CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.02 (17 March 2020)
+ update help page
+ rename www/imgs to www/logo: confict with www/imgs of package.

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.15.01 (16 March 2020)
+ Change the address of reactomeFI from "" to  ""
+ update ReactomeFI2018.RDS

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.11.00 (12 February 2019)
+ Change the address of cgdsr: instead

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.07 (04 September 2018)
+ replace DOSE::dotplot by clusterProfiler::dotplot
+ replace r_data by r_info in reports
+ not need to define genelist in r_data
+ update ReactomeFI.RDS file (version 2017)
+ update DisGeNet0918.RDS file (version September 2018), move it from to github/kmezhoud

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.06 (30 August 2018)
+ rm warning message for min and max functions
+ run getFreqMutData() when getListProfData() instead getCoffeeWheel_Mut(). Avoid error when loading x profiles data to workspace.
+ include Tools panel into Workspace panel.
+ update Overview image

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.05 (25 August 2018)
+ r_data vs r_info ...
+ use r_info for dataset list and r_data for genes list
+ set progress bar

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.04 (22 August 2018)
+ add style.css file: reduce padding-top to 0px

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.03 (16 August 2018)
+ modify stop function
+ update paste gene list function

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.02 (16 August 2018)
+ upload and download using Rstudio file browser
  remove plot_downloader function and replace it by download_link (defined in radiant.R file)
+ add radiant_old.R file for needed functions but not longer used by

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.01 (12 August 2018)
  + replace getdata() by get_data()
  + replace factorizer() by lapply(.,factor)

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.05 (12 April 2018)
+ omit importFrom clusterProfiler plot

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.04 (20 November 2017)
+ export Diagrammer and viNetwork to report
+ reset image size of circomics to 1024px

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.03 (20 November 2017)
+ Save network widgets as HTML and png
+ use swithc buttom for Networking Tab.
+ setwd(~)/ for windows system by setwd(Sys.getenv("R_USER"))

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.02 (14 November 2017)
+ resolve conflicts renderMetabologram and renderCoffeewheel. redefine initCoffeewhell in /htmlwidges
+ report circomics widget to markdown document
+ Save static wheel as html and png (low resolution)
+ need  phantomJS to catupe html widget output as png file

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.01 (13 November 2017)
+ add helps to ? menu
+ change stop message
+ addResourcePath for figures

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.00 (30 October 2017)
metamorphosis: bioCancer is a extension
reduce size of package by half 14 -> 7 mb

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.12 (16 October 2017)
improve Reactome_ui functions

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.11 (16 October 2017)
add switch button to ui_circomics
improve circomics functions

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.09 (08 September 2017)
delete commented files and figures

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.09 (07 September 2017)
cleanup ui_radiant, /Rbis, /quant, /bioCancer

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.08 (1 September 2017)

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.07 (1 September 2017)
data.row.names(row.names, rowsi, i) :
some row.names duplicated: 11,12,13,14 --> row.names NOT used

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.06 (1 September 2017)
dplyr::mutate_each() is deprecated
dply::summarise_each() is deprecated
replace BiocStyle by prettydoc

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.05 (1 September 2017)
Warning in formals(fun) : argument is not a function
Warning in body(fun) : argument is not a function

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.04 (02 July 2017)
Fix setting plot size

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.03 (31 May 2017)
Change the color rang of Circular layout plot as in standards

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.02 (30 May 2017)
update Correlation Methods

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.5.01 (29 May 2017)
replace .libPath() by path.package('bioCancer') in portal.R file

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.16 (03 January 2017)
o update documents

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.13 (28 December 2016)
o Reactome tab update

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.12 (27 December 2016)
o Simplify genes classification

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.10 (25 December 2016)
o clarify interface: Pipeline Overview
o remove Cluster and Factor Menus

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.07 (14 December 2016)
o add argument to whichGeneLits(input$GeneListID)
o Use the SUM of mutation cases and NOT SUM/TOTAL_SUM (ratio)
o replace dplyr::add_rownames() by tibble::rownames_to_column()
o replace stopping process (stop function) by warning message. stop function disconnect session in server version.
o resolve error message when Gene list is empty (paste empty gene list).
  getListProfData, getFreqMutData, ProfData, MutData, Classifier, geNetClassifier, Circomics_ui, getCircomics,     Reactome_ui.
o Make it possible to get Circomics only for one study. Essentially resolve data structure in processing of mutation data frame.

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.03 (29 Septembre 2016)
o update pivotr from

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.02 (29 Septembre 2016)
o replace dplyr::add_rownames() by tibble::rownames_to_column()

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.01 (29 Septembre 2016)
o rm "id=" from navbarMenu - shiny update

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 (07 July 2016)
o built vignette with knitr
o modify whichGeneList(GeneListLabel)
  resolve difference between bioCancer server and package

    o Package released
    o Omit R/code menu: request shinyAce (>=0.2.1)
      - Omit help_and_report function
    o Various issues request DT (>=0.1.39)
      - Omit Show Plot in Pivot sidebar menu
      - Can not download/Store correctly  filtered table in Handle/View

    o Release R 3.4 import(shiny, except= c("dataTableOutput", "renderDataTable"))
    o use DisGeNet server despite /extdata/disGeNet file (DONE Not Working)
    o clusterProfiler GMT file:
    o gene classification using rpart,ggplot2, ggtree:
    o Specify the range of mutation frequency in circos plot [Min, Max]