Changes in version 1.3.4                        

  - Fix bug in tests when run on Windows due to uninherited namespace
    imports for testthat::context and testthat::expect_equal inside a
    bplapply call

                        Changes in version 1.3.3                        

  - Debugging BioC build ERROR caused by updates to CoreGx

                        Changes in version 1.3.2                        

  - Fix a bug in computeLimmaDiffExpr where subsetting a ToxicoSet
    doesn't subset the protocolData of a SummarizedExperiment, causing
    coercing to an ExpressionSet inside the function to fail
  - For now just deleting protocolData from the metadata of the
    SummarizedExperiment, but will eventually need to be fixed upstream

                        Changes in version 1.3.1                        

  - Molecular profile data is now subset in test to keep package size

                        Changes in version 1.3.0                        

  - Spring 2021 Bioconductor release!

                        Changes in version 1.1.0                        

  - Continue to abstract functionality into CoreGx
  - Add additional plotting functions such as grouped boxplots
  - Extend coverage of unit tests to >90%
  - Implement a faster version of drugPertubationSignature
  - Add additional plotting functions
  - Include scripts for differential expression analysis and GSEA of
    toxico-genomic data (limma)

                        Changes in version 1.0.0                        

  - Package archived on CRAN
  - Package submitted to Biocondcutor
  - Modified package to depend on updated CoreGx
  - All molecularProfiles are now SummarizedExperiment instead of
  - Abstracted some additional functions to CoreGx

                        Changes in version 0.1.2                        

  - Updated downloadTSet function to use published Zenodo DOIs to
    retrieve data
  - Modified rankGeneDrugsPerturbation to fix a bad unit conversion
    which would return concentrations in the wrong unit

                        Changes in version 0.1.1                        

  - Bug Fix: Regenerated TGGATESsmall (sample dataset) to fix make a
    result in the vignette consistent with previous releases.

                        Changes in version 0.1.0                        

  - Rewrote plots using ggplot2 to improve aesthetics
      - Also can now extend plotting functions using standard ggplot2
  - Improved package documentation

                        Changes in version 0.0.1                        

  - Minimal package submitted