Changes in version 1.0                         

Bioconductor release 3.12 package.

Changes in 1.0.5

  - filterIntensity supports passing of additional parameters to the
    used filter function (issue 164).

Changes in 1.0.4

  - Fix show,ProcessingStep (issue #162).

Changes in 1.0.3

  - Fix issue with labelCol in plotSpectra (issue #157).
  - Avoid calling par(mfrow =  in plotSpectra if only a single spectrum
    is plotted.

Changes in 1.0.2

  - Add a Spectra,ANY constructor to replace the Spectra,DataFrame and
    Spectra,character constructor methods.

Changes in 1.0.1

  - Fix export of empty spectra with MsBackendMzR (see issue #145).

                        Changes in version 0.99                         

Changes in 0.99.11

  - Re-add mz and intensity as core spectra variables.

Changes in 0.99.10

  - Fix in spectraData<-,Spectra to avoid removing m/z and intensity
    values (issue #146).
  - Add default implementations of filter functions for MsBackend.

Changes in 0.99.9

  - Fix in Spectra,character constructor to ensure the backend is
    changed even if source inherits from backend (issue #143).

Changes in 0.99.8

  - combineSpectra applies data processing steps in the processing queue
    prior to combination (issue #140).

Changes in 0.99.7

  - Fix problem in dropNaSpectraVariables that would also drop m/z and
    intensity values for most backends (issue #138.

Changes in 0.99.6

  - Support intensity in filterIntensity method to be a function to
    enable peak intensity-based filtering of spectra (issue #126).

Changes in 0.99.5

  - Add filterMzRange and filterMzValues to filter spectra based on an
    m/z range or a list of target m/z values, respectively.

Changes in 0.99.4

  - Add export,MsBackendMzR to export spectra data to mzML or mzXML
  - Add an export,MsBackend method to allow backends to take care of
    data export.
  - Refactor export,Spectra to use the MsBackend class to export the
  - Change parameter source in Spectra,character to MsBackendMzR and set
    parameter backend = source. Thus by default, the import backend will
    also be used to store the data.

Changes in 0.99.3

  - Replace lapply,Spectra with spectrapply,Spectra.

Changes in 0.99.2

  - Replace asDataFrame,MsBackend with spectraData,MsBackend.
  - Replace asDataFrame<-,MsBackend with spectraData<-,MsBackend.
  - Replace as.list,MsBackend with peaksData,MsBackend.
  - Replace replaceList<-,MsBackend with peaksData<-,MsBackend.
  - Replace as.list,Spectra with peaksData,Spectra and add methods to
    coerce a Spectra to a list or SimpleList.

Changes in 0.99.0

  - Add reset method.
  - Add processing by chunk to compareSpectra.