% -*- mode: noweb; noweb-default-code-mode: R-mode; -*-
%\VignetteKeywords{Preprocessing, Affymetrix}




\author{Laurent Gautier}
\title{Alternative CDF environments}



On short oligonuleotide arrays, several probes are designed to match
a target transcript, and probes matching the same target transcript
can be grouped in a probe set. Between the time the probes for a given short
oligonucleotide chip were designed, and the time an analysis is made,
the knowledge of expected transcripts for a given organism might have changed.
Unless one includes the latest development in transcripts into
an analysis, the analysis could suffer from what we like to call a
{\it Dorian Gray}\footnote{From the novel `The Picture of
  Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde.} effect. The chip itself does not change,
 which means
that the probes and their respective sequences remain the same, while
the knowledge of the transcripts, and eventually their sequence, might
evolve, and in time the immobility of the probe and probe sets give an
uglier picture of the biological phenomena to study. Being able to
easily modify or replace the grouping of probes in probe sets gives
the opportunity to minimize this effect.

The package is directly usable with {\it Affymetrix} {\it GeneChip} short
oligonucleotide arrays, and can be adapted or extended to other platforms.

The bibliographic reference associated with the package is given by the command:

 Alternative mapping of probes to genes for Affymetrix chips Laurent
  Gautier, Morten Mooller, Lennart Friis-Hansen, Steen Knudsen BMC
  Bioinformatics 2004, 5:111

If you use it, consider citing it, and
if you cite it consider citing as well other packages it depends on. 

To start we will first load the package:

\section{The class \Rclass{CdfEnvAffy}}
Each instance of this class contains a way to group probes in probe sets.
Different instances, describing different ways to group probes in
probe sets, can co-exist for a given chip type.

When experimenting, it is highly recommended to use the functions 
and \Rfunction{validAffyBatch} to make sure that a given instance 
is a valid one. 

\section{Reading sequence information in FASTA connections}
The package contains simple functions to read {\bf R} connections in the FASTA
format. Typically, collections of sequences are stored in FASTA files,
which can be significantly large, one can wish to read and process 
sequences one after the other. This can
be done by opening the file in `r' mode:
fasta.filename <- system.file("exampleData", "sample.fasta",
con <- file(fasta.filename, open="r")

Reading the sequences one after another, and printing information
about them in turn goes like:
fasta.seq <- read.FASTA.entry(con)
while(! is.null(fasta.seq$header)) {
  fasta.seq <- read.FASTA.entry(con)

One can foresee that the matching of a set of reference sequences against
all the probes can be parallelized easily: the reference sequences can
simply be distributed across different processors/machines. When
working with all the reference sequences in a single large FASTA file,
the option \Robject{skip} can let one implement a poor man's parallel 
sequence matching
very easily.

\section{Creating an alternative mapping from sequences in a FASTA file}

\subsection{Select the constituting elements}

\item Chip type:
For this tutorial we decide to work with the Affymetrix chip HG-U133A.
\item Target sequences:
The set of target sequences we use for this tutorial is in the exemplar FASTA file:
## first, count the number of FASTA entries in our file
con <- file(fasta.filename, open="r")
n <- countskip.FASTA.entries(con)

## read all the entries
con <- file(fasta.filename, open="r")
my.entries <- read.n.FASTA.entries.split(con, n)


\subsection*{matching the probes}
The package \Rpackage{Biostrings} and the probe data package for
HG-U133A are required to perform the matching. The first step is
to load them:


The matching is done simply (one can refer to the documentation for the
package \Rpackage{Biostrings} for further details):

targets <- my.entries$sequences
names(targets) <-  sub(">.+\\|(Hs\\#|NM_)([^[:blank:]\\|]+).+", 
                       "\\1\\2", my.entries$headers)

m <- matchAffyProbes(hgu133aprobe, targets, "HG-U133A")


\subsection{analyzing the matches}

When the position of the match between probes and target sequences
does not matter, the association can be represented as a bipartite graph.

The method \Rfunction{toHypergraph} will transform an instance of
\Rclass{AffyProbesMatch} into an \Rclass{Hypergraph}.
hg <- toHypergraph(m)

Currently, there are not many functions implemented around hypergraphs,
so we convert it to a more common graph.

gn <- toGraphNEL(hg)

Since this is now a regular graph, all of probes and targets are regular
nodes on that graph. Node name-based rules can be applied to identify
whether a node is a target sequence or a probe.

targetNodes <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv())
for (i in seq(along=targets)) {
  targetNodes[[names(targets)[i]]] <- i

Since the graph is relatively small, we can plot it, and see that
one probe is common to both probe sets:
<<label=plotGraph, fig = TRUE>>=
tShapes <- rep("ellipse", length=length(targets))
names(tShapes) <- names(targets)
tColors <- rep("ivory", length=length(targets))
names(tColors) <- names(targets)

nAttrs <- list(shape = tShapes, fillcolor = tColors)
gAttrs <- list(node = list(shape = "rectangle", fixedsize = FALSE))

plot(gn, "neato",
     nodeAttrs = nAttrs,
     attrs = gAttrs)


Whenever a large number  oftarget sequences are involved, counting the degrees
will be more efficient than plotting.

