%\VignetteIndexEntry{Main vignette:Playing with networks using CNORfuzzyl}
%\VignetteKeywords{Training Signalling Pathway Maps to Biochemical Data with Constrained Fuzzy Logic using CNORfuzzy}

\usepackage{url, color}




  colorlinks, linkcolor=blue


\definecolor{green}{rgb}{0.6, 0.9,0.6}

%    numbers=left % prevent copy/paste entire code


\title{Training Signalling Pathway Maps to Biochemical Data with Constrained
Fuzzy Logic using CNORfuzzy}
\author[1]{Melody K.Morris}
\author[2]{Thomas Cokelaer \thanks{cokelaer@ebi.ac.uk}}

\affil[1]{\small{Department of Biological Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge MA, U.S.}}
\affil[2]{European Bioinformatics Institute, Saez-Rodriguez group, Cambridge, United Kingdom}



% gg
<<preliminaries, eval=True, results=hide, include=False, echo=FALSE>>=
options(width=70, useFancyQuotes="UTF-8", prompt=" ", continue="  ")


Mathematical models are used to understand protein signalling networks so as to 
provide an integrative view of pharmacological and toxicological processes at
molecular level. \emph{CellNOptR}~\cite{CellNOptR} is an existing
package (see
\url{http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/CellNOptR.html}) that
provides functionalities to combine
prior knowledge network (about protein signalling networks) and perturbation
data to infer functional characteristics (of the signalling network).
While \emph{CellNOptR} has demonstrated its ability to infer new functional
characteristics, it is based on a boolean formalism where protein species are 
characterised as being fully active or inactive. In contrast, the Constraint
Fuzy Logic formalism~\cite{fuzzy2011} implemented in this package
(called \emph{CNORfuzzy}) generalises the boolean logic to model quantitative

The constrained Fuzzy Logic modelling (also denoted cFL) is fully described in~\cite{fuzzy2011}. It was first implemented
in a Matlab toolbox \emph{CellNOpt} (available at
\url{http://www.ebi.ac.uk/saezrodriguez/software.html#CellNetOptimizer}). More
information about the methods and application of the Matlab pipeline can be
found in references~\cite{MMB, fuzzy2011}. 

In this document, we show how to use the \emph{CNORfuzzy} on biological model/data 
sets. Since \emph{CNORfuzzy} and this tutorial use functions from
\emph{CellNOptR}, it is strongly recommended to read the \emph{CellNOptR}
tutorial before carrying on this tutorial.


\emph{CNORfuzzy} depends on \emph{CellNOptR} and its dependencies (bioconductor
packages) and \emph{nloptr}, which can be installed in R. It may take a few minutes to install all
dependencies if you start from scratch (i.e, none of the R packages are
installed on your system). Then, you can install \emph{CNORfuzzy} similarly:

<<installCNORfuzzy, eval=FALSE>>=
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))

These two packages depends on other R packages (e.g., \emph{RBGL},
\emph{nloptr}), which installation should be smooth. Note, however, that there
is also an optional dependency on the \emph{Rgraphviz} package, whose compilation 
may be tricky under some systems such as Windows (e.g., if the graphviz library
is not installed or compiler not compatible). Next release of Rgraphviz shoudl
fix this issue. Meanwhile, if Rgraphviz cannot be installed on your sytem, you
should still be able to install \emph{CellNOptR} and \emph{CNORfuzzy} packages and
to access most of the functionalities of these packages. Note also that under
Linux system, some of these packages necessitate the R-devel package to be
installed (e.g., under Fedora type \emph{sudo yum install R-devel}).

