% \VignetteIndexEntry{Adaptive Gene Picking for Microarray Expression Data Analysis}
% \VignetteDepends{pickgene}
% \VignetteKeywords{mRNA,differential expression}


\title{Adaptive Gene Picking for Microarray Expression Data Analysis}
\author{Brian S. Yandell, Yi Lin, Hong Lan and Alan D. Attie\\
Univeristy of Wisconsin--Madison}


The following is adapted from Lin et al. (2002). References can be
found there or at {\tt

Our gene array analysis algorithm uses rank order to normalize data
for each experimental condition and estimates the variability at each
level of gene expression to set varying significance thresholds for
differential expression across levels of mRNA abundance.  This
procedure can be used to prefilter data in detecting patterns of
differential gene expression, for instance using clustering
methods. We propose assigning Bonferroni-corrected $p$-values, which
requires only minimal assumptions. Although expression data may be
acquired from a variety of technologies, we focus attention on the
oligonucleotide arrays in Affymetrix chips used in a mouse experiment
on diabetes and obesity.

Our approach was motivated by a series of experiments on diabetes and
obesity. Nadler et al. (2000) used Affymetrix MGU74AV2 chips with
over 13,000 probes representing about 12,000 genes on mRNA from
adipose tissue to examine the relationship between 
obesity and mouse genotype (B6, BTBR, or F1). Further experiments have
grown out of this collaboration using replicates and will be reported
elsewhere. The primary goal was to find patterns of differential gene
expression in mouse tissue between strains.  Thus, we have a two-factor
experiment with possible replication for each chip mRNA.

\subsection{Transformation to Approximate Normality}

Raw microarray measurements are typically normalized to account for
systematic bias and noise to attempt to restore expression levels from
raw data (Lockhart et al. 1996).  One important source of bias is
background fluorescence. Other factors that require attention include
variations in array, dye, thickness of sample, and measurement
noise. Background fluorescence may be measured in several ways,
depending on chip technology, and is typically removed by subtraction
(see Lockhart et al. 1996; Li and Wong 2001; Schadt et al. 2001; 
Irizarry et al. 2002; Li and Wong 2002). Affymetrix chips handle
background by comparing perfect match ($PM$) with mismatch ($MM$)
intensity. We use weighted averages $PM$ and $MM$  across oligo probe
pairs using recent `low-level' analysis (Li and Wong 2001; Schadt et
al. 2001; Li and Wong 2002) to
reduce measurement variability. More recently, Irizarry et al. (2003)
and Zhang et al. (2003) have proposed normalization {\em without}
using $MM$ measurements.

Background-adjusted intensities are typically log-transformed to
reduce the dynamic range and achieve normality. Various authors have
noted that comparisons based on such log-transformed gene expression
levels appear to be approximately normal (see
Kerr and Churchill 2001). However, negative adjusted values can arise
from low expression levels swamped by background noise. Some authors
have proposed adding a small value before taking the log to recover
some of these data (Kerr and Churchill 2001). Our alternative
normalization method leverages this idea while providing comparisons
that are more robust to difficulties with the lognormal
assumption. For further discussion on normalization, see Dudoit and
Yang (2002) and Colantuoni et al. (2002).

Our procedure converts the background-adjusted expression values into
normal-scores without discarding negative values. This normal-scores
transformation has been employed for microarray data using a different
approach (Efron et al. 2001). If expression data are really lognormal,
then this normal-scores transformation is indistinguishable from a log
transformation after rescaling. We have found that log-transformed
data appear roughly normal in the middle of the distribution, while
the normal scores are normal throughout. 

Our procedure depends on the existence of some unknown monotone
transformation of the data to near multivariate normal. There is
always such a transformation in one dimension: let $F$ be the
cumulative distribution of adjusted values $\Delta$ and $\Phi$ be the
cumulative normal distribution. Then $\Phi^{-1}(F(\Delta))$ transforms
$\Delta$ to normal. If $F$ is lognormal, then
$\Phi^{-1}(F(\Delta))=\log(\Delta)$, but we prefer not to make this
assumption up-front. Instead, we approximate the transformation by
$\Phi^{-1}(F_J(\Delta))$, where $F_J$ is the empirical distribution of
the $J$ adjusted values $\Delta_1, \cdots, \Delta_J$. The difference
between this approximate transformation and the ideal one is small (on
the order of $1/\sqrt{J}$). This is known as the normal-scores
transformation, and is readily computed as
x = \Phi^{-1}(F_J(\Delta))
= \mbox{qnorm}( \mbox{rank}(\Delta) / (J+1) )

