VERSION 1.4.0 ------------- NEW FEATURES o The following operation are now multithreaded (via OpenMP): - SparseMatrix multiplication and crossprod() - the matrixStats methods for SparseMatrix objects See ?set_SparseArray_nthread for more information. o Define some of the basic coercion methods that used to be defined in the Matrix package but that the lazy Matrix maintainers have decided to deprecate in Matrix 1.7-0 (e.g. coercion from matrix to dgRMatrix). BUG FIXES o Fix aperm() when inner dimensions are not permuted See o Fix long-standing bug in C function _dotprod_leaf_vector_and_double_col(). In some circumstances the function was reading beyond a C array. Observed effects varied from no observed effects (on Linux) to breaking crossprod() unit tests on arm64 Mac (consistently), on Windows (sporadically), and also probably on PowerPC (or possibly a crash sometimes on this platform. See VERSION 1.2.0 ------------- NEW FEATURES o Add aperm() method for SVT_SparseArray objects. o Add abind() method for SparseArray objects. o Add dim() setter for SVT_SparseArray objects. o Introduce nzwhich() generic and method for SparseArray derivatives. Also provide a default method for ordinary arrays and other array-like objects. o Implement 'Logic' ops on SVT_SparseArray objects. o Implement 'Math'/'Math2' ops on SVT_SparseArray objects of type "double". o 'Compare' ops now support SVT_SparseArray objects of type() "raw" or "complex". o All matrixStats methods (except row/colMedians()) now work on multidimensional SVT_SparseArray objects and support the 'dims' argument, like the row/colSums() and row/colMeans() functions in base R. o Add row/colAnys() + row/colAlls() + row/colAnyNAs() + row/colProds() methods for SVT_SparseArray objects. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Rename nzvals() slot getter (for COO_SparseArray objects) -> nzdata(). Also reintroduce nzvals() as a fast way to get 'x[nzwhich(x)]' on a sparse array-like object 'x'. o Re-implement all matrixStats methods (except row/colMedians()) for SVT_SparseArray objects in C. VERSION 1.0.0 ------------- o First version of the package that is ready for general use.