% NOTE -- ONLY EDIT THE .Rnw FILE!!!  The .tex file is
% likely to be overwritten.
% \VignetteIndexEntry{clusterStab Overview}
% \VignetteDepends{clusterStab, Biobase, genefilter, fibroEset}
% \VignetteKeywords{Expression Analysis, Postprocessing}
% \VignettePackage{clusterStab}

\parindent 0.5in



\title{\bf Using clusterStab}

\author{James W. MacDonald}



This document provides a brief guide to the \Rpackage{clusterStab}
package, which is intended to be used for two things:

\item Determining the number of clusters in a set of microarray data.
\item Deciding how 'good' these clusters are.

Clustering microarray data and producing so-called heatmaps
is a very common thing to do. However, there are some significant drawbacks
to this technique. First, clustering is not an inferential technique,
so there are no $p$-values associated with the heatmap to indicate
how likely it is that the results arose simply by chance. Second, 
most clustering techniques are quite sensitive to the input data, so
it is possible to get a very different result by simply adding or 
removing a single sample (or by adding or removing genes). This, of 
course, would result in a completely different interpretation. Third, 
clustering methods are intended to show previously unknown patterns 
in high dimensional data, but are often used to show \emph{expected} 
patterns. This can result in a self-fulfilling prophecy, if for instance,
the data are filtered based on an expected pattern. An example would 
be filtering the data based on the difference in expression between two sample 
types and then clustering the data. Since the filtered genes by 
definition are those that are different between the two groups, the
heatmap will clearly show this difference. This is usually an uninteresting
result, as permuting the sample labels, re-filtering the data and re-clustering
will almost always result in a heatmap as striking as the original, yet
will be based on sample groups that are not expected to be different.

This third point is quite important. In order to create a heatmap that is 
small enough to be useful, it is often necessary to filter out genes that
are not differentially expressed in any samples without unintentionally 
selecting genes that fulfill an \emph{a priori} assumption about the number
of clusters. A good approach is to select genes that have a high coefficient
of variation (CV), which implies that there is a high variation in expression
relative to the average expression for that gene.

When using hierarchical clustering to detect \emph{a priori} unknown groups
in data, there are thus two questions that arise; how many clusters are there,
and given a number of clusters, how likely is it that they simply arose by
chance? We answer both questions by relying on the fact that clustering 
solutions can be sensitive to changes in the input data. To test for the likely
number of clusters, we repeatedly select subsets of the samples,
cluster them, and then see for each number of clusters (from 2 to N) how
often we get similar results. If the results are not often similar for a 
given number of clusters, it is not likely that there are that many clusters
in our data. We assess similarity using a \emph{Jaccard coefficient}, and 
use histograms to compare different numbers of clusters.

Once we have decided how many clusters we think there are, we can test to
see how likely it is that this number came about simply by chance. Again,
this is done by selecting subsets of the data and clustering. However,
in this case we are selecting subsets of genes (using all samples). The
basic idea here is the same; repeatedly subset the data and compare the
resulting clustering solutions. If we keep getting the same clusters over 
and over, then this gives evidence that the cluster is stable, which
implies that it is not likely that this result arose simply by chance.

Note that these functions are based on hierarchical clustering using
the \Rfunction{hclust()} function, although they can be generalized to most 
clustering techniques. Incorporation of different clustering algorithms
will be based on user requests.

\section{A Simple Example}

For this example we will be using the \Rpackage{fibroEset} package, which
contains an \Rfunction{ExpressionSet} object with 46 samples and 12625 genes.
There are 11 bonobo samples, 12 gorilla samples, and 23 human samples, so I
would expect either two or three clusters, depending on how well the bonobo
and gorilla samples cross-hybridize to Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 chips.

This is of course too many genes to cluster, so we will start by selecting 
only those genes that appear to be differentially expressed. Here I will 
use those genes that have a CV greater than 0.1. However, there are many 
other possibilites that can be used; see the \Rpackage{genefilter} package 
for more suggestions.

exprs(fibroEset) <- log2(exprs(fibroEset))
filt <- cv(0.1, Inf)
index <- genefilter(fibroEset, filt)
fb <- fibroEset[index,]
bh <- benhur(fb, 0.7, 6, seednum = 12345) #seednum only used to ensure reproducibility

There are \Sexpr{sum(index)} genes for which the CV is greater than 0.1. 
We will now use these genes to decide how many different sample types (clusters) 
there are in our data, using the \Rfunction{benhur} function. The number 
of clusters is determined by taking random samples of the microarrays and then clustering. 
Similarity between pairwise clusters is estimated using a Jaccard coefficient; 
stable clusters will tend to have similar results on repeated sampling, whereas unstable 
clusters will tend to have very different results. This can be visualized using either 
histograms or empirical cumulative distribution function (eCDF) plots. We first look at the 
histograms using the \Rfunction{hist()} function.

<<fig=true >>=
\caption{Histograms of the fibroEset data}

Figure~\ref{fig:hist} shows individual histograms for each of the 2 - 6 possible clusters
that were tested. Each histogram shows the distribution of the Jaccard coefficients for 
a particular number of clusters. What we are looking for is the histogram with the majority of the data
at or near one. This gives the most likely number of clusters in our data. It appears that the
most likely number of clusters is one, as each of the other histograms have data that are 
not clustered near one.

<<fig=true, echo=false>>=
plot(hclust(dist(t(exprs(fibroEset[index,])))), labels = pData(fibroEset)[,2], sub="", xlab="")
\caption{Cluster of the fibroEset data}

Figure~\ref{fig:clust} shows the dendrogram for this clustering result. The fibroEset data
are Affy HG-U95av2 chips that were run on human, bonobo, and gorilla samples (labeled h, b, and g
in the dendrogram). It is not surprising that the bonobo and gorilla samples cluster together
considering that they were analyzed using a human chip. In addition, there are at least two
smaller clusters within the human samples

We can also look at the eCDF plot, using the \Rfunction{ecdf()} function. 

plot(hclust(dist(t(exprs(fibroEset[index,])))), labels = pData(fibroEset)[,2], sub="", xlab="")
\caption{Empirical CDF plots of the fibroEset Data}

Figure~\ref{fig:ecdf} shows the eCDFs for each number of clusters. Again, it appears that there
are probably only two real clusters here.

Once we have decided how many clusters there are in our sample, we can test to see how
stable the clusters are. For this, we use the \Rfunction{clusterComp} function.

cmp <- clusterComp(fb, 2)