where rank($\Delta$) is the rank order of adjusted gene measurements
$\Delta = PM - MM$ among all $J$ genes under the same condition. The
normal quantiles, qnorm(), transform the ranks to be essentially a
sample from standard normal: a histogram of these $x$ is bell-shaped
and centered about zero, with normal scores equally spaced in terms of
probability mass. Thus, these normal scores are close to a
transformation that would make the data appear normal (Efron et
al. 2001). If done separately by condition, this normalization 
automatically standardizes the center to 0 and the scale (standard
deviation) to 1. Alternatively, if the experimental conditions are
viewed as a random sample of a broader set of possible conditions,
data across all conditions could be transformed together by normal
scores. Normal scores are unaffected by monotone transformations of
adjusted intensities or by global factors such as array, dye, and
thickness of chip sample. Ranks may be disturbed by local noise, but
that effect is unavoidable in any analysis of such an experiment. 

\subsection{Differential Expression Across Conditions}

Differential expression across conditions of interest can be computed
by comparing their transformed expression levels. Information on
comparison of two conditions, 1 and 2, is summarized in pairs of
normal scores, $x_1$ and $x_2$, across the genes; plotting $x_1$
against $x_2$ yields points dispersing from the diagonal. However,
differential gene expression between experimental conditions may
depend on the average level of gene expression, with genes of
different average expression having intrinsically different
variability. Thus, we recommend plotting the average intensity $a =
(x_1 + x_2) / 2$ against the difference $d = x_1 - x_2$, which
involves just a 45 degree rotation (Roberts et al. 2000;
Dudoit and Yang 2002; Irizarry et al. 2002; Lee and O'Connell 2002;
Colantuoni et al. 2002; Wu et al. 2002).
Since our normal scores may be considered a forgiving approximation to
the log transform, we prefer to represent the plotting axes as if the
data were log-transformed; that is, use an antilog or exp scale. Thus,
the $a$ axis is centered on 1 and suggests a fold change in intensity,
while the $d$ axis suggests a fold change in differential expression.

This method can be extended to experiments with multiple conditions,
multiple readings (e.g., dyes) per gene on a chip, and replication of
chips (Kerr et al. 2001; Wu et al. 2002). Consider an ANOVA model
x_{ijk} = \mu + c_i + g_j + (cg)_{ij} + \epsilon_{ijk}
with $i = 1, \cdots, I$ conditions, $j = 1, \cdots, J$ genes, $k = 1,
\cdots, K$ replicate chips per condition, $\epsilon_{ijk} \sim
\Phi(0,\sigma_j^2)$ being the measurement error for the $k$th replicate,
and $c_i = 0$ if there is separate normalization by condition. Both
the gene effect $g_j$ and the condition by gene interaction
$(cg)_{ij}$ are random effects. In general, all variance components may
depend on the gene effect $g_j$. Adding multiple readings per chip
introduces a nested structure to the experimental design that we do
not develop further here (see Lee et al. 2000).

The major biological research focus is on differential gene expression,
the condition $i$ by gene $j$ interaction. 
We assume that most genes show no differential expression; thus with
some small probability $\pi_1$, a particular interaction $(cg)_{ij}$ is
nonzero, say from $\Phi(0,\delta_j^2)$. Let $z_j = 1$ indicate
differential expression, $\mbox{Prob}\{z_j = 1\} = \pi_1$. The
variance of the expression score is 
\mbox{Var}(x_{ijk}) &=& \gamma_j^2 + \delta_j^2 + \sigma_j^2	& \mbox{if }
z_j = 1 \mbox{ (differential expression)}, \\ 
\mbox{Var}(x_{ijk}) &=& \gamma_j^2 + \sigma_j^2	& \mbox{if } z_j = 0
\mbox{ (no differential expression)}, 
for $i = 1, ..., I, k = 1, ..., K$, with $\gamma_j^2$ the variance for
the gene $j$ random effect. This differential expression indicator has
been effectively used for microarray analysis
(Lee et al. 2000; Kerr et al. 2001; Newton et al. 2001). This ANOVA
framework allows isolation of the $(cg)_{ij}$ differential expression
from the $g_j$ gene effect by contrasting conditions. Suppose that
$w_i$ are condition contrasts such that $\sum_iw_i=0$ and
$\sum_iw_i^2=1$. The standardized contrast
$d_j = ( \bar{x}_{1j\cdot} - \bar{x}_{2j\cdot} )\sqrt{K/2}$
$\bar{x}_{ij\cdot} = \sum_k x_{ijk}/K$
compares condition 1 with condition 2. More generally, the contrast
d_{jk} = \sum_iw_i \bar{x}_{ij\cdot}\sqrt{K} = \sum_iw_i\sqrt{K}[c_i + (cg)_{ij} +
with $\bar{\epsilon}_{ij\cdot}=\sum_k\epsilon_{ijk}/K$ has
$E(d_{j})=\sum_iw_ic_i\sqrt{K}$ and
\mbox{Var}(d_{j}) &=&  \delta_j^2 + \sigma_j^2	& \mbox{if } z_j  = 1
\mbox{ (differential expression)}, \\ 
\mbox{Var}(d_{j}) &=&  \sigma_j^2	& \mbox{if } z_j  = 0 \mbox{
  (no differential expression)}. 
Again, condition effects $c_i$ drop out and $E(d_{j})=0$ if each chip
is standardized separately, but in general they remain part of the contrast.

