--- title: "Advanced Exploration of the SomaScan Menu" abstract: "Advanced use cases of SomaScan.db, including SomaScan menu exploration examples." package: "`r BiocStyle::pkg_ver('SomaScan.db')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc_float: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Advanced Exploration of the SomaScan Menu} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(BiocStyle) ``` ```{r loading-packages, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(GO.db) library(KEGGREST) library(org.Hs.eg.db) library(SomaScan.db) library(withr) }) ``` This vignette is a follow up to the "Introduction to SomaScan.db" vignette, and will introduce more advanced capabilities of the `SomaScan.db` package. Below we illustrate how `SomaScan.db` can be used to deeply explore the SomaScan menu and execute complex annotation functions, outside of the basic use of `select` outlined in the introductory vignette. Knowledge of SQL is not required, but a familiarity with R and SomaScan data is highly suggested. For an introduction to the `SomaScan.db` package and its methods, please see `vignette("introductory_vignette", "SomaScan.db")`. Please note that this vignette will require the installation and usage of *three* additional Bioconductor R packages: `r Biocpkg("GO.db")`, `r Biocpkg("EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")`, and `r Biocpkg("KEGGREST")`. Please see the linked pages to find installation instructions for these packages. # Incorporating Additional Annotations ## Gene Ontology The `SomaScan.db` package allows a user to retrieve Gene Ontology (GO) identifiers associated with a particular SomaScan `SeqId` (or set of `SeqIds`). However, the available GO annotations in `SomaScan.db` are limited; only the GO ID, evidence code, and ontology category are currently available. This helps prevent the package from accumulating an overwhelming number of annotation elements, but limits the ability to extract detailed GO information. To illustrate this limitation, below we will display the GO terms associated with the gene "IL31": ```{r il31-select-df} il31_go <- select(SomaScan.db, keys = "IL31", keytype = "SYMBOL", columns = c("PROBEID", "GO")) il31_go ``` In this data frame, IL31 maps to one single `SeqId` ("10455-196"), indicated by the "PROBEID" column. This `SeqId` and gene are associated with seven unique GO IDs (in the "GO" column). The GO knowledgebase is vast, however, and these identifiers are not particularly informative for anyone who hasn't memorized their more descriptive term names. Additional details for each ID would make this table more informative and interpretable. Luckily, there are two options for retrieving such data: 1. Using an additional set of GO-specific methods to retrieve additional information for each GO ID (`Term`, `Ontology`, `Definition`, and `Synonym`) 2. Linking results from `SomaScan.db` with another Bioconductor tool, like the `r Biocpkg("GO.db")` annotation package Each of these techniques have their own special utility. Below, we will work through examples of how the techniques described above can be used to link GO information with the annotations from `SomaScan.db`. --------------------- ### GO Methods The `Term`, `Ontology`, `Definition`, and `Synonym` methods are GO-specific methods imported from the `AnnotationDbi` package. They are designed to retrieve a single piece of information, indicated by the method name, that corresponds to a set of GO identifiers (note: we will skip `Ontology` in this vignette, as the GO Ontology is already retrievable with `SomaScan.db`). The `Term` method retrieves a character string defining the role of the gene product that corresponds to provided GO ID(s). In the example below, we will retrieve the GO terms for each of the GO IDs in the `select` results generated previously: ```{r go-term} Term(il31_go$GO) ``` The `Definition` method retrieves a more detailed and extended definition of the ontology for the input GO IDs: ```{r go-definition} Definition(il31_go$GO) ``` And finally, the `Synonym` method can be used to retrieve other ontology terms that are considered to be synonymous to the primary term attached to the GO ID. For example, "type I programmed cell death" is considered synonymous with "apoptosis". It's worth noting that `Synonym` can return a large set of results, so we caution against providing a large set of GO IDs to `Synonym`: ```{r go-synonym} Synonym(il31_go$GO) ``` A GO synonym was not found for the first identifier in the provided vector, so an `NA` was returned. These functions are useful for quickly retrieving information for a given GO ID, but you'll notice that the results are returned as a vector or list, rather than a data frame. Depending on the application, this may be useful - for example, these methods are handy for on-the-fly GO term or definition lookups, but their format can be cumbersome to incorporate into a data frame