gss}~\cite{Gu2014}, available on CRAN,
performs non-parametric smoothing spline fitting for Gaussian random variables.
The method finds the cubic smoothing spline that minimizes the penalized
likelihood score described in the previous section and estimates the parameters
of the associated multivariate Gaussian distribution, namely the mean
vector $\boldsymbol{\xi_k}$ and covariance matrix $\Sigma_k$.

Within TMixClust, we use package~\texttt{gss} in the following
implemented EM learning scheme:
\item{1. initialize clusters (e.g. with a K-means solution for speeding
up convergence)}
\item{2. calculate data likelihood and repeat until convergence:}
    \subsubitem {- compute posterior probabilities}
    \subsubitem {- assign genes to clusters based on their
    posterior probabilities}
    \subsubitem {- compute mixing coefficients}
    \subsubitem {- maximize penalised likelihood score
    with package~\texttt{gss}}
    \subsubitem {- update model parameters}
\item{3. when convergence is reached, return maximum likelihood solution}

\subsection{Description of simulated data}
For this manual, we built a simulated time series data-set,
\texttt{toy\_data\_df}, available with package TMixClust.
The simulation procedure relies on the assumption that each
gene expression time series vector $\boldsymbol{X_i}$ is described by a mixed
effects model described by equation~\ref{mixed_eff_model}.

Using equation~\ref{mixed_eff_model}, we generate data from three different
clusters whose general patterns $\boldsymbol{\xi_k}$ correspond to the
following three polynomials:
\item{$\boldsymbol{\xi_1(t)} = 3t^2-3t+1$ }
\item{$\boldsymbol{\xi_2(t)} = -10t-5$ }
\item{$\boldsymbol{\xi_3(t)} = 4t^3-34t^2+25t-47$ }
and the corresponding gene shifts vectors are $\boldsymbol{\beta_1} \sim
N(14,15)$ and $\boldsymbol{\beta_2}=\boldsymbol{\beta_3} \sim N(-5,20)$.

\section{How to get help}
In addition to the package reference manual and current vignette, a detailed
description of each package function along with a corresponding example of use
can be obtained through one of the following commands:
<<getting-help, echo=TRUE, results='hide'>>=
To post any questions related to the TMixClust package, please use the
Bioconductor support site

\section{Session info}
<<session-info, results="asis">>=

\section{Citing this package}
If you use this package for published research, please cite the package:
<<citation, echo=TRUE, results='hide'>>=
as well as \cite{Golumbeanu2017}.