Although microarray experiments began by contrasting two conditions,
this approach adapts naturally to contrasts
capturing key features of differential gene expression across design
factors. Time or other progressions over multiple levels, such as a
linear series of glucose concentrations, might be examined for linear
or quadratic trends using orthogonal contrasts
(Lentner and Bishop 1993). For instance, with five conditions the
linear and quadratic contrasts are, respectively (dropping subscripts
except for condition),
d_{\mbox{\tiny{linear}}} 	&=& (2x_5 + x_4 - x_2 - 2x_1)\sqrt{K/8}\,, \\
d_{\mbox{\tiny{quadratic}}}	&=& (2x_5 - x_4 - 2x_3 - x_2 + 2x_1)\sqrt{K/14}\,.
With conditions resolved as multiple factors, such as obesity and
genotype in our situation, separate contrasts can be considered for
main effects and interactions. Each contrast can be analyzed in a
fashion similar to that above. Alternatively, one can examine factors
with multiple levels, say three genotypes, by an appropriate ANOVA
evaluation (Lee et al. 2000). 

\subsection{Robust Center and Spread}

For the majority of genes that are not changing, the difference $d_j$
reflects only the intrinsic noise. Thus, genes that do change can be
detected by assessing their differential expression relative to the
intrinsic noise found in the nonchanging genes. Although it is natural to
use replicates when possible to assess the significance of contrasts for
each gene, microarray experiments have typically had few replicates $K$,
leading to unreliable tests. Some authors have considered shrinkage
approaches that combine variance information across genes
(Efron et al. 2001; L\"{o}nnstedt and Speed 2001).

Measurement error seems to depend on the gene expression level
$a_j = \sum_{ik} x_{ijk}/IK$, and it may be more efficient to combine
variance estimates across genes with similar average expression levels
(Hughes et al. 2000; Roberts et al. 2000; Baldi and Long 2001; Kerr et
al. 2001; Long et al. 2001; Newton et al. 2001).
Further, if there were no replicates, as in early microarray data,
then it would be important to combine across genes in some
fashion. There may in addition be systematic biases that depend on the
average expression level (Dudoit et al. 2000; Yang et al. 2000). We
noticed that empirically the variance across nonchanging genes seems
to depend approximately on expression level in some smooth way,
decreasing as $a$ increases, due in part to the mechanics of
hybridization and reading spot measurements. Here, we consider smooth
estimates of abundance-based variance to account for these
concerns. In a later paper, we will investigate shrinking the
gene-specific variance estimate using our abundance-based estimate and
an empirical Bayes argument similar to that of L\"{o}nnstedt and Speed

Our approach involves estimating the center and spread of differential
expression as it varies across average gene expression $a_j$ to
standardize the differential expression. Specifically, we use smoothed
medians and smoothed median absolute deviations, respectively, to
estimate the center and spread. Smoothing splines (Wahba 1990)
are combined with standardized local median absolute deviation (MAD)
to provide a data-adapted, robust estimate of spread $s(a)$. A smooth,
robust estimate of center $m(a)$ can be computed in a similar fashion
by smoothing the medians across the slices. We use these robust
estimates of center and scale to construct standardized values 
T_j = ( d_j - m(a_j) ) / s(a_j)
and base further analysis on these standardized differences.

