%\VignetteKeywords{ExperimentData, 16SExpressionData,metagenomeSeq}
\title{ETEC 16S dataset}

This data package contains the data used in the analyses found in "Individual-specific changes in the human gut microbiota after challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and subsequent ciprofloxacin treatment". 
DNA was amplified using 'universal' primers targeting the V1-V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene (small subunit of the ribosome) in bacteria - 338R (5'- CATGCTGCCTCCCGTAGGAGT -3') and 27F (5'- AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG -3').  Both forward and reverse primers had a 5 prime portion specific for use with 454 GS-FLX Titanium sequencing technology and the forward primers contained a barcode between the Titanium and gene specific region, so that samples could be pooled to a multiplex level of 132 samples per instrument run. 

16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed for all available stool samples.  After sequencing, 124 samples passed quality controls, corresponding to data from 5 volunteers with the most unambiguous cases of diarrhea during the study (54 samples) and 7 volunteers without diarrheal symptoms who had the most stool samples (78 samples). The raw data have been submitted to NCBI under project ID: PRJNA298336.

Data is stored as an \Robject{MRexperiment}-class object. The count matrix was generated using DNAclust (http://dnaclust.sourceforge.net/). For more details please refer to the paper.

The help file \verb+?etec16s+ describes the example dataset.

\section{The Data}
We start by loading the library and the data.


This will load the \verb+etec16s+ object of class \Robject{MRexperiment}.
As described in the \verb+metagenomeSeq+ vignette, \Rfunction{print} (or \Rfunction{show}) will display summary information. 


The data in \verb+etec16s+ is the substrate for the analysis described in 
"Individual-specific changes in the human gut microbiota after challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and subsequent ciprofloxacin treatment". 
Included in the \Robject{MRexperiment} object are the counts, phenotype and feature information. 

The phenotype information can be accessed with the \verb+phenoData+ and \verb+pData+ methods:

The feature information including cluster representative sequence can be accessed with the \verb+featureData+ and \verb+fData+ methods:

The raw or normalized counts matrix can be accessed with the \verb+MRcounts+ function:

Using this class, the object can be easily subsetted, for example:
etec16s_day84 = etec16s[,which(pData(etec16s)$Day == 84)]