Changes in version 1.5.4 (2019-03-29)

User Visible Changes:

    * the provided variables (flowPloidyFiles, fpVac, fpBad) that list the
      filenames for the example data have been changed to functions with
      the same name. This was required to accomodate changes in the way R
      loads package code. As a consequence, users will now have to call the
      functions (i.e., `flowPloidFiles()`, note the parentheses) instead of
      refering to the variables (i.e., `flowPloidyFiles`).

Changes in version 1.5.3 (2018-01-19)

User Visible Changes:

    * two additional FCS files have been added: fpVac, which is useful in
      demonstrating gating; and fpBad, which is a very low quality file
      used in unit tests.