For convenience, we illustrate with two conditions and drop explicit
reference to gene $j$. Revisiting the motivating model helps explain
our specification for spread. Consider again $\log(G) = g+h+\epsilon$
and suppose that hybridization error is negligible or at least the
same across conditions. The intrinsic noise $\epsilon$ may depend on
the true expression level $g$: for two conditions 1 and 2, the
difference $d$ is approximately 
d \approx \log(G_1) - \log(G_2) = g_1 - g_2 + \epsilon_1 - \epsilon_2\,.
If there is no differential expression, $g_1 = g_2 = g$, then
$\mbox{Var}(d \vert g) = s^2(g)$, and the gene signal $g$ may be
approximated by $a$. However, the true formula for $\mbox{Var}(d \vert
a)$ is not exactly $s^2(a)$ and cannot be determined without further

Thus, differential contrasts standardized by estimated center and
spread that depend on $a$ should have approximately the standard
normal distribution for genes that have no differential expression
across the experimental conditions. Comparison of gene expressions
between two conditions involves finding genes with strong differential
expression. Typically, most genes show no real difference, only chance
measurement variation. Therefore, a robust method that ignores genes
showing large differential expression should capture the properties of
the vast majority of unchanging genes. 

The genes are sorted and partitioned based on $a$ into many (say 400)
slices containing roughly the same number of genes and summarized by
the median and the MAD for each slice. For example, with 12,000 genes,
the 30 contrasts $d$ for each slice are sorted; the average of ordered
values 15 and 16 is the median, while the MAD is the median of
absolute deviations from that central value.  These 400 medians and
MADs should have roughly the same distribution up to a constant. To
estimate the scale, it is natural to regress the 400 values of
log(MAD) on $a$ with smoothing splines (Wahba 1990), but other
nonparametric smoothing methods would work as well. The smoothing
parameter is tuned automatically by generalized cross-validation
(Wahba 1990). The antilog of the smoothed curve, globally
rescaled, provides an estimate of $s(a)$, which can be forced to be
decreasing if appropriate. The 400 medians are smoothed via regression
on $a$ to estimate $m(a)$.

Replicates are averaged over in the robust smoothing approach, that
is, contrasts
$d_{j} = \sum w_i \bar{x}_{ij\cdot}\sqrt{K}$
factor out replicates. We are currently investigating shrinkage
variance estimates of the form
s_j^2=\frac{\nu_0 s^2(a_j) + \nu_1 \hat{\sigma}_j^2}{\nu_0+\nu_1}
with $\hat{\sigma}_j^2=\sum_k(x_{ijk}-\bar{x}_{ij\cdot})^2/\nu_1$,
$\nu_1=I(K-1)$, and $\nu_0$ is the empirical Bayes estimate
(see L\"{o}nnstedt and Speed 2001) of the degrees of freedom for

It should be possible to combine estimates of spread across
multiple contrasts; say, by using the absolute deviations $\vert
x_{ijk} - a_j\vert$ for all genes with average intensity $a_j$ within
the range of a particular slice to estimate the slice MAD. This is
sensible since these absolute deviations estimate the measurement
error for most genes and most conditions. Those few genes with large
differential effects across conditions would have large absolute
deviations that are effectively ignored by using the robust median
absolute deviation. 

\subsection{Formal Evaluation of Significant Differential Expression}

Formal evaluation of differential expression may be approached as a
collection of tests for each gene of the ``null hypothesis'' of no
difference or alternatively as estimating the probability that a gene
shows differential expression (Kerr et al. 2001; Newton et
al. 2001). Testing raises the need to account for multiple
comparisons, here we use $p$-values derived using a Bonferroni-style
genome-wide correction (Dudoit et al. 2000). Genes with significant
differential expression are reported in order of increasing

We can use the standardized differences $T$ to rank the genes. The
conditional distribution of these $T$ given $a$ is assumed to be
standard normal across all genes whose expressions do not change
between conditions. Hypothesis testing here amounts to comparing the
standardized differences with the intrinsic noise level. Since we are
conducting multiple tests, we should adjust the test level of each
gene to have a suitable overall level of significance. We prefer the
conservative Zidak version of the Bonferroni correction: the overall
$p$-value is bounded by $1-(1-p)^J$, where $p$ is the single-test

 For example, for 13,000 genes with an overall level of
significance of 0.05, each gene should be tested at level
$1.95\times 10^{-6}$, which corresponds to 4.62 score units. Testing
for a million genes would correspond to identifying significant
differential expression at more than 5.45 score units. Guarding
against overall type I error may seem conservative. However, a larger
overall level does not substantially change the normal critical value
(from 4.62 to 4.31 with 13,000 genes for a 0.05 to 0.20 change in
$p$-value). This test can be made one-sided if preferred. 

Apparently less conservative multiple-comparison adjustments to
$p$-values are proposed in Yang et al. (2000). However, the results are
essentially the same with all such methods, except when more than
5--10\% of the genes show differential expression across
conditions. For an alternative interpretation of $p$-values in terms
of false discovery rates, see Storey and Tibshirani (2003).