Finally, once \emph{CNORfuzzy} is installed you can load it by typing:

<<installCNORfuzzy2, eval=TRUE>>=

\section{Quick Start}

In this section, we will show you how to run the pipeline to optimise a set of
model and data and how to get the optimised model using the constrained fuzzy

As in \emph{CellNOptR}, there is a function that does most of the job for you,
which is called \emph{CNORwrapFuzzy}. We will detail this function step by
step in the next section but for now, let us see how to obtain an optimised
model in a few steps. First, we need a model and a data set. We will use the
same toy model as in \emph{CellNOptR}:

% show data and model loading
<<quickstart, eval=TRUE, results=hide>>=
data(CNOlistToy, package="CellNOptR")
data(ToyModel, package="CellNOptR")

% show reacId in a table
<<echo=false, results=hide>>=
data(CNOlistToy, package="CellNOptR")
data(ToyModel, package="CellNOptR")

The object ToyModel is a data frame that contains the Prior Knowledge Network
(PKN) about the model. For instance, it contains a list of all reactions (see
Table \ref{tab:reacID}). A graphical representation of the model is shown in
Figure \ref{fig:pkn}. See \emph{CellNOptR} tutorial for more details~\cite{CellNOptR}.

<<reacIDtab,results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
xtable(matrix(ToyModel$reacID, ncol=4), caption="The ToyModel object contains a prior knowledge
network with 16 reactions stored in the field \\emph{ToyModel\\$reacID}.
There are other fields such as \\emph{namesSpecies} or \\emph{interMat} that are used during the
analysis.", label="tab:reacID")

<<quickstartPlotModel, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE, results=hide,include=FALSE>>=
plotModel(ToyModel, CNOlistToy, compressed=c("p38", "TRAF6", "Ras"))

<<quickstartPlotModelCompressed, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE, results=hide,include=FALSE>>=
plotModel(expandGates(compressModel(ToyModel, indexFinder(CNOlistToy, ToyModel))), CNOlistToy)

\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-quickstartPlotModel}
\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-quickstartPlotModelCompressed}
\caption{The original PKN model (left panel). The colors indicate the signals (green),
readouts (blue) and inhibitors (red) as described by the data. The dashed white
nodes shows species that can be compressed. The right panel is the compressed
and expanded model as used by the analysis (See reference~\cite{CellNOptR} for details). \label{fig:pkn}}

The object \emph{CNOlistToy} is a CNOlist object that contains measurements of elements of a prior
knowledge network under different combinations of perturbations of other nodes in the network. A CNOlist
comprises the names of the signals, cues, stimuli and inhibitors and is used to
represent the PKN model with colored nodes as in Figure~\ref{fig:pkn}. 

Note that in CellNOptR version above 1.3.28, a new class called \emph{CNOlist}
is available. We strongly recommend to use it since future version of
\emph{CellNOptR} and \emph{CNORfuzzy} will use this class instead of the list
returned by \emph{makeCNOlist}. You can easily convert existing CNOlist (like
the R data set called CNOlistToy built with \emph{makeCNOlist}). 

<<cnolist, eval=TRUE>>=
data(CNOlistToy, package="CellNOptR")
CNOlistToy = CNOlist(CNOlistToy)

You can also visualise the CNOlist using the \emph{plot} method (see
Figure~\ref{fig:plotcnolist}) that will produce a plot
with a subplot for each signal (column) and each condition (row), and an image plot for each
condition that contains the information about which cues are present (last
column). See \emph{CellNOptR} tutorial for more details~\cite{CellNOptR}.


<<plotCNOlist, eval=True, results=hide, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE>>=
# with the old CNOlist (output of makeCNOlist), type
data(CNOlistToy, package="CellNOptR")

# with the new version, just type:
CNOlistToy = CNOlist(CNOlistToy)

<<Ropts, echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=

Next, we set up a list of parameters that are related to (i) the genetic
algorithm used in the optimisation step, (ii) the transfer functions associated
to fuzzy logic formalism, (iii) a set of optimisation parameters related to the
fuzzy logic. The list of parameters is also used  to store the Data and Model
objects. There is a function that will help you managing all the parameters,
which is called \emph{defaultParametersFuzzy} and is used as follows:

