title: "Introduction to RITANdata"
author: "Michael T. Zimmermann"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title}

RITAN is an R package intended for Rapid Integration of Term Annotation and Network resources. RITANdata is an R package containing data to support RITAN.

```{r load_data from package, echo=TRUE, results='hide'}

# Pathways, Terms, and Genesets

The R object *geneset_list*
This version of RITAN is distributed with the following annotation resources:
```{r echo_geneset_list_names, echo=TRUE }

Please cite each resource used in your analysis. If you use data from MSigDB, please register at [MSigDB](http://software.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/index.jsp). Doing so will help to ensure the future availability and extension of these valuable resources.

# Network Resources

The R object, *network_list*, contains `r length(network_list)` human network-biology resources. Additionally, RITAN leverages existing R packages to access data from HPRD, BioGRID, and STRING. Citation information for each cached resource can be accessed via attr():
```{r net_citation, echo=TRUE}
kable( attr(network_list, 'network_data_sources') )

We retrive data from **HPRD** and **BioGrid** through the *ProNet* package.
We retrive data from **STRING** through the *STRINGdb* package.

# Background Gene List

In any enrichment analysis, determining your background list of genes is critical. By the "background," we mean the sum/universe of entities that could have been measured in your study. For example, if you looked for mutations in any coding genes from whole-genome sequencing, then any coding gene in the genome could have been identified. However, if you ran mRNA-Seq on a fibroblast cell line, then only the genes expressed by that cell line could have been assayed.

Many tools, including RITAN, make the default assumption of all human protein  coding genes for this background. In RITAN, functions have an optional input argument named *all_symbols* for defining the background gene list. If no value is given, the function *load_all_protein_coding_symbols()* will download the current list from genenames.org. We include the R object *cached_coding_genes*, which is a cached download of all human protein coding genes. This object is used in the RITAN vignettes, for expediency.

It is up to the user to determine if this is a fitting assumption, or if a different background should be chosen. A few "rules of thumb" would be to use only the genes captured for library generation (e.g. exome capture region), or expressed in the input cells across any condition.