% \VignetteIndexEntry{Sample Size Calculation}
% \VignetteKeywords{SELDI, MALDI, Protein Expression Analysis, Clinical Proteomics, Mass Spectrometry, Sample Size, Multiple Testing, Technical replicates}
% \VignettePackage{clippda}


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\title{\Rpackage{clippda}: A package for clinical proteomic profiling data analysis} 
\author{Stephen Nyangoma} 

Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit, Institute for Cancer Studies,  School of Cancer Sciences, 
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston,  Birmingham B15 2TT, UK


This package is still under development but it is intended to provide a range of tools for analysing clinical genomics, 
methylation, and proteomics data. 
The method used is  suitable for analysing data from single-channel microarray experiments, 
mass spectrometry 
data (especially in the situation 
where there is not one-to-one correspondence between the
cases and controls), with  non-standard repeated expression measurements arising from technical replicates. 
main application
will be to mass spectrometry data analysis. Mass spectrometry approaches, such as the Matrix-Assisted Laser 
Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) and Surface-Enhanced 
Laser Desorption and Ionisation Time-of-Flight (SELDI-TOF), are increasingly being used to 
search for biomarkers 
of potentially curable early-stage cancer. 

Currently, I am more concerned with the problem of finding the number of biological samples  required for 
designing clinical proteomic profiling studies to ensure adequate power for differential peak
detection. But we have included a number of tools for the pre-processing of  repeated peaks data, 
including tools for checking the number of replicates for each sample, the consistency of the peaks between replicate 
spectra, and for data formatting and ``averaging''. In the future, \Rpackage{clippda} package will offer additional
 tools, including:
functions for differential-expression analysis of peaks from studies 
with technically replicated assays, and  for pre-processing the 
3-dimensional, Liquid Chromatography (LC) - Mass Spectrometry (MS) datasets.

To be able to detect clinically-relevant differences between cases and 
controls with adequate statistical power, a given number of biological samples must be analysed. 
While mass spectrometry technology is imperfect, and is affected by multiple sources
 of variation, little consideration has been given to sample size requirements for studies using this technology. 
Sample size calculations are typically based on the distribution of the measurement of interest, the between-subject 
variability, the clinically meaningful size of the difference in expression values between the cases and controls, 
the power 
required to detect this difference, and the p-value (i.e. false positive rate). In proteomic profiling studies, 
sample size 
needs to consider several additional factors which make sample size calculations less straightforward than sample
 size determination 
for many other studies. We need to account 
for experimental error, and make adjustments for the number of experimental replicates. 
In addition, proteomic profiling studies seek to 
simultaneously detect the association of multiple peaks with a given outcome; thus, adjustments, which
 control for the type I error 
rate, must be made to the sample size. However, 
the problem of controlling for the number of false positives is complicated 
in a proteomic profiling study. The number of peaks (and of differentially-expressed proteins) is normally much lower, often 
between 45 and 150, than the number of genes considered in microarray studies (typically,  1000's). Thus the parameters, 
such as the significance level, the 
power and the proportion of true positives, which control the FDR, must be specially defined for proteomic profiling
 studies: parameters appropriate to microarray studies cannot be transferred dirrectly to 
proteomic profiling studies. It is common
to find that a significance cut-off of $\alpha =0.05$ is used. For proteomics datasets
this level of significance has been shown to adequately control for 
 the tail probability of the proportion of false positives, (TPPFP)
(\cite{Birkneretal2006}). TPPFP is a 
resampling-based empirical Bayes method which 
controls the ratio of false positives to total rejections. It does not require the use of a fixed value 
for the clinically important difference for all peaks (as required in microarrays; see, e.g. \cite{DobinandSimon2005}), 
and is suitable for comparative analyses where these differences may vary across chip-types, for example. 