created by `select`. Let's return to the `il31_go` data frame we generated previously. How can we incorporate the additional information obtained by `Term`, `Definition`, and `Synonym` into this object? Assuming the output is the same length as the number of rows in `il31_go`, the character vector obtained by `Term`, `Definition`, or `Synonym`, can be easily appended as a new column in the `il31_go` data frame: ```{r append-terms} trms <- Term(il31_go$GO) class(trms) length(trms) == length(il31_go$GO) il31_go$TERM <- trms il31_go ``` The same can be done with the output of `Definition`: ```{r append-definitions} defs <- Definition(il31_go$GO) class(defs) length(defs) == length(il31_go$GO) il31_go$DEFINITION <- defs il31_go[ ,c("SYMBOL", "PROBEID", "GO", "TERM", "DEFINITION")] ``` However, this only works cleanly when the output is a character vector with the same order and number of elements as the input vector. With the list output of `Synonym`, the process is a little less straightforward. In addition, it takes multiple steps to generate these additional annotations and combine them with a `select` data frame. Instead of performing so many steps, we can utilize another Bionconductor annotation resource called `r Biocpkg("GO.db")` to retrieve GO annotation elements in a convenient data frame format. --------------------- ### GO.db The `r Biocpkg("GO.db")` R package contains annotations describing the entire Gene Ontology knowledgebase, assembled using data directly from the [GO website](http://geneontology.org/). `r Biocpkg("GO.db")` provides a method to easily retrieve the latest version of the Gene Ontology knowledgebase into an R session. Like `SomaScan.db`, `r Biocpkg("GO.db")` is an annotation package that can be queried using the same five methods (`select`, `keys`, `keytypes`, `columns`, and `mapIds`). By utilizing both `SomaScan.db` and `r Biocpkg("GO.db")`, it is possible to connect `SeqIds` to GO IDs, then add additional GO annotations that are not available within `SomaScan.db`. Let's walk through an example. First, select a key (and corresponding GO ID) to use as a starting point: ```{r example-go-ids} go_ids <- select(SomaScan.db, "IL3RA", keytype = "SYMBOL", columns = c("GO", "SYMBOL")) go_ids ``` As shown previously, the GO ID, EVIDENCE code, and ONTOLOGY comprise the extent of GO information contained in `SomaScan.db`. However, we can use the GO ID (in the `GO` column) to connect these values to the annotations in `r Biocpkg("GO.db")`: ```{r go-columns} columns(GO.db) go_defs <- select(GO.db, keys = go_ids$GO, columns = c("GOID", "TERM", "DEFINITION")) go_defs ``` ```{r go-merge} merge(go_ids, go_defs, by.x = "GO", by.y = "GOID") ``` Using this workflow, in just two steps we can link annotation information *between* annotation package resources (i.e `SomaScan.db` <--> `GO.db`). --------------------- ## KEGG Pathways Note that the same workflow _cannot_ be performed for KEGG pathways, due to KEGG's data sharing policy. Instead, the package `r Biocpkg("KEGGREST")` must be used. Rather than an annotation database-style package (like `SomaScan.db` and `GO.db`), `r Biocpkg("KEGGREST")` is a package that provides a client interface in R to the KEGG REST (REpresentational State Transfer) server. For reference, REST is an interface that two computer systems can use to securely exchange information over the internet. Queries made with the `r Biocpkg("KEGGREST")` package retrieve information directly from the online KEGG database. Let's take the same `select` query as we used for GO, but modify it to obtain KEGG pathway identifiers instead: ```{r select-kegg} kegg_sel <- select(SomaScan.db, keys = "CD86", keytype = "SYMBOL", columns = c("PROBEID", "PATH")) kegg_sel ``` We can use the identifiers in the "PATH" column to query the KEGG database using `KEGGREST::keggGet()`: ```{r get-path-names} # Add prefix indicating species (hsa = Homo sapiens) hsa_names <- paste0("hsa", kegg_sel$PATH) kegg_res <- keggGet(dbentries = hsa_names) |> setNames(hsa_names[1:10L]) # Setting names for results list ``` Because so much information is returned by `keggGet()`, a maximum number of 10 entries are allowed. Input exceeding 10 entries will be truncated, and only the first 10 results will be returned (as indicated in the warning message above). Let's take a look at what was returned for each KEGG pathway: ```{r str-kegg-path} str(kegg_res$hsa04514) ``` Some additional data manipulation will be required to extract the desired information from the results of `keggGet()`. Let's just extract the pathway name (`NAME`): ```{r path-names-vector} kegg_names <- vapply(kegg_res, `[[`, i = "NAME", "", USE.NAMES = FALSE) kegg_names ``` Now we can append this vector to our original results from `select`: ```{r append-names} kegg_sel$PATHNAME <- kegg_names kegg_sel ``` Other pieces of information can be extracted to the list and reduced to a character vector or used to build a data