The package contains a function to create a \Rclass{CdfEnv} from the matches:
alt.cdf <- 
  buildCdfEnv.biostrings(m, nrow.chip = 712, ncol.chip = 712)

Note that the size for chip must be
specified. This is currently a problem with cdfenvs as they are
created by the package \Rpackage{makecdfenv}. The class
\Rclass{CdfEnv} suggests a way to solve this (hopefully this will be
integrated in \Rpackage{makecdfenv} in the near future).
When this happens, the section below will be replaced by something
more intuitive. But in the meanwhile, here is the current way to use
our shiny brand new class \Rclass{CdfEnv}:

## say we have an AffyBatch of HG-U133A chips called 'abatch'

## summary checks to avoid silly mistakes
validAffyBatch(abatch, alt.cdf)

## it is ok, so we proceed...

## get the environment out of it class
alt.cdfenv <- alt.cdf@envir

abatch@cdfName <- "alt.cdfenv"

From now on, the object \Robject{abatch} will use our `alternative
mapping' rather than the one provided by the manufacturer of the chip:


%\section*{Creating an alternative environment to store only perfect matches}

\section{Always up-to-date}

Even if alternative mapping is not used upstream of the analysis,
it can still be interesting to verify probesets highlighted during
data analysis. 

The \Rpackage{biomaRt} package makes withdrawing up-to-date sequences
very easy, and those sequences can be matched against the probes.

First, we create a \emph{mart}:
mart <- useMart("ensembl",dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
(refer to the documentation for the \Rpackage{biomaRt} for
further information).

\subsection{Casual checking of genes}

In this example, we assume that for one reason or an other
a researcher would like to know more about the probes matching
the SLAMF genes.

geneSymbols <- c("SLAMF1", "SLAMF3", "SLAMF6", "SLAMF7", "SLAMF8", "SLAMF9")
The vector \Robject{geneSymbols} defined can easily be replaced
by your favorite genes; the example below should still work.

We then write a convenience function 
\Robject{getSeq} to extract the sequences.
This function appenda a \verb+-<number>+ to
the HUGO symbol (as there might be several sequences
getSeq <- function(name) {
  seq <- getSequence(id=name, type="hgnc_symbol", 
                     seqType="cdna", mart = mart)

  targets <- seq$cdna
  if (is.null(targets))
  names(targets) <- paste(seq$hgnc_symbol, 1:nrow(seq), sep="-")

% load saved data (instead of connecting to the mart)
<<label=loadTargetsSLAMF, echo=FALSE>>=
load(system.file("exampleData", "slamf_targets.RData",

The function let us obtain the target sequences very easily:
targets <- unlist(lapply(geneSymbols,


The targets are matched as seen previously:
m <- matchAffyProbes(hgu133aprobe, targets, "HG-U133A")

A colorful graph can be made in order to visualize
how matching probes are distributed:
<<label=SLAMF, fig=TRUE>>=

hg <- toHypergraph(m)

gn <- toGraphNEL(hg)

col <- brewer.pal(length(geneSymbols)+1, "Set1")
tColors <- rep(col[length(col)], length=numNodes(gn))
names(tColors) <- nodes(gn)
for (col_i in 1:(length(col)-1)) {
  node_i <- grep(paste("^", geneSymbols[col_i], 
                       "-", sep=""),
  tColors[node_i] <- col[col_i]

nAttrs <- list(fillcolor = tColors)

plot(gn, "twopi", nodeAttrs=nAttrs)

 \item Watch for \emph{SLAMF6} and \emph{SLAMF7}
 \item The second sequence in SLAMF8 can potentially has specific probes
(the rest of the probes are matching both SLAMF8 sequences)

Comparison with the official mapping can be made (not so simply,
a future version should address this)
affyTab <- toTable(hgu133aSYMBOL)
slamf_i <- grep("^SLAMF", affyTab$symbol)
pset_id <- affyTab$probe_id[slamf_i]

countProbes <- lapply(pset_id, function(x) nrow(hgu133acdf[[x]]))
names(countProbes) <- affyTab$symbol[slamf_i]
The results do not appear in complete agreement with the matching just