Our applications focus on the clinical proteomics of cancer. Most of the gene expression and proteomics analyses
human specimens are observational case-control by design, and this fact immediately
 raises the key issue of possible biases and confounding factors in the populations 
from which the samples are drawn (\cite{BoguskiandMcIntosh2003}).  Moreover, most clinical studies are 
unbalanced in that 
the number of biological samples having specific phenotypic attributes differs 
between the cases and controls.  
Sample imbalance has 
been found to have a huge impact on sample size requirements in microarray studies (\cite{Kunetal2006}) 
but has not been a subject of study in 
proteomic profiling studies. 
Unfortunately, in the majority of  clinical genomic and proteomic profiling studies,
the distinction between observational and experimental designs is not made, and
 the methods for 
analyzing experimental (randomized) clinical studies are used, arbitrarily.  
This software implements a method (\cite{Nyangomaetal2009}) for calculating the sample size  
required for planning 
proteomic profiling studies which adjusts for 
the effect of sample imbalances and confounding factors.
 Perhaps the main challenge in constructing a sample size formula for planning proteomic profiling studies  
is the fact that confounders must be appropriately adjusted for. However, typically no confounder information is 
 available at the design stage of a study. In this case, two options are available: 


1. Ignore the confounder information and use the sample size calculation formula such as that 
adopted by \cite{Cairnsetal2009}. However, this underestimates
the sample size required, which may have an adverse effect on 
the quality of the conclusions drawn from the study.  


2. Introduce a method which makes it simple to include adjustments for expected heterogeneities
 in sample size calculations. 

We use a sample size formula which is based on a modified version of the Generalize 
Estimating Equations (GEE) method (\cite{Nyangomaetal2009}).  It takes into account the experimental design 
of repetitions of peak measurements, and it adequately adjusts for all sources of variability, heterogeneity 
and imbalances in the data. In this method, it is assumed that the joint distribution of the peak data and the 
covariates is known. Thus the usual Fisher information matrix is replaced by the expected (with respect to covariates) 
Fisher information matrix and the covariate information enters the formula as a function of the multinomial proportions of 
subjects with specific attributes, while the repeated peak information enters as a linear function of the intraclass correlations 
between the intensities of the replicates. This method makes it straightfoward for a clinician to plan what proportion of samples
 with given attributes to include in an experiment.  Typically, the 
 information need not be available for the confounding effects to be specified in a sample size
 calculation. For any proteomic profiling study, the effect of 
 covariates on sample size calculation may be simulated from 
 an appropriate univariate normal distribution with mean $Z=2+c$, where $0 \leq c\leq 1$.  In these simulations,
 values of $Z \approx 2$ (and a small variance $\approx 0.03$, indicate
 that the study is balanced. Departures from these values represents various degrees of imbalance.  
As far as we know, there is only one reference on the sample size requirements for proteomic profiling 
studies: \cite{Cairnsetal2009}; but there 
is an extensive literature for sample size in microarray studies (e.g. \cite{DobinandSimon2005, Jorstadetal2007, Kunetal2006,  WeiandBumgarner2004}). 

Defining guidelines for sample size requirements in 
proteomic profiling studies is  complex, since there are 
multiple ways of setting up experiments: for example, there are many SELDI chip-types (e.g. IMAC, MC10, H50, and Q10), 
several biofluids 
(e.g. serum, urine, and plasma), a number of possible control objects (e.g. healthy or diseased controls),
and various sample-types (e.g. cancers which are localalized in different body organs). This results in a difficult 
{\em multifactorial}, problem and the use of pilot data is warranted.