frame, which can then be appended to or merged similar to the pathway name in the code chunks above. For more details about what can be done with the package, see `r Biocpkg("KEGGREST")`. # Positional Annotation Similar to the extended GO annotation in the previous section, positional annotation cannot currently be performed within `SomaScan.db`. `SomaScan.db` is a platform-centric annotation package, built around the probes of the SomaScan protein assay, and positional annotation is not within its scope. However, it _is_ possible to retrieve positional annotations by linking to other Bioconductor annotation resources, which can then be combined with `SomaScan.db` in a two-step process (similar to above). The first step uses `SomaScan.db` to retrieve gene-level information corresponding to SomaScan analytes; the second requires a human transcriptome or organism-centric annotation package to retrieve the desired chromosomal locations. We will provide a brief example of this using the popular organism-centric package, `r Biocpkg("EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")`, which contains a database of human annotations derived from `Ensembl release 75`. However, this procedure can also be performed using transcriptome-centric annotation packages like `r Biocpkg("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene")`. Let's say we are interested in collecting position information associated with the protein target corresponding to `SeqId = 11138-16`. First, we must determine which gene this `SeqId` maps to: ```{r seqid-gene} pos_sel <- select(SomaScan.db, "11138-16", columns = c("SYMBOL", "GENENAME", "ENTREZID", "ENSEMBL")) pos_sel ``` We now know this probe targets protein encoded by the `r pos_sel$SYMBOL` gene. We can use `r Biocpkg("EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75")` to retrieve positional information about `r pos_sel$SYMBOL`, like which chromosome the `r pos_sel$SYMBOL` is on, its start and stop position, and how many exons it has (at the time of Ensembl's `v75` release): ```{r keys-ens75, eval = FALSE} # Install package from Bioconductor, if not already installed if (!require("EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75", quietly = TRUE)) { BiocManager::install("EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75") } # The central keys of the organism-level database are the Ensembl gene ID keys(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75)[1:10L] # Also contains the Ensembl gene ID, so this column can be used for merging grep("ENSEMBL", columns(SomaScan.db), value = TRUE) # These columns will inform us as to what positional information we can # retrieve from the organism-level database columns(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75) # Build a query to retrieve the prot IDs and start/stop pos of protein domains pos_res <- select(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75, keys = "ENSG00000020633", columns = c("GENEBIOTYPE", "SEQCOORDSYSTEM", "GENEID", "PROTEINID", "PROTDOMSTART", "PROTDOMEND")) # Merge back into `pos_sel` using the "GENEID" column merge(pos_sel, pos_res, by.x = "ENSEMBL", by.y = "GENEID") ``` # Functional Group Representation As mentioned in the Introductory Vignette (`vignette("SomaScan.db", package = "SomaScan.db")`), the `SomaScan.db` annotation database can be queried using values other than the central database key, the `SeqId` (i.e. the "PROBEID" column). This section will describe additional methods of retrieving information from the database without using the `SeqId`. --------------------- ## GO Term Coverage The annotations in `SomaScan.db` can be used to answer general questions about SomaScan, without the need for a SomaScan dataset/ADAT file as a starting point. For example, if one were interested in proteins involved in cancer progression and metastasis (and therefore cell adhesion), is the SomaScan menu capable of measuring proteins involved in cell adhesion? If so, how many of these proteins can be measured with SomaScan? We can answer this by examining the coverage of the GO term "cell adhesion" in both the 5k and 7k SomaScan menus. We don't need the GO identifier to get started, as that information can be retrieved from `GO.db` using the name of the term as the key: ```{r kin-act-go} select(GO.db, keys = "cell adhesion", keytype = "TERM", columns = c("GOID", "TERM")) ``` Now that we have the GO ID, we can search in `SomaScan.db` to determine how many `SeqIds` are associated with cell adhesion. ```{r} cellAd_ids <- select(SomaScan.db, keys = "GO:0007155", keytype = "GO", columns = "PROBEID", "UNIPROTID") head(cellAd_ids, n = 10L) # Total number of SeqIds associated with cell adhesion unique(cellAd_ids$PROBEID) |> length() ``` There are `r length(unique(cellAd_ids$PROBEID))` unique `SeqIds` associated with the "cell adhesion" GO term (_unique_ is important here because the data frame above may contain multiple entries per `SeqId`, due to the "EVIDENCE" column). There are `r length(keys(SomaScan.db))` total `SeqIds` in the `SomaScan.db` database, so `r round(length(unique(cellAd_ids$PROBEID))/length(keys(SomaScan.db))*100, 2)`% of keys in the database are associated with cell adhesion. How many of the _total_ proteins in the cell adhesion GO term are covered by the SomaScan menu? To answer this question, we first must use another annotation package, `org.Hs.eg.db`, to retrieve a list of all human UniProt IDs associated with the "cell adhesion" GO term. ```{r} cellAd_prots <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = "GO:0007155", keytype = "GO", columns = "UNIPROT") # Again, we take the unique set of proteins length(unique(cellAd_prots$UNIPROT)) ``` The GO term `GO:0007155` (cell adhesion) contains a total of `r length(unique(cellAd_prots$UNIPROT))` unique human UniProt IDs. Now we can check to see how many of these are covered by the SomaScan menu by searching for the proteins in `SomaScan.db` with `select`: ```{r} cellAd_covProts <- select(SomaScan.db, keys = unique(cellAd_prots$UNIPROT), keytype = "UNIPROT", columns = "PROBEID") head(cellAd_covProts, n = 20L) ``` `select` will return an `NA` value if a key is not found in the database. As seen above, some proteins in `GO:0007155` do not map to a `SeqId` in `SomaScan.db`. To get an accurate count of the proteins that _do_ map to a `SeqId`, we must remove the unmapped proteins by filtering out rows with `NA` values: ```{r} cellAd_covProts <- cellAd_covProts[!is.na(cellAd_covProts$PROBEID),] cellAd_covIDs <- unique(cellAd_covProts$UNIPROT) length(cellAd_covIDs) ``` We removed duplicates from the list of proteins provided as keys, to get a final count of `r length(cellAd_covIDs)` proteins (`r round(length(cellAd_covIDs)/length(unique(cellAd_prots$UNIPROT))*100, 2)`%) from the "cell adhesion" GO term that are covered by the SomaScan menu. Does this number differ between versions of the SomaScan Menu? Remember that the 7k menu contains _all_ of the `SeqIds` in the 5k menu, so what this really tells us is: were analytes targeting cell adhesion-related proteins added in the 7k menu? ```{r kin-act-menu-diff} cellAd_menu <- lapply(c("5k", "7k"), function(x) { df <- select(SomaScan.db, keys = unique(cellAd_prots$UNIPROT), keytype = "UNIPROT", columns = "PROBEID", menu = x) # Again, removing probes that do not map to a cell adhesion protein df <- df[!is.na(df$PROBEID),] }) |> setNames(c("somascan_5k", "somascan_7k")) identical(cellAd_menu$somascan_5k, cellAd_menu$somascan_7k) ``` In this example, the number of `SeqIds` associated with cell adhesion does _not_ differ between SomaScan menu versions (the list of `SeqIds` is identical). The differences between menu versions can be explored with the `menu` argument of `select`, or via the `somascan_menu` data object (this is explained in the Introductory Vignette). --------------------- ## Gene Families A number of gene families are targeted by reagents in the SomaScan assay. How can these be interrogated using `SomaScan.db`? Is the package capable of searching for/within specific gene families? The answer is yes, but a specific function does not exist for analyzing gene families as a whole. Instead, by using features of `select` and `keys`, `SomaScan.db` can be queried for common features connecting gene families of interest - more specifically, the `match=` argument of `select` and the `pattern=` argument of `keys` can be used to retrieve gene family members that contain a common pattern in their name. The `keys` method is capable of using regular expressions ("regex") to search for keys in the database that contain a specific pattern of characters. This feature is especially useful when looking for annotations for a gene family. For example, a regex pattern can be used to retrieve a list of all IL17 receptor family genes in the database: ```{r keys-il17} il17_family <- keys(SomaScan.db, keytype = "SYMBOL", pattern = "IL17") ``` Those keys can then be used to query the database with `select`: ```{r select-il17} select(SomaScan.db, keys = il17_family, keytype = "SYMBOL", columns = c("PROBEID", "UNIPROT", "GENENAME")) ``` If multiple gene families are of interest, the `keys` argument of `select` (in combination with `match=TRUE`) can support a regex pattern, and will accomplish both of the previous steps in a single call: ```{r combine-keys-select} select(SomaScan.db, keys = "NOTCH|ZF", keytype = "SYMBOL", columns = c("PROBEID", "SYMBOL", "GENENAME"), match = TRUE) ``` The `GENENAME` column can also support a regex pattern, and can be used to search for keywords that are associated with specific gene families (and not just the gene symbols themselves). Examples include "homeobox", "zinc finger", "notch", etc. ```{r homeobox} select(SomaScan.db, keys = "homeobox", keytype = "GENENAME", columns = c("PROBEID", "SYMBOL"), match = TRUE) ``` # Session info ```{r session-info} sessionInfo() ```