<<defaultParameters echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE>>=
paramsList = defaultParametersFuzzy(CNOlistToy, ToyModel)
paramsList$popSize = 50
paramsList$maxGens = 50
paramsList$optimisation$maxtime = 30

In the next section, we will show how to set up the parameters more
specifically. Here, we reduced the default values of some parameter to speed up
the code and also because the algorithm converges quickly for this particular

Once we have the data, model and parameters, we can optimise the
model against the data. This is done thanks
to the function \emph{CNORwrapFuzzy}. In principle, as we will see later the fuzzy
approach requires to run several optimisations. Therefore, you need to loop over
several optimisations before getting the final results. This is done with the
following code:

% TODO SWITCH eval to true to generate the figures
<<optimisation, eval=true, results=hide>>=
N = 1
allRes = list()
for (i in 1:N){
    Res = CNORwrapFuzzy(CNOlistToy, ToyModel, paramsList=paramsList)
    allRes[[i]] = Res

As you can see, we set \emph{N=1} because in the case of the ToyModel a single
optimisation suffices. We provide this sample code that is generic enough to be
used with more complex data sets (see next section for a more complex example).

After each optimisation, the results are saved in a temporary object \emph{Res}
that is appended to a list \emph{allRes} that stored all the results. 
Each variable \emph{Res} stores the reduced and refined models \cite{fuzzy2011}
that are used by the \emph{compileMultiRes} function to build up a summary: 

%TODO switch to eval to true but keep fig to false since show=FALSE
<<compileMultiRes, eval=true,  fig=false, include=false>>=
summary = compileMultiRes(allRes,show=FALSE)

Note that we set \emph{show=FALSE} because the resulting plot is meaningless for this
example. The next section shows an example with the option \emph{show=TRUE} and describes the
resulting plot.

Finally, we produce a plot of our analysis that is similar to the one produce by
the plotCNOList function (left panel in Figure~\ref{fig:plotcnolist}), except that
the simulated data is overlaid in dashed lines and the background color
indicates the difference between the simulated and experimental data (right
panel in Figure~\ref{fig:plotcnolist}). The plot is generated with the following command:

%TODO switch to eval to true. Takes 3 minutes so we created the figure and saved
%it in the SVN for now until the code is optimised.
<<plotMeanFuzzyFit, eval=true ,fig=TRUE, include=false>>=
plotMeanFuzzyFit(0.1, summary$allFinalMSEs, allRes,
    plotParams=list(cmap_scale=0.5, cex=.9, margin=0.3))

The next section will explain how to chose the first argument, which is
set to 0.1 in this example. 

\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-plotCNOlist}
\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-plotMeanFuzzyFit}
\caption{The actual data are plotted with \emph{plotCNOlist} from the \emph{CellNOptR}
package (left panel). The results of simulating the data with our best model compared with
the actual data are plotted with \emph{plotMeanFuzzyFit} (right panel) where the
simulated data is overlaid in dashed blue lines and the background indicates the
absolute difference between model and data. The red boxes indicates a missing
link as explained in~\cite{MMB}. The colors convention is as follows:
greener=closer to 0 difference, redder=closer to 100\% difference. Here the
light pink boxes indicates a difference about 50\%.

The results shown in Figure~\ref{fig:plotcnolist} shows a very good agreement
between the final model selected by the fuzzy logic approach and the
experimental data except for the case of NFkB specie. It has been found that this
is related to a missing link between NFkB and PI3K species in the PKN
model~\cite{MMB}. Yet, the overall results is  better that the one obtained with
the boolean approach~\cite{CellNOptR, MMB}.

\section{Detailled example}

\subsection{The PKN model and data}
The \emph{CellNOptR} package contains a data set that is more realistic, which is
part of the network analysed in~\cite{julio2009} and comprises 40 species and 58
interactions in the PKN. This network was also used for the signaling
challenge in DREAM4 (see \url{http://www.the-dream-project.org/}). The
associated data was collected in hepatocellular carcinoma cell line
HepG2~\cite{alexopoulos_networks_2010}. The prior knowledge network is presented
in Figure~\ref{fig:pkn2}. In this section, we will proceed to the same analysis
as above taking more time to understand how to set the parameters and chose the
proper threshold.

