% \VignetteIndexEntry{MultiMedTutorial}
% \VignetteKeywords{Testing multiple biological mediators simultaneously}
% \VignettePackage{MultiMed}
 breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 1},backref=false,colorlinks=false]
 pdfstartview={XYZ null null 1}}




\title{Vignette for \Rpackage{MultiMed} package}
\author{Simina M. Boca\\
Innovation Center for Biomedical Informatics and \\
Department of Oncology,
Georgetown University Medical Center\\
email: \texttt{smb310@georgetown.edu}, \\ \\
Joshua N. Sampson\\
Biostatistics Branch,
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics,\\
National Cancer Institute\\
email: \texttt{joshua.sampson@nih.gov}}



The \Rpackage{MultiMed} package implements a permutation method
which adjusts for ``multiple comparisons" when testing
whether multiple biomarkers are mediators between a known
risk factor and a disease. The approach is described in
the companion paper \citep{BocaEtAl2014Bioinfo},
``Testing multiple biological mediators simultaneously."
This method can significantly improve the power to detect
mediators over the standard Bonferroni correction.

We first need to load the package:
<<setup, include=TRUE>>=

\section{Performing the test of mediation}

The scenarios which can be considered are shown in Figure
\ref{fig:1-med} for the single mediator case and Figure \ref{fig:K-meds}
(also shown in the \citep{BocaEtAl2014Bioinfo} paper)
for the multiple mediator case. Here, we consider simulating data where the
exposure $E$, the mediator(s) $M$ (or $M_i, i=1, \ldots, K$), and the
outcome $Y$ are normally distributed. We denote
by $\sigma_E^2$ the variance of $E$, by
$\sigma_M^2$ ($\sigma_{M_i}^2$) the variance of $M$ ($M_i$) conditional on $E$,
and by $\sigma_Y^2$ the variance of $Y$ conditional on $E$ and $M$ ($M_i$).

\caption{A scenario with a single possible mediator between exposure and
\xymatrix@R=2mm{&& M \ar[ddrr]^{\displaystyle \beta} && \\
&&&& \\
E \ar[rrrr]^{\displaystyle  \gamma} \ar[uurr]^{\displaystyle  \alpha} &&&& Y\\

\subsection{The \Rpackage{medTest} function}

The function used to perform the test of mediation is \Rfunction{medTest}.
It has seven arguments:
\Rfunction{E}, \Rfunction{M}, \Rfunction{Y}, \Rfunction{Z},
\Rfunction{nperm}, \Rfunction{w}, and \Rfunction{useWeightsZ}.
\Rfunction{E}, \Rfunction{M}, and \Rfunction{Y} represent matrices
of size $n \times 1$, $n \times K$, and $n \times 1$, respectively,
giving the exposure, mediator, and outcome values, where $n$ is the sample
size and $K$ is the number of mediators. \Rfunction{E} and \Rfunction{Y}
can also be inputted as vectors.
The \Rfunction{Z} argument is either \Rfunction{NULL} or a numerical matrix
having $n$ rows. If it is not \Rfunction{NULL}, then the exposure, mediators,
and outcome will all be initially regressed on $Z$, with the residuals being
used in the mediation analysis.
The \Rfunction{nperm} argument gives the number of
permutations used to estimate the null distribution,
the default being $100$. The \Rfunction{w} argument specifies
whether any weighting should be done for the $E$-$M$ association, as
would be needed, for instance, in a scenario which considers a case-control
study. The default is \Rfunction{w=1}, which means that all the
study participants are equally weighted; \Rfunction{w} may also be given as a
vector of length $n$, in which case it is first standardized to sum to $1$.
The \Rfunction{useWeightsZ} argument can be \Rfunction{TRUE}, in which case
the weights in \Rfunction{w} are used for the initial regression on $Z$, or
in which case equal weights are used for this initial step.

\subsection{Simulated example: Single mediator case}

For a sample size of $n=100$, we can simulate a dataset with a single mediator
in the following way:
<<simSingMed, include=TRUE>>=

alpha <- 0.2
beta <- 0.2
gamma <- 0.4
n <- 100
sigma2E <- 1
sigma2M <- 1 - alpha^2
sigma2Y <- 1 - beta^2 * (1 - alpha^2) - (alpha * beta + gamma)^2

## exposure:
E <- rnorm(n, 0, sd = sqrt(sigma2E))
## mediator:
M <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
M[, 1] <- rnorm(n, alpha * E, sd = sqrt(sigma2M))
## outcome:
Y <- rep(0, n)
for (subj in 1:n) Y[subj] <- rnorm(1, beta * M[subj, ], sd = sqrt(sigma2Y))

Note that the values of $\sigma_E^2$, $\sigma_M^2$, and
$\sigma_Y^2$ were chosen so that the marginal variances of
$E$, $M$, and $Y$ are $1$.

To perform a test of mediation, we use the \Rfunction{medTest}
function. The output is a matrix with two columns:
\Rfunction{S}, the test statistic used (the absolute value of the
product of the correlations between $E$ and $M$ and between
$r_{M|E}$ and $r_{Y|E}$, where $r_{Z_1|Z_2}$ represents the residual obtained
from regressing $Z_1$ on $Z_2$) and \Rfunction{p}, the p-value:
<<testSingMed, include=TRUE>>=
medTest(E, M, Y, nperm = 500)

\subsection{Simulated example: Multiple mediator case}

Now consider a scenario with $K=10$ mediators and a sample size of $n=100$.