This method is implemented in the \Rpackage{clippda} package, which offers a number
of functions for data pre-processing, formatting, inference, and sample size calculations for unbalanced SELDI or MALDI 
data with technical replicates. As opposed to microarrays, it requires multiple parameters, including the intraclass 
protein variance, and the clinically important differences. The intraclass correlation is usually fixed in many applications 
involving repeated measurements, and we follow this approach. We avoid defining the clinically important 
differences as fold-changes. We rely on a well-defined interval to determine what is clinically important. 
The sample sizes required for planning
clinical proteomic profiling studies are the elements of the plane described by 
the clinically important differences versus protein variances. 
There is an option for plotting sample size parameters from past experiments on the grid described by the
the clinically important differences versus protein variances, 
onto which sample size contours 
have been superimposed. This information is crucial 
for establishing general guidelines for sample size calculations in proteomic profiling studies
as it gives the bounds for sample size requirements. 
Thus the grid may be used as tool for integrating sample size information from disparate sources.
The control 
of biological variance is found to be critical in determining sample size. In particular, the 
parameters used in our 
calculations are derived from summary statistics of peaks with ``medium'' biological variation.

Even though, the method for specifying the confounder effect  (\cite{Nyangomaetal2009}) is particularly important
at the design stage of a clinical proteomics study, it may also be employed when one wants to reuse the data from 
a previous study (in which there is no complete record of covariates) as the ``pilot'' data for a new study.
The data from previous studies can be used to determine the range for possible values for the intraclass correlation, 
the within and between
sample variances, and the size of differences to be estimated. 
Then the method given in Nyangoma {\em et al.} (2009), may be used to 
to specify the range for possible values for the confounding effects, which can be used in sample size calculations 
to set guidelines for the required sample size when designing a proteomic profiling study.  


From a clinical proteomic profiling study we have protein expression measurements, and 
separate records of phenotypic characteristics 
of the samples under study. However, these datasets are stored in formats which cannot be used  directly in statistical analyses. 
Moreover, there is often missing phenotypic information for certain individuals. Thus data management and storage become 
issues in proteomic profiling data analyses. 

We define a new object class for clinical proteomic profiling data, known as
\texttt{aclinicalProteomicData}, which can be used to combine both expression data and phenotypic information from
a clinical proteomic study into a single
coherent and well-documented
data structure which can be used directly in analyses. An \texttt{aclinicalProteomicData} class 
 \texttt{object}  has  \texttt{slots} for storing: 
``raw'' SELDI data,  covariates, phenotypic data, classes for phenotypic variables, 
and the number of peaks of interest (e.g. peaks detected by Biomarkers wizard software).
It should be noted that there are two packages in \Rpackage{Bioconductor} for handling \texttt{SELDI} datasets. 
The \Rpackage{PROcess} package (\cite{li2005}), provides functions for pre-processing raw 
 mass spectra. \Rpackage{caMassClass} (\cite{tuszynski2003}),  provides tools for pre-processing, and 
of  \texttt{SELDI} datasets. Thus, the mass spectrometry datasets pre-processed using these 
could be analysed using the \Rpackage{clippda} package, to provide information on differential protein expression
and the sample size required to plan a proteomic profiling study.

\section{Getting started}

{\bf Installing the package.} There are instructions for installing packages at
\url{http://www.bioconductor.org/docs/install/}. For Windows users,  first download the appropriate file for your platform 
(e.g. a .zip file) 
from the Bioconductor website \url{http://www.bioconductor.org/}. Next start R and select the \texttt{Packages} menu.
\texttt{Install package from local zip file...}.  Find and highlight the location of the zip file and click on {\tt open}. Alternatively, 
you can download the package from your   nearest \texttt{CRAN} mirror site. Simply set the  \texttt{CRAN} mirror 
appropriately, and then 
use the command 
\texttt{install.packages} from within an R session.\\

{\bf Loading the package.} To load the \Rpackage{clippda} package in your R session, type 
\texttt{library(clippda)}. \\

{\bf Help files.}  Detailed information on \Rpackage{clippda} package functions can be obtained in the help files. 
For example, to view the help file for the function \texttt{clippda} in a browser, 
use \texttt{help.start} followed by \texttt{?clippda}.\\

{\bf Case study.} We provide data from sera samples from liver patients.\\

{\bf Sweave.} This document was generated using the \Robject{Sweave} function from the R \Rpackage{tools} package. 
The source (.Rnw) file is in the \texttt{/inst/doc} directory of the \Rpackage{clippda} package.