It may be appropriate to examine a histogram of standardized
differences $T$ using these critical values as guidelines rather than
as strict rules. The density $f$ of all the
scores is a mixture of the densities for nonchanging $f_0$ and
changing $f_1$ genes, 
f(T) = (1-\pi_1)f_0(T) + \pi_1 f_1(T).
By our construction, $f_0$ is approximately standard normal. Following
Efron et al. (2001), set $\pi_1$ just large enough so that the estimate 
f_1(T) = [f(T) - (1-\pi_1) f_0(T)] / \pi_1 
is positive. This in some sense provides a `liberal' estimate of the
distribution of differentially expressed genes. It lends support to
examination of a wider set of genes, with standardized scores that are
above 3 or below --3. We suggest using this set as the basis for
hierarchical clustering. Notice also that this provides an estimate of
the posterior probability of differential expression ($z_j=1$) for
each mRNA, 
\mbox{Prob}\{z_j = 1| T_j \} = \pi_1 f_1(T_j) / f(T_j) .  

Gross errors on microarrays can be confused with changing
genes. Replicates can be used to detect outliers in a fashion similar
to the approach for differential gene expression. Residual deviations
of each replicate from the condition by gene mean,
$x_{ijk}-\bar{x}_{ij\cdot}$, could be plotted against the average
intensity, $a_j$. Robust estimates of
center and scale could be used as above in formal Bonferroni-style
tests for outliers. Separate smooth robust estimates of center and
scale are needed for each contrast. Perhaps an additional Bonferroni
correction may be used to adjust for multiple contrasts. 


The analysis procedures are written as an R language module. The R
system is publicly available from the R Project, and our code is
available from the corresponding author as the R {\tt pickgene}
library. The function {\tt pickgene()} plots $d$ against $a$, after
backtransforming to show fold changes, and picks the genes with
significant differences in expression. Examples include the
simulations and graphics presented here. This library can be found
at {\tt www.stat.wisc.edu/$\sim$yandell/statgen}.

In its simplest form, {\tt pickgene()} takes a data frame (or matrix)
of microarray data, one column per array. We assume that housekeeping
genes have already been removed. Columns are automatically contrasted
using the prevailing form of orthonormal contrast (default is
polynomial, {\tt contrasts = "contr.poly"}).
     library( pickgene )
     result <- pickgene( data )
This produces a scatterplot with average intensity $a$ along the
horizontal axis and contrasts $d$ along the vertical, with one plot
for each contrast (typically one fewer than the number of columns of
{\tt data}).

With two columns, we are usually interested in something analogous to
the log ratio, which can be achieved by renormalizing the contrast. If
desired, the log transform can be specified by setting {\tt rankbased
= F}. Gene ideas can be preserved in the results as well.
     result <- pickgene( data, geneID = probes,
                         renorm = sqrt( 2 ), rankbased = F )
     print( result$pick[[1]] )
The {\tt pick} object is a list with one entry for each contrast,
including the probe names, average intensity $a$, fold change
($\exp(d)$, as if $\Phi^{-1}(F(\Delta))=\log(\Delta)$), and
Bonferroni-adjusted $p$-value. The result also contains a score object
with the average intensity $a$, score $T$, lower and upper Bonferroni
limits, and probe names.

The {\tt pickgene()} function relies on two other functions. The
function {\tt model.pickgene()} generates the contrasts, although
this can be bypassed. More importantly, the function {\tt robustscale}
slices the pairs $(a,d)$ into 400 equal-sized sets based on $a$, finds
medians and log(MAD)s for each slice, and then smoothes them using
splines (Wahba 1990) to estimate the center, $m(a)$, and spread,
$s(a)$, respectively.

Estimates of density are based on the {\tt density()} function, packaged
in our {\tt pickedhist()} routine.
     pickedhist( result, p1 = .05, bw = NULL )
We pick a bandwidth {\tt bw} that provides smooth curves and then adjust
$\pi_1$ = {\tt p1} so that $f_1$ is positive.

The standard deviation $s(a)$ is not returned directly in result.
However, it is easily calculated as log(upper/lower)/2.


Lin Y, Nadler ST, Lan H, Attie AD, Yandell BS (2002)
Adaptive gene picking with microarray data:
detecting important low abundance signals. in
{\em The Analysis of Gene
Expression Data: Methods and Software}, ed by
G Parmigiani, ES Garrett, RA Irizarry, SL Zeger.
Springer-Verlag, ch. 13.
