Changes in version 1.30.0 (2024-10-30)                 

	Minor maintenance chores:
	  • Update roxygen2 version
	  • Remove old CI config files
	  • Add PR commands GitHub action
	  • Re-configure pkgdown site
	  • Add dependabot GitHub action
	  • Update README

                 Changes in version 1.28.0 (2024-05-01)                 

	Properly prevent output from BASiCSEstimate() and
	scDDSimulate() when verbose = FALSE

	Minor adjustments to tests to set verbose = FALSE and specify
	expected warnings

	Replace the package man page with an auto-generated page

	Add GitHub usernames and the Bioconductor package URL to

	Add @keywords internal and @noRd to function docs where needed

	Modernise code by restyling using styler and fix other minor
	issues suggested by BiocCheck

                 Changes in version 1.26.0 (2023-10-25)                 

	Fixed a bug in splatSimPathDE() where DE factors were not
	adjusted based on the path origin (path.from parameter). This
	affected paths where the path origin was not the simulation
	origin (i.e.  path.from != 0), particularly when the path DE
	was minimal.  With this fix paths should no longer drift
	towards the origin.

                 Changes in version 1.24.0 (2023-04-26)                 

	Fixed bugs in splatPopSimulate() where conditional group
	assignments were incorrect when batch effects were applied
	(from Christina Azodi)

	Reduced core dependencies by importing scuttle rather than
	scater (scater is suggested) and making ggplot2 a suggested

                 Changes in version 1.22.0 (2022-10-31)                 

	Fixed a bug in BASiSSimulate() when spike.means is resampled

	Fixed bugs in splatPopSimulate() with non-matching rownames and
	when sampling batches

                 Changes in version 1.20.0 (2022-04-27)                 

	The splatPop simulation is now published!

    o   Improved initalisation of Params objects (from Wenjie Wang)

	Improved fitting of dropout in splatEstimate()
	  • Better initialisation of fitting as suggested by the
	    InferCNV package
	  • Additional fallback method

    o   Bug fixes for the splat simulation

	Bug fixes for the the splatPop simulation (from Christina

                 Changes in version 1.18.0 (2021-10-27)                 

	Updates to the splatPop simulation (from Christina Azodi)
	  • Added functionality to simulate directly from empirical
	  • Added eqtl.coreg parameter to splatPop
	  • Fixed a bug where too many cells were simulated in splatPop
	    with multiple batches
	  • Fixed duplicate cell names in splatPopSimulate

	Improved checks for group.prob in SplatParams

	Automatically rescale group.prob during setting if it doesn't
	sum to 1

                 Changes in version 1.16.0 (2021-05-20)                 

	Substantial updates to the splatPop simulation (from Christina
	  • Added ability to simulate data with complex multiplexed
	    sequencing designs
	  • Added simulation of “conditional” effects, where a subset
	    of DE and eQTL effects are applied to only a subset of
	    individuals (e.g. disease vs. healthy samples)
	  • Added the ability to simulate different numbers of cells
	    for each sample, sampled from a gamma distribution.
	  • Updates to the splatPop vignette describing these changes

	Logical matrices should now be handled correctly when
	minimising output SingleCellExperiment objects

	Other minor fixes

                 Changes in version 1.14.0 (2020-10-28)                 

    o   Add the splatPop simulation. This is a extension to the splat
	simulation contributed by Christina Azodi and Davis McCarthy
	that adds population effects. It allows you to specify
	relatedness between individuals and generate cell-type specific
	eQTL effects.

    o   Add a batch.rmEffect parameter to the Splat simulation. This
	allows generation of a paired simulation without any batch

    o   Add a new minimiseSCE function which can be used to remove
	unneeded information from simulation output (or any

    o   All simulations now return sparse assay matrices by default
	when they would be smaller than the equivalent dense matrix.
	This is controlled by a new sparsify argument.

    o   Users will now be automatically prompted to install packages if
	they try to use a simulation for which the suggested
	dependencies are not available

                 Changes in version 1.12.0 (2020-04-20)                 

    o   Add checks for cycles in the Splat path.from parameter.

    o   Use alternative algorithm if fitting dropout fails in

    o   Adjust paths example in vignette.

    o   Replace defunct functions in vignettes.

    o   Minor fixes for compatibility with updates to other packages.

                 Changes in version 1.10.0 (2019-10-20)                 

    o   Add the (experimental) Kersplat simulation model. This model
	incorporates a gene network and other useful features.

    o   Refactor the summariseDiff function and add the KS statistic.

    o   Add variable gene correlation plot to compareSCEs and violins
	to other comparison plots.

    o   Check for counts assay when estimating from
	SingleCellExperiment objects.

    o   Fix where simpleSimulate stores parameters.

    o   Fix bugs where parameters were not being passed correctly in
	BASiCSEstimate and sparseDCEstimate.

    o   Replace the sc_example_counts dataset from scater with the
	mockSCE function.

    o   Tidy and improve estimation function examples and add checks
	for suggested packages.

    o   Various fixes for compatibility with updates to other packages.

                 Changes in version 1.8.0 (2019-04-18)                  

    o   Add a Splat parameters vignette

    o   Rename the Splat path.length parameter to path.nSteps

    o   Fix a bug with parameter order in setParams

    o   Fix a bug where Splat groups were being simulated in
	alphanumeric order

    o   Protect against integer overflow in simulation functions

                 Changes in version 1.6.0 (2018-10-29)                  

    o   Fix bug and improve normality testing in splatEstLib

    o   Fixes for compatibility with the latest version of BASiCS,
	BASiCSEstimate now uses the regression method

    o   Fix bug in getLNormFactors when reversing factors less than one

    o   Various updates to tests and documentation

                 Changes in version 1.3.5 (2018-04-25)                  

    o   Move scater to Imports and add scater version

    o   Remove lingering references to SCESets

    o   Add option to use a normal distribution for library sizes in
	Splat simulations

    o   Allow Splat dropout parameters to be specified by experiment,
	batch, group or cell

    o   Add SparseDC simulation

    o   Rename params in metadata slot of simulation to Params for

    o   Improve and colourise Params print output

    o   Improve test coverage

    o   Various other minor updates and bug fixes

                 Changes in version 1.1.8 (2017-10-13)                  

    o   Now published in Genome Biology!

    o   Converted to the SingleCellExperiment object

    o   Added new simulations: BASiCS, mfa, PhenoPath, ZINB-WaVE

    o   Added batch effects to the Splat simulation. This required a
	change to the SplatParams object.

    o   Improved scDD estimation

    o   Added and improved comparison functions

    o   Improved default Splat parameters and estimation

    o   Improvements to the Lun2Params object

    o   Added addGeneLength function

    o   Updated simulation references

    o   Various other minor updates and bug fixes

                Changes in version 0.99.16 (2017-04-23)                 

    o   Splatter is a package for the simple simulation of single-cell
	RNA-seq data, including:

    o   Multiple simulation models

    o   Parameter estimation from real data

    o   Functions for comparing simulations and real datasets

    o   Simulation of complex groups and differentiation paths

                 Changes in version 0.99.0 (2016-12-05)                 

    o   Package prepared for Bioconductor submission.