\section{Software Application: proteomic profiling of liver serum}

The package for calculating the sample size required for planning a proteomic profiling study is 
called  \Rpackage{clippda}. In it, there are a number of user level
functions for pre-processing proteomic data with repeated peak measurements to put them in
a format amenable to analysis using conventional tools for repeated measures analysis. The function for sample size 
is called \Robject{sampleSize}. There are plots for visualizing the results of your calculations: the
 \Robject{sampleSizeContourPlots} draws a grid for 
calculating sample size using parameter values that we have found to be
clinically-relevant, while  \Robject{sampleSize3DscatterPlots} displays the sample sizes corresponding to
 the range of 
the clinically important

We begin by loading the necessary package

<<loadPacks, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE, results=hide>>=
<<setWidth, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=

We use the \Robject{install.packages},  or the function, \Robject{bioLite}, to get the necessary 
analysis and data packages from the R and 
Bioconductor repositories.

\subsection{The \Rpackage{clippda} package and initial data filtering}

The dataset used for illustration is from the proteomic profiling of liver cancer patients vs 
non-cancer controls. 
There were $60$ sera samples from patients with liver tumors, and $69$ from non-cancer controls.
In addition to the information on  tumor class (exposure) of the samples, gender information was available.
The samples were divided into two aliquots, pre-processed using the SELDI protocol, and 
then assayed on IMAC chips. Although all   the samples (except the QC, or quality control, samples) were meant to be assayed
in duplicate, there were cases of mislabelling, resulting in some samples having no 
replicates and others
having more than two replicates. So we developed a pre-processing tool to detect samples with incorrect
numbers of replicates. The samples without replicates were discarded; while samples having more than two 
replicates were checked for consistency of peaks. The two replicates with the most similar peak information were used in further
We first illustrate how to pre-process the repeated peak data to get duplicate peak measurements which are used
 in sample size calculations. The 
\Robject{liverRawData} is the raw data 
from the Biomarkers wizard, while the \Robject{liverdata} is its pre-processed version and 
\Robject{liver.pheno} is
a dataframe of sample phenotypic information.

\subsubsection{Data pre-processing}
<<liverdata, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=

The short description of the data is

<<decription1, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=

Here are the samples from the ``raw'' data, for which the number of replicates is not 2 (which is due to mislabelling,
 in most cases), 
the intended number of replicates:

<<checkNo.replicates, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
no.peaks <- 53
no.replicates <- 2

These samples must be pre-processed to:

(i) discard the information on samples which have no replicate data, and

(ii) for samples with more than 2 replicate expression data,
only duplicates with most similar peak information are retained for use in subsequent analyses. 

We can use the wrapper for pre-processing functions, \Robject{preProcRepeatedPeakData}, to pre-process the repeated
mass spectrometry data  from the Biomarker wizard. 
It identifies and discards information on samples that have no replicates. Then for the samples with two or more replicates, 
it selects and returns data for two replicates with most similar expression pattern. This is done as  follows:

<<preProcRepeatedPeakData, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
threshold <- 0.80 
Data <- preProcRepeatedPeakData(liverRawData, no.peaks, no.replicates, threshold)

Only sample with ID 250 has no replicates and has been omitted from the data to be used in subsequent
This fact may varified by  using 
the \texttt{R}
command, \texttt{setdiff}:
<<difference, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=

Now filter out the samples with conflicting replicate peak information
using the \Robject{spectrumFilter} function:

<<spectrumFilter, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
TAGS <- spectrumFilter(Data,threshold,no.peaks)$SampleTag
NewRawData2 <- Data[Data$SampleTag %in% TAGS,]

The output is similar to the liverdata that is included in this package. 

In the case of this data (the liver data), all technical replicates have coherent peak information, since no sample information 
has been discarded by spectra filter.