\caption{A scenario with $K$ possible mediators between exposure and outcome.}
\xymatrix@R=2mm{&& M_1 \ar[dddrr]^{\displaystyle  \beta_1} && \\
&& M_2 \ar[ddrr]_{\displaystyle  \beta_2} && \\
&& \vdots && \\
E \ar[dddrr]_{\displaystyle  \alpha_K} \ar[ddrr]^{\displaystyle
\alpha_{K-1}}\ar[rrrr]^{\displaystyle  \gamma}\ar[uurr]_{\displaystyle
\ar[uuurr]^{\displaystyle  \alpha_1} &&&& Y\\
&& \vdots && \\
&& M_{K-1} \ar[uurr]^{\displaystyle  \beta_{K-1}} && \\
&& M_K \ar[uuurr]_{\displaystyle  \beta_K} && }

<<simMultMed, include=TRUE>>=

alpha <- c(rep(0, 6), rep(0.3, 2), rep(0, 2))
beta <- c(rep(0, 6), rep(0, 2), rep(0.3, 2))
gamma <- 0.6


n <- 100

sigma2E <- 1
sigma2M <- 1-alpha^2
sigma2Y <- 1-sum(beta^2*sigma2M)-(sum(alpha*beta)+gamma)^2


Note that in this case \Rfunction{alpha} and \Rfunction{beta} are
vectors having the $i^{th}$ elements be $\alpha_i$, respectively $\beta_i$,
where $i = 1, \ldots, 10$ indexes the mediators. Similarly,
\Rfunction{sigma2M} is a vector, with the $i^{th}$ element being
$\sigma_{M_i}^2$. The values of $\sigma_E^2$, $\sigma_{M_i}^2$, and
$\sigma_Y^2$ were chosen so that the marginal variances of
$E$, $M_i$, $Y$ are $1$.

We first simulate the data:
<<simMultMed2, include=TRUE>>=
K <- length(alpha)

## exposure:
E <- rnorm(n, 0, sd = sqrt(sigma2E))
## mediator:
M <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = K)
for (i in 1:K) {
  M[, i] <- rnorm(n, alpha[i] * E, sd = sqrt(sigma2M[i]))
## outcome:
Y <- rep(0, n)
for (subj in 1:n)
  Y[subj] <- rnorm(1, sum(beta*M[subj,])+gamma*E[subj], sd=sqrt(sigma2Y))

We then use the \Rfunction{medTest} once again to perform the test of
The output is now a matrix with 10 rows, each row giving the test statistic
\Rfunction{S} and the p-value \Rfunction{p} for each mediator. Note that the
p-values are already implicitly considering the multiple tests being performed,
so no further adjustment is necessary:
<<testMultMed, include=TRUE>>=
medTest(E, M, Y, nperm = 500)

\subsection{Data analysis: Metabolites as mediators}

We consider a data example from the \citep{BocaEtAl2014Bioinfo} paper, using
Navy Colorectal Adenoma case-control study \citep{SinhaEtAl1999CancerRes}, with
daily fish intake as the exposure of interest $E$ and colorectal adenoma status
as the outcome $Y$.
The possible mediators are $149$ serum metabolites, whose values were
previously batch normalized and log transformed.

We first load the dataset:
<<loadData, include=TRUE>>=

The first \texttt{5} columns of the \texttt{NavyAdenoma} object represent:
daily fish intake, BMI, gender (coded as $0$ for male, $1$ for female), age,
current smoking status (coded as $0$ for non-smoker, $1$ for current smoker):
<<exploreData1, include=TRUE>>=

The next \texttt{149} columns represent the metabolite values, while the last
column represents the case-control status:
<<exploreData2, include=TRUE>>=

Due to the retrospective sampling, we consider weights incorporating the
prevalence of adenoma in this age category (approximately \texttt{0.228}) and
the fraction of cases in the dataset for the E-M associations:
<<getWeights, include=TRUE>>=
prev <- 0.228

p <- sum(NavyAdenoma$Adenoma==1)/nrow(NavyAdenoma)

w <- rep(NA, nrow(NavyAdenoma))
w[NavyAdenoma$Adenoma == 1] <- prev/p
w[NavyAdenoma$Adenoma == 0] <- (1-prev)/(1-p)


We use \texttt{medTest} to perform the test of mediation, adjusting for the
covariates BMI, gender, age, and current smoking status. As in the
\cite{BocaEtAl2014Bioinfo} paper, we perform this adjustment using equal
weights, rather than using the weights in \texttt{w}, but users can consider
using the weights in \texttt{w} both here and downstream:
<<medFish, include=TRUE>>=
medsFish <- medTest(E=NavyAdenoma$Fish,
                    M=NavyAdenoma[, 6:154],
                    Z=NavyAdenoma[, 2:5],
                    nperm=1000, w=w,

Now find metabolite which has the lowest p-values:
<<findTopMeds, include=TRUE>>=
rownames(medsFish) <- colnames(NavyAdenoma[,-c(1:5, 154)])

Thus, we conclude that DHA (fish oil) is a possible mediator of the association
between fish intake and colorectal adenoma.