% must add these lines here before plotModel calls
<<FullAnalysis_start, eval=true, results=hide, include=false>>=
data(DreamModel, package="CellNOptR")
data(CNOlistDREAM, package="CellNOptR")

<<quickstartPlotModel2, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE, results=hide,include=FALSE>>=
compModel = compressModel(DreamModel,  indexFinder(CNOlistDREAM, DreamModel))
compSpecies = compModel$speciesCompressed
plotModel(DreamModel, CNOlistDREAM, compressed=compSpecies,
    graphvizParams=list(fontsize=40, nodeWidth=15, nodeHeight=8))

<<quickstartPlotModelCompressed2, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE, results=hide,include=FALSE>>=
compModel = compressModel(DreamModel,  indexFinder(CNOlistDREAM, DreamModel))
plotModel(compModel, CNOlistDREAM, graphvizParams=list(fontsize=40))

\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-quickstartPlotModel2}
\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-quickstartPlotModelCompressed2}
\caption{The left panel shows the original PKN model (DREAM data). Right panel
shows the compressed and expanded model. See caption of Figure~\ref{fig:pkn} for the color
code. \label{fig:pkn2}}


As mentioned earlier the ToyModel is a very simple example: the Genetic
Algorithm converge quickly even with small population and only one instance of
optimisation suffices to get the optimal model. The DREAM case is mode complex.
We will need a more thorough analysis. First, let us look at the parameters in
more details. The following sample codes shows what are the parameters that a
user can change. Let us start with the Genetic Algorithm parameters. 

<<param1, eval=true, results=hide>>=
# Default parameters
paramsList = defaultParametersFuzzy(CNOlistDREAM, DreamModel)
# Some Genetic Algorithm parameters
paramsList$popSize      = 50
paramsList$maxTime      = 5*60
paramsList$maxGens      = 200
paramsList$stallGenMax  = 50
paramsList$verbose      = FALSE

First, we use set a list of default parameters (line 2). We could keep the
default values but to show how to change them, let us manually set the
population size (line 4), the maximum time for a Genetic Algorithm optimisation (line 5), the maximum
number of generation (line 6) and the maximum number of stall generation (line
7). Note that care must be taken on the lower and upper cases names (a 
 non homogeneous caps convention is used!).

Next, let us look at the fuzzy logic parameters. There are three types:
\emph{Type1Funs}, \emph{Type2Funs} and \emph{ReductionThreshold}.
In the code below, we set the \emph{Type1Funs} parameters. It 
contains the parameter of the Hill transfer functions. It is a
matrix of $n$ transfer functions times the 3 parameters $g$, $n$ and $k$. The
parameter $g$ is the gain of the transfer function (set to 1). $k$ is the sensitivity parameter which
determines the midpoint of the function. $n$ is the Hill coefficient,
which determines the sharpness of the sigmoidal transition between the high and
low output node values (see Figure~\ref{fig:transfer_functions}-a for a graphical representation).

<<param_funs1, eval=true, results=hide>>=
# Default Fuzzy Logic Type1 parameters (Hill transfer functions)
nrow = 7
paramsList$type1Funs = matrix(data = NaN,nrow=nrow,ncol=3)
paramsList$type1Funs[,1] = 1
paramsList$type1Funs[,2] = c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1.01)
paramsList$type1Funs[,3] = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.55, 0.72,1.03, 68.5098)
Note that the last value of $n$ is set to 1.01 because a Hill coefficient $n$ of
1 is numerically unstable. Note also that 68.5095 is the maximum $k$ value to be

The parameters \emph{Type2Funs} set transfer functions that connects stimuli to downstream
species. They are used so that these species can be connected with
different transfer functions if desired. There is no need to change these
transfer function parameters except for the number of rows by changing \emph{nrow} to
a differnt value. Note that \emph{nrow} must be consistent (identical) for the
\emph{Type1Funs} and \emph{Type2Funs} parameters. 

<<param_funs2, eval=true, results=hide>>=
# Default Fuzzy Logic Type2 parameters
nrow = 7
paramsList$type2Funs = matrix(data = NaN,nrow=nrow,ncol=3)
paramsList$type2Funs[,1] = seq(from=0.2, to=0.8, length=nrow)
#paramsList$type2Funs[,1] = c(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8)
paramsList$type2Funs[,2] = 1
paramsList$type2Funs[,3] = 1

\emph{ReductionThresh} is a list of threshold to be used during
the reduction step. This vector is used for instance in
Figure~\ref{fig:fullanalysis} to set the x-axis.

<<param_funs3, eval=true, results=hide>>=
paramsList$redThres = c(0, 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001,  0.003, 0.005, 0.01)

Finally, you can also set the optimisation parameters used in the refinement step,
which affects the duration of the simulation significantly. As compared to the
default parameter, we reduce the maxtime:

<<param_optim, eval=True, results=hide>>=

paramsList$optimisation$algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_SBPLX"
paramsList$optimisation$xtol_abs = 0.001
paramsList$optimisation$maxeval =  10000
paramsList$optimisation$maxtime = 60*5

See the appendix~\ref{appendix} for a detailled list of the parameters used in
this package. 


Once the parameters are set, similarly to Section~\ref{sec:quickstart}, we perform the analysis using
the \emph{CNORwrapFuzzy} function. However, this time we set \emph{N} to a value
greater than 1 to use several runs, as recommended in the general case of
complex models. 

%TODO switch to eval to true
<<FullAnalysis, eval=false, fig=false, results=hide, include=false>>=
N = 10
allRes = list()
for (i in 1:N){
    Res = CNORwrapFuzzy(CNOlistDREAM, DreamModel, paramsList=paramsList, 
    allRes[[i]] = Res
summary = compileMultiRes(allRes, show=TRUE)

\includegraphics[height=7cm, width=7cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-FullAnalysis}
\caption{This plot is produced with \emph{compileMultiRes} function. The
threshold should be chosen before the mean MSE increases that is around 0.01 in
this example. This threshold is used in the
final analysis as an argument to the function \emph{plotMeanFuzzyFit}.}

Note that the analysis with complex model and as many as 7 transfer functions could be quite long to
compute. An upper time estimation is $n \times (GA_{maxT}  + O_{maxT} \times
(L+1))$ where $gA_{maxT}$ is the maximum time spend in the genetic
algorithm optimisation (\emph{paramsList\$maxTime}), $o_{maxT}$ is
the maximum time for the optimisation in the refinement step 
(\emph{paramsList\$optimisation\$maxtime}) and L is the number of reduction threshold

The previous sample code calls the function \emph{compileMultiRes} that combines together the
different optimisations inside the variable \emph{summary}. In addition there is
a plot generated (see Figure~\ref{fig:fullanalysis}) that helps on chosing
the parameter for the next function (\emph{plotMeanFuzzyFit}). Indeed, we want
to obtain a model that achieves a minimum MSE while keeping the
number of parameters small. A compromise has to be found according to the
value of the Reduction threshold. This is done by looking at
Figure~\ref{fig:fullanalysis} and chosing a threshold before the mean MSE starts
to increase significantly. In our example, the reduction threshold should be around
$10^{-2}$. Let us plot the results for two different threshold. First, let us
use the optimal threshold:

%TODO switch to eval to true
<<FullAnalysis2, eval=false, fig=true, results=hide, include=true>>=
plotMeanFuzzyFit(0.01, summary$allFinalMSEs, allRes)

and second, a threshold that would lead to a model with smaller parameters but with a
larger mean MSE:

%TODO switch to eval to true
<<FullAnalysis3, eval=false, fig=true, results=hide, include=true>>=
plotMeanFuzzyFit(0.5, summary$allFinalMSEs, allRes)

Results are shown in Figure~\ref{fig:fullanalysis2}.  Finally, we can outputs
some files using the following command:

%TODO switch to eval to true
<<writeFuzzyNetwork, eval=false, results=hide, include=true>>=
writeFuzzyNetwork(0.01, summary$allFinalMSEs, allRes, "output_dream")

This function creates the network resulting from the training a cFL model to data in multiple
runs. The weights of the edges are computed as the mean across models using post
refinement threshold to choose reduced refined model
resulting from each run. As with \emph{writeNetwork} (in CellNOptR), this function maps back the edges weights from the
optimised (expanded and compressed) model to the original model. Note that the mapping
back only works if the path has length 2 at most (i.e., you have node1-comp1-comp2-node2, where comp
refer to nodes that have been compressed). This function saves several files with the tag \emph{output\_dream}:

\item{output\_dream\_PKN.dot} a dot file representing the optimised model. Once
processed with the executable \emph{dot}), the results is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:dot}.
\item{output\_dream\_nodesPKN.NA} store the nature of the nodes (compressed,
signals, \dots) and can be used with cytoscape.
\item{output\_dream\_TimesPKN.EA} stores the reactions and associated weights to
be used in cytoscape

\includegraphics[height=6cm, width=6cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-FullAnalysis2}
\includegraphics[height=6cm, width=6cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-FullAnalysis3}
\caption{Simulated and experimental fit using a threshold of 0.01 (left panel)
and 0.5 (right panel). See text to decide on how to choose the threshold.}

\includegraphics[height=6cm, width=6cm]{tf1}
\includegraphics[height=6cm, width=6cm]{tf2}
\caption{(a) Normalised Hill function generated using the \emph{Type1Funs}
default parameters. The default values of $n$ are shown in the caption. The
default values of $k$ are chosen so that is correspond to the EC50 values shown
in the caption. (b) Transfer function generated using the 
\emph{Type2Funs} default parameters.\label{fig:transfer_functions}}

<<FullAnalysisPlotModel, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, fig=TRUE, results=hide,include=FALSE>>=
plotModel("output_dream_PKN.sif", CNOlistDREAM)

\includegraphics[height=9cm, width=6cm]{CNORfuzzy-vignette-FullAnalysisPlotModel}
\includegraphics[height=8cm, width=6cm]{output_dream_PKN}
\caption{When calling \emph{writeFuzzyNetwork}, the original model is saved in a
new file (.sif file in the left panel) as well as the optimised model on the
data resulting from the analysis that is saved in a .dot file (right panel)
where grey edges means no link. Note that the right panel wrongly labelled some
edges in grey (e.g., no link out of IL1a; this is related to a current issue in
the mapback step of the optimised model on the original one, which should be
fixed in a future version)\label{fig:dot}. Other files useful to import in
CytoScape are also saved. See text for details.}



\newblock CellNOptR: R version of CellNOpt, boolean features only.
\newblock {R package version 1.2.0, (2012)

L.G.~Alexopoulos, J.~Saez-Rodriguez, B.D.~Cosgrove, D.A.~Lauffenburger,
P.K~Sorger.: Networks inferred from biochemical data reveal profound
  differences in toll-like receptor and inflammatory signaling between normal
  and transformed hepatocytes.
\newblock Molecular \& Cellular Proteomics: {MCP} \textbf{9}(9), 1849--1865
M.K.~Morris, I.~Melas, J.~Saez-Rodriguez.
\newblock Construction of cell type-specific logic models of signalling networks using CellNetOptimizer.
\newblock {\em Methods in Molecular Biology: Computational Toxicology}, Ed. B. Reisfeld and A. Mayeno, Humana Press.

M.K.~Morris, J.~Saez-Rodriguez, D.C.~Clarke, P.K.~Sorger, D.A.~Lauffenburger.
\newblock Training Signaling Pathway Maps to Biochemical Data with Constrain
ed Fuzzy Logic: Quantitative Analysis of Liver Cell Responses to Inflammatory
\newblock{\em PLoS Comput Biol.} 7(3) (2011) : e1001099.

J.~Saez-Rodriguez, L.~Alexopoulos, J.~Epperlein, R.~Samaga, D.~Lauffenburger, S.~Klamt and P.K.~Sorger.
\newblock Discrete logic modelling as a means to link protein signalling networks with functional analysis of mammalian signal transduction.
\newblock {\em Molecular Systems Biology}, 5:331, 2009.



\section{Default parameters}\label{appendix}

\textbf{Parameter name} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Default values} & \textbf{Description} \\\hline

\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Objective Function Parameters}}\\\hline

sizeFac & positive real&0& Each input to a logic gate is penalized by this
amount (i.e., a two-input AND gate is penalized by this factor twice).  Must be
zero for reliable training. \\\hline

NAFac & positive real & 0 & Penalty assigned to nodes that are not calculable in the
simulation.  Nodes might not be calculable because they oscillate due to a feed
back loop. (value of 1 is the largest possible error
between the simulation and data).\\\hline

\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Genetic Algorithm  Parameters}}\\\hline

PopSize&positive integer&50& Number of individuals tested at each generation.\\\hline

Pmutation&positive real&0.5&  probability that one
bit/number in each individual is randomly changed (at each generation). \\\hline

MaxTime&positive integer&180& stop criteria based on a maximum amount of
time (seconds).\\\hline

maxGens&positive integer&500&  stop criteria based on a maximum number of

StallGenMax&positive integer&100& stop criteria based on a constant objective function for
that number of generations.\\\hline

SelPress&positive real $\geq 1$ &1.2& If fitness
is assigned according to the rank, this number is used in the calculation of
fitness to increase the speed of loss of diversity and thus, convergence. 

elitism&positive integer&5&Number of individuals retained for the successive

RelTol&positive real&0.1& All solutions found by the GA within this fraction of
the best solution are returned. \\\hline



\textbf{Parameter name} & \textbf{Type} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Default values}\\\hline

\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Fuzzy Parameters}}\\\hline

%    # The parameters are chosen so that EC50 is 0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7 and 0.5
Type1Funs & a $w\times3$ matrix  where $w$ is the number of transfer functions &
g=(1,1,1,1,1,1,1),  n=(3,3,3,3,3,3,1.01),  k=(0.2,0.3,0.4,0.55,0.72,
1.03,68.5098) & The first column contains the gain ($g$), the second the
Hill coefficient ($n$)
and the third the sensitivity parameter ($k$). 

Type2Funs & a $w\times3$ matrix &  g=(0.2,0.3,0.4, 0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8),  n=(1,1,1,1,1,1), k=(1,1,1,1,1,1,1)  &
transfer functions that GA chooses from for relating the stimuli inputs to
outputs. Same format as Type1Funs.\\\hline

RedThresh &vector of positive real number & 
c(0, 0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.003,0.005, 0.01)&
Reductions thresholds used during reduction step.  If the
reduction threshold is too high (greater than 0.01), empty models may be
returned, resulting in a failure of the reduction and refinement stages\\\hline

DoRefinement &boolean& TRUE &\\\hline

\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Optimisation Refinement Parameters}}\\\hline
algorithm & string &NLOPT\_LN\_SBPLX & optimisation algorithm (nloptr package)\\\hline
xtol\_abs &positive real &0.001 & stop criteria based on the absolute error tolerance \\\hline
maxeval &positive integer &1000 & stop criteria based on the maimum number of evaluations\\\hline
maxtime &positive integer &5*60 & stop criteria based on a maximum amount of time (seconds)\\\hline