Let us have a look at what the pre-processing does to samples with more than 2 replicate spectra. Both samples with IDs 
25 and 40 have more than 2 replicates.
<<no.replicates, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
length(liverRawData[liverRawData$SampleTag == 25,]$Intensity)/no.peaks
length(liverRawData[liverRawData$SampleTag == 40,]$Intensity)/no.peaks

Take correlations of the log-intensities to find which of the 2 replicates have the most coherent peak 
<<coherencepeaks, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
Mat1 <- matrix(liverRawData[liverRawData$SampleTag == 25,]$Intensity,53,3)
Mat2 <-matrix(liverRawData[liverRawData$SampleTag == 40,]$Intensity,53,4)

We see that the first two columns of both \texttt{Mat1} and \texttt{Mat1}, which contain the the raw intensities
for samples with IDs 20 and 40, respectively, have the most similar peaks information (have the most highly correlated spectrum).
The function that picks the most similar duplicate spectra is \Robject{mostSimilarTwo}. Let us 
check that it correctly identifies the first two columns of both \texttt{Mat1} and \texttt{Mat1}, as having
the most coherent peak information:
<<coherencepeaks, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
Mat1 <- matrix(liverRawData[liverRawData$SampleTag == 25,]$Intensity,53,3)
Mat2 <-matrix(liverRawData[liverRawData$SampleTag == 40,]$Intensity,53,4)

Next, check that the pre-processed data, \Robject{NewRawData2}, contains similar information 
to \Robject{liverdata} (the allready pre-processed data, 
included in the \Rpackage{clippda}).

<<confirmpreprocessing, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=

\subsection{Data formatting}
Most computations in this package 
are performed on  data which are arranged in a format which can be 
averaged by the \Robject{limma} package function, \Robject{dupcor}, which is generated using
 the function called \Robject{sampleClusteredData}.

<<sampleClusteredData, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
JUNK_DATA <- sampleClusteredData(NewRawData2,no.peaks)

Two consecutive rows of this dataframe are expression values of same sample. 
The first column of this dataframe, for example, is given by:

<<column1, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
as.vector(t(matrix(liverdata[liverdata$SampleTag %in% 156,]$Intensity,53,2))[,1:5])
length(as.vector(t(matrix(liverdata[liverdata$SampleTag %in% 156,]$Intensity,53,2))))

as.vector(t(matrix(NewRawData2[NewRawData2$SampleTag %in% 156,]$Intensity,53,2))[,1:5])
length(as.vector(t(matrix(NewRawData2[NewRawData2$SampleTag %in% 156,]$Intensity,53,2))))

This is the vector of duplicate expression measurements of the 53 peaks on the sample with ID 156.

We recommend that  both the expression data and phenotypic 
information should be combined into a single coherent and well-documented data structure, by storing them 
in objects of  \texttt{aclinicalProteomicData} class. We describe this in detail in the next section.

\section{Combining expression data and phenotypic information into a single object of aclinicalProteomicData class}
A clinical proteomic profiling study results in protein expression data, but
there are often available  records of phenotypic characteristics for the samples
under study.
Thus it is convenient to combine the datasets into a single well-annotated data structure 
with coherrent dimensions across the data slots, e.g. objects of \texttt{ExpressionSet} class, 
in the \Rpackage{Biobase} package. In the \Rpackage{clippda} package, 
we have defined a new  \texttt{object} class for clinical proteomic profiling data, known as
\texttt{aclinicalProteomicData}, which can be used to combine both expression data and 
phenotypic information from
a clinical proteomic study into a single
data structure which can be used directly in analyses. 
An \texttt{aclinicalProteomicData} class 
 \texttt{object} has  \texttt{slots} for storing: 
a matrix of raw SELDI data (\texttt{rawSELDIdata}), a character vector of sample covariates (\texttt{covariates}), 
a matrix of phenotypic data (\texttt{phenotypicData}), 
a character vector storing classes for phenotypic variables (\texttt{variableClass}), 
and a numeric value for the number of peaks of interest (\texttt{no.peaks}). 
I will now explain 
how to construct objects of a \texttt{aclinicalProteomicData} class, which are the input data for many generic functions 
in the \Rpackage{clippda} package. The following steps may be followed:
(i) First, we need to 
pre-process the ``raw'' replicate expression data from the Biomarkers wizard software to remove the inconsistencies caused by 
sample mislabelling. The codes for doing this were given in the last section, 
and the pre-processed data was stored in the object \texttt{NewRawData2}. Below is how to create data objects of 
a \texttt{aclinicalProteomicData} class:

<<createClassObject, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=

OBJECT@rawSELDIdata=as.matrix(NewRawData2) #OBJECT@rawSELDIdata=as.matrix(liverdata)

OBJECT@covariates=c("tumor" ,    "sex")






An object of   \texttt{aclinicalProteomicsData} class takes as arguments: a matrix of expression values, a matrix
 of phenotypic information, a character vector of covariates of interest, a character vector of classes 
for phenotypic variables,  and a numeric value for the number of peaks of interest.

\subsection{Extracting data from an  \texttt{aclinicalProteomicsData} class object}
We can extract data from 
various slots of an object of a \texttt{aclinicalProteomicsData} 
class using the command: \texttt{object@slotname}. 

The \texttt{rawSELDIdata} may be obtained from an 
\texttt{aclinicalProteomicsData} class object using the command: \texttt{proteomicsExprsData(object)}. The 
\texttt{phenotypicData} may be obtained from that object using the command: \texttt{proteomicspData(object)}. 
Here is an example of how to extract the expression and phenotypic datasets from an 
\texttt{aclinicalProteomicsData} object. We only show the first few 
rows of these datasets.

<<ExtractComponetsOfeSet, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=


\section{Sample size calculations}
\subsection{Obtaining the parameters}
Now we will use the data from an \texttt{aclinicalProteomicsData} class object to calculate the sample size 
required when planning clinical proteomic profiling studies.

There are two possible sources of the data used in sample size calculations:

1. A pilot clinical proteomic profiling study.

2. {\em Reuse} data from previous clinical proteomic profiling studies.

Because of the difficulty with reproducibility in proteomic profiling studies, I find it more reasonable 
to {\em reuse} data from previous studies (with similar hypotheses to the proposed study) as the pilot data. This is 
especially useful if it is possibe to obtain data from multiple ``previous studies''. In this way, 
there is ``replication''
and one can use these multiple datasets to determine the range for plausible estimates  of the
parameters, which may be used to set up guidelines on the sample size required when 
 planning a proteomic profiling study. The down-side of this method is
 that for some studies, 
 the data on certain risk factors may be missing or incomplete, giving rise to
 incomplete sets of covariates. In this case, one can employ the method proposed by  Nyangoma {\em et al.} (2009) to
 estimate the admissible effects of confounders.
First, the data is transformed  by taking  
logarithms-to-base-two, and then used in calculating sample size parameters. The parameters required in sample size
calculations are: the biological variance, the technical variance, the difference to be estimated, 
the intraclass correlation between technical replicates, 
significance level, and 
 the power that need to be attained. The power and significance level, and the intraclass correlation (if known)
  are usually 
pre-specified. The rest of the parameters are computed from the pilot data (or data from previous studies) 
 within the procedure for computing
sample size (\texttt{sampleSize}) as follows:

(i) The biological variance, the differences to be estimated, and the significance of the peaks, may be 
using the command: 


(ii) The technical variance is calculated using the command:

\subsection{Graphical representation to aid in selection of adjustment factors for the effect sample imbalance}
 Some graphics may aid in understanding the consequences of using certain designs when planning a clinical
 proteomics study.
 A Plot of the $Z$ values against the ratios of the corresponding proportions of cases in study to 
 the proportions of the controls (i.e. odds 
 of being a case), is the simplest tool that highlights the effects of sample imbalance on the sample 
 size required when planning a proteomics study. The odds is a 
 measure of the fold-change in 
the proportions of cases to controls. We feel that a choice in the proportions of cases to those of controls 
which gives   
odds greater than a 3-fold change indicate extreme imbalances which are unlikely to be 
of practical use. This would lead to choices of $Z=2+c$, where $0\leq c\leq 1$. We have plotted several $Z$ 
values against
their corresponding odds and highlighted on this plot some values of odds and 
corresponding $Z$ 
from some designs which are likely to be used
in practice when planning a  profiling study, for example: balanced design (i.e. 1:1) 
and unbalanced designs (i.e 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5).
This plot can be done in \texttt{clippda} using the commad:

<<Zplots_1, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
probs=seq(0,1,0.01) # provide hypothetical proportions of cases vs controls


This command saves the plot as a pdf file: ZvaluescasesVcontrolsPlots.pdf in a working directory. 
We append this plot here


If other parameters (e.g. intraclass correlation, protein variance, significance level) are held constant,
a balanced design gives rise to the minimum $Z$ value, $Z=2$, and hence the smallest sample size
 compared to unbalanced designs. This means you get same power at a smaller sample size if a study is balanced.

The visualization method becomes more complex as the dimension of the covariates space increases.
When we have binary exposure and confounder, then a cross-classification of individuals 
into these categories gives rise to 3-dimensional (3D) multinomial distribution of the number of cases.
When repeated multinomial sampling is done under a specific scheme, 
then the proportions of elements in various cells vary in the 3D space,   and
$Z$ values describe ellipsoid with respect to any 2D subspace of the 3D multinomil 
space. Three hundred individuals were proportionately sampled 10000 times in the ratio 1:1:1:1. 
The same individuals were 
again sampled 10000 times following an unbalanced design: 1:2:1:7. We first plotted the densities of the
$Z$ values generated from these experiments using the following command  

<<Zplots_2, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
ZvaluesfrommultinomPlots(nsim, nobs, proposeddesign, balanceddesign)


The density plot indicates that the $Z$ values from a balanced design cluster around $Z=2$, while those of an unbalanced
design cluster around $Z=2+c$, where here $c\approx 2$.


Thus as in the simplest unbalanced design when there is a binary exposure and one binary confounder, 
the choice of $Z=2$ leads to the smallest sample size, 
which happens to be the case only if a study is balanced.   If some degree of unbalancedness is expected, then larger
values of $Z$ must be chosen.

The $Z$  values plotted against elements of any 2D subspace of the 3D space of multinomial probabilities
lead to ellipsoids shown in the figure below

Again, we can clearly see $Z=2$ for a balanced study and attains higher values for various degrees of unbalancedness.  

\subsection{Sample size calculations}
The sample size can be computed using the function \Robject{sampleSize}. 
This function, first computes the 
input  parameters for sample size calculation, using the function, \texttt{sampleSizeParameters}. 
The other useful input parameter is the heterogeneity correction factor, $Z$.  If full covariate information is known
then  $Z$ is the second diagonal element of the 
output matrix   expected Fisher information obtained using the command:   
However, if there is incomplete set of sample covariates (or if no covariates can be found), it would be useful to derive
a range of plausible of $Z$ using the method proposed by Nyangoma {\em et al.} (2009). 

Here, we use
the covariates that were available to us (i.e. cancer class, sex, and age)
to gauge the degree of data imbalance. 
This estimate may be used as a guideline when setting up the range of possible values of  adjustment
factors for data imbalance (i.e. the $Z$ values). 
In these computations, it is assumed that only duplicate data are available.

<<biologicalParameters, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
intraclasscorr  <-  0.60 
signifcut <- 0.05  

sampleSizeParameters(Data, intraclasscorr, signifcut)

Z <- as.vector(fisherInformation(Data)[2,2])/2
sampleSize(Data, intraclasscorr, signifcut)

Note that the value of $Z$ is only about $4\%$  above the nominal $Z$ value, i.e. $Z=2$, which is used in the 
classical sample size
calculations, but it has a noticeable effect on sample size. For example, At $70\%$ power and $5\%$ level of significance,
the sample size has increased from 411 to 426. We have seen worse imbalances in many studies 
where heterogeneities are above $40\%$ of the nominal value. For this data set, the biological variance 
(\texttt{bioVar} = 3.2), is
particularly large and this has inflated the number of biological samples required. We believe that the sample size 
required could be much lower, if  the biological variance could be appropriately controlled.
\section{Display of the results}
The following commands will
produce a contour plot of sample sizes over a range of values for clinically-important differences
versus protein variances. The plot will be saved in your working directory.
The sample size contours are generated from the outer product of the differences (0.13 - 0.5) and 
variances (0.2 - 4.0).   Combinations 
of the parameters in this region give sample size values that are likely to be achieved in practice.  
In contrast, the parameters outside these ranges result in  sample sizes that are too large to be of 
practical use. Intraclass correlations used are 0.70 and 0.90, 
the powers used  are 0.70 and 0.90; and the significance level considered is 0.05. On the grid, we have plotted a 
number of sample sizes we computed from real-life data from 
several SELDI and MALDI proteomic profiling studies, for example:
late-stage (MALDI - green), 
 early-cancer (SELDI - blue, MALDI - red), colorectal serum 
(SELDI with different chip-type:  IMAC - purple, CM10 - gray, Q10 - orange). 
The description of the data can be found in \cite{Nyangomaetal2009}.
These results can be used to formulate a general guideline for the number
samples required to plan a proteomic profiling study. You will immediately see that using
fewer than 50 samples, will not result in any meaningful estimation of differences.
For late-stage cancer, you would need the fewest number of samples, even using a very 
variable sample-types such as urine. You typically need more samples (over 200) to 
estimate differences between early stage cancer and 
non-cancer controls. The output will contain four contour plots describing various
combinations of the above parameters. You will notice that, as expected, for more power, you need larger sample sizes.

<<contourplot, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
m <- 2
DIFF <- seq(0.1,0.50,0.01) 
VAR <- seq(0.2,4,0.1)
beta <- c(0.90,0.80,0.70)
alpha <-  1 - c(0.001, 0.01,0.05)/2
Corr <- c(0.70,0.90) 
Z <- 2.4   
Indicator <- 1 
observedPara <- c(1,0.4) #the variance you computed from pilot data
#observedPara <- data.frame(var=c(0.7,0.5,1.5),diFF=c(0.37,0.33,0.43))

You may input parameters from your pilot study into the plot, e.g. the following 
hypothetical values

<<contourplot, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=

The result will be plotted as a triangle in your plot. You may set these values to 0, if you do not have 
pilot data, in which case the values computed from my pilot studies (dotted on the plot) 
may be used to draw guidelines for sample size required to plan a cancer proteomic
profiling study. If you have what is believed to be appropriate clinically
important differences, you can also determine the required sample sizes from the sample size contour plots.
For example, if we assume that the clinically important difference is 0.35 then the sample sizes 
for given values of protein variances, are
the values at the intersection of the sample size contours and the horizontal line with an intercept of 0.35
on the ``difference'' axis on the grid of differences versus variances (i.e. the blue dotted line). 
We include the plot generated using the above commands:


You may also visualize your results using 3D scatterplots through the \Robject{sampleSize3DscatterPlots} as follows

<<scatterplot, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE>>=
Z <- 2.460018
m <- 2
DIFF <- seq(0.1,0.50,0.01) 
VAR <- seq(0.2,4,0.1)
beta <- c(0.90,0.80,0.70)
alpha  <-  1 - c(0.001, 0.01,0.05)/2
observedDIFF  <-  0.4
observedVAR  <-  1.0
observedSampleSize  <-  80
Indicator  <-  1 
Angle  <-  60    

A plot from our examples